handsontable - validate the whole table after changes - handsontable

I've setup a handsontable with a csv data source. After adding some validation rules everything seems to work fine.
I used the 'afterValidate' event to inform the user if the cell they just edited failed validation. However, I want to run validation on all cells so if there are any errors the user is notified.
afterValidate: function (isValid,value,row,prop,source) {
if(isValid) document.getElementById('validated_label').innerHTML = 'Working';
else document.getElementById('validated_label').innerHTML = 'Not Working';
EDIT: Managed to solve by using the validateCells method available in the API :)


Retrieve Plugin not getting triggered

We are on Dynamics CRM 2016 On-Premise. Using a plugin I'm trying to automatically update a field when a user open the CRM Account form, in this example to value "5". Here's my code:
var targetEntity = (Entity)context.OutputParameters["BusinessEntity"];
if (targetEntity == null)
throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException(OperationStatus.Failed, "Target Entity cannot be null");
var serviceFactory = (IOrganizationServiceFactory)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IOrganizationServiceFactory));
var service = serviceFactory.CreateOrganizationService(context.UserId);
if (targetEntity.Attributes.Contains("MyField"))
fedTaxId = targetEntity.Attributes["MyField"].ToString();
targetEntity.Attributes.Add("MyField"d, "5");
targetEntity["MyField"] = "5";
I list this in message type 10 (Before Main Operation Outside Transaction).
In Plugin Registration I list this as Post Operation stage and Synchronous.
However when I open the Account form, the page blinks once but the value did not get automatically populated. There is no javascript that would've manipulated this form or value either.
Any suggestion? Thanks.
Two options:
Add a script on the form setting the field value on load. Keep in mind this script should only do its thing if the form type = 2.
(Not recommended) Register a plugin on the synchronous post retrieve message for the entity. Make sure this step sets the field value on the entity object in the OutputParameters collection. Now, keep in mind your form will not be aware of the fact that this field has been modified, so it will not be flagged dirty and it will not automatically be submitted when record changes are being saved. So, in this scenario you would still need to add some JavaScript OR you would need an extra plugin registered on the pre update message of the entity setting the field as desired.

1000hz bootstrap-validator resetForm Validation results

I'm using this v-0.9.0 version of Validator.js,
I used below code,
When i use resetForm, Validation symbols and colors[Red & Green] are still exist in screen.
It's a known issue in 1000hz bootstrap-validator with no proper fix yet, can check this issue Destroy method doesnt remove icons on github
Possible solution is add following piece of code when reset or destroy the form and remove error and success classes.
var $feedback = this.$element.find('.form-control-feedback')
var $feedback = this.$element.find('.form-control-feedback')
Use this BootstrapValidator validation plugin, it gives more control to validate form fields, designed to use with Bootstrap 3 and will not face these types of issues & bugs.

Knockout validation setError on computed observable after applyBindings

I'm trying to manually set an error on a computed observable using Knockout Validation but the validation message isn't displaying. I need to be able to set the error after apply bindings has been called and the group set.
var viewModel = {
computedTest: ko.computed(function(){
return 'Test'
viewModel.errors = ko.validation.group(viewModel);
viewModel.computedTest.extend({ validatable: true });
Using this example a validationMessage doesn't get displayed for the computedTest observable.
I believe the reason is because the validation group hasn't doesn't know that computedTest is now extended. But I'm not sure how to refresh the group so that the error message is displayed.
Here's a better example: https://jsfiddle.net/onbyc67h/.
As you can see if you set the .extend({ validatable: true }) before applyBindings is run a message is displayed, but if you do it after one isn't.
What is going on is completely logical: when you apply bindings, the different bound properties are subscribed to changes of existing observables. So, if you create a new observable after binding, there is no way for ko to discover and subscribe to it. Take into account that what the validation extenders do is creating new observables, which can be subscribed. But, if you create them after binding, as explained, they can not be subscribed by the binders.
The only thing that you could do would be to unbind and rebind, but this is not advisable at all.

Grails: object is being saved although it has errors

I'm having a problem while trying to validate and save domain object.
First I'm making the validation, when the validation is wrong, I'm putting error inside my future to be saved object, like this:
myDomain.errors.reject("An Error")
Then, when I'm trying to save this object, I can see that error list has one error but 'validate()' returns 'true', also, when the function is finished the object is being saved automatically.
I must say that all the called functions are in the same class which is a controller.
I need to know how to code my save function (in the controller class) which shows only the error without saving the object, and when the validation is good, to save the object.
myDomain.validate() will overwrite myDomain.errors clearing the reject(). You could do something like this:
// bind etc.
// do grails validation
if (!myDomain.validate()) {
// do custom validation
if (custom validation has errors) {
myDomain.errors.reject ()
If you can move you custom validation into a validator on myDomain you do not need the custom validation.
You don't need to call save() explicitly.
The fix was to use:
#Transactional(readOnly = true)
For the function which located in the service file.
It makes the function to avoid from saving transactions in the end of it, which caused the problem in the first place.

I need a global event when data binding occurs in Knockout

I am a newbie to knockoutjs. I have searched examples and so far no luck. I have a page that is a data collection form with the values bound using knockout. What I am trying to do is provide the user with a flag letting him know data is modified and that it needs to be saved. In the app a user may pull down the form and display the data from the server and use it only as information. In other cases he may modify that data. I want to display a label that says something like "data has been modified" to the user once any binding has changed plus if he tries to navigate away from the page I want to warn him the changes will be lost. Is there some event I can subscribe to that tells me when any value has been changed in the model?
Take a look at Ryan Niemeyer's Dirty Flag. It might be what you are looking for. An example of his method can be seen in this jsFiddle.
this.dirtyItems = ko.computed(function() {
return ko.utils.arrayFilter(this.items(), function(item) {
return item.dirtyFlag.isDirty();
}, this);
More info can be found in this SO thread: Knockout isDirty example, using dynamic viewmodule from mapping plugin
