How to pass a complex type parameter (DTO object) to GET requests? -

I have an n-tier application, whereas the core web service is built with Web API. many of the web service's methods are set as HTTPGET and accept a DTO object as parameter. my client app, built with MVC 5 is using HttpClient to call this API.
so it seems that by using client.PostAsJsonAsync() I can pass an object, whereas client.GetAsync() doesn't allow me to do that. this forces me to explicitly specify the properties of DTO in the URL, which works, but seem a bit redundant.
Can somebody explain why this is not possible through a GET call and suggest a better practice?

Why does passing data in the URI seem redundant? The HTTP spec says that GET methods are not to use content sent in the body. This is primarily to facilitate caches being able to cache responses based only on the URI, method and headers. Requiring caches to parse the body of a message to identify a resource would be very inefficient.
Here is an basic extension method that will do the grunt work for you,
public static class UriExtensions
public static Uri AddToQuery<T>(this Uri requestUri,T dto)
Type t = typeof (T);
var properties = t.GetProperties();
var dictionary = properties.ToDictionary(info => info.Name,
info => info.GetValue(dto, null).ToString());
var formContent = new FormUrlEncodedContent(dictionary);
var uriBuilder = new UriBuilder(requestUri) {Query = formContent.ReadAsStringAsync().Result};
return uriBuilder.Uri;
and assuming you have a DTO like this,
public class Foo
public string Bar { get; set; }
public int Baz { get; set; }
you can use it like this.
public void Foo()
var foo = new Foo()
Bar = "hello world",
Baz = 10
var uri = new Uri("");
var uri2 = uri.AddToQuery(foo);
Assert.Equal("", uri2.AbsoluteUri);


Dynamic connection string to Web Api

I am exposing my repository operations through web api. Repository has been implemented with Entity framework and Unit Of Work Pattern. I have many instances of the same database. Each one represent the data of a different Client. Now the issue is how can I set the connection string dynamically through each webapi call? Should I get connection string parameter with each call ? Or I should host web Api per client ?
Based on the information provided, I would use the same controller and look up the connection string rather than rather than hosting separate Web API instances for each client. There would be more complexity in hosting multiple instances and given the only difference indicated is the connection string, I do not think the complexity would be justified.
The first thing we will need to do is determine which client is calling in order to get the appropriate connection string. This could be done with tokens, headers, request data, or routing. Routing is simplest and most generally accessible to clients, so I will demonstrate using it; however, carefully consider your requirements in deciding how you will make the determination.
[Route( "{clientId}" )]
public Foo Get( string clientId ) { /* ... */ }
Next we need to get the right DbContext for the client. We want to keep using DI but that is complicated in that we do not know until after the Controller is created what connection string is needed to construct the object. Therefore, we need to inject some form of factory rather than the object itself. In this case we will represent this as a Func<string, IUnitOfWork> with the understanding it takes the 'clientId' as a string and returns an appropriately instantiated IUnitOfWork. We could alternatively use a named interface for this.
public class FooController : ApiController
private Func<string, IUnitOfWork> unitOfWorkFactory;
public FooController( Func<string, IUnitOfWork> unitOfWorkFactory )
this.unitOfWorkFactory = unitOfWorkFactory;
[Route( "{clientId}" )]
public Foo Get( string clientId )
var unitOfWork = unitOfWorkFactory(clientId);
// ...
All that remains is configuring our dependency injection container to provide us that Func<string, IUnitOfWork>. This could vary significantly between implementation. The following is one possible way to do it in Autofac.
protected override void Load( ContainerBuilder builder )
// It is expected `MyDbContext` has a constructor that takes the connection string as a parameter
// This registration may need to be tweaked depending on what other constructors you have.
// It is expected `UnitOfWork`'s constructor takes a `DbContext` as a parameter
builder.Register<Func<string, Bar>>(
c =>
var dbContextFactory = c.Resolve<Func<string, DbContext>>();
var unitOfWorkFactory = c.Resolve<Func<DbContext, IUnitOfWork>>();
return clientId =>
// You may have injected another type to help with this
var connectionString = GetConnectionStringForClient(clientId);
return unitOfWorkFactory(dbContextFactory(connectionString));
Autofac is used since comments indicates Autofac is currently being used, though similar results would be possible with other containers.
With that the controller should be able to be instantiated and the appropriate connection string will be used for each request.
Example registration based on linked project:
builder.Register<Func<string, IEmployeeService>>(
c =>
var dbContextFactory = c.Resolve<Func<string, IMainContext>>();
var unitOfWorkFactory = c.Resolve<Func<IMainContext, IUnitOfWork>>();
var repositoryFactory = c.Resolve<Func<IMainContext, IEmployeeRepository>>();
var serviceFactory = c.Resolve<Func<IUnitOfWork, IEmployeeService>>();
return clientId =>
// You may have injected another type to help with this
var connectionString = GetConnectionStringForClient(clientId);
IMainContext dbContext = dbContextFactory(connectionString);
IUnitOfWork unitOfWork = unitOfWorkFactory(dbContext);
IEmployeeRepository employeeRepository = repositoryFactory(dbContext);
unitOfWork.employeeRepositoty = employeeRepository;
return serviceFactory(unitOfWork);
If you find the registration grows too cumbersome because of needing to do a little wiring manually, you probably need to look at updating (or creating a new) container after you have determined the client so that you can rely more on the container.
You can change the connectionstring per DbContext instance
public class AwesomeContext : DbContext
public AwesomeContext (string connectionString)
: base(connectionString)
public DbSet<AwesomePeople> AwesomePeoples { get; set; }
And then use your DbContext like this:
using(AwesomeContext context = new AwesomeContext("newConnectionString"))
return context.AwesomePeoples.ToList();
Depending on how many ConnectionStrings there are you can make a DB table for the client / constring mapping or save it in the solution (array for example).
If you can't/don't want to change the constructor you can do it later as well
Add this to your DbContext override:
public void SetConnectionString(string connectionString)
this.Database.Connection.ConnectionString = connectionString;
And call the method before you do any DB operations:
using(AwesomeContext context = new AwesomeContext())
return context.AwesomePeoples.ToList();

Post Binary array to Web API Controller

I am trying to POST form data which consists of few string variable and binary array.
Below is the Model for the form data.
public class FileModel
public string Path { get; set; }
public byte[] File { get; set; }
Below is my Web API Controller.
public IHttpActionResult Post([FromBody]FileModel media)
// Can I use ??
byte[] requestFile = media.File;
string requestFilePath = media.Path;
//Process the above variables
return Ok();
I would like to know Can I use the following code to de-serialize the following code snippet to to read the values from the JSON payload including the binary data?
byte[] requestFile = media.File;
string requestFilePath = media.Path;
If Yes, Do I need to define any formatter class to get it working?
I normally use POSTMAN to test my RESTful endpoints.
Is it possible to use POSTMAN still to POST binary array? May be not need to write my own client
You'll need to use a serializer to serialize complex objects (multiple fields) as content for a Http Request.
For your code snippet to read the object from the content you can use this:
var requestContent = Request.Content.ReadAsAsync<FileModel>(GetJsonSerializer()).Result;
Here's the serializer boilerplate code.
private JsonMediaTypeFormatter GetJsonSerializer()
JsonSerializerSettings settings = new JsonSerializerSettings()
PreserveReferencesHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.PreserveReferencesHandling.All,
TypeNameHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.TypeNameHandling.All
return new JsonMediaTypeFormatter() { SerializerSettings = settings };
I'm not sure how to use POSTMAN to test this. A simple .net client would be:
var Client = new HttpClient();
Client.BaseAddress = new Uri("localhost"); //whatever your endpoint is
FileModel objectToSend = new FileModel();
var objectContent = new ObjectContent<FileModel>(objectToSend, GetJsonSerializer() );
var response = Client.PostAsync("uri", objectContent);
You are able to use POSTMAN to test binary file input. Selecting the body tab, you can then pick the radio button "binary" and then choose file.

Referencing Action Parameters from ExceptionLogger

I'm wanting to make use of the new method for globally logging errors. I've written a class that inherits ExceptionLogger and overrides the Log() method. Then registered it as a replacement.
public class TraceExceptionLogger : ExceptionLogger
public async override void Log(ExceptionLoggerContext context)
// This is always empty string
var content = await context.Request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
// This is almost always null
var actionContext = context.ExceptionContext.ActionContext;
I can dig through the ExceptionLoggerContext object's properties to get pretty much everything I need, EXCEPT for action parameters. There is indeed an ActionContext property but I've only seen it null and this wiki page states that ActionContext and ControllerContext will almost always be null.
Also, I can't get the content stream because its stream is already read before it gets to my logger. So there's no way for me to get any posted json from the request's content.
Is there maybe a way to get the posted data from HttpContext.Current or in some other way?
Ok it looks like I can get the body text from HttpContext by reading InputStream on the Request object like this:
string bodyText = string.Empty;
using (var sr = new StreamReader(HttpContext.Current.Request.InputStream))
sr.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
bodyText = sr.ReadToEnd();
This code has been successful me so far for getting my posted json data.
Here's action parameters for future reference
public class HomeController : ApiController {
public string Get(string id, [FromHeader] Whoever whoever) {
public string Post(Whatever whatever) {
var args = ((ApiController) context.ExceptionContext
if (args.ContainsKey("whatever")) {
var whatever = (Whatever)args["whatever"];

How to send an array via a URI using Attribute Routing in Web API?

I'm following the article on Attribute Routing in Web API 2 to try to send an array via URI:
public HttpResponseMessage CopySet([FromUri]int[] ids)
This was working when using convention-based routing:
But with attribute routing it is no longer working - I get 404 not found.
If I try this:
Then it works - I get an array with one element.
How do I use attribute routing in this manner?
The behavior you are noticing is more related to Action selection & Model binding rather than Attribute Routing.
If you are expecting 'ids' to come from query string, then modify your route template like below(because the way you have defined it makes 'ids' mandatory in the uri path):
Looking at your second question, are you looking to accept a list of ids within the uri itself, like api/set/copy/[1,2,3]? if yes, I do not think web api has in-built support for this kind of model binding.
You could implement a custom parameter binding like below to achieve it though(I am guessing there are other better ways to achieve this like via modelbinders and value providers, but i am not much aware of you could probably need to explore those options too):
public HttpResponseMessage CopySet([CustomParamBinding]int[] ids)
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter, Inherited = false, AllowMultiple = false)]
public class CustomParamBindingAttribute : ParameterBindingAttribute
public override HttpParameterBinding GetBinding(HttpParameterDescriptor paramDesc)
return new CustomParamBinding(paramDesc);
public class CustomParamBinding : HttpParameterBinding
public CustomParamBinding(HttpParameterDescriptor paramDesc) : base(paramDesc) { }
public override bool WillReadBody
return false;
public override Task ExecuteBindingAsync(ModelMetadataProvider metadataProvider, HttpActionContext actionContext,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
string idsAsString = actionContext.Request.GetRouteData().Values["ids"].ToString();
idsAsString = idsAsString.Trim('[', ']');
IEnumerable<string> ids = idsAsString.Split(',');
ids = ids.Where(str => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(str));
IEnumerable<int> idList = ids.Select(strId =>
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strId)) return -1;
return Convert.ToInt32(strId);
SetValue(actionContext, idList);
TaskCompletionSource<object> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
return tcs.Task;

How to check attribute of action from HttpRequest

I've followed this Prevent Forms authentication in order to try and handle redirecting from ajax gracefully. However I need to be able to determine if certain attributes are decorating the action that this call was made for as I only want to do this for some occasions. Can I get this information from the HttpRequest object that is accessible within this method?.
Essentially taking the part from the code above that I would like to manipulate:
public class SuppressFormsAuthenticationRedirectModule : IHttpModule {
private void OnPostReleaseRequestState(object source, EventArgs args) {
var context = (HttpApplication)source;
var response = context.Response;
var request = context.Request; // request is HttpRequest
if (response.StatusCode == 401 && request.Headers["X-Requested-With"] ==
"XMLHttpRequest") {
// TODO HERE: Check that the controller action contains a particular attribute
// and if so do not suppress redirect
It's probably worth noting that this code is held within a compiled DLL project that is then encorporated into a host MVC application (which we don't have access to). In that case I don't really have access to changing default implementations unless I can ensure it doesn't effect the rest of the controllers in the application.
I tried to use as much of the framework as possible, which is why I chose to expose the GetControllerType method from the DefaultControllerFactory. You'll notice that routeData contains the area, controller and action, so with a bit of reflection, you can bypass having to create a derived controller factory.
This is definitely not production ready. It is just a way to get the custom attributes from the requested action.
Edit: instead of setting the current controller factory, create a new DerivedControllerFactory
var httpApplication = (HttpApplication)sender;
var httpContext = new HttpContext(httpApplication.Request, new HttpResponse(new StringWriter()));
var routeData = RouteTable.Routes.GetRouteData(new HttpContextWrapper(httpContext));
//var factory = ControllerBuilder.Current.GetControllerFactory() as DerivedControllerFactory;
var factory = new DerivedControllerFactory();
var controllerType = factory.GetControllerType(new RequestContext(new HttpContextWrapper(httpContext), routeData), routeData.Values["controller"].ToString());
var methodInfo = controllerType.GetMethod(routeData.Values["action"].ToString());
var attributes = methodInfo.GetCustomAttributes(true);
public class DerivedControllerFactory : DefaultControllerFactory
public new Type GetControllerType(RequestContext requestContext, string controllerName)
return base.GetControllerType(requestContext, controllerName);
