How do i send JsonObject with nested values as Post request in REST assured - http-post

I am using rest assured -
My JsonObject looks like this
"id": "12",
"employeeInfo": null,
"employerInfo": null,
"checkDate": 1395093997218,
"netAmount": {
"amount": 70,
"currency": "USD"
"moneyDistributionLineItems": [
"mAmount": 100,
"employeeBankAccountId": "BankAccount 1"
how can i send this as part of parameters using REST-assured POST?
I have tried
given().param("key1", "value1").param("key2", "value2").when().post("/somewhere").then().
but that is not scalable for HUGE objects with nested values. Is there a better approach?

You just send the JSON document in the body. For example if you have your JSON document in a String called myJson then you can just do like this:
String myJson = ..
given().contentType(JSON).body(myJson).when().post("/somewhere"). ..
You can also use a POJO, input stream and byte[] instead of a String.

URL file = Resources.getResource("PublishFlag_False_Req.json");
String myJson = Resources.toString(file, Charsets.UTF_8);
Response responsedata = given().header("Authorization", AuthorizationValue)
.header("X-App-Client-Id", XappClintIDvalue)


validate response using jsr223 assertion

I have passed chgId as parameter in the get HTTP request.
My api response is coming as -
"response": {
"data": [
"tid": 3697,
"chgId": 405,
"amount": 8.5,
"Currency": "USD",
"tid": 3698,
"chgId": 405,
"amount": 3.33,
"Currency": "USD",
Now from the response I want to validate in JSR223 assertion that the response is correct based on the chgId field. That means in both 'data' array "chgId": 405 text should come.
Can anyone suggest?
You could do something like:
def params = org.apache.http.client.utils.URLEncodedUtils.parse(prev.getURL().toURI(), 'UTF-8')
def expected = params.find { 'chgId' }.value as int
def actual1 = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parse(prev.getResponseData())[0].chgId
def actual2 = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parse(prev.getResponseData())[1].chgId
def success = (expected == actual1 && expected == actual2)
if (!success) {
AssertionResult.setFailureMessage('chgId mismatch')
where prev stands for previous SampleResult
More information:
URLEncodedUtils JavaDoc
Apache Groovy - Parsing and producing JSON
Scripting JMeter Assertions in Groovy - A Tutorial

How to remove unwanted keys from rest-assured response object and assert remaining object data with constant variable having json string using java

In rest-assured test cases I am getting response as mentioned, where I want to remove keys such as "updated_at", "deleted_at", "created_at" and "notice" and then assert this response object with expected json string constant which contains 'settings'
"notice": "The Settings are updated successfully.",
"settings": {
"push_notification": {
"enabled": true,
"credentials": [{
"key": "value"
"service_name": "API Testing"
"created_at": "2019-05-04T14:52:32.773Z",
"deleted_at": "false",
"updated_at": "2019-05-07T11:23:22.781Z"
For given response the expected json string is...
public static String SETTING_EXPECTED = "{\"push_notification\": {\"enabled\": true, \"credentials\": [{\"key\": \"value\"}], \"service_name\": \"API Testing\"}}"
Please help me with creating a common method using java which can be reuse for response assertions in all the test cases.
To delete keys from response you can use below code I am using jayway jsonpath library, you need to pass Json Response and field name jsonPath, in case your it will be "$.settings.created_at" :
public String deleteFieldNameFromResponse(String jsonResponse, String fieldToDelete)
throws ParseException, FileNotFoundException, IOException {
Object obj = null;
JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
JsonPath jsonPath = null;
DocumentContext docCtx = null;
obj = parser.parse(jsonResponse);
docCtx = JsonPath.parse(obj);
jsonPath = JsonPath.compile("$");

Consuming REST Service in Spring

I'm frightfully new to Spring and Java but I'm trying to consume some code for some rule validations in Easy Rules but I can't quite figure it out.
#RequestMapping(method = {RequestMethod.GET}, value = "author/field", produces= MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public #ResponseBody ResponseEntity<Enum> getField(#RequestParam(value="field", required=true) String field){
Enum enum = mongoService.findByField(field);
if(enum == null){
return new ResponseEntity<Enum>(HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT);
return new ResponseEntity<Enum>(enum,HttpStatus.OK);
So I'm trying something like:
import com.mongoservice.Enum
import com.mongoservice.Enums
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
String uri = "http://localhost:9000";
//This is my confusion
List<Enums> response = restTemplate.getForObject(uri +
"/author/field?={field}", Enum.class,"a").getEnums();
String value = response.getValue().toString().trim();
//this is the record i'm checking against that is pulling a specific string value and what i'm expecting
String record = "a";
return (value == record);
The JSON data I'm trying to pull back is modeled like this but I need to validate to make sure that record equals one of the values from enums[] json array
"field": "a",
"descriptor": "blah",
"enums": [
"value": "h",
"description": "blah"
"value": "e",
"description": "blah"
"value": "l",
"description": "blah"
"value": "p",
"description": "blah"
What is the problem that you are seeing is it just not matching? If so it could be because you are using == instead of String.equals. Try modifying your code to:
return record.equals(value);
See Java String.equals versus == for more.
Can you change String uri = "http://localhost:9000"
and missed the path variable name field it should be like author/field?field={field} as per your controller description. manipulate Response Object

I am trying to work Ember with using
ember-model-parse-adapter by samharnack.
I add added a function to make multiple work search(like search engine) for which I have defined a function on cloud using Parse.Cloud.define and run from client.
The problem is the Array that my cloud response returns is not compatible with Ember Model because of two attributes they are __type and className. how can I modify the response to get response similar to that i get when I run a find query from client. i.e without __type and className
Example responses
for App.List.find() = {
for App.List.cloudFunction("sliptSearch",{"text" : this.get("searchText")})
"__type" : Object, //undesired
"className" : "Lists" //undesired
Thanks Vlad something like this worked for me for array
resultobj = [];
success: function(results) {
for( var i=0, l=results.length; i<l; i++ ) {
temp = results.pop();
text: temp.get("text"),
createdAt: temp.createdAt,
updatedAt: temp.updatedAt,
words: "",
hashtags: ""
In your cloud code before you make any response, create and object and extract from it the attributes/members you need and then response it. like so:
//lets say result is some Parse.User or any other Parse.Object
var responseObj = {}; = responseObj.get("name");
responseObj.age = responseObj.get("age"); =;
on the response side you will get {"result": {"name": "jhon", "age": "26", "id": "zxc123s21"}}
Hope this would help you

django: Testing POST-based views with json objects

I have a django application with several views that accept json objects via POST requests. The json objects are medium-complex with a few layers of nesting, so I'm using the json library to parse raw_post_data, as shown here:
def handle_ajax_call(request):
post_json = json.loads(request.raw_post_data)
... (do stuff with json query)
Next, I want to write tests for these views. Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to pass the json object to the Client. Here's a simplest-case version of my code:
def test_ajax_call(self):
c = Client()
call_command('loadfixtures', 'temp-fixtures-1') #Custom command to populate the DB
J = {
some_info : {
attr1 : "AAAA",
attr2 : "BBBB",
list_attr : [ "x", "y", "z" ]
more_info : { ... },
info_list : [ 1, 22, 23, 24, 5, 26, 7 ]
J_string = json.dumps(J)
response ='/ajax/call/', data=J_string )
When I run the test, it fails with:
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'items'
How can I pass the JSON object in the method?
The documentation seems to imply that if you pass a content_type parameter to, it will treat the data value as a document and POST it directly. So try this:
response ='/ajax/call/', content_type='application/json', data=J_string)
