SCCM 2012 multiple search terms using OR statement - sccm

I have a collection of 100s of machines in SCCM 2012
I have a short list of machines that I need to add to another collection, is there any way using the search bar at the top of the collection display view to have multiple terms? I've tried commas and semi colons. These are machine names, and I cannot create a new query or collection as the machines have no information that seperates them in SCCM, they are seperated by which building they are in, which SCCM is not aware of.

Does this help at all?
Tips for Finding Objects in the Configuration Manager 2012 Console

In the search bar you are very limited.
But you mention you have no information to separate them.
IP range? Operation Unit in AD?
Worse case you need create a collection with direct add's.
Very time consuming, I only use them for test cases (so a few ~10 max machines).

I would suggest you use AD Groups to collect the required machines together and target those via a query rule in the collection membership (in collection properties).
You can use the below WQL in the query text input box by adding your own (short, not FQDN) domain and AD Group name below
select SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceID,
SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client from
SMS_R_System where
SMS_R_System.SecurityGroupName = "<Enter Domain>\\<Enter AD Group Name>"
This does assume that AD Discovery is configured properly in your site. You should also be aware that there is a delay in SCCM reflecting changes in AD Groups.
Additionally, if you have a relatively recent Domain Functional Level, you can utilise Dynamic Groups to auto-populate the groups based on AD attributes. I haven't got this available yet, but it looks set to hot-rod SCCM management somewhat when it becomes available.
Best wishes...


how to restrict access to documents in elasticsearch?

I'm designing a solution and want to leverage some of Elasticsearch's query capabilities (version 7.x). We are expected to have around 10M documents per index.
Documents might have different 'associations' to what we call 'users' (not necessarily same meaning as in ES) -
associated to all, queryable in any context.
associated to single user, should appear only in this user context searches.
associated to a 'groups' of users (of size of up to 1000K), should appear in queries for user's of this group.
We expect to have a lot of users, in the 100Ks or so. which also mean we might have a lot of different groups, each 2 users might form a custom group.
I've been investigating ES's capabilities and it looks like each solution I came up with have disadvantages:
RBAC - will require creating a lot of rolls (per user + per group, can ES even handle that many?)
ABAC - will require creating a lot of users (can ES even handle that many?)
Simple AND clauses on a dedicated properties (complex template of the query as explained here)
it is important to note that I have a single user that I will be using in order to query on behalf of the users I will create, in case I will choose to go down this path.
I came across this question but I figured that thing might have evolved since its been answered Document access control in ElasticSearch
Any other suggestions that I should check out? maybe even custom 3rd party solutions?

Solr - schema per user group

currently I'm developing user-search application where users can do a full-text search. It should be extremely fast and there can be a lot of users, like 100.000. There are also like 10.000 user groups. Now I came across Solr and started to implement this, but it seems like I'm failing at the design level.
The requirements:
There is a default schema which is applied to all user groups
Each user is assigned to exactly one user group
A user group can have additional fields (besides the default schema) which should be displayed in the result set (so they can extend the data with custom data)
The search should be extremely fast
How would you realize that application that suits the requirements?
First, I thought about creating a "master core" for the default schema and create a core for each user group, so that I could join the necessary cores when a user requests the data. But it seems like that joining cores in standalone would not work because it does not support sharding. However, even if it would work, I'm concerned about performance because of joining at query time.
SolrCloud does seem to support sharding, but again, I would need to join the queries to one result set which would impact performance again. Additionally, I came across this post Query multiple collections with different fields in solr which says that I would need a merged schema (share-unification) to be able to query across collections/shards. So this would mean: whenever a user group's schema is changed, I would need to change my share-unifacation. As all user group's schemas rely on the share-unification, the search would be unavailable because I would need to re-index at least two schemas.
A simple solution would be to put everything into a single core (standalone) or collection (cloud), but this feels overwhelming.
Has someone did something similar before and can give a good advice or even a best practice?

Dynamically generate data based notifications platform

In our project we have a requirement to create dynamic notifications that "pop" in our site when a relevant rule applies.
We are based on oracle exadata as our main database.
This feature is suppose to allow the users to create dynamic rules that will be occasionally checked.
These rules may check specific fields in certain types, and may also check these fields relatively to other types field's data.
For example, if our program has a table of cars, with a location column, and another table of streets, with location column (no direct relation between those two tables), we might need to notify the users if a car is in a certain street.
Is there a good platform that can help us calculate the kind of "rules" that we want to check?
We started looking at elasticsearch and neo4j (we have a specific module that involves a graph-like relations..), but we aren't sure that they would be the right solution.
Any idea would be appreciated :)
Neo4j could help you to express your rules, but it sounds as if your disconnected data is rather queried by SQL style joins?
So if you want to express and manage your rules in predicates in the graph you can do that easily and then get a list of applicable rules to trigger queries in other databases.

How flexible is Pentaho for dynamic transformations? (user-input based parameters)

Based on the following use case, how flexible are pentaho tools to accomplish a dynamic transformation?
The user needs to make a first choice from a catalog. (using a web interface)
Based on the previously selected item, the user has to select from another catalog (this second catalog must be filtered based on the first selection).
steps 1 and 2 may repeat in some cases, (i.e. more than two dynamic and dependent parameters).
From what the user chose in step 1 and 2, the ETL has to extract information from a database. The tables to select data from will depend on what the user chose in previous steps. Most of the tables have a similar structure but different name based on the selected item. Some tables have different structure and the user have to be able to select the fields in step 2, again based on the selection of step 1.
All the selections made by the user should be able to be saved, so the user doesn't have to repeat the selection in the future, only re-run the process to get updated information based on the pre-selected filters. However he/she must be able to make a different selection and save it for further use if he/she wants different parameters.
Is there any web-based tool to allow the user to make all this choices based? I made the whole process using kettle but not dynamically, since all the parameters need to be passed when running the process in the console. The thing is, the end user doesn't know all the parameter values unless you show them and let them chose, and some parameters depend on a previous selection. When testing I can use my test-case scenario parameters, so I have no problem, but in production there is no way to know in advance what combination the user will chose.
I found a similar question, but it doesn't seem to require user input between transformation steps.
I'd appreciate any comments about the capabilities of Pentaho tools to accomplish the aforementioned use case.
I would disagree with the other answer here. If you use CDE it is possible to build a front end that will easily do those prompts you suggest. And the beauty of CDE is that a transformation can be a native data source via the CDA data access layer. In this environment kettle is barely any slower than executing the query directly.
The key thing with PDI performance is to avoid starting the JVM again and again - when running in a web app you're already going so performance will be good.
Also; The latest release of PDI5 will have the "light jdbc" driver (EE customers) which is basically a SQL interface on PDI jobs. So that again shows that PDI is much more these days than just a "batch" etl process.
This is completely outside the realm of a Kettle use case. The response time from Kettle is far too slow for anything user facing. It's real strength is in running batch ETL processes.
See, for example, this slideshow (especially slide 11) for examples of typical Kettle use cases.

solr More than on entity in DataImportHandler

I need to know what is the recommended solution when I want to index my solr data using multiple queries and entities.
I ask because I have to add a new fields into schema.xml configuration. And depends of entity(query) there should be different fields definition.
query_one = "select * from car"
query_two = "select * fromm user"
Tables car and user have differents fields, so I should include this little fact in my schema.xml config (when i will be preparing fields definition).
Maybe someone of you creates a new solr instance for that kind of problem ?
I found something what is call MultiCore. Is it alright solution for my problem ?
Solr does not stop you to host multiple entities in a single collection.
You can define the fields for both the entities and have them hosted within the Collection.
You would need to have an identifier to identify the Entities, if you want to filter the results per entity.
If your collections are small or there is a relationship between the User and Car it might be helpful to host them within the same collection
For Solr Multicore Check Answer
Solr Multicore is basically a set up for allowing Solr to host multiple cores.
These Cores which would host a complete different set of unrelated entities.
You can have a separate Core for each table as well.
For e.g. If you have collections for Documents, People, Stocks which are completely unrelated entities you would want to host then in different collections
Multicore setup would allow you to
Host unrelated entities separately so that they don't impact each other
Having a different configuration for each core with different behavior
Performing activities on each core differently (Update data, Load, Reload, Replication)
keep the size of the core in check and configure caching accordingly
Its more a matter of preference and requirements.
The main question for you is whether people will search for cars and users together. If not (they are different domains), you can setup multiple collections/cores. If they are going to be used together (e.g. a search for something that shows up in both cars and people), you may want to merge them into one index.
If you do use single collection for both types, you may want to setup dedicated request handlers returning different sets of fields and possibly tuning the searches. You can see an example of doing that (and a bit more) in the multilingual example from my book.
