Passing date parameters to #url.action via ajax - ajax

In my ASP.NET MVC 4 app, I'm using the following JAX code taken from this StackOverflow post to pass Date parameters to a controller but I am getting the following http 404 error: "The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Requested URL /myWebApp/myController/myAction/01/01/2014/12/31/2014"
Here the input controls txtFrom and txtTo have the values 01/01/2014 and 12/31/2014 respectively. the issue is that MVC is probably interpreting each date as three different parameters. How can we fix it. I tried replacing $('#txtFrom').val() with $('#txtFrom').val().replace("///g", "_") but it does not work.
window.location.href = '#Url.Action("myAction")/' + $('#txtFrom').val() + '/' + $('#txtTo').val();
Action method:
public ActionResult myAction(string startDate, string endDate)
//simple code here to use the input parameters

You could either format the date string with Razor
with javascript
or pass the date as ticks (milliseconds since Epoch) instead of the human-readable format.
After experimenting with this and a bit of research it seems the slash and %2f encoding causes all kinds of problems. Stick to the millisecond representation for a date and not worry about passing the slash.

window.location.href is not ajax. Its your browser making a HTTP get request to the url. In your case, its not a complete url, but a partial; thus the error. You may try the following for start. Substitute the hardcoded values for dates with your inputs
$.getJSON({‘#Url.Action("myAction")’ + '/', { startDate: ‘1/1/2001’, endData: ‘1/2/2002’ }});
If you want to process any return value; refer to jquery documentation on $.getJSON (


Unable to fetch get parameter with encoded '/' in Laravel using route

I am new to Laravel and working on existing code.
I want to pass some values in url in format of URL/val1/val2/val3.
Every thing is working perfect if all values with normal string or number
but if any value has special character like slash / or \ it shows errors.
working :- URL/abc/pqr/xys
but if val3 = 22/06 ;url is URL/val1/val2/22/06 error shows 404 not found
If I encoded val3 using javaScript's function encodeURIComponent()
val3=22%2F06 and url become URL/val1/val2/22%2F06 shows Object not found!
// My current route web.php is:-
Route::get('/export/{name}/{status}/{search}', 'ReportController#export')->name('export');
Route::get('view/{slashData?}', 'ExampleController#getData')
->where('slashData', '(.*)');
Your route accept only 3 params. But you pass four params.
Route::get('/export/{name}/{status}/{search}', 'ReportController#export')->name('export');
You must change your val3=22-06. Don't use / as value of your param.
You need to use regex expression for that situation:
Route::get('/export/{name}/{status}/{search}', 'ReportController#export')->name('export')->where(['search' => "[\w\/]+"]);

Can an empty URL parameter be passed to my controller?

Let's say my controller function is expecting 2 parameters: page_name, and user_name
The URL would be in the format
Assuming that sometimes I can have a blank user_name, and other times I can have blank page_name, can I pass a blank page_name by loading this URL?
If the controller function is:
function function_name($page_name="default", $user_name=null)
Would the $page_name value be "default" for the 2nd URL stated above?
You can't. Server will simply ignore the extra slash.
Since both parameters are optional, you should use request parameters.
And in your controller, use $this->input->get('page_name') and $this->input->get('user_name') to get the value and check if the values are empty.
I know this is an old question but the solution I came up with is simple. It goes something like this:
$this->input->get('limit') ? $this->input->get('limit') : 20;

Passing a filepath over url

I need to pass this filepath over via route to my actionmethod:
so for example #car.ContainerPath is a string of "34_Creating%20Cars%20Forms/Exercise%20Cars/Audi%202010%20Parts%20Reference.pdf"
I need to escape this somehow I think? I would prefer not to send this over url but with a hyperlink I don't see a way not to.
For additional info, here's the actionmethod it's going to:
public string GetFileZipDownloadUrl(CarViewModel model, string fileContainerPath)
string downloadUrl = string.Empty;
downloadUrl = GetFileZipDownloadUrl(model.CarId,fileContainerPath, model.UserId);
return downloadUrl;
so I'm sending over for that fileContainerPath paths like this in the url for that #car.ContainerPath param:
"55_Creating Cars Forms/Exercise Cars/Audi Parts Reference.pdf"
so the route url before it's requested looks like this when formed in that hyperlink:
http://Cars/55/55_Creating Cars Forms/Exercise Cars/Audi Parts Reference.pdf/20/Url
My action method just needs to use that path to go get a reference to a file under the hood.
If you want to just get rid of %20 in the url use encoding/decoding like in #Xander's answer. However if any of your data is very dynamic and can have weird characters you should consider adding a Safe() and Unsafe() methods that will strip out all the "Dangerous" characters for url, and then turn it back to original value.
Raw Url:
Decode encoded url:

passing a large string through url in codeigniter

how do i pass a large string as a variable in codeigniter? i am trying show the user an article, if the article has more than 800 characters and less than 3044 characters i am showing it in a jquery pop up window, and if the article is more than 3044 charcters i want to pass the article body and title through the url to a controller function.
here is what i have tried:
if(strlen($home_content[1]['content'])>800 && strlen($home_content[1]['content'])<3044)
echo $substr.'<p id="button"><i>read more...</i></p>';
else if(strlen($home_content[1]['content'])<800)
echo $home_content[1]['content'];
echo $substr.'<br/>';
echo anchor('site/read_article/'.$home_content[1]['title'].$home_content[1]['content'],'<i>read more...</i>');
and this is the url after passing the data:,%20reflected%20in%20a%20True%20Mirror,%20can%20come%20to%20lBut%20we%20have%20already%20arrivesafOnly%20True%20Light,%20reflected%20in%20a%20True%20Mirror,%20can%20come%20to%20life.ife.testtesthave%20already%20arrivesafOnly%20True%20Light,%20reflected%20in%20a%20True%20Mirror,%20can%20come%20to%20lBut%20we%20have%20already%20arrivesafOnly%20True%20Light,%20reflected%20in%20a%20True%20Mirror,%20can%20come%20to%20life.ife.testtesthave%20already%20arrivesafOnly%20True%20Light,%20reflected%20in%20a%20True%20Mirror,%20can%20come%20to%20lBut%20we%20have%20already%20arrivesafOnly%20True%20Light,%20reflected%20in%20a%20True%20Mirror,%20can%20come%20to%20life.ife.testtesthave%20already%20arrivesafOnly%20True%20Light,%20reflected%20in%20a%20True%20Mirror,%20can%20come%20to%20lBut%20we%20have%20already%20arrivesafOnly%20True%20Light,%20reflected%20in%20a%20True%20Mirror,%20can%20come%20to%20lifesafOnly%20True%20Light,%20reflected%20in%20a%20True%20Mirror,%20can%20come%20to%20life.ife.testtesthave%20already%20arrivesafOnly%20True%20Light,%20reflected%20in%20a%20True%20Mirror,%20can%20come%20to%20lBut%20we%20have%20already%20arrivesafOnly%20True%20Light,%20reflected%20in%20a%20True%20Mirror,%20can%20come%20to%20lifesafOnly%20True%20Light,%20reflected%20in%20a%20True%20Mirror,%20can%20come%20to%20life.ife.testtesthave%20already%20arrivesafOnly%20True%20Light,%20reflected%20in%20a%20True%20Mirror,%20can%20come%20to%20lBut%20we%20have%20already%20arrivesafOnly%20True%20Light,%20reflected%20in%20a%20True%20Mirror,%20can%20come%20to%20life.ife.%20True%20Mirror,%20can%20come%20to%20life.ife.%20True%20Mirror,%20can%20come%20to%20life.ife.%3C/p%3E%3Cp%3E%C2%A0%3C/p%3E%3Cp%3Etesttesthave%20already%20arrivesafOnly%20True%20Light,%20reflected%20in%20a%20True%20Mirror,%20can%20come%20to%20lBut%20we%20have%20already%20arrivesafOnly%20True%20Light,%20reflected%20in%20a%20True%20Mirror,%20can%20come%20to%20life.ife.testtesthave%20already%20arrivesafOnly%20True%20Light,%20reflected%20in%20a%20True%20Mirror,%20can%20come%20to%20lBut%20we%20have%20already%20arrivesafOnly%20True%20Light,%20reflected%20in%20a%20True%20Mirror,%20can%20come%20to%20life.ife.testtesthave%20already%20arrivesafOnly%20True%20Light,%20reflected%20in%20a%20True%20Mirror,%20can%20come%20to%20lBut%20we%20have%20already%20arrivesafOnly%20True%20Light,%20reflected%20in%20a%20True%20Mirror,%20can%20come%20to%20life.ife.testtesthave%20already%20arrivesafOnly%20True%20Light,%20reflected%20in%20a%20True%20Mirror,%20can%20come%20to%20lBut%20we%20have%20already%20arrivesafOnly%20True%20Light,%20reflected%20in%20a%20True%20Mirror,%20can%20come%20to%20lifesafOnly%20True%20Light,%20reflected%20in%20a%20True%20Mirror,%20can%20come%20to%20life.ife.testtesthave%20already%20arrivesafOnly%20True%20Light,%20reflected%20in%20a%20True%20Mirror,%20can%20come%20to%20lBut%20we%20have%20already%20arrivesafOnly%20True%20Light,%20reflected%20in%20a%20True%20Mirror,%20can%20come%20to%20lifesafOnly%20True%20Light,%20reflected%20in%20a%20True%20Mirror,%20can%20come%20to%20life.ife.testtesthave%20already%20arrivesafOnly%20True%20Light,%20reflected%20in%20a%20True%20Mirror,%20can%20come%20to%20lBut%20we%20have%20already%20arrivesafOnly%20True%20Light,%20reflected%20in%20a%20True%20Mirror,%20can%20come%20to%20life.ife.%20True%20Mirror,%20can%20come%20to%20life.ife.%20True%20Mirror,%20can%20come%20to%20life.ife.%3C/p%3E%3Cp%3Etesttesthave%20already%20arrivesafOnly%20True%20Light,%20reflected%20in%20a%20True%20Mirror,%20can%20come%20to%20lBut%20we%20have%20already%20arrivesafOnly%20True%20Light,%20reflected%20in%20a%20True%20Mirror,%20can%20come%20to%20life.ife.testtesthave%20already%20arrivesafOnly%20True%20Light,%20reflected%20in%20a%20True%20Mirror,%20can%20come%20to%20lBut%20we%20have%20already%20arrivesafOnly%20True%20Light,%20reflected%20in%20a%20True%20Mirror,%20can%20come%20to%20life.ife.testtesthave%20already%20arrivesafOnly%20True%20Light,%3C/p%3E.html
and i get this error message:
An Error Was Encountered
The URI you submitted has disallowed characters.
how do i do it correctly? the url looks very messy, how do pass the string and still have a clean url? please help me with it.
Why not pass the article ID instead? You could then access the article through the controller function, count the characters and decide the method of display.
Alternatively, you could use CI's Session Flashdata to pass the article title/body to the next controller and access it that way.
The URI is failing as security is set up to deny specific characters being passed in the URL. This is for your protection, but, although not recommended, could be disabled in the config files if required.

Best practice in handling invalid parameter CodeIgniter

Let's say I have a method at Controller named
where $chapter and $page must be integer. To access the method, the URI will look like
For example,
If user try to access the URI without passing all parameter, or wrong parameter, like
I can do some if else statements to handle, like
My question is, is there any best practice to handle those invalid parameters passed by user? My ultimate goal is to redirect to the main page whenever there is an invalid parameter? How can I achieve this?
Using the CodeIgniter routing in config/routes.php is pretty useful here, something like this:
$route['book/(:num)/(:num)'] = "book/$1/$2";
$route['book/(:any)'] = "error";
$route['book'] = "error";
Should catch everything. You can have pretty much any regular expressions in the routes, so can validate that the parameters are numeric, start with a lowercase letter, etc..
The best logic here seems to be adding the default values:
book($chapter = 1, $page = 1);
and then checking if they are numeric
So it automatically opens the 1st page of the 1st chapter if there are parameter missing or non-numeric.
