How can I store a Huge String in my Domain Class? - oracle

I'm making a web application in Grails, and I have this domain Class
String name
String query
static mapping = {
query type: "text"}
but when I bring the query from another query in Oracle, It returns a really huge String and I get this Error:
ORA-01461: can bind a LONG value only for insert into a LONG column
From the database that i get the information, the fiels is varchar(63760)
Any idea? thanks

Try adding this to your mapping: sqlType: 'clob'. So you would have the following:
String name
String query
static mapping = {
query type: "text", sqlType: "clob"
Also, see this SO question.

Grails allows to set maximum size which gets converted to mySQL size, so you can try this if it works in Oracle.
class Class {
String name;
String query;
static constraints = {
query(maxSize: 2048000)
static mapping = {
query type: "text"


How to filter Range criteria using ElasticSearch Repository

I need to fetch Employees who joined between 2021-12-01 to 2021-12-31. I am using ElasticsearchRepository to fetch data from ElasticSearch index.
How can we fetch range criteria using repository.
public interface EmployeeRepository extends ElasticsearchRepository<Employee, String>,EmployeeRepositoryCustom {
List<Employee> findByJoinedDate(String joinedDate);
I have tried Between option like below: But it is returning no results
List<Employee> findByJoinedDateBetween(String fromJoinedDate, String toJoinedDate);
My Index configuration
#Document(indexName="employee", createIndex=true,type="_doc", shards = 4)
public class Employee {
private String joinedDate;
Note: You seem to be using an outdated version of Spring Data Elasticsearch. The type parameter of the #Document
annotation was deprecated in 4.0 and removed in 4.1, as Elasticsearch itself does not support typed indices since
version 7.
To your question:
In order to be able to have a range query for dates in Elasticsearch the field in question must be of type date (the
Elasticsearch type). For your entity this would mean (I refer to the attributes from the current version 4.3):
#Field(type = FieldType.Date, pattern = "uuuu-MM-dd", format = {})
private LocalDate joinedDate;
This defines the joinedDate to have a date type and sets the string representation to the given pattern. The
empty format argument makes sure that the additional default values (DateFormat.date_optional_time and DateFormat. epoch_millis) are not set here. This results in the
following mapping in the index:
"properties": {
"joinedDate": {
"type": "date",
"format": "uuuu-MM-dd"
If you check the mapping in your index (GET localhost:9200/employee/_mapping) you will see that in your case the
joinedDate is of type text. You will either need to delete the index and have it recreated by your application or
create it with a new name and then, after the application has written the mapping, reindex the data from the old
index into the new one (
Once you have the index with the correct mapping in place, you can define the method in your repository like this:
List<Employee> findByJoinedDateBetween(LocalDate fromJoinedDate, LocalDate toJoinedDate);
and call it:
repository.findByJoinedDateBetween(LocalDate.of(2021, 1, 1), LocalDate.of(2021, 12, 31));

Spring Data Elasticsearch Problem with IP_Range Data type

I use Spring boot 2.0.1.RELEASE/ Spring Data Elasticsearch 3.0.6.
I annotate my domain class with #Document annotation and i have a field as below:
#Field(store = true, type = FieldType.?)
private String ipRange;
as you see, I need to set the field type to IP_Range (exists in elastic search engine data types)
but not exists in FieldType enum.
I want to create this document index by ElasticsearchTemplate.createIndex(doc) method. but none of any FieldType enum support ip_range data type.
Spring Data Elasticsearch currently (3.2.0.M2) does not support this. I saw that you already opened an issue, thanks for that. The answer here is just for the completeness and for other users having the same problem
Thanks #P.J.Meisch for your reply, I used #Mapping annotation to specify my mapping directly via json format. Already Spring data supports creating index based on this config. but i am also waiting for Range Data Structure Support to refactor my code.
My Document:
#Document(createIndex = true, indexName = "mydomain", type = "doc-rule"
, refreshInterval = BaseDocument.REFRESH_INTERVAL, replicas = BaseDocument.REPLICA_COUNT, shards = BaseDocument.SHARD_COUNT)
#Mapping(mappingPath = "/elasticsearch/mappings/mydomain-mapping.json")
public class MyDomainDoc {
#Field(store = true, type = FieldType.text)
private List<String> ipRange;
... other fields
And My mydomain-mapping.json file:
"properties": {
"ipRange": {
"type": "ip_range",

