I saw the following interview question on some online forum. What is a good solution for this?
Get the last 1000 digits of 5^1234566789893943
Simple algorithm:
1. Maintain a 1000-digits array which will have the answer at the end
2. Implement a multiplication routine like you do in school. It is O(d^2).
3. Use modular exponentiation by squaring.
Iterative exponentiation:
array ans;
int a = 5;
while (p > 0) {
if (p&1) {
ans = multiply(ans, a)
p = p>>1;
ans = multiply(ans, ans);
multiply: multiplies two large number using the school method and return last 1000 digits.
Time complexity: O(d^2*logp) where d is number of last digits needed and p is power.
A typical solution for this problem would be to use modular arithmetic and exponentiation by squaring to compute the remainder of 5^1234566789893943 when divided by 10^1000. However in your case this will still not be good enough as it would take about 1000*log(1234566789893943) operations and this is not too much, but I will propose a more general approach that would work for greater values of the exponent.
You will have to use a bit more complicated number theory. You can use Euler's theorem to get the remainder of 5^1234566789893943 modulo 2^1000 a lot more efficiently. Denote that r. It is also obvious that 5^1234566789893943 is divisible by 5^1000.
After that you need to find a number d such that 5^1000*d = r(modulo 2^1000). To solve this equation you should compute 5^1000(modulo 2^1000). After that all that is left is to do division modulo 2^1000. Using again Euler's theorem this can be done efficiently. Use that x^(phi(2^1000)-1)*x =1(modulo 2^1000). This approach is way faster and is the only feasible solution.
The key phrase is "modular exponentiation". Python has that built in:
Python 3.4.1 (v3.4.1:c0e311e010fc, May 18 2014, 10:38:22) [MSC v.1600 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
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>>> help(pow)
Help on built-in function pow in module builtins:
pow(x, y[, z]) -> number
With two arguments, equivalent to x**y. With three arguments,
equivalent to (x**y) % z, but may be more efficient (e.g. for ints).
>>> digits = pow(5, 1234566789893943, 10**1000)
>>> len(str(digits))
>>> digits
The technique we need to know is exponentiation by squaring and modulus. We also need to use BigInteger in Java.
Simple code in Java:
BigInteger m = //BigInteger of 10^1000
BigInteger pow(BigInteger a, long b) {
if (b == 0) {
return BigInteger.ONE;
BigInteger val = pow(a, b/2);
if (b % 2 == 0)
return (val.multiply(val)).mod(m);
return (val.multiply(val).multiply(a)).mod(m);
In Java, the function modPow has done it all for you (thank Java).
Use congruence and apply modular arithmetic.
Square and multiply algorithm.
If you divide any number in base 10 by 10 then the remainder represents
the last digit. i.e. 23422222=2342222*10+2
So we know:
5=5(mod 10)
5^2=25=5(mod 10)
5^4=(5^2)*(5^2)=5*5=5(mod 10)
5^8=(5^4)*(5^4)=5*5=5(mod 10)
... and keep going until you get to that exponent
OR, you can realize that as we keep going you keep getting 5 as your remainder.
Convert the number to a string.
Loop on the string, starting at the last index up to 1000.
Then reverse the result string.
I posted a solution based on some hints here.
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
vector<char> multiplyArrays(const vector<char> &data1, const vector<char> &data2, int k) {
int sz1 = data1.size();
int sz2 = data2.size();
vector<char> result(sz1+sz2,0);
for(int i=sz1-1; i>=0; --i) {
char carry = 0;
for(int j=sz2-1; j>=0; --j) {
char value = data1[i] * data2[j]+result[i+j+1]+carry;
carry = value/10;
result[i+j+1] = value % 10;
vector<char> lastKElements(result.begin()+(sz1+sz2-k), result.end());
return lastKElements;
return result;
vector<char> calculate(unsigned long m, unsigned long n, int k) {
if(n == 0) {
return vector<char>(1, 1);
} else if(n % 2) { // odd number
vector<char> tmp(1, m);
vector<char> result1 = calculate(m, n-1, k);
return multiplyArrays(result1, tmp, k);
} else {
vector<char> result1 = calculate(m, n/2, k);
return multiplyArrays(result1, result1, k);
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]){
vector<char> v=calculate(5,8,1000);
for(auto c : v){
I don't know if Windows can show a big number (Or if my computer is fast enough to show it) But I guess you COULD use this code like and algorithm:
ulong x = 5; //There are a lot of libraries for other languages like C/C++ that support super big numbers. In this case I'm using C#'s default `Uint64` number.
for(ulong i=1; i<1234566789893943; i++)
x = x * x; //I will make the multiplication raise power over here
string term = x.ToString(); //Store the number to a string. I remember strings can store up to 1 billion characters.
char[] number = term.ToCharArray(); //Array of all the digits
int tmp=0;
while(number[tmp]!='.') //This will search for the period.
tmp++; //After finding the period, I will start storing 1000 digits from this index of the char array
string thousandDigits = ""; //Here I will store the digits.
for (int i = tmp; i <= 1000+tmp; i++)
thousandDigits += number[i]; //Storing digits
Using this as a reference, I guess if you want to try getting the LAST 1000 characters of this array, change to this in the for of the above code:
string thousandDigits = "";
for (int i = 0; i > 1000; i++)
thousandDigits += number[number.Length-i]; //Reverse array... ¿?
As I don't work with super super looooong numbers, I don't know if my computer can get those, I tried the code and it works but when I try to show the result in console it just leave the pointer flickering xD Guess it's still working. Don't have a pro Processor. Try it if you want :P
This is a simple task but i can't seem to figure out how to do it
Here is a sample function structure
private double GetGCD(double num1, double num2)
//should return the GCD of the two double
test data
num1 = 6;
num2 = 3;
*return value must be 3*
num1 = 8.8;
num2 = 6.6;
*return value must be 2.2*
num1 = 5.1;
num2 = 8.5;
*return value must be 1.7*
note: maximum decimal places is 1.
programming language is not important. i just need the algorthm
please help.. thank you!
If you have only one decimal place, multiply the numbers by 10, convert them to integers and run an integer GCD function.
This will also save you floating point precision errors.
Quoting this answer, the base Euclidean algorithm in Python (for integers!) is:
def gcd(a, b):
"""Calculate the Greatest Common Divisor of a and b.
Unless b==0, the result will have the same sign as b (so that when
b is divided by it, the result comes out positive).
while b:
a, b = b, a%b
return a
So, your code should be something like:
def gcd_floats(x,y):
return gcd( int(x*10), int(y*10) )/10
When it's 8.8 and 6.6 then you can find the GCD of 88 and 66 and then divide it by 10.
There are zillions of places on the web to find code for the GCD function. Since, strictly speaking, it is only defined on integers, I suggest you multiply your doubles by 10, work out the GCD and divide the result by 10. This will save you a world of pain arising from using the wrong datatype.
here is a source from google with some java code : this is pretty comprehensive.
There is no such thing as the GCD of a number which is not discrete. However, your case is more specific. If your input is not a Double, but a Decimal, then you can convert it to a Fraction, multiply the denominators, find the GCD of the numerators and divide back down. That is:
8.800 = 8800/1000 = 44/5 (by GCD)
6.600 = 6600/1000 = 33/5 (by GCD)
5.100 = 5100/1000 = 51/10
8.500 = 8500/1000 = 17/2
It's useful to simplify the fractions in this step in order to avoid our numbers getting too large.
Move to a common denominator:
44*5/5*5 = 220/25
33*5/5*5 = 165/25
51*2/2*10 = 102/20
17*10/2*10 = 170/20
GCD of numerator:
gcd(165,220) = 55
gcd(102,170) = 34
So answers are 55/25 and 34/20.
Using 2 methods
The traditional division method
Euclid's method
class GCD
public static void main(String[] args)
int a = (int)(1.2*10);
int b = (int)(3.4*10);
System.out.println((float)gcd(a, b)/10);
// 1
public static int gcd(int a, int b)
return a;
return gcd(b, (int)a%b);
// 2
public static int gcd(int a, int b)
int k,i;
k = b;
k = a;
for(i=k; i>=2; i--)
if( (a%i==0)&&(b%i==0) )
return i;
It seems like none of the algorithm textbooks mentions about space efficiency as much, so I don't really understand when I encounter questions asking for an algorithm that requires only constant memory.
What would be an example of a few examples of algorithms that uses constant memory and algorithms that doesn't use constant memory?
If an algorithm:
a) recurses a number of levels deep which depends on N, or
b) allocates an amount of memory which depends on N
then it is not constant memory. Otherwise it probably is: formally it is constant-memory if there is a constant upper bound on the amount of memory which the algorithm uses, no matter what the size/value of the input. The memory occupied by the input is not included, so sometimes to be clear you talk about constant "extra" memory.
So, here's a constant-memory algorithm to find the maximum of an array of integers in C:
int max(int *start, int *end) {
int result = INT_MIN;
while (start != end) {
if (*start > result) result = *start;
return result;
Here's a non-constant memory algorithm, because it uses stack space proportional to the number of elements in the input array. However, it could become constant-memory if the compiler is somehow capable of optimising it to a non-recursive equivalent (which C compilers don't usually bother with except sometimes with a tail-call optimisation, which wouldn't do the job here):
int max(int *start, int *end) {
if (start == end) return INT_MIN;
int tail = max(start+1, end);
return (*start > tail) ? *start : tail;
Here is a constant-space sort algorithm (in C++ this time), which is O(N!) time or thereabouts (maybe O(N*N!)):
void sort(int *start, int *end) {
while (std::next_permutation(start,end));
Here is an O(N) space sort algorithm, which is O(N^2) time:
void sort(int *start, int *end) {
std::vector<int> work;
for (int *current = start; current != end; ++current) {
std::upper_bound(work.begin(), work.end(), *current),
std::copy(work.begin(), work.end(), start);
Very easy example: counting a number of characters in a string. It can be iterative:
int length( const char* str )
int count = 0;
while( *str != 0 ) {
return count;
or recursive:
int length( const char* str )
if( *str == 0 ) {
return 0;
return 1 + length( str + 1 );
The first variant only uses a couple of local variables regardless of the string length - it's space complexity is O(1). The second if executed without recursion elimination requires a separate stack frame for storing the return address and local variables corresponding to each depth level - its space complexity is O(n) where n is string length.
Take a sorting algorithms on an array for example. You can either use an new array of the same length as the original array where you put the sorted elements into (Θ(n)). Or you sort the array in-place and just use one additional temporary variable for swapping two elements (Θ(1)).
This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Fastest way to determine if an integer's square root is an integer
What's a way to see if a number is a perfect square?
bool IsPerfectSquare(long input)
I'm using C# but this is language agnostic.
Bonus points for clarity and simplicity (this isn't meant to be code-golf).
Edit: This got much more complex than I expected! It turns out the problems with double precision manifest themselves a couple ways. First, Math.Sqrt takes a double which can't precisely hold a long (thanks Jon).
Second, a double's precision will lose small values ( .000...00001) when you have a huge, near perfect square. e.g., my implementation failed this test for Math.Pow(10,18)+1 (mine reported true).
bool IsPerfectSquare(long input)
long closestRoot = (long) Math.Sqrt(input);
return input == closestRoot * closestRoot;
This may get away from some of the problems of just checking "is the square root an integer" but possibly not all. You potentially need to get a little bit funkier:
bool IsPerfectSquare(long input)
double root = Math.Sqrt(input);
long rootBits = BitConverter.DoubleToInt64Bits(root);
long lowerBound = (long) BitConverter.Int64BitsToDouble(rootBits-1);
long upperBound = (long) BitConverter.Int64BitsToDouble(rootBits+1);
for (long candidate = lowerBound; candidate <= upperBound; candidate++)
if (candidate * candidate == input)
return true;
return false;
Icky, and unnecessary for anything other than really large values, but I think it should work...
bool IsPerfectSquare(long input)
long SquareRoot = (long) Math.Sqrt(input);
return ((SquareRoot * SquareRoot) == input);
In Common Lisp, I use the following:
(defun perfect-square-p (n)
(= (expt (isqrt n) 2)
For example,
Look at the code that calculates the n-th Fibonacci number:
fib(int n)
if(n==0 || n==1)
return 1;
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);
The problem with this code is that it will generate stack overflow error for any number greater than 15 (in most computers).
Assume that we are calculating fib(10). In this process, say fib(5) is calculated a lot of times. Is there some way to store this in memory for fast retrieval and thereby increase the speed of recursion?
I am looking for a generic technique that can be used in almost all problems.
Yes your insight is correct.
This is called dynamic programming. It is usually a common memory runtime trade-off.
In the case of fibo, you don't even need to cache everything :
The author of the question seems to be looking for a general method to cache rather than a method to compute Fibonacci. Search wikipedia or look at the code of the other poster to get this answer. Those answers are linear in time and memory.
**Here is a linear-time algorithm O(n), constant in memory **
in OCaml:
let rec fibo n =
let rec aux = fun
| 0 -> (1,1)
| n -> let (cur, prec) = aux (n-1) in (cur+prec, cur)
let (cur,prec) = aux n in prec;;
in C++:
int fibo(int n) {
if (n == 0 ) return 1;
if (n == 1 ) return 1;
int p = fibo(0);
int c = fibo(1);
int buff = 0;
for (int i=1; i < n; ++i) {
buff = c;
c = p+c;
p = buff;
return c;
This perform in linear time. But log is actually possible !!!
Roo's program is linear too, but way slower, and use memory.
Here is the log algorithm O(log(n))
Now for the log-time algorithm (way way way faster), here is a method :
If you know u(n), u(n-1), computing u(n+1), u(n) can be done by applying a matrix:
| u(n+1) | = | 1 1 | | u(n) |
| u(n) | | 1 0 | | u(n-1) |
So that you have :
| u(n) | = | 1 1 |^(n-1) | u(1) | = | 1 1 |^(n-1) | 1 |
| u(n-1) | | 1 0 | | u(0) | | 1 0 | | 1 |
Computing the exponential of the matrix has a logarithmic complexity.
Just implement recursively the idea :
M^(0) = Id
M^(2p+1) = (M^2p) * M
M^(2p) = (M^p) * (M^p) // of course don't compute M^p twice here.
You can also just diagonalize it (not to difficult), you will find the gold number and its conjugate in its eigenvalue, and the result will give you an EXACT mathematical formula for u(n). It contains powers of those eigenvalues, so that the complexity will still be logarithmic.
Fibo is often taken as an example to illustrate Dynamic Programming, but as you see, it is not really pertinent.
I don't think it has anything to do with do with hash.
A map is a bit general don't you think? For Fibonacci case, all the keys are contiguous so that a vector is appropriate, once again there are much faster ways to compute fibo sequence, see my code sample over there.
This is called memoization and there is a very good article about memoization Matthew Podwysocki posted these days. It uses Fibonacci to exemplify it. And shows the code in C# also. Read it here.
If you're using C#, and can use PostSharp, here's a simple memoization aspect for your code:
public class MemoizeAttribute : PostSharp.Laos.OnMethodBoundaryAspect, IEqualityComparer<Object[]>
private Dictionary<Object[], Object> _Cache;
public MemoizeAttribute()
_Cache = new Dictionary<object[], object>(this);
public override void OnEntry(PostSharp.Laos.MethodExecutionEventArgs eventArgs)
Object[] arguments = eventArgs.GetReadOnlyArgumentArray();
if (_Cache.ContainsKey(arguments))
eventArgs.ReturnValue = _Cache[arguments];
eventArgs.FlowBehavior = FlowBehavior.Return;
public override void OnExit(MethodExecutionEventArgs eventArgs)
if (eventArgs.Exception != null)
_Cache[eventArgs.GetReadOnlyArgumentArray()] = eventArgs.ReturnValue;
#region IEqualityComparer<object[]> Members
public bool Equals(object[] x, object[] y)
if (Object.ReferenceEquals(x, y))
return true;
if (x == null || y == null)
return false;
if (x.Length != y.Length)
return false;
for (Int32 index = 0, len = x.Length; index < len; index++)
if (Comparer.Default.Compare(x[index], y[index]) != 0)
return false;
return true;
public int GetHashCode(object[] obj)
Int32 hash = 23;
foreach (Object o in obj)
hash *= 37;
if (o != null)
hash += o.GetHashCode();
return hash;
Here's a sample Fibonacci implementation using it:
private Int32 Fibonacci(Int32 n)
if (n <= 1)
return 1;
return Fibonacci(n - 2) + Fibonacci(n - 1);
Quick and dirty memoization in C++:
Any recursive method type1 foo(type2 bar) { ... } is easily memoized with map<type2, type1> M.
