410 Gone - Images are on right directory - image

On my site some of my products picture are not shown.
When i right click to inspect element and click my pictures url there is written
410 GONE
When i refresh the site image is shown.
I have lots of products so pictures too on my site and thats a big problem for me.
Thanks for helping.
<div class="productGallery"> <img id="product" width="450" height="405" src="http://www.mydomain.com.tr/files/data/OrgImage/v2/<c:out value="${prdPictureOrj}"/>_1b.jpg" data-zoom-image="http://www.mydomain.com.tr/files/data/OrgImage/v2/<c:out value="${prdPictureOrj}"/>_1b.jpg" />
<c:if test="${prdDemo != ''}"><a onclick="OpenTv();" class="watch"></a></c:if>
<div id="productGallery">
<img onerror="this.src='assets/images/nophoto-140x125.jpg'" id="img_01" src="http://www.mydomain.com.tr/files/data/OrgImage/v2/<c:out value="${prdPictureOrj}"/>_1b.jpg" width="70" height="70" />
<img onerror="this.src='assets/images/nophoto-140x125.jpg'" id="img_01" src="http://www.mydomain.com.tr/files/data/OrgImage/v2/<c:out value="${prdPictureOrj}"/>_2b.jpg" width="70" height="70" />
<img onerror="this.src='assets/images/nophoto-140x125.jpg'" id="img_01" src="http://www.mydomain.com.tr/files/data/OrgImage/v2/<c:out value="${prdPictureOrj}"/>_3b.jpg" width="70" height="70" />
<a href="#" data-image="http://www.mydomain.com.tr/files/data/OrgImage/v2/<c:out value="${prdPictureOrj}"/>_4b.jpg" data-zoom-image="http://www.mydomain.com.tr/files/data/OrgImage/v2/<c:out value="${prdPictureOrj}"/>_4b.jpg"> <img onerror="this.src='assets/images/nophoto-140x125.jpg'" id="img_01" src="http://www.mydomain.com.tr/files/data/OrgImage/v2/<c:out value="${prdPictureOrj}"/>_4b.jpg" width="70" height="70" />
<a onclick="OpenTv();" class="tv_icon"></a></a>


How to create image-map in jssor slider

How to use image-map on jssor. its not working, the link disappears. I have tried the given code.
<div id="jssor_4" style="position:relative;margin:0 auto;top:0px;left:0px;width:1500px;height:300px;overflow:hidden;visibility:hidden;">
<div data-u="slides" style="cursor:default;position:relative;top:0px;left:0px;width:1500px;height:300px;overflow:hidden;">
<img data-u="image" src="/images/banner-animasi1.jpg" usemap="#image-map1" style="width:100%" />
<!-- Bullet Navigator -->
<div data-u="navigator" class="jssorb108" style="position:absolute;bottom:0px;right:12px;" data-autocenter="1" data-scale="0.5" data-scale-bottom="0.75">
<div data-u="prototype" class="i" style="width:16px;height:16px;">
<svg viewbox="0 0 16000 16000" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;">
<circle class="b" cx="8000" cy="8000" r="5800"></circle>
<map name="image-map1">
<area target="_self" alt="Tentang kami" title="Tentang kami" href="/about" coords="2666,758,3540,922" shape="rect">
Any suggestion or help will be appreciated. Thanks

How can i add a link on a specific point of the image?

I have the following image and i want to add a link on the basket icon. How is that possible?
Thanks for your answers. Now i have two ways to do this or with html:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css">
<p style="font-weight:normal;text-transform:uppercase;color:#FFD700;background-color:#000000;border: 5px ridge #ababab;letter-spacing:4pt;word-spacing:-3pt;font-size:42px;text-align:center;font-family:georgia, serif;line-height:4;margin:0px;padding:0px;width:100%;height:183px;">New Online Shop <i class="fa fa-shopping-cart " aria-hidden="true"></i>
Or with #blue answer using html shape attribute on the image:
<img src='https://i.stack.imgur.com/5I8q6.jpg' width='500' height='150' usemap='#basket' />
<map name='basket'>
<area shape='rect' coords='440 50 500 100' href='www.your_link.com' alt='basket_icon' />
<p>Click on the basket</p>
Try to use map and area to select specific areas on an image
<img src='https://i.stack.imgur.com/5I8q6.jpg' width='500' height='150' usemap='#basket' />
<map name='basket'>
<area shape='rect' coords='440 50 500 100' href='www.your_link.com' alt='basket_icon' />
<p>Click on the basket</p>
I hope this helps!