Field with #Field not getting translated to the correct value

I have a document with one of the fields' names overridden by #Field:
public User {
private String id;
private String username;
private List<BusinessProfile>
And a aggregation operation with a match operation as follows:
However, in the query that this ultimately generates, the businessProfiles is not traslated to profiles. Here is the query I got from the log files:
Executing aggregation: [ { "$match" : { "" : { "$elemMatch" : { "category" : "Cloud_Initiation"}}}} ...]
This behavior seems very odd. Is this supposed to work this way? Thanks.
Field mapping is only done for TypedAggregation providing the mapping source type.
TypedAggregation<Product> agg = newAggregation(User.class,
I created DATAMONGO-2310 to improve the documentation in that area.

Lite DB not finding inner object query

I have two objects.
public class Record
public string Id { get; set; }
And this class:
public class BatteryStatus : Record
public DateTime RetrieveTime { get; set; }
I'm using Lite DB as a local NoSQL option to query and save the data. I'm needing to find and delete the values based after some time. Here's my code doing so:
var col = db.GetCollection<BatteryStatus>(CollectionName);
var test = col.FindAll()
.Where(x => x.Id == status.Id).ToList();
var result = col.Find(Query.EQ("Id", status.Id.ToString())).ToList();
Test returns with the with the object, but the result value doesn't. Lite DB only uses the Query or the BSONId as a way to delete an object. I don't have a BSON id attached to it (it's a referenced definition so I can't change it).
How can I use the "Query" function in order to get a nested value so I can delete it?
Classes has properties, BSON documents has fields. By default, LiteDB convert all property names to same name in BSON document except _id field which is document identifier.
If you want query using Linq, you will use properties expressions. If you are using Query object class, you must use field name.
var result = col.FindById(123);
// or
var result = col.FindOne(x => x.Id == 123);
// or
var result = col.FindOne(Query.EQ("_id", 123));
Find using _id always returns 1 (or zero) document.
I figured out the problem with LiteDB, since I was using the property name of "Id", the BSON interpreted that as the "_id" of the JSON object, and merging their two values. I solve the issue by renaming the "Id" property to something else.

Spring Mongo mapping variable data

I'm using Spring Data MongoDB for my project. I work with a mongo database containing a lot of data, and I want to map this data within my Java application.
The problem I have is that some data back in time had a different structure.
For example sport_name is an array now, while in some old records is a String:
sport_name: "Soccer" // Old data
sport_name: [ // Most recent entries
"lang" : "en",
"val" : "Soccer"
"lang" : "de",
"val" : "Fussball"
Here is what I have until now:
#Document(collection = "matches")
public class MatchMongo {
private String id;
private ??? sport_name; // Best way?!
(What's the best way to)/(How would you) handle something like this?
If old data can be considered as "en" language, then separate structure can be used to store localized text:
class LocalName {
private String language;
private String text;
// getters/setters
So mapped object will store the collection of localized values:
public class MatchMongo {
// it can also be a map (language -> text),
// in this case we don't need additional structure
private List<LocalName> names;
This approach can be combined with custom converter, to use plain string as "en" locale value:
public class MatchReadConverter implements Converter<DBObject, MatchMongo> {
public Person convert(DBObject source) {
// check what kind of data located under "sport_name"
// and define it as "en" language text if it is an old plain text
// if "sport_name" is an array, then simply convert the values
Custom mapping is described here in details.
Probably you can write a utility class which will fetch all the data where sport_name is not an array and update the element sport_name to array. But this all depends on the amount of data you have.
You can use query {"sport_name":{$type:2}}, here 2 stands for String.
Refer for more details on $type:
