Is zerigo_dns:basic discontinued in heroku? - heroku

When trying to run:
heroku addons:add zerigo_dns:basic
I get
Adding zerigo_dns:basic on mysite12345... failed
! AddonPlan not found.
Any thoughts?

They discontinued the free plan a while ago. Click here to see the list of current plans.


Push heroku freez at "BUNDLED WITH version in the Gemfile.lock"

when I push on heroku, it stops at
BUNDLED WITH version in the Gemfile.lock
and its freez at this time?
Do you have the solution?
thank you so much
We are having the exact same error.
Heroku just updated their status page:
It seems to be an issue on their end.

Heroku Deployment Error: Cannot detect buildpack

I'm trying to deploy my Discord Bot to Heroku and I've successfully linked my Github account to Heroku. It can successfully find the repository I'm trying to deploy, but when I try a manual deployment it gives me the error:
! No default language could be detected for this app.
HINT: This occurs when Heroku cannot detect the buildpack to use for this application automatically.
! Push failed
My bot is coded in Go, which is supported by Heroku. Could it be that my code has external libraries? If so, how can I add support for those libraries in Heroku? Thank you in advance.
On Heroku projects are compiled / built using so called buildpacks. Specific buildpacks are created for projects using different languages. For Go projects there exists the heroku/go which knows how to get, compile and build Go projects, including getting their dependencies automatically as part of the build process.
The buildpack selection can happen either manually or automatically. You see the error you posted because you have not set any buildpacks manually, and automatic detection failed for you. See reasons below.
Manual buildpack selection
For manual selection, download the Heroku CLI, and execute the following command:
heroku buildpacks:set heroku/go
Note: if you're using heroku cli for the first time, you may need to login using heroku login. Also if your app is not selected by default, you may specify it using the -a or --app argument, e.g.:
heroku buildpacks:set heroku.go -a yourappname
To see selected buildpacks, execute the heroku buildpacks command.
Automatic buildpack detection
Just because a project is using the Go language, the heroku/go buildpack does not get selected automatically.
The actual detection whether heroku/go should be used is done by the script heroku-buildpack-go/bin/detect, the detection logic is:
if test -f "${build}/Godeps/Godeps.json" || # godeps
test -f "${build}/vendor/vendor.json" || # govendor
test -f "${build}/glide.yaml" || # glide
(test -d "${build}/src" && test -n "$(find "${build}/src" -mindepth 2 -type f -name '*.go' | sed 1q)") # gb
echo Go
exit 1
So basically the Go language is detected and heroku/go buildpack is selected automatically if one of the following file is present in your project:
Godeps/Godps.json; used by godep
vendor/vendor.json; used by govendor
glide.yaml; used by glide
src/*/*/**/*.go; used by GB
Further reading
Official articles about working with Go and Heroku:
Getting Started on Heroku with Go
Heroku Go Support

