Mapreduce multiple map and redcuer - hadoop

I am thinking to process CSV files, each size around 1 Mb using MapReduce which has data like
lat , lng
18.123, 77.312
I want to keep mapper and reducer count upon no. of input files.
Although for my Mapper input is key->filename, value->18.123, 77.312
But i needed to calculate Distance from first record and second one
i.e Geo Distance for 1st record -> 18.123, 77.312 and 18.434,77,456
2nd record -> 18.123, 77.312 and 18.434,77,456
In Mapper i get one line of csv file is readed at a time and pass that to reducer
So i am thinking to concatinate csv file records by delimiter Pipe sign (|)
Above csv data will become as
18.123, 77.312|18.434,77,456|18,654,77,483|....|....|...
In Mapper i will get key->filename and values->All records of csv with pipe sign
In reducer i will split it and calulate distance and store in Mysql
Is this correct approach or has some other way
Thanks in advance.


Spring Batch, read whole csv file before reading line by line

I want to read a csv file, enrich each row with some data from some other external system and then write the new enriched csv to some directory
Now to get the data from external system i need to pass each row one by one and get the new columns from external system.
But to query the external system with each row i need to pass a value which i have got from external system by sending all the values of a perticular column.
e.g - my csv file is -
name, value, age
so to enrich that i first need to fetch a value as per total age - i.e 12 + 13 and get the value total from external system and then i need to send that total with each row to external system to get the enriched value.
I am doing it using spring batch but using fLatFileReader i can read only one line at a time. How would i refer to whole column before that.
Please help.
There are two ways to do this.
Go for this option if you are okey to store all the records in memory. Totally depends how many record you need to calculate the total age.
Reader(Custom Reader) :
Write the logic to read one line at a time.
You need to return null from read() only when you feel all the lines are read for calculating the total age.
NOTE:- A reader will loop the read() method until it returns null.
Processor : You will get the full list of records. calculate the total age.
Connect the external system and get the value. Form the records which need to be written and return from the process method.
NOTE:- You can return all the records modified by a particular field or merge a single record. This is totally your choice what you would like to do.
Writer : Write the records.
Go for this if option1 is not feasible.
Step1: read all the lines and calculate the total age and pass the value to the next step.
Step2: read all the lines again and update the records with required update and write the same.

How to process large file with one record dependent on another in MapReduce

I have a scenario where there is a really large file and say line 1 record might have dependency on 1000th line data and the line 1 and 1000 can be part of separate spilts. Now my understanding of the framework is that record reader is going to return one key, value pair to mapper and each k,v pair will be independent of another. Moreover since the file has been divided into splits and i want that as well (i.e. splittable false is no option), can i handle this anyhow may be writing my own record reader, mapper or reducer?
Dependency is like -
Row1: a,b,c,d,e,f
Row2: x,y,z,p,q,r
Now x in Row2 need to be used with say d in Row1 to get my desired output.
I think what you need is to implement a reducer side join. Here you can see a better explanation of it:
Both related values have to end in the same reducer (defined by the key and the Partitioner) and they should be grouped together (GroupingComparator) and may be use a SecondSort to order the grouped values.

How do I split in Pig a tuple of many maps into different rows

I have a relation in Pig that looks like this:
As you can see, I have three map objects within a tuple. All of the data above is within the $0'th field in the relation. So the data above in a relation with a single bytearray column.
The data is loaded as follows:
data = load 's3://data/data' using com.twitter.elephantbird.pig.load.JsonLoader('-nestedLoad');
data: {bytearray}
How do I split this data structure into three rows so that the output is as follows?
data: {account_id:chararray, timestamp:chararray, id:int}
(100, 1434,900)
(100, 1434,901)
(100, 1434,902)
It is very difficult to guess your problem without having a sample input data. If this is an intermediate result, then write it out using a STORE and put the output file as something that we can input to try out. I was able to solve this using STRSPLIT but am not sure if you meant that the input is a single column and a single row or are these three different rows with the same column.
In either case, Flattening out the data using the FLATTEN operator and using STRSPLIT later should help. If I get more information and input data for the problem, I can give a working example.
Data -> FLATTEN to get out of bag -> STRSPLIT over "," in a FOREACH,GENERATE

Input/Output flow in map reduce chaining

i need help regarding map reduce chaining.i have a map reduce chain like this
i want the output of reducer to be used in the last mapper
for example, in my reducer i am getting the max salary of an employee and this value is supposed to be used in the next mapper and find the record with that max salary obviously my last mapper should get the output of the reducer and the contents of the file?is it possible?how can i fix the problem?any better solution?
I'm not sure i understood the problem, but i will try to help.
You have reduced some input containing an employee salaries (lets call it input1) into output (lets call it output1) that looks like that:
Key: someEmployee Value: max salary.
and now you want another mapper to to map the data from both input1 and output1?
if so, than u have few options, u may choose one according to your needs.
Manipulate first reducer output. instad of creating output1 in the format Key: someEmployee Value:
and than create new job, and set the new mapper input as output1.
Try reading this issue explaining how to get multiple inputs into one mapper

retrieving unique results from a column in a text file with Hadoop MapReduce

I have the data set below. I want to get a unique list of the first column as the output. {9719,382 ..} there are integers in the end of the each line so checking if it starts and ends with a number is not a way and i couldn't think of a solution. Can you show me how to do it? I'd really
appreciate it if you show it in detail.(with what to do in map and what to do in reduce step)
id - - [date] "URL"
In your mapper you should parse each line and write out the token that you are interested in from the beginning of the line (e.g. 9719) as the Key in a Key-Value pair (the Value is irrelevant in this case). Since the keys will be sorted before sending to the reducer, all you need to do in the reducer is iterate thru the values and each time a value changes, output it.
The WordCount example app that is packaged with Hadoop is very close to what you need.
