RetrieveMultipleRequest.MinActiveRowVersion what it this and when is it ever not -1 - dynamics-crm

I have been investigating ways to synchronise incremental changes with dynamics crm.
I stumbled accross the MinActiveRowVersion property of RetrieveMultipleRequest
var orgService = serviceProvider.GetOrganisationService();
using (orgService as IDisposable)
var accounts = orgService.RetrieveMultiple(new QueryExpression("account") { ColumnSet = new ColumnSet("accountid") });
Console.WriteLine("min active is: " + accounts.MinActiveRowVersion);
This property always returns "-1" during my testing, even when I am trying to simulate transactions going on in the background, but its tricky to do.
My understanding of MinActiveRowVersion from a SQL perspective comes from here:-
So my question is, is anyone able to clarify exactly what this MinActiveRowVersion property is, because I can't find anything useful in the SDK documentation!

To the best of my knowledge and experience it is never used and will always equal-1. Under the cover it is hard coded as a long and converted to a string when the EntityCollection object is built - so it will always be -1.
The SDK defines it as "the lowest active row version value" which implies it is related to SQL row versions, but CRM does not make use of this field. It is defined the same in the CRM 2011 and CRM 2013 SDKs.
In CRM 4 we had the BusinessEntityCollection, which was EntityCollection's predecessor. It had an unused string property called Version.
My guess, back when the CRM 2011 was being designed it got added for some potential functionality - which didn't survive - and never removed before it went RTM. Once it was released the product team didn't want to change the class definition and break existing code so they just left it there to live on returning -1.

MinActiveRowVersion is returned in the fetch response if the fetch query contained the attribute min-active-row-version=1. (In the same tag where page and distinct attributes are specified.)
We rely on this behavior for years. (And yes, we use it for synchronization of changes. Rowversion appears to be the only reliable tool. Note that not all Dynamics entities have Rowversion column. E.g. duplicaterule entity does not use it. For such entities we use modifiedon column.)
Here are some citations from $MS documentation:
##DBTS = The last-used timestamp value of the current database.
MIN_ACTIVE_ROWVERSION = The lowest active rowversion value in the
current database; ##DBTS + 1 if there are no active values in the
A rowversion value is active if it is used in a transaction that has
not yet been committed.


Apply a sort to a dataset in a PowerApps component (PCF)

I’m trying to create a new dataset type Powerapps Component (PCF). For the moment I am using it to display a view of the records that are available in an entity in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
I wish to make the view sort itself when I click on the grid column headers (in a similar way that the default CRM grid view does). I'm trying to figure out how to apply a sort to the dataset so that I can refresh it as indicated by the documentation for the dataset.refresh() function:
Refreshes the dataset based on filters, sorting, linking, new column.
New data will be pushed to control in another 'updateView' cycle.
The dataset object does have a “sorting” property, but changing its value and then refreshing the dataset doesn’t seem to have any effect. After the refresh, the sorting property reverts to the value it had before I changed it.
In short, the click handler for the grid header does something like the following bit of code. The refresh gets done and my updateView() function gets called as expected but the sorting was not applied.
dataset.sorting = [{name: 'createdon', sortDirection: 1}];
Any help on getting the dataset sorting to work would be appreciated.
I've been experimenting with PowerApps Component Framework a little bit recently and I can confirm that the following code won't be working:
dataSet.sorting = [ { name: "columnName", sortDirection: 0 } ];
However, I managed to get this one working for me:
dataSet.sorting.pop(); // you may want to clean up the whole collection
dataSet.sorting.push({ name: "columnName", sortDirection: 0 });
I haven't really figured out the reason of this behavior. The sorting array may be implemented as some form of observable collection in the background.
I hope this will guide you to a functioning solution.
The documentation is pretty abysmal here, but here is my best guess from putting a few different pieces of information together.
TLDR: I think there is some kind of extra method that needs to be called on the .sorting property, but I can't find out what it is called. Maybe something like:
dataset.sorting.setSorting({name: 'createdon', sortDirection: 1});
I think you're going to have to try a bunch of likely method names and see what works.
Background and links:
The only reference I could find to dataset.sorting was from here:
In this preview for canvas apps, only a limited set of filtering and sortStatus methods are supported. Filter and sort can be applied to dataset on primary type columns except for the GUID. Filter and sorting can be applied in the same way as in model-driven apps.To retrieve the dataset with filtering and sorting information, call
the methods in context.parameters.[dataset_property_name].filtering
and context.parameters.[dataset_property_name].sorting, then invoke
the context.parameters.[dataset_property_name].refresh().
So it seems that the .filtering and .sorting properties are handled similarly, and that there are some methods attached to them, and only some are supported. That is about as vague as they could make it...
I did find an example of how .filtering is used:
conditions: conditionArray,
filterOperator: 1, // Or
There is a brief reference to .setFilter() in the docs, as well as FilterExpression
There is a SortStatus reference, but it doesn't have any corresponding methods explicitly called out. It is possible that this is not yet a supported feature in the public preview, or the documentation is lacking and the name and syntax of the method you need to call on .sorting is not yet documented.

Invalid Named Property

We call the microsoft exchange to set the extended property which in our case is an unique guid An internal server error occurred. The operation failed., Invalid named property
Its been working great until now when some of our users are facing the above issue ....
val uId = getUniqueId();
val emailExtendedPropDef = new ExtendedPropertyDefinition(uId,"uniqueId", MapiPropertyType.String)
try {
email.setExtendedProperty(emailExtendedPropDef, uId.toString)
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
error(s"Exception in setting extended property for user $from", e)
throw e
trying to find the root cause of the issue, we are also thinking it might be related to throttling on Microsoft exchange for extended properties (Not sure how to prove if it's indeed throttling) any help to point us in the right direction will be of great help
Our use case is to able to retrieve the email when customer want's to reply back we want to retrieve that particular email to be included in users reply....currently we are using the uid to achieve that ....
we have been using the code as per the documentation here
and also the documentation here
Update : As per the comments we do understand that we have to treat extendedProperty as a column definition and update the same column ...but we couldn't figure out how to achieve this as...Any code samples to point us in the right direction will be of great help
Latest Update : We have deleted some of the extendedPropertyDefinition's but still facing the same invalid property could some one please point us in the right direction
Is it safe to say that getUniqueId returns a different guid on each call? If so, then that is the problem. Think of the Guid for an extended prop as a namespace. The exchange store limits the number of custom extended props to something like 32k per mailbox. So you are likely hitting that limit. But aside from that, the main reason for creating an extended property is so that you can refer to it later. But if you are basically discarding the namespace each time, you are leaving orphaned props on items. Without understanding your particular scenario, I can only say that the Guid should be thought of truly as a namespace. Choose one for your app/company/scenario and hard code it. They create all the named props you want within that namespace. For instance, "MyProp/String" in Guid namespace 1 is a different property than "MyProp/String" in Guid namespace 2.

Adding DynamicPropertyInstance doesn't mark the SalesOrderDetail as valid

I have the following code:
var propertyInstance = new DynamicPropertyInstance()
DynamicPropertyId = new EntityReference(DynamicProperty.EntityLogicalName, Guid.Parse("0ceedfcc-68b2-e711-8168-e0071b658ea1")),
ValueString = jobId.ToString(),
RegardingObjectId = line.ToEntityReference(),
It is successfully adding a DynamicPropertyInstance to a SalesOrderLine, but when viewing the Order in the CRM UI it does not pass the validation (as it is a required property). I've not managed to find a way to make this property valid. Editing the property that I've added in the UI (resetting the value) also fails to mark the instance as valid. Adding exactly the same property through the UI does mark it as valid.
The Id of the DynamicProperty is correct, as verified by loading the 2 instance records through the SDK and comparing the properties. Rather strangely, when I load the 2 records through the SDK the one I've created in code has a validationstatus of true (even though it's not) and the one that I've created in the UI has a validationstatus of false and ValueString returns null (which is wrong). All of the other properties either match or have relevant values (such as dates, object Ids etc)
I'm probably missing a method call to recalculate whether the instance is valid or not, but I can't find anything in the documentation to support that. Failing that, it's possibly a bug in CRM
Raised a case with Microsoft support, and was given some workaround code:
//Get DynamicPropertyInstance
UpdateProductPropertiesRequest UpdateRequest = new UpdateProductPropertiesRequest();
UpdateRequest.PropertyInstanceList = new EntityCollection();
UpdateRequest.PropertyInstanceList.EntityName = DynamicPropertyInstance.EntityLogicalName;
Entity dpInstance = new Entity(DynamicPropertyInstance.EntityLogicalName, Dpi.Id);
dpInstance.Attributes.Add(nameof(Dpi.ValueString).ToLower(), "Blarg");
dpInstance.Attributes.Add(nameof(Dpi.DynamicPropertyInstanceid).ToLower(), Dpi.Id);
dpInstance.Attributes.Add(nameof(Dpi.RegardingObjectId).ToLower(), new EntityReference(SalesOrderDetail.EntityLogicalName, line.Id));
dpInstance.Attributes.Add(nameof(Dpi.DynamicPropertyId).ToLower(), new EntityReference(DynamicProperty.EntityLogicalName, dpId));
Basically, it looks like you have to re-set or re-attach the entities for CRM to pick it up, so this is a workaround for a bug in CRM

