Scheme Symbols: Continuation Passing Style Examples - syntax

In a Wikipedia article about CPS there is the following code snippet, ostensibly from Scheme:
(define (pyth& x y k)
(*& x x (lambda (x2)
(*& y y (lambda (y2)
(+& x2 y2 (lambda (x2py2)
(sqrt& x2py2 k))))))))
I cannot find any other examples, or an explanation for the usages of "pyth&", "*&", and "+&". Much Googling has turned up only that there are other forms such as "=&" and "/&".

Those are just function names, pyth& is the CPS pythagoras procedure, *& is a CPS multiplication procedure and +& is a CPS addition procedure, different from their usual counterparts because they receive a continuation in the last parameter, the & at the end is simply a naming convention to remind you of this, which is stated at the beginning of the linked paragraph:
In CPS, each procedure takes an extra argument representing what should be done with the result the function is calculating


How to create a lambda procedures?

I need to complete an assignment for my college course using Scheme. I've never coded in Scheme before so I have no clue what I'm doing. Our assignment is to define an anonymous function that computes the discriminant of a quadratic function. I keep running into the error: "Invalid `define'. Any help would be appreciated.
(define roots (lambda(abc))(
list(/(+(-b) discriminant)(*2a))
(/(-(-b) discriminant)(*2a))
(sqrt - (*bb)(*4ac))
First, you should learn a bit about what Scheme code looks like; find some example code (in your textbook, or online, or in answers here on SO) and notice how parentheses and whitespace are used. Then emulate that. You can't arbitrarily place parentheses or arbitrarily remove whitespace in Scheme (or in any Lisp).
For example, in the posted code (-b) gets two things wrong. First, -b is treated as one symbol, not as the negation of the value of b. Further, placing the symbol in parentheses indicates a procedure call; given an s-expression (f x), f is either a syntactic keyword (in which case (f x) is interpreted as a macro call), or (f x) is interpreted as a procedure call. If it is a procedure call and f is not bound to a procedure, then an exception is raised. So (-b) attempts to call a procedure named -b, which does not exist (unless you have defined it), raising an exception. You can use (- b), with a space between the - procedure and the symbol b; this evaluates to the negation of the value of b.
Similarly, *2a is interpreted as a symbol, not an expression; placing the *2a between parentheses is interpreted as a procedure call. The interpreter (or compiler) is expecting that *2a is a procedure which takes no arguments. You need to add the spaces: (* 2 a); this is interpreted as a call to the procedure * with the arguments 2 and a.
(*bb) and (*4ac) have exactly the same problems. The second case is interesting because when it is correctly written it illustrates one of the advantages of prefix notation. Since * is associative, it does not matter what order multiple values are multiplied in. To express naively 4 * a * c in prefix notation you could write (* 4 (* a c)), explicitly ordering the multiplications. You could also write this as (* (* 4 a) c), multiplying in a different order. It does not matter what order you multiply in, so you might as well just write (* 4 a c), so long as your language supports this notation. It turns out that Scheme and other Lisps do support this notation.
Another problem with s-expression notation in the posted code (after fixing the problems noted above): (sqrt - (* b b) (* 4 a c)). This is attempting to call the sqrt procedure on the arguments -, (* b b), and (* 4 a c). But sqrt is not a higher-order procedure (i.e., it does not take procedures as arguments), and it in fact only takes one argument. It was meant to apply the - procedure to the arguments (* b b) and (* 4 a c), subtracting them before taking the square root: (sqrt (- (* b b) (* 4 a c))).
The first lambda expression has a formal parameter list containing only one parameter: abc. As before, this is a mistake. The intention was to define three parameters: don't skimp on spaces: (lambda (a b c)).
The other significant problem is that there are syntax errors in the lambda expressions: (lambda (a b c)) has no body, but a lambda expression must have at least one expression in its body. This was probably intended to wrap the lambda expression which follows. Similarly, the inner lambda expression is missing its body. It was probably intended to wrap the (list ;;...) form that follows.
With that done, the inner lambda expression is itself inside of a pair of parentheses, taking the expression (sqrt (- (* b b) (* 4 a c))) as its argument. This is the lambda form of a let binding. Thus, the inner lambda takes one argument, discriminant, and evaluates the list form that is its body. Since the inner lambda expression itself occurs in the first position of an s-expression, it is part of a procedure call, and this inner anonymous procedure is then called on its argument, binding discriminant to the value obtained by evaluating that argument, which is (sqrt (- (* b b) (* 4 a c))). This all occurs inside of the outer lambda, which takes the three arguments a, b, and c. So, root is a function taking three arguments, and returning a list of roots, after binding the result of the discriminant calculation to discriminant (as a way of both simplifying the expression of the roots and ensuring that the discriminant need only be calculated one time).
Here is the fixed-up code. Note that I only added some spaces and added or moved a few parentheses; nothing else was changed:
(define roots
(lambda (a b c)
((lambda (discriminant)
(list (/ (+ (- b) discriminant) (* 2 a))
(/ (- (- b) discriminant) (* 2 a))))
(sqrt (- (* b b) (* 4 a c))))))
Pay attention to what this looks like. In Lisps you should almost never leave parentheses hanging on lines by themselves, and you should always place a space between arguments. Remember that everything is a procedure call.
Here is a sample interaction. Notice that you can represent negative numbers as -1 instead of (- 1) (you can do either if you wish). You just can't express a negative value using a variable as -b.
> (roots 1 0 -1)
(1 -1)
> (roots 1 8 15)
(-3 -5)

Scheme procedure with 2 arguments

Learned to code C, long ago; wanted to try something new and different with Scheme. I am trying to make a procedure that accepts two arguments and returns the greater of the two, e.g.
(define (larger x y)
(if (> x y)
(larger 1 2)
(define larger
(lambda (x y)
(if (> x y)
x (y))))
(larger 1 2)
I believe both of these are equivalent i.e. if x > y, return x; else, return y.
When I try either of these, I get errors e.g. 2 is not a function or error: cannot call: 2
I've spent a few hours reading over SICP and TSPL, but nothing is jumping out (perhaps I need to use a "list" and reference the two elements via car and cdr?)
Any help appreciated. If I am mis-posting, missed a previous answer to the same question, or am otherwise inappropriate, my apologies.
The reason is that, differently from C and many other languages, in Scheme and all Lisp languages parentheses are an important part of the syntax.
For instance they are used for function call: (f a b c) means apply (call) function f to arguments a, b, and c, while (f) means apply (call) function f (without arguments).
So in your code (y) means apply the number 2 (the current value of y), but 2 is not a function, but a number (as in the error message).
Simply change the code to:
(define (larger x y)
(if (> x y)
(larger 1 2)

Determine definition and parameter of a Scheme function in the interpreter? / How are functions stored in Scheme?

I want to create a function that can determine the definition of an arbitrary function in scheme. If we call such a function "definition", it would work as such:
(define (triple x) (* 3 x))
(definition triple) would return "(triple x) (* 3 x)".
There would be some implementation problems (such as with n-arity), but I'm concerned mostly with whether or not the definition of individual functions are easily retrievable in Scheme.
As a continuation, is there a way to create a function that can determine the parameters of an arbitrary function? Such that:
(parameters +) returns (number number) or something similar.
These questions both fall under the question of how functions are stored in Scheme - I found some sources which claimed that function definitions are stored with the function name, but I couldn't find out how exactly they were stored.
If this is impossible - is there a language where function definitions are easily retrievable?
There is nothing like that in Scheme. Individual implementations might have that, though.
In Common Lisp there is the standard function function-lambda-expression, which might be able to retrieve source code - depending on the implementation.
Example in LispWorks (reformatted to improve readability here):
CL-USER 65 > (defun triple (x) (* 3 x))
CL-USER 66 > (function-lambda-expression #'triple)
(DECLARE (SYSTEM::SOURCE-LEVEL #<EQ Hash Table{0} 42201D392B>))
(* 3 X))
* (defun triple (x) (* 3 x))
* (function-lambda-expression #'triple)
As you can see it returns three values: the code, whether it is a closure and the name of the function.

Algorithm evaluating user-defined functions

Hello I have some homework that consists of extending a lisp interpreter. We are to build three primitives with pre-evaluated arguments ( for exemple <= ), and three primitives who do their own evaluation ( for example if ).
I went beyond the call of duty and created the only fun function in the bounds of this exercice : (defun) [it's the common lisp keyword for defining a user-function].
I would like to know if my algorithm for managing a user-defined function call is worthwhile.
In pseudo code, here it goes :
get list of parameters # (x y z)
get list of arguments # (1 2 3)
get body of function # (+ x (* y z))
for each parameter, arg # x
body = replace(parameter, argument, body) # (+ 1 (* y z))
# (+ 1 (* 2 z))
# (+ 1 (* 2 3))
eval(body) # 7
Are there better ways to accomplish this?
EDIT: replace() is a function recursing on sub-lists of body.
I never found better, no one proposed better, the question generated no interest whatever, and I'm on a rampage to close my opened questions, so here is the answer :
my algorithm was good enough.

Scheme : using lambda as a parameter

hy everyone, for school i have to make a function where lambda is used as a parameter
like so : (string (lambda ...) 5 40) where we have to fill in the dots
this is the function we had to reinvent, the regular string version
(define (string decoration n r) >string decoration is a function that creates a string with either fish or pumpkins hanging on the string
(define (decorations k) >decorations is the recursive function which hangs all the decorations together
(if (= k 1)
(decoration r 10) > here decoration is to be replaced with either a pumpkin or a fish as stated in the parameters
(ht-append (decoration r 10) > ht-append is a function that appends 2 figures Horizontally at the Top
(decorations (- k 1)))))
(hang-by-thread (decorations n))) > hang by thread is a function that hangs all the decorations at a string
all the names should be self-explanatory, the function takes a decoration , either a fish or a pumpkin and hangs it by a thread. But the fish has 3 parameters and the pumpkin has 2 which caused an error. So in a previous exercise we had to make an extra definition called fish-square which uses only 2 parameters to make a fish. Now we have to implement this same squared fish but with a lambda. Any help is greatly appreciated
(define (fish-square wh l) > this is the fish square functio which makes a fish but with 2 times the same parameter so it looks like a square
(vc-append (filled-rectangle 2 l) (fish wh wh))) > the l is the length of the string that attaches the fish to the string at the top
the fish function is just (fish x y) x makes it longer, y makes it taller.
the pumpkin function is just (pumpkin x y) same story
so my question is, how do rewrite the given code , but with lambda as a parameter.
i would upload an image, but my repuation isn't high enough :s
The string procedure as it is already receiving a procedure as a parameter (you don't have to rewrite it!), decoration can be any two-argument function used for decorating. Now when you call it you can pass a named procedure, for example:
(define (decoration r n)
(string decoration
... Or just as easily, you can pass the same procedure in-line as a lambda, and if I understood correctly, this is what you're supposed to do:
(string (lambda (r n)
Just replace <body> with the actual body of the decoration you want to use. In othre words: the change you're expected to do is in the way you pass the parameters to the function at invocation time, but you're not expected to change the function itself.
Imagine you have the procedure +. It could be any really. It takes several arguments but you need a different procedure that takes one and adds that to an already constant value 3.
Thus you want to pass + with the extra information that it should add 3.
A full definition of such procedure would be
(define (add3 n)
(+ 3 n))
which is the short form of the full define
(define add3
(lambda (n)
(+ 3 n)))
Now when passing a procedure 3+ you could actually just pass it's definition. These two does the same:
(do-computation add3 data)
(do-computation (lambda (n) (+ 3 n)) data)