// your original method
int fib(int n)
if(n==0 || n==1)
return 1;
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);
// with memoization
map<int, int> M = map<int, int>();
int fib(int n)
if(n==0 || n==1)
return 1;
// only compute the value for fib(n) if we haven't before
if(M.count(n) == 0)
M[n] = fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);
return M[n];
EDIT: #Konrad Rudolph
Konrad points out that std::map is not the fastest data structure we could use here. That's true, a vector<something> should be faster than a map<int, something> (though it might require more memory if the inputs to the recursive calls of the function were not consecutive integers like they are in this case), but maps are convenient to use generally.
According to wikipedia Fib(0) should be 0 but it does not matter.
Here is simple C# solution with for cycle:
ulong Fib(int n)
ulong fib = 1; // value of fib(i)
ulong fib1 = 1; // value of fib(i-1)
ulong fib2 = 0; // value of fib(i-2)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
fib = fib1 + fib2;
fib2 = fib1;
fib1 = fib;
return fib;
It is pretty common trick to convert recursion to tail recursion and then to loop. For more detail see for example this lecture (ppt).
What language is this? It doesnt overflow anything in c...
Also, you can try creating a lookup table on the heap, or use a map
caching is generally a good idea for this kind of thing. Since fibonacci numbers are constant, you can cache the result once you have calculated it. A quick c/pseudocode example
class fibstorage {
bool has-result(int n) { return fibresults.contains(n); }
int get-result(int n) { return fibresult.find(n).value; }
void add-result(int n, int v) { fibresults.add(n,v); }
map<int, int> fibresults;
fib(int n ) {
if(n==0 || n==1)
return 1;
if (fibstorage.has-result(n)) {
return fibstorage.get-result(n-1);
return ( (fibstorage.has-result(n-1) ? fibstorage.get-result(n-1) : fib(n-1) ) +
(fibstorage.has-result(n-2) ? fibstorage.get-result(n-2) : fib(n-2) )
calcfib(n) {
v = fib(n);
This would be quite slow, as every recursion results in 3 lookups, however this should illustrate the general idea
Is this a deliberately chosen example? (eg. an extreme case you're wanting to test)
As it's currently O(1.6^n) i just want to make sure you're just looking for answers on handling the general case of this problem (caching values, etc) and not just accidentally writing poor code :D
Looking at this specific case you could have something along the lines of:
var cache = [];
function fib(n) {
if (n < 2) return 1;
if (cache.length > n) return cache[n];
var result = fib(n - 2) + fib(n - 1);
cache[n] = result;
return result;
Which degenerates to O(n) in the worst case :D
[Edit: * does not equal + :D ]
[Yet another edit: the Haskell version (because i'm a masochist or something)
fibs = 1:1:(zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs))
fib n = fibs !! n
Try using a map, n is the key and its corresponding Fibonacci number is the value.
Thanks for the info. I didn't know that. From the Wikipedia link you mentioned:
This technique of saving values that
have already been calculated is called
Yeah I already looked at the code (+1). :)
std::map lookup is O(log n) which makes it slow here. Better use a vector.
vector<unsigned int> fib_cache;
unsigned int fib(unsigned int n) {
if (fib_cache.size() <= n)
fib_cache.push_back(fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2));
return fib_cache[n];
Others have answered your question well and accurately - you're looking for memoization.
Programming languages with tail call optimization (mostly functional languages) can do certain cases of recursion without stack overflow. It doesn't directly apply to your definition of Fibonacci, though there are tricks..
The phrasing of your question made me think of an interesting idea.. Avoiding stack overflow of a pure recursive function by only storing a subset of the stack frames, and rebuilding when necessary.. Only really useful in a few cases. If your algorithm only conditionally relies on the context as opposed to the return, and/or you're optimizing for memory not speed.
Mathematica has a particularly slick way to do memoization, relying on the fact that hashes and function calls use the same syntax:
fib[0] = 1;
fib[1] = 1;
fib[n_] := fib[n] = fib[n-1] + fib[n-2]
That's it. It caches (memoizes) fib[0] and fib[1] off the bat and caches the rest as needed. The rules for pattern-matching function calls are such that it always uses a more specific definition before a more general definition.
One more excellent resource for C# programmers for recursion, partials, currying, memoization, and their ilk, is Wes Dyer's blog, though he hasn't posted in awhile. He explains memoization well, with solid code examples here:
The problem with this code is that it will generate stack overflow error for any number greater than 15 (in most computers).
Really? What computer are you using? It's taking a long time at 44, but the stack is not overflowing. In fact, your going to get a value bigger than an integer can hold (~4 billion unsigned, ~2 billion signed) before the stack is going to over flow (Fibbonaci(46)).
This would work for what you want to do though (runs wiked fast)
class Program
public static readonly Dictionary<int,int> Items = new Dictionary<int,int>();
static void Main(string[] args)
public static int Fibbonacci(int number)
if (number == 1 || number == 0)
return 1;
var minus2 = number - 2;
var minus1 = number - 1;
if (!Items.ContainsKey(minus2))
Items.Add(minus2, Fibbonacci(minus2));
if (!Items.ContainsKey(minus1))
Items.Add(minus1, Fibbonacci(minus1));
return (Items[minus2] + Items[minus1]);
If you're using a language with first-class functions like Scheme, you can add memoization without changing the initial algorithm:
(define (memoize fn)
(letrec ((get (lambda (query) '(#f)))
(set (lambda (query value)
(let ((old-get get))
(set! get (lambda (q)
(if (equal? q query)
(cons #t value)
(old-get q))))))))
(lambda args
(let ((val (get args)))
(if (car val)
(cdr val)
(let ((ret (apply fn args)))
(set args ret)
(define fib (memoize (lambda (x)
(if (< x 2) x
(+ (fib (- x 1)) (fib (- x 2)))))))
The first block provides a memoization facility and the second block is the fibonacci sequence using that facility. This now has an O(n) runtime (as opposed to O(2^n) for the algorithm without memoization).
Note: the memoization facility provided uses a chain of closures to look for previous invocations. At worst case this can be O(n). In this case, however, the desired values are always at the top of the chain, ensuring O(1) lookup.
As other posters have indicated, memoization is a standard way to trade memory for speed, here is some pseudo code to implement memoization for any function (provided the function has no side effects):
Initial function code:
function (parameters)
body (with recursive calls to calculate result)
return result
This should be transformed to
function (parameters)
key = serialized parameters to string
if (cache[key] does not exist) {
body (with recursive calls to calculate result)
cache[key] = result
return cache[key]
By the way Perl has a memoize module that does this for any function in your code that you specify.
# Compute Fibonacci numbers
sub fib {
my $n = shift;
return $n if $n < 2;
fib($n-1) + fib($n-2);
In order to memoize this function all you do is start your program with
use Memoize;
# Rest of the fib function just like the original version.
# Now fib is automagically much faster ;-)
This is awesome, exactly what I had been thinking about in my head after reading about memoization in Higher Order Perl. Two things which I think would be useful additions:
An optional parameter to specify a static or member method that is used for generating the key to the cache.
An optional way to change the cache object so that you could use a disk or database backed cache.
Not sure how to do this sort of thing with Attributes (or if they are even possible with this sort of implementation) but I plan to try and figure out.
(Off topic: I was trying to post this as a comment, but I didn't realize that comments have such a short allowed length so this doesn't really fit as an 'answer')