Jmeter: 302 Moved Temporarily - jmeter

I was trying to issue a https request through jmeter and observed am getting below response.
<html><head><title>302 Moved Temporarily</title></head>
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<p>This document you requested has moved temporarily.</p>
And it seems the actual url redirecting to different url which is getting the Response Code 200 which is OK. [The first urls response code is 302]
Also I have given an assertion for the page being loaded, but still that assertion fails [when I saw the response data in HTML format, observed that the respective page is not loaded]
Any help in resolving this issue would be a great help.

Looking at:
If you chose "Main sample and sub samples" it will include the responses from the redirects. So for example if you're searching for "string" it will also include the response from the redirected page.


How to submit a page in Oracle Apex using curl

I have a login page in an Oracle Apex application that works fine with a normal web browser like chrome. However when i try to perform the same operation using CURL (command-line browser), a HTTP 404 error is returned:
curl -i -d "P9999_USERNAME=MOIZ&P9999_PASSWORD=xxxx" -X POST http://localhost:8080/apex/f?p=101:9999:0:
HTTP/1.1 404 Not found
Server: Oracle XML DB/Oracle Database
Content-Type: text/html
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
<TITLE>404 Not found</TITLE>
</HEAD><BODY><H1>Not found</H1>
The requested URL /apex/f was not found on this server</BODY></HTML>
Using a normal browser, there are two sever request: one GET and one POST. However when using curl i am just making a single POST request.
Is that difference the cause of problem?
Is it possible to POST apex page without calling GET?
If yes then whether this solution will also work for file uploads?
Based on the post Python web scraping with BS using correct url? I was able to get answer to my above questions. [although this post uses python's requests and BeautifulSoup libraries for demonstration purpose, I think with some shell/windows scripting it may also be achievable with curl too]
Is that difference the cause of problem?
For POST request in APEX, we need to first perform a GET request as APEX expects the following hidden items to be sent as a payload of POST request
p_flow_id # application id
p_flow_step_id # page id
p_instance # session id
p_page_submission_id # page submission id
p_request # request
p_md5_checksum # md5 checksum
p_page_checksum # page checksum
p_arg_names # list of arguments
In addition, you may also need to add your page specific input items. For example,
p_t01 # username
p_t02 # password
Is it possible to POST apex page without calling GET?
For reasons mentioned in above answer, GET request will be required before POST request can be performed.

Unintuitive behaviour of Poltergeist's `page.status_code`

We have a feature:
#smoke #acceptance
Scenario: Home page is available
When I visit the home page url
Then I expect no error code
With the final line implemented as:
Then(/^I expect no error code$/) do
expect(page.status_code).to eq 200
This sometimes fails. When debugging we've found the following:
the page itself always responds with 200
however, one resource within the page sometimes responds with 204
(which causes the test to fail)
This suggests that page.status_code does not equal the status code of the actual URL requested, but could be set to the status code of any (or presumably the last?) of the resources requested by the page.
Is this the correct explanation, and is it the expected behaviour of page.status_code?
I realise that 204 could be construed as success, but this is not the
focus of this issue
status_code returns the result of the last request that triggered the phantomjs onLoadStarted callback - this should be the page, or potentially ajax requests initiated by the page -- it should not be assets being loaded directly as resources on the page (img, javascripts, css, etc). If it is a dependent asset then phantomjs has an issue and should be reported with reproducible example on that project. What type of request is reporting with a 204 response? If it's an ajax request then it is as expected - if not then its a bug in phantomjs. Note: checking response codes when using Capybara really is an anti-pattern, and you should generally stick to testing visible changes on the page.

Warning status issue in jmeter result table

I have to do load testing for a web based application. I am getting status as warning the results table. My request contains the URL and the path as /. I have passed username and password in the parameters section. Even after tried many times still it shows status as warning.
I have also tried using Proxyserver address, port, user name and password ...still no luck..
Please help me on this.
If you get a Warning status, this means that JMeter detected a response code > 399.
There can be a lot of reasons for this, examples:
Wrong URL : 404
Error : 500
To have more details on it, add a View Results Tree and inspect all tabs to see:
Request : What you are sending (headers / Cookies / body)
Response : What you are getting (headers / Cookies / body)
Then fix your HTTP request by comparing request in browser with what you have build.
Alternatively, use JMeter recording feature.
To see all ways to debug a script, have a look at this book where sample chapter explains lot of ways.
If you get warning status that means your entered URL contains https:// part which means your given URL working with HTTP protocol.
Remove https:// part from
- HTTP Request Defaults
- HTTP Request
So replace https:// part by WWW and try again

What is "initiator other" in network in chrome console?

I fire an image tag when someone converts on our website for reporting and analytics:
<img src="" />
We noticed traffic decline yesterday. To debug I visited the site and signed up, with the console open network tab.
I typed "evyy" into the filter box and I see 3 line items for my tag.
What does this mean? Should there not be just 1 line item? One item has a 302 status and the other two a status of 200. That's good right?
Screen attached. Does this look "right"? Is there any drill down in the network tab I can look at to see if there is a problem on our end with tracking?
"Initiator Other" usually means the network request was made from a user, not from Chrome, a redirect or a script.
The request was fired when someone clicked a button (this is what your analytics is probably tracking). You can read more about this in the Chrome DevTools docs.
Initiator: The object or process that initiated the request. It can have one of the following values:
Parser - Chrome's HTML parser initiated the request.
Redirect - A HTTP redirect initiated the request.
Script - A script initiated the request.
Other - Some other process or action initiated the request, such as the user navigating to a page via a link, or by entering a URL in the address bar.
The requests are made in the order you see, the first received the 302 response which said, "hey, go to this new url". That's (probably) why the second request was made, which got the 200. The third was probably from clicking on the button too. Looks fine to me.
I noticed another case not related with a user action:
<link rel="icon" type="image/jpeg" href="image.jpg" />
... causes the image.jpg to get loaded with "Initiator Other" (also true with images of another format).
(wanted to add this as a comment under the previous answer, but I am not allowed to)
One case where initiator type is 'other' is when a request gets redirected, in this scenario the redirected request will have initiator as other.
For Example: request was made for url1 which got redirected to url2, now in case of url2 we get initiator type as 'other'

JMeter failed url attempts followed by correct url for HTTP Request

How can I get JMeter to only attempt 1 url instead of 5 each time I run a test?
I am using a different site which is internal, but let's say I was using "" for the sake of discussion.
I see this in the View Results Tree:
In the same order, here are my http response codes:
301 Moved permenantly
301 Moved permenantly
302 Found
301 Moved permenantly
200 Ok
If I want Jmeter to just go straight to the 5th one so that I get the 200 code right away, what do I have to do in JMeter settings?
I have:
HTTP Cookie Manager
HTTP Cache Manager
HTTP Request ( with "" filled in for the server name )
under HTTP Request, I have all of these:
HTTP Header Manager
Response Assertion ( with some url patterns checking for html tags - I just copied the html from View Source and pasted it in as a url pattern...these all seem to work )
Response Assertion ( just checking response code - I chose Response Code and entered "200"...this also seems to work )
Summary Report
I was able to get this down to 1. Adjustments made to the HTTP Request:
I added "/abc" to "Path" and changed "Follow Redirects" to "Redirect Automatically".
