How to uninstall apt-get on OSX? - macos

Is apt-get part of the OSX?
If not, what would be the easiest way to uninstall it from the system?

Try using brew install/uninstall pkg; For example:
brew uninstall apt-get
These commands might prove useful:
brew list # list all installed packages
brew search partial-name # search for available packages
brew info pkg-name # get information about a package

apt-get is a debian package manager, there is no way to use this on mac.. (well no good way or point of using it because all the packages would fail to install even if you managed to get apt-get to install)
Use MacPorts or Homebrew...


Assign dependencies python version while brew installing

New for homebrew
Now want to install autojump via brew install autojump, which need to install python#3.9 as denpendency. I already have python#3.8 installed via brew and don't want an another version.
python#3.8 also satisfy autojump from it's homgpage
Impossible, that's not how Homebrew works.
Installing autojump with homebrew is basically
Creating a virtual environment with Python#3.9 (Homebrew always chooses the latest Python)
Install autojump package in that environment.
Unless you modify the autojump homebrew formula, You can't reuse python#3.8.
You can try the following
brew install autojump --ignore-dependencies

purpose of brew update before brew install

Most places recommend running a brew update before a brew install. as such:
brew update
brew install <package_name>
What is the purpose of first running a brew update?
I've done installs without updates several times and it worked fine
You don't really need to do brew update before brew install. The brew install command automatically updates the resources (that's what brew update does) before installing anything.

Install Ubuntu equivalent libraries in Macos e.g libssl-dev

I would like to install ubuntu libraries listed below in macos. Please does anyone know what the equivalent commands in macos terminal are? I have searched homebrew already and they don't exist there.
apt-get install -y build-essential libssl-dev libnet-ssleay-perl libcrypt-ssleay-perl libidn11-dev
Any pointers in the right direction will be highly appreciated.
There’s no equivalent to build-essential on macOS because those basic tools are already installed.
libssl-dev is OpenSSL: brew install openssl
libnet-ssleay-perl and libcrypt-ssleay-perl are just Perl modules Net::SSLeay and Crypt::SSLeay. You should be able to install them with cpan.
libidn11-dev can be installed with brew install libidn. The Debian package installs version 1.29 while Homebrew installs 1.33.
For a more generic approach, here is what you can try to "convert" a Debian package name into a Homebrew one:
Strip any -dev suffix and brew search the resulting name; e.g. libidn11-dev -> brew search libidn11.
Try without any version suffix: brew search libidn. If you find a match, run brew info <formula> to check its version. Note Homebrew sometimes has fixed-version packages, like openssl#1.1 for openssl version 1.1.
Search the package on to see what it installs. For example, libssl-dev’s description says:
This package is part of the OpenSSL project's implementation of the SSL and TLS cryptographic protocols for secure communication over the Internet.
We can then brew search openssl to see there’s a package that matches this exactly.

Mac OS X Can't install build-essential via brew or apt-get

So I've been trying for two days to unsuccessfully install build-essential on a Mac OS X Sierra with brew and apt-get. Researching into the issue has given me some results but nothing that has yielded any results.
sudo apt-get update
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Being lazy I've also listed below the other packages I'm struggling to install and their respective errors below.
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential
E: Couldn't find package build-essential
E: Couldn't find package libfreetype6-dev
E: Couldn't find package automake
E: Couldn't find package postgresql-9.5
Theres been a couple of suggestions to edit the source list of apt-get but I can't seem to find it.
What on Earth are you doing? macOS doesn't use apt-get - at all. It doesn't come with a package manager.
There are independent package management tools, to my mind the best of them is homebrew from here. Some folks use MacPorts.
Before you can do any development in macOS, you need Xcode's command-line tools - see here.
If you want Postgresql, I suggest you go to the homebrew website above, copy the one-line install and paste it into Terminal. Once you have that set up, you can install Postgresql with:
brew install postgresql
If you want to search for package abcXYZnnn, just search for any part of that name:
brew search XYZ
If you want to do updates, and upgrades:
brew update && brew upgrade
If you want to remove a package:
You can use Homebrew:
brew install gcc binutils bison

how to start scrapyd server on EC2 instance

I have setup an instance on aws. Now I want to start scrapyd on a particular port. according to documentation
aptitude install scrapyd-X.YY
but aptitude is not found. I have tried to installing aptitude using yum but there is no match found (may be it only works with apt-get, but I have yum ap-get is also missing)
can any one please help me that is there any other way to do this ??
If you first install pip:
sudo yum install python-pip
you can use pip to install scrapyd like so
pip install scrapyd
You are using an yum based OS, not an apt based OS. Forget any commands that involve apt or a variation thereof.
Skip the steps you've already done:
yum install python
yum install python-pip
yum install libxml2-python
pip install Scrapy
As for libxml2-python, keep in mind that "versions prior to 2.6.28 are known to have problems parsing certain malformed HTML, and have also been reported to contain leaks, so 2.6.28 or above is highly recommended"