Updating opportunity when opportunity is won

I've got the task of updating a CRM plugin for a system migrating from cm 2013 to 2016. The plugin fails because it tries to set the opportunity state to won, simply by updating the field. And you need to use the WinOpporunityRequest to do so.
The logic is as follows:
When the opportunity is won the plugin executes and runs on the opportunityclose entity
The plugin creates a new custom entity record (project) and updates several other records.
It gets the current opportunity by using the opportunityid of the opportunityclose entity
It updates a field on the opportunity with a reference to the newly created project record.
That update is done through the Update() method.
On 5 it fails because when at 3 it gets the current opportunity it already has the state of won. And if you try to update the record with a new state it fails.
My question is, how can I get the opportunity when acting on the opportunityclose entity and update only the one single field. I do not need to set the state as this is done in the standard CRM flow.
The line of code that fetches the opportunity:
Xrm.Opportunity currentOpportunityObjectToUpdate = serviceContext.CreateQuery<Xrm.Opportunity>().First(x => x.Id == entityRef.Id);
The platform allows you to update closed opportunities, I just tried it to verify. What is the error you are getting?
In step #5, make sure you're only sending the attributes you're trying to update (opportunityid and lookup to project). So, when you issue the update, don't use any preexisting opportunity object that you either retrieved or created...doing so sends all attributes that are on the object and the platform will process each attribute as if it were being changed even if the value is unchanged. Instead, create a new opportunity object with just the id and project specified, something like this:
context.AddObject(new Opportunity() {
Id = idOfOpportunity, // you may have to specify id both here...
OpportunityId = idOfOpportunity, // ...and here, can never remember. Doesn't hurt to specify in both places.
new_ProjectId = idOfProject
If you get stuck, you always have an easy workaround option: take the logic from #4 and move it to an async plugin on create of project (even a workflow should work).

Importing Cases in CRM 2011 with custom Case Numbers

I'm building a CRM solution for a customer to replace their legacy Access databases. They have cases with case numbers that are referenced by external documents and want to keep them as the case number in CRM. I wrote a plugin that auto-increments and assigns case numbers when new cases are created and it works great. The problem is when I try to import their old data. I map their old case number field to the case number field in the import wizard but the imported cases get a new case number like PRE-12345-asdf.
Case number can't be updated by a workflow.
Ideally I'd like to be able to use the built in case number, but would I be losing out on any functionality if I just hid the built in case number field and added a custom field for it?
You can create a custom field to track your own Case Number instead (in this case we just called it "casenumber").
On the Case Entity form onLoad event we put the following function that updates the Case Number shown in the Header area as well as the Page/Tab title to be our custom field:
function UseCustomCaseNumber()
var caseNumber = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("new_casenumber").getValue();
document.getElementById('form_title_div').childNodes[2].innerHTML = caseNumber;
parent.document.title = "Case: " + caseNumber + " - Microsoft Dynamics CRM";
The built-in case number cannot be overwritten. Hiding it and using your own field seems relatively common, and won't cause you any issues.