Error when Yeoman app deployed to Heroku

I get the following error after deploying my Yeoman app to Heroku
GET 503 (Service Unavailable)
I have a favicon image, and everything runs fine locally with the favicon image appearing. I'm not sure how to fix this error or why it is being caused in the first place.
Here is all my code:
And I push it to Heroku with the following commands:
git add .
git commit -am "still stuck"
git push heroku master
I also ran into this, and for me it turned out the '503 (Service Unavailable)' error was not the real error.
heroku logs --app [your-app-name]
and see if it gives you more info.
In my case it was that Heroku was looking for npm start script, which I had not specified, but is required by Heroku.
Looking at your package.json I see you don't have it either, so that might be the place to start.
I think the underlying reason for this error is that by default Heroku expects a webserver or some kind executable to be running in the background. It's needed because otherwise incoming requests would not be handled. So it has to be provided by the programmer, and after installation Heroku will run it, either by npm start or by what is specified in the Procfile.
I my case I needed a webserver anyway, so I just created a server.js module where I implemented a small express app. Then in package.json I specified:
"scripts": {
"start": "node server.js",
But this may not be the right solution for you, it depends on what you want with your app. I don't know anything about Grunt or Angular, so I can't help you there. I did find this question which may be of value to you. I also recommend reading the docs on Heroku Dev Center
I had the same 503 service unavailable error favicon.ico, when attempting to open a Heroku deployed Rails/React app. I was stuck on this bug for at least an hour, and thought this post may provide insight on how I solved the 503 favicon issue.
Step 1: I tried to locate a favicon.ico file in my rails app, tried creating my own favicon.ico file, and placing said file in the root and other directories. I got the same error...
Step 2. I ran the following in terminal: heroku logs -t, scrolled up and found the actual error to be Heroku failing to support gem sqlite3.
An error occurred while installing sqlite3 (1.3.13), and Bundler cannot
remote: continue.
remote: Make sure that `gem install sqlite3 -v '1.3.13'` succeeds before bundling.
remote: In Gemfile:
remote: sqlite3
remote: !
remote: ! Failed to install gems via Bundler.
remote: ! Detected sqlite3 gem which is not supported on Heroku:
remote: !
More info as to why is here.
Step 3: After learning more, I discovered I can either follow the heroku documentation to figure out how to use sqlite3 with heroku, or change DB. I chose to change DB to postgres, and I found two amazing resources to help with that:
how to change your rails app database from sqlite to postgresql before deploying to heroku.
Change from SQLite to PostgreSQL in a fresh Rails project
Step 4: After doing so, I got a 500 internal server error, went to heroku logs -t again, and found out that my tables did not exist on heroku. From there, I knew I had to migrate rails DB to heroku using the following command: heroku run bundle exec rails:db migrate. Pushed to heroku and that did the trick.
TLDR: A status 503 unable to find path="/favicon.ico" doesn't necessarily mean the issue stems from a missing favicon.ico in a heroku deployed app. A more insightful method for determining root cause is to use heroku logs -t.

Heroku Cedar-14 heroku-geo-buildpack GEOSException

I recently updated my heroku cedar from Bamboo to Cedar-14.
I had a geodjango buildpack installed which is now failing with this error:
OGRException: OGR failure.
This is my buildpacks:
cat .buildpacks
This is my runtime:
cat runtime.txt
Is there a buildpack for geodjango that workis good on Cedar-14?
Thanks in advance
Managed to solve this issue by doing this:
Changed my .buildpack file to look like this:
I used here the latest release of the heroku-buildpack-geodjango by checking their release tags and specifying the latest one.
I ended up using this runtime.txt:
I made sure I had the following enviroment varialbles pointing to the correct location which is:
heroku config:set GDAL_DATA=.geodjango/gdal/share/gdal
heroku config:set GDAL_LIBRARY_PATH=.geodjango/gdal/lib/
heroku config:set GEOS_LIBRARY_PATH=.geodjango/geos/lib/
There is also an issue opened recently which explains more in this link:

Install FFMPEG on Heroku

I am trying to install FFMPEG to work with my NodeJs server.
I am using heroku-buildpack-multi plugin:
heroku config:set BUILDPACK_URL=
I have created a .buildpacks (without extesion) file at my github repository. This is what it includes:
Each time i am trying to push my changes to heroku, this is what i get:
-----> Fetching custom git buildpack... failed
! Push rejected, error fetching custom buildpack
Unforlunatly, there is not much information regarding ffmpeg installtion
on heroku. What am i missing here?
I just tried this with a demo app I cloned from Heroku:
I was able to deploy successfully following the same steps you listed above, except I added an 's' to the end of your second buildpack (you have a typo - could this be the issue?):
I would recommend following the same process with a fresh codebase to help troubleshoot your environment. But note two things: 1) The heroku-buildpack-multi plugin you're using is deprecated, and 2) Heroku officially supports multiple buildpacks:
and has an officially supported ffmpeg buidback you can use:
