Visual Studio 2013 publish failed max connections exceeded - visual-studio-2013

I was publishing using VS Express 2013 for Web and had a sockets error on one of the dlls while publishing and now I can't publish at all - I received a VS error that says The maximum number of connections for this site has been exceeded. Learn more at: The url referenced in the error doesn't even address the error and I've googled with no luck. I have tried deleting everything from the host and starting from scratch and still no luck; web host has no idea how to fix. Does anyone know how to fix this? I'm getting desperate.

Error was caused by a 10054 socket error (basically host dropped connection). After 3 days webhost finally restarted Web Management Services and problem was fixed. Then I got 1/2 way thru publishing and got the same 10054 socket error and then max connections error. I was publishing a lot of files and it appears that host had a connection time out. I got in chat with host and asked them to restart Web Mgmt Svcs again, waited 20 mins and voila - I was able to publish again. Now I am watching publish and if I see the first socket error I cancel the publish so that it doesn't hit the max site connections error. Then I start publishing again and it picks right up where it left off. Nothing I could do on my end to fix it (believe me I tried everything).

Even i get this issue now and then but not necessary to reset web Management Service. You can go to azure website dashboard and reset your web site/ Application first and check.

I got the same error. I opened the Windows Azure item in the "Server Explorer" went to the
Storage item in the tree select Blobs/wad-control-container and delete all the items in the list

In MS Deploy Server (IIS Server)
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\IIS Extensions\MSDeploy\3]
then reboot windows

Thank #LuvAspNet for saving my time.
For others who need more information, you could restart Web Management Services by creating a .bat file with this command (or run directly in cmd) and run as administrator
net stop wmsvc
net start wmsvc


"The specified port is in use" IIS Express error when debugging specific project in Visual Studio

I have been using this same project for years without having this issue. Suddenly it happens every time I first boot my PC.
If I go into the log, this is the error I get:
Failed to register URL "http://localhost:50496/" for site "FMSProd(1)" application "/". Error description: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. (0x80070020)
Running command prompt as administrator and running "net stop winnat" followed by "net start winnat" fixes the issue until the next boot. But I have to do it every time I reboot.
I have traced the process using that port, it's devenv(visual studio). Version of visual studio does not matter. Changing the port number on the project does not fix it.
Is there anything I can do to fix this and prevent it from recurring every single reboot?

Azure error: 'One or more ports used by the Compute Emulator are currently used by other processes'

I'm getting my feet wet with Windows Azure and created a brand new ASP.Net Web Role project in VS.Net 2013. When I start the debugger I get the error: 'One or more ports used by the Compute Emulator are currently used by other processes'.
Both the Compute and Storage emulators start up fine, and don't exit with an error. It's only Visual Studio that throws this error.
I've used the netstat -an command as well as the TCPView utility from SysInternals to try to identify another application using any of the ports used by the Compute Emulator, but nothing else is using those ports! TCPView allows sorting ports in ABC order and I've gone through each port one by one.
Also tried reinstalling the entire Azure suite of tools + multiple reboots.
The resolution was to comment out all references to Microsoft.VisualStudio.Diagnostics.ServiceModelSink in both the 64 bit and 32 bit machine.config files. For some reason that assembly could not be loaded. The actual error message displayed was about ports in use, but that turned out to be totally unrelated to the root cause.
I spent a few days working this out, so hopefully this will help someone else.
I ran into this issue, amazingly, what resolved it for me was running Visual Studio as Administrator. Putting this here in case any other poor soul encounters the same.
For me, the "one or more ports used by Computer emulator ..." error happened after a dialog box showed an exception for "DevFc.exe" stopped working.
DevFC logs in C:\Users\\AppData\Local\dftmp\DevFCLogs had below exception log:
error (10013: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions) occurred while listening on IP Endpoint=
So there was problem with 15100 port.
I have to change the port in "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\Emulator\devfabric\DevFC.exe.config" for PxeResponderPort from 15100 to some other random port, 15200 in my case.
<add key="PxeResponderPort" value="15200" />

The Windows Process Activation Service failed to generate an application pool config file

I suddenly cannot start IIS anymore on my Windows 2008 R2 server. The depending "Windows Actication Service" does not start.
In the Event Viewer I can see the following message:
"The Windows Process Activation Service failed to generate an application pool config file"
I've checked all IIS config files for typo's, none can be found.
I've tried to remove the IIS role from the server, which results in an error.
I'm totally desperate here. I've looked on Google for several hours, but none of the suggestions I've found helped.
Something has messed up permissions and the user account under which WAS runs does not have permission to create its working files. Probably you installed a service pack or similar.
Rebuild the box and apply all service packs to Windows before you install WAS, and then let it update itself and then install your own stuff.
Rebuilding boxes is no fun and takes far too long. Learn to use virtualisation and undo disks.
If you have another working server, you can import IIS configuration from there via Shared Configuration. I was able to resolve this error by doing so.

"No endpoint listening" when starting an Azure web role under Compute Emulator

I have two cloud solutions (.ccproj files). Each has a single distinct web role. One project runs under Compute Emulator without any problems but when I try to run another one (the first one not running) Visual Studio will package it and then display
Windows Azure Tools: There was no endpoint listening at net.pipe://localhost/dfagent/2/host that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action. See InnerException, if present, for more details.
Windows Azure Tools: The Windows Azure compute emulator is not running or responding. Stopping the debugging session.
I'm using SDK version 1.4
I Googled for a while but couldn't find anything that could help me. Force starting the Compute Emulator (csrun /devfabric:start) doesn't seem to help.
How do I resolve this problem?
Although an old question, I got this issue recently and the reason for it was that - while the service or website in azure would have been removed or stopped and you try to publish to it. If this happens, check the publish profile to see that you are pointing to the correct service/site including the storage acc etc and correct them. Hope it helps someone.

Windows service blocking TCP traffic

I have a strange issue. Have a windows service running on Windows Server 2008 that receives files over TCP and saves to disk. Initially service was running as Local System account. It worked ok for 7 days and stopped receiving. From the sender side connection succeeds but send fails. The service blocks forever on receive and connection times out.
I changed the user account to "Network Service" and it started working again for 7 days and stopped. I then changed it to run as administrator. It ran for 4 days and stopped again. Now whatever I try it does not work. Rebuilt the code re-installed the service but same issue.
Does anybody ever face such an issue? is it a virus or something? Is windows blocking it? any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Note: If I run it as a windows form application it just works fine. Also disabled the firewall but it did not help. While debugging the code I never see any issues. Because it works as a forms app and also worked perfectly as a service for 15-20 days now.
I figured out the problem. When the issue started happening I ran the Filemon utility and figured that the service was failing to access a temp file created using GetTempFileName().
This seems to be a known issue with Windows server 2008R2 and happens randomly.
Here is a solution/Hotfix from Microsoft:
