How to define #Parameter annotation in Maven POM - maven

I wrote a Mojo Plugin and set two #Parameter (import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter;)
I want to configure the Parameters in the POM of the project where I want to use this plugin.
No matter where everytime I get an error message.
The part of the POM:
So one of the Parameter is called path:
private String path;

ok, I got it.
I have to declare it like this:
public class ParameterMojo extends AbstractMojo {
private String path;
private String pathsave;
And in POM:


ProGuard Maven Can't find common super class

I just can't seem to get this working:
[proguard] Class = [co/aikar/commands/lib/expiringmap/ExpiringMap]
[proguard] Method = [<init>(Lco/aikar/commands/lib/expiringmap/ExpiringMap$Builder;)V]
[proguard] Exception = [proguard.evaluation.IncompleteClassHierarchyException] (Can't find common super class of
[co.aikar.commands.lib.expiringmap.ExpiringMap$EntryLinkedHashMap] (with 1 known super classes: co.aikar.commands.lib.expiringmap.ExpiringMap$EntryLinkedHashMap) and
[co.aikar.commands.lib.expiringmap.ExpiringMap$EntryTreeHashMap] (with 1 known super classes: co.aikar.commands.lib.expiringmap.ExpiringMap$EntryTreeHashMap))
<option>-keep class co.aikar.** { *; }</option>
Those classes are shaded in by the maven-shade-plugin but somehow keep throwing errors. The jar containing those classes are also passed with the -injars option.

How to include multiple cucumber runner classes through mvn run by pom.xml

I have few runner classes say CucumberLocalTestRunner, CucumberFeatureBranchTestRunner, CucumberMasterTestRunner class .
These runner classes use the extended cucumber options. I am using cucumber jvm version 4.4.0.
In the pom file I have profiles set which having one to one relation with runner classes.
How I will include the runner class in the pom file so that if I run mvn clean verify -P local then only the CucumberLocalTestRunner would run.
Secondly I am guessing extended cumber options would generate the report as consolidated after rerunning the failed tests. ( i.e I have three tests. first run:- two passed and one failed. second run:- only the failed one executed and passed . then i would see a report of all three passed.)
package selenium.runners;
import com.github.mkolisnyk.cucumber.runner.ExtendedCucumber;
import com.github.mkolisnyk.cucumber.runner.ExtendedCucumberOptions;
import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
jsonReport = "target/81/cucumber.json",
jsonUsageReport = "target/81/cucumber-usage.json",
usageReport = true,
detailedReport = true,
detailedAggregatedReport = true,
overviewReport = true,
overviewChartsReport = true,
pdfPageSize = "A4 Landscape",
toPDF = true,
outputFolder = "target/81",
retryCount = 2,
threadsCount = 2)
glue = {"selenium.stepdefs"},
features = {"src/test/resources/features/"},
plugin = {"json:target/cucumber/cucumber.json", "junit:target/cucumber/cucumber.xml"},
strict = true,
tags = "#local")
public class CucumberLocalTestRunner {}
You want to add the runner class within your plugin like the following:
<argLine>Xmx12g -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/tmp -Duser.timezone=Europe/London</argLine>
<projectName>Local Run</projectName>
<echo message="Cucumber execution complete. Reports are available in ${}/cucumber-html-reports/feature-overview.html"/>
Then repeat for each profile, choosing what plugin you want to run with the other profiles etc.

Spring Boot Maven Project Obfuscation with Proguard

I am using Java 11, Spring Boot 2.2.4 and Proguard 6.2.2.
My pom.xml for proguard as follows
My Proguard configuration (proguard.conf) as follows
-flattenpackagehierarchy ''
-keepattributes Exceptions,InnerClasses,Signature,Deprecated,SourceFile,LineNumberTable,LocalVariable*Table,*Annotation*,Synthetic,EnclosingMethod
-keep class
-keep class * extends org.springframework.boot.ApplicationRunner
-keepclasseswithmembers public class * {
public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
-keepclassmembers enum * {
public static **[] values();
public static ** valueOf(java.lang.String);
-keepclasseswithmembers,includedescriptorclasses,allowshrinking class * {
native <methods>;
When I run the obfucated jar, I am getting below error
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to get nested archive for entry BOOT-INF/lib/spring-boot-starter-data-jpa-2.2.4.RELEASE.jar
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to open nested entry 'BOOT-INF/lib/spring-boot-starter-data-jpa-2.2.4.RELEASE.jar'. It has been compressed and nested jar files must be stored without compression. Please check the mechanism used to create your executable jar file

maven failsafe plugin with Junit 5 - cannot run filtered groups using command line and Junit 5 #Tag

I am trying to run failsafe plugin for integration tests using Junit 5 tags. My POM.xml for failsafe looks like:
<excludedGroups>integration, regression</excludedGroups>
and trying to do:
mvn -Dgroups=Today verify
It does not work and run the whole suite. Any ideas?
My test method looks like:
public void activitiesTest(){ // Some test code here }
and my test class:
#ContextConfiguration(classes = { WebDriverConfig.class, LoggerConfig.class, EmailConfig.class})
#TestExecutionListeners(listeners= {ScreenshotTaker.class, DependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener.class, RunnerExtension.class})
public class BasicScenariosIT {
// Code
Actually the solution was quite simple...
In my maven pom.xml, in the failsafe plugin:
Note the parameters:
In my junit 5 test:
public void activitiesTest(){ // Some test code here }
and the command:
mvn -Dtest.included.groups=Today verify
That's it!!

How to pass java code a parameter from maven for testing

I need to pass on following values …
exeEvironment (Test environment) ,
testGroup (Group in testNG)
from Command-Line -> POM -> TestNG -> Test cases.
Based on these two posts ....
pass a java parameter from maven
How to pass parameters to guicified TestNG test from Surefire Maven plugin?
I did the following configuration ..
In surefire plugin, I tried following two options, none seem to work.
<systemPropertyVariables> <exeEnvironment>${exeEnvironment}</exeEnvironment>
<testGroup>${testGroup}</testGroup> </systemPropertyVariables>
In testNG.xml , can I use the the variable testGroup like …
<test name="Web Build Acceptance">
<include name="${testGroup} />
<class name="" />
This doesn't seem to work as well, do I need to define a parameter.
In the test cases , I tried to get he variables in following two ways ….
testEnv = testContext.getSuite().getParameter("exeEnvironment");
testGroup = testContext.getSuite().getParameter("testGroup");
testEnv = System.getProperty("exeEnvironment");
testGroup = System.getProperty("testGroup");
This is the exact thing I was looking for my automation test and I got it working.
Command Line argument
mvn clean test -Denv.USER=UAT -Dgroups=Sniff
My Pom Xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
TestNG test
import org.testng.annotations.Parameters;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
public class TestAuthentication {
#Test (groups = { "Sniff", "Regression" })
public void validAuthenticationTest(){
System.out.println(" Sniff + Regression" + System.getProperty("environment"));
#Test (groups = { "Regression" },parameters = {"environment"})
public void failedAuthenticationTest(String environment){
#Test (groups = { "Sniff"})
public void newUserAuthenticationTest(String environment){
The above works well. Additionally, if you need to use testng.xml, you can specify the suiteXmlFile like ...
Also, I prefer using #Parameters instead of parameters in #Test() as the later is deprecated.
You need not define anything for groups in testng xml or the pom, the support comes inbuilt. You can simply specify the groups on the cmd line
Hope it helps..
Edit 2: here's another option...Implement IMethodInterceptor
Define your custom property.
Use -Dcustomproperty=groupthatneedstoberun in your command line call.
In the intercept call, scan through all methods ..something to the effect..
for(IMethodInstance ins : methods) {
if(ins.getMethod().getGroups()) contains group)
Add to returnedVal;
return returnedVal;
Add this to the listeners list in your xml.
The simplest way to pass the variable from POM.xml to
And in the we can call it from the system properties like this
Passing parameter like browser and other can be done as below :
<!-- Below plug-in is used to execute tests -->
and to handle this in java code use this :
public static final String Browser_Jenkin=System.getProperty("BrowserName");
public static final String TestRunID=System.getProperty("TestRunID");
public static String browser_Setter()
String value=null;
try {
value = Browser_Jenkin;
} catch (Exception e) {
value =propObj.getProperty("BROWSER");
return value;
public static String testRunID_Setter()
String value=null;
try {
value = TestRunID;
} catch (Exception e) {
value =propObj.getProperty("TEST_RUN_ID");
return value;
building on the accepted answer
if maven surefire and the <systemPropertyVariables> are declared in a maven profile, they are not available and will return null unless the profile is also invoked.
Command Line argument
mvn clean test -PmyTestProfile -Denv.USER=UAT -Dgroups=Sniff
You don't need to use environment variables or edit pom.xml to use them.
The goals and options for Invoke Maven 3 under Build section takes the parameter. Try this (assuming you parameterized the build):
Invoke Maven 3
Goals and options = test -Denv=$PARAM_ENV -Dgroup=$PARAM_GROUP
