How to Build Xcode build with Maven plugin - xcode

I'm trying to build Xcode app with maven plugin, i worte pom.xml as shown in below
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
i installed maven, and run with maven using terminal, but my app not build successfully, i got error
"Failed to execute goal (default-prepare-xcode-build) on project SampleMaven: Execution default-prepare-xcode-build of goal failed: A required class was missing while executing Lorg/sonatype/aether/RepositorySystem"
will you please help me to solve this issue.

You'll need to downgrade to Maven 3.0.x since the plugin is not compatible with later versions of Maven. The reason is that the Java package org.sonatype.aether.* has been renamed to org.eclipse.aether.*.


NoFileAssignedException exception when generating karaf feature with maven

I have an error in my karaf feature project wher I run my mvn install. Here is the pom.xml:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
When I run my mvn clean install I get this error:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:3.0.0-M1:install (default-install) on project dmasoft-feature: NoFileAssignedException: The packaging plugin for this project did not assign a main file to the project but it has attachments. Change packaging to 'pom'. -> [Help 1]
The maven-install-plugin:3.0.0-M1 was released as of 01/10/2018
Since, I got the same error with flexmojos projects where packaging was set to .
Solution is to set the version for the maven-install-plugin to the previous version (2.5.2) explicitly so it won't resolve the version automatically.
Note: I had to do this for the maven-deploy-plugin too. There may be others.
Now you can change to 1.7 1.7 instead of setting maven plugins version if you are using it.

Packaging using Maven

I have a Java web application deployed using Tomcat. I want to package the Tomcat ROOT into .WAR file using Maven. Can someone guide me through the process?
Thank you
Create a pom.xml file in the ROOT directory with the following code.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
Then execute the following command in the command line mvn:clean install.
The war file will be generated to the target directory.

adding java core libraries from maven central repository

I am new to maven.
I was trying a simple maven project in which i want to include the core java library from maven central repository.
I found this dependency from
<name>Sun Java Runtime Environment</name>
<description>Java Runtime Environment that can be found in Sun's JRE lib folder</description>
But maven stores rt's pom in local repository, i am not able to access rt jar which has java core libraries.
I suggest following :
# Create maven project using Eclipse
# Open pom.xml and add following build tag
Refer below sample pom.xml
<project xmlns=""
<!-- Added Java8 support -->
# Right click on Project and choose Maven-> Update Project...
# Refresh your project you will see JRE System Library [JavaSE-1.8]
# Hope this will helps!!

Sonar does not run phpunit in zend project

I need to run sonar on a Zend project using maven.
Everything works fine except that Sonar ignores the unit tests completely and does not run them or show their results in the report.
No errors of any kind are reported in the log.
I am using:
PHPUnit 3.6,
Zend 1.11,
Sonar 3.7
here is my pom:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>quick start</name>
<!-- For the moment, specify pom as packaging for php projects -->
<sonar.projectName>PHP project quick start</sonar.projectName>
<sonar.phpCodesniffer.argumentLine>--ignore=**/library/** </sonar.phpCodesniffer.argumentLine>
<sonar.phpPmd.argumentLine>--exclude **\library\**</sonar.phpPmd.argumentLine>
<!--<sonar.phpUnit.mainTestClass></sonar.phpUnit.mainTestClass> -->
<!--<sonar.phpUnit.configuration>${basedir}/tests/phpunit.xml</sonar.phpUnit.configuration> -->
any ideas what I am missing?
Solved I need to edit:

Maven descriptor (META-INF/maven) duplicate entry in archive

I'm facing a problem with maven build. I have several ejb projects. After maven build the jar-file contains the maven descriptor in META-INF/maven twice, i.e. if I extract files to disk 7zip asks to overwrite files although extracted to a new folder. If a specify <addMavenDescriptor>false</addMavenDescriptor> in the archive-tag of the ejb plugin then the maven decriptor is still generated but only once. Is there another place where I can disable maven descriptor generation or does anybody know the reason for the duplicate generation?
Maven version is: 3.0.3
Project structure is like:
Here is the pom.xml of the EJB module:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
Here is the pom.xml of the parent project.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
I found out that this is a problem special to eclipse version (I have RAD 8 trial) and possibily of the m2e plugin version. The above behavior (duplicate generation of maven descriptors) occurs only if I have the EJB project in my workspace added. That means if I remove the EJB project from workspace (without deleting contents on disk) such that only the hierarchal parent maven project (pom packaged) is existing in the workspace (which contains the EJB project but EJB project is then not known to eclipse) then everything works fine. Strange, isn't it?!
BTW: on current eclipse (java ee package) this doesn't occur, all fine there.
