Using "jenkins-cucumber-jvm-reports-plugin-java" with Ruby - ruby

I am using Jenkins/Hudson as my CI environment, and my tests use Cucumber-Ruby. I would like to use jenkins-cucumber-jvm-reports-plugin-java with it. Any help is much appreciated (links, pointers etc).

Cucumber-jvm is a java-based tool where as Cucumber is a Ruby-based tool. You should find a better fit for your plugin such Cucumber Test Result Plugin or Cucumber Reports Plugin.

Install rake plugin for Jenkins.
Create a rake file with cucumber options
Make cucumber to produce json output report
And you should be done. Check my similar question here


Sikuli IDE can't import cucumber gem in JRuby?

I'm using SikuliX IDE 1.1.2 (with JRuby support enabled), and I'm trying to get cucumber working from within the Sikuli IDE.
I have found this article which just covers what I need:
I have also found the related github and I am now trying to run a sample script in Ruby that I found here:
But when I try to run this script from the Sikuli IDE, I get:
LoadError: no such file to load -- cucumber/rspec/disable_option_parser require at org/jruby/ require at uri:classloader:/META-INF/jruby.home/lib/ruby/stdlib/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:54 start_cucumber at C:/Users/at080olimath/Downloads/sikulix-ide-templates-master/examples/libreoffice-writer-test/test-cucumber.sikuli:31 cucumber_test at C:/Users/at080olimath/Downloads/sikulix-ide-templates-master/examples/libreoffice-writer-test/test-cucumber.sikuli:56 SikulixCucumber at C:/Users/at080olimath/Downloads/sikulix-ide-templates-master/examples/libreoffice-writer-test/test-cucumber.sikuli:62 <top> at C:/Users/at080olimath/Downloads/sikulix-ide-templates-master/examples/libreoffice-writer-test/test-cucumber.sikuli:67
[error] script [ test-cucumber ] stopped with error in line 31
[error] LoadError ( (LoadError) no such file to load -- cucumber/rspec/disable_option_parser )
On a Google Drive link, I was able to find a .jar file which contains all the gems needed (cucumber etc.), but the archive is old (2014) and contains a beta verison of the Sikuli IDE:
As per my understanding, I would need a way to build the sikulix.jar with the Cucumber gem included... But I cannot manage to figure out where to get started.
On this documentation page, I can also find that this is possible to include cucumber in sikuli.jar:
If you want to experiment with the special JRuby support (rSpec,
cucumber, ...) you have to look into the modules JRubyAddOns and
JRubyGem. Both have to be built manually if needed (not contained in
the local developement build).
While I was able to find the JRubyGem, I am unable to find the JRubyAddOns anywhere... And I don't know what to do next :(
How should I proceed to get cucumber working from within the SikuliX IDE 1.1.2?
Thank you for your help
I think stock Cucumber Gem has C-dependencies that won't execute VM-side for Jruby. This here: might be more what you're looking for. Good luck!

Cucumber with Ruby: Can it be used from a gem?

I'd like to develop some reusable step definitions and scenario outlines for Cucumber in Ruby.
I've scoured the Cucumber wiki but there seems to be no info on use of Cucumber with Ruby gems.
Is there support for execution of a feature from an installed Gem?
Or would a user have to manually change to the gem installation directory and explicitly referenced the feature(s) to run from there?
If I understood your question correctly, all you need is to create some lib for reusable definitions and steps, and then require this lib(or gem) in features/support/env.rb
Here is a gem does exactly the same as you need, you can use it as a reference:
Look at the features this gem provide: The gem created some reusable parts.
Turns out cucumber --help shows the way:
cucumber -r gem-name feature-name.feature
UPDATE: This doesn't work. Any other suggestions?
There is a cucumber gem which installs the binary cucumber.
Running this command, will assume default settings. This means it will look under ./features relative to the current path for files with the .feature extension. It will expect ./features/step_definitions to hold files with *_step.rb, where it will search for steps.
Edit: never mind, I misread your question and thought you wanted to know about the cucumber gem and its default paths.

Using DBDeploy.Net with Rake

We are trying to use DBDeploy.Net for managing our SQL Scripts in a .Net project. We also use a Rake script for automatic builds.
I am unable to find any documentation on how to use DBDeploy.Net with Rake. Is there a nice way of getting DBDeploy working with Rake? (I don't want to create a NAnt script for DBDeploy and call that from Rake)
Documentation for the command line execution of dbdeploy.NET has been added to A lot of new features have been added as well.
Does have a command line runner. If so check out the ExecTask from Albacore.
If you have just started working with and are open to options have a look at FluentMigrator. It has a command line runner.

Running cucumber tests through Intelli-J 10.5.3?

When I try to run cucumber tests with Ruby 1.9.3-p0, I get this:
Cucumber gem 'cucumber(1.1.3) isn't supported by graphical test runner, please use verison >= '0.3.7' for 'RVM: ruby-1.9.3-p0' SDK
Is there any way to get around this? I'd like to be able to run and debug tests from within my IDE.
It's a known issue fixed after 10.5.3, check this bug for workarounds.

cucumber debugger not stopping

I'm trying to debug a simple BDD test using cucumber. In order to do that, I inserted a debugger statement where I would like to break the control flow. But it seems that cucumber ignores this statement.
I'm running the tests executing:
rake cucumber:wip
It's rather simple, so I think the code isn' t worth pasting here. Thanks in advance
You don't have the rails-debug gem installed and/or included.
Make sure rails-debug listed in your Gemfile
If it's still not being included, make sure you run cucumber like:
bundle exec cucumber ...