CSS inline-block images won't align horizontally

I've done this a million times but I can't figure out why this won't work now. I'm trying to get 4 images of the same size to sit in a straight line horizontally however they are appearing slightly diagonal from each other.
Here is my html
<div class="homepage_images">
<img src="http://one-event.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/CHILDREN.jpg" alt="" width="300" height="228" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-182" />
<img src="http://one-event.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/ACTIVITIES-COVER.jpg" alt="ONE 2014 WEBSITE REV2" width="300" height="228" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-181" />
<img src="http://one-event.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/STREAMS-COVER.jpg" alt="ONE 2014 WEBSITE REV2" width="300" height="228" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-184" />
<img src="http://one-event.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/SPEAKERS-COVER.jpg" alt="ONE 2014 WEBSITE REV2" width="300" height="228" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-183" />
And my CSS:
.homepage_images {
.homepage_images img{
And here is a link to the site, the images that are misaligned are near the bottom of the page
You have a line break between each line. You haven't put it in the code you posted, but in the code from the site,
<div class="homepage_images">
<a href="http://one-event.org.uk/the-event/activities/for-18s-under/">
<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-182" width="300" alt="ONE 2014 WEBSITE REV2" src="http://one-event.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/CHILDREN.jpg">
<a href="http://one-event.org.uk/the-event/activities/">
<a href="http://one-event.org.uk/the-event/streams/">
<a href="http://one-event.org.uk/the-event/speakers/">
you have a line break between each div. Removing that fixes the problem.
Basically change it to what you posted;
<div class="homepage_images">
<img width="300" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-182" alt="ONE 2014 WEBSITE REV2" src="http://one-event.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/CHILDREN.jpg">
<img width="300" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-181" alt="ONE 2014 WEBSITE REV2" src="http://one-event.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/ACTIVITIES-COVER.jpg">
<img width="300" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-184" alt="ONE 2014 WEBSITE REV2" src="http://one-event.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/STREAMS-COVER.jpg">
<img width="300" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-183" alt="ONE 2014 WEBSITE REV2" src="http://one-event.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/SPEAKERS-COVER.jpg">
Somehow br tag added after each anchor tag in that div. just check from where that tag is getting added and make necessary changes.

How to make 2 tables on 1 page?

I want two 'menus' on my page, but when I add a div next to my leftmenu (where I didn't use div but pictures) I get ugly space between my pictures.
My current code is:
<title>Welcome to Nielyboyken</title>
<body bgcolor="grey">
<a href="http://zeldauniverse.net">
<img src="http://i1.minus.com/jbg3tjE57KYsx1.png" />
<a href="">
<img src="http://i.minus.com/ip2vEndNDv7vj.png" />
<iframe src="http://free.timeanddate.com/clock/i3qoeq8q/n48/szw135/szh135/hoc000/hbw12/hfc000/cf100/hgr0/hcw1/fas20/facfff/fdi88/mqc0033cd/mqs3/mql5/mqw2/mqd74/mhc0033cd/mhs4/mhl4/mhw2/mhd76/mmcf90/mml4/mmw1/mmd74/hhc666/hmc666" frameborder="0" width="137" height="137"></iframe>
<div style="width:1340px; height:20px; background-color:black;">
<font style="font-family: Fixedsys;font-size: 35px;color:blue">Welcome to my personal site!</font>
<center><font style="font-family:Fixedsys,;color:white">Welcome! Notice that this is not a forum site but just a personal site.</font></center>
<div id="LeftMenu">
<img src="http://i5.minus.com/iI7VEHhLP3WyV.png" /> <br>
<a target="_blank" href="http://minus.com/lJMgzKG1FFv2v">
<img src="http://i.minus.com/jJMgzKG1FFv2v.png" border="0"/>
<div style="width:50px; height:50px; color:red;" </div> <br>
<a href="http://zeldauniverse.net">
<img src="http://i.minus.com/ibfBWr7hEsMtsT.png" />
</a> <br>
<img src="http://i.minus.com/iJMgzKG1FFv2v.png" /> <br>
<a href="http://youtube.com">
<img src="http://i.minus.com/ib0OadHbWfnpew.png" />
</a> <br>
<img src="http://i.minus.com/iJMgzKG1FFv2v.png" /> <br>
<a href="http://twitter.com">
<img src="http://i.minus.com/iMNcGJ5Bjwvx4.png" />
</a> <br>
<img src="http://i.minus.com/iJMgzKG1FFv2v.png" /> <br>
<a href="http://facebook.com">
<img src="http://i.minus.com/ibhDDFKmGlL4rk.png" />
</a> <br>
<img src="http://i.minus.com/iJMgzKG1FFv2v.png" /> <br>
<img src="http://i4.minus.com/i6nJ7Pg8kUfqo.png" /> <br>
<img src="http://i.minus.com/iJMgzKG1FFv2v.png" /> <br>
<a href="page2test.html" >
<img src="http://i.minus.com/iFNcJv4UvSdye.png" />
</a> <br>
<img src="http://i.minus.com/iJMgzKG1FFv2v.png" /> <br>
<a href="aboutzu.html">
<img src="http://i.minus.com/ishbphpEbNRi2.png" />
</a> <br>
<img src="http://i.minus.com/iJMgzKG1FFv2v.png" /> <br>
<a href="http://twitter.com/nielyboyken">
<img src="http://i.minus.com/ihJnSHKv3vAco.png" />
</a> <br>
<img src="http://i.minus.com/iJMgzKG1FFv2v.png" /> <br>
<a href="http://www.zeldauniverse.net/forums/members/5390370-nielyboyken.html">
<img src="http://i.minus.com/ibdZgDlK1H5NLP.png" />
</a> <br>
<img src="http://i.minus.com/iJMgzKG1FFv2v.png" /> <br>
<a href="youtube.com/nielyboyken">
<img src="http://i.minus.com/iGZahFuxuc349.png" />
</a> <br>
<img src="http://i.minus.com/iJMgzKG1FFv2v.png" />
Does someone know how to fix it?
You should use CSS. HTML is going to leave white space unless you explicitely define where you want them in your DIVs. Much easier to use a CSS template, and format with that. You will have ability to "stick" things in place with CSS.
You could use a 1x 2 table. and then insert each element inside the table. Then they would be side by side. Define Column properties, etc...
You should really Google the formatting of this stuff before you ask on here...

jquery plug in or Html Code

Is there a way to add additional photos per set? I can’t see the previous and next buttons once i click on one single image from the gallery images. Does anyone know the code i need to activate this? The gallery was built using Pretty Photo lightbox plugin. I appreciate your time in advance. thanks
example of site: http://www.diligentworks.com/FOA/index1.htm
this actually reads like this:
<div class="tabcontent">
<div class="gallery"> <img src="./img/tgallery-item-01.jpg" width="150" height="120" alt="gallery-item-01" />
<img src="./img/tgallery-item-02.jpg" width="150" height="120" alt="gallery-item-01" />
<img src="./img/tgallery-item-03.jpg" width="150" height="120" alt="gallery-item-01" />
<img src="./img/tgallery-item-04.jpg" width="150" height="120" alt="gallery-item-01" />
<img src="./img/tgallery-item-05.jpg" width="150" height="120" alt="gallery-item-01" />
<img src="./img/tgallery-item-06.jpg" width="150" height="120" alt="gallery-item-01" />
From http://forums.no-margin-for-errors.com/discussion/comment/2958/#Comment_2958:
To use the gallery functionality, you
need to add the gallery name in
braket. Like so:
<a href="" rel="prettyPhoto[gallery]">
