Prestashop multistore problems when installing second theme - themes

I have a problem while installing the second theme in a Prestashop multi-shop enviroment.
I've correctly created the second shop (with a different domain) but when I try to install a new theme, I get a blank page with only the store logo.
I've tried many combinations:
- create the second shop with or without share the modules
- install the theme before and after creating the second shop
- install the second theme with or without overriding the previous modules
- Googling a lot ;)
The most succesfull test was when I created a new shop without sharing the modules data + installing the second theme without overriding the module.
The result was a styled empty page (with global.css loaded correctly) but without any content inside.
Moreover all the new-theme's modules where not-installed and not-attached to any hooks
Please, can anyone point me in the right direction to install a Prestashop multishop with two different themes?
Thanks a lot!

I had a similar problem. I've noticed that if the two themes are from the same supplier gives such problems, because the names of the classes and methods are usually the same. the solution is to rename classes and methods, or use another theme from another provider.


Joomla - Remove product image zoom function

I am relatively new here but am looking forward to the support and knowledge i can gain here.
I have recently taken over a Joomla site that has a custom shopping cart which as far as i can tell is called dnaCatalog. I have tried to Google it but came up nothing but the actual dna workings of Joomla and other such things.
What i would like to achieve is to remove the image zoom from the product images in the shopping cart. I have searched the admin back-end through the plugins and modules but cant find any reference to any form of image zoom so I am guessing its hardcoded into the theme or catalog.
I currently have the site on a testing server here...
I have just updated it to the current version of Joomla 3.6.5
Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks in advance.
The zoom function is coded as a JQuery add on, you will find it at templates/quasar/js/jquery.loupe.min.js. The optimal way to solve this is to find the calls to the script above and remove them (be careful what you remove, you should know what you doing when editing the core files).
Alternatively look for the class called loupe which are associated to your images, this gives your images the zoom functionality.
The easiest (but dirtiest) way to solve this is to go to your templates css file
templates/quasar/css/template.css and on line 7127 add the CSS display:none!important;

Joomla Quickstart advice

Please I need some guidelines (or link of tutorials) in creating Joomla (3 - 3.5) website with the purchased template design. I wonder how professionals with experience are solving my doubts in practice.
Do you recommend the installation of the purchased blank template with a single installation and configuration of modules and components or installation of template with demo examples (Quickstart)? I know the differences but I was wondering how you are doing.
Till now I've almost always used the Quickstart installation.
I wonder if you clone the main menu (and other navigation and modules) and than you rename a copy for your needs and you change the content or you delete all navigation items except Home and than you are re-creating items according to your needs.
I'm not sure if I can copy the main menu or I copy only his necessary items and than delete overage of template.
It happens to me sometimes if I click on some of category it leads me to the main menu from original item, not to the desired custom copy, even though the path is set (the default items). Therefore, I am not sure which is better... copy main menu and items or to delete all navigation and content of the Quickstart installation and form my own navigation, content and modules.
In short, how to sort out all unnecessary items, and those that I am using should I copy and modify, modify existing, or delete all and make my own needed items.
I believe you will know my concerns.
Thank you and regards,
I have created several websites in Joomla with blank template and also with quickstart package.
Advantages with Blank Template
You will get the core theme without any unnecessary content and
basic modules and plugins. You dont have to delete any
contents/articles later.
You will be having authority to place modules at your desired positions. To check the modules position at the frontend simply do this
Disadvantage of Blank Template
There are some module style settings embedded in quickstart package that you wont be able to set yourself without going through full documentation. So sometimes your menu seems distorted.
Disadvantage of Quickstart Package
Deleteing unnecessary articles, removing unnecessary modules is a big headache.
Database size unnecessarily increases.
Steps I follow
I create a quickstart package in localhost and create a blank site with blank template in live site. Whatever settings I need I copy from the local website so that I am saved from removing unnecessary contents from live site. Also sometimes deleting some contents give rise to some other issues. Its better t go with a Blank template.

Joomla 3.3.6 admin panel not working

The buttons on the admin panel of my joomla site suddenly wont work anymore,
The dropdown works but when i hit a button it doesnt work.
Almost all buttons, i cant view my articles, categories or menus anymore and a lot of components.
Please help me!
There are two reasons for this problem to happen:
One (or more) core JavaScript files was (were) hacked.
You have recently installed an extension (typically a global system plugin) that created a conflict between JavaScript libraries
Try disabling, from phpMyAdmin, the recently installed plugin(s). Also try overriding all your core Joomla files with a fresh copy of Joomla.
Also make sure you delete your browser cache!
1- Go to yoursite/administrator/index.php
2- In the left side menu, most probably in Maintenance part ... checking joomla is stuck (probably some files damaged)
3- Select reinstall joomla core files.

Lost Pagination Toolbar in Magento 1.8.1

I have a live Magento 1.8.1 site where pagination was working on product list pages (such as category pages) but I’ve been adding and removing a number of extensions / plugins and I’ve lost all pagination. Unfortunately, I can’t remember the last time it was working so I can’t think precisely what extension might have caused the problem.
I’ve checked all the usual fixes such as here but my catalog.xml is fine (and all problems seem to only relate to 1.4 - 1.6). I am reluctant to upload new files which I actually think might fix it but I also know how temperamental Magento is! Everything else is working perfectly for the first time after a month of serious hard work including a couple of reinstalls!
The website is and although you can see a custom theme, there is also no pagination on the default magento theme which indicates to me it’s a core problem somewhere.
Any thoughts on any files I could check / change before I do a big overwrite?
Many thanks
Following things you can try in order to Cope-up with this situation :
1) Disable those modules which is overriding Catalog module and check once again.
2) Check whether Toolbar block is calling or not using Template and Block Path hints using Magento Admin.
3) If you are using any template, possibly there could be a setting in Admin section to Manage toolbar.

opencart theme not changing

I installed opencart 1.5.6 on my localhost, and it's not possible for me to change the theme. The admin panel says the new theme is active, but the default theme always appears.
I made the same installation on a remote server, and everything is working well there.
I have no idea what's wrong on my localhost. I'm on a new installation on Ubuntu 12.4 with a default configuration for LAMP. I tried to compare the two phpinfo but there are so many things that are different that gives me no clue.
It was just a problem of rights on the theme folder. Very stupid ...
First, I would check your database to see if the change is registered. Use phpMyAdmin (or whatever included with your LAMP stack) and look at the "oc_setting" (prefix may differ) and see if the config_template is set to the template you've chosen via the admin. This will help identify if the issue is database related.
I have the solution, the ACTUAL solution. (For me anyway)
Extract the theme.
Login to your OpenCart website using FTP. Please read our article if
you need help using FTP.
Upload the catalog and images folders to the root of your OpenCart installation.
Once the upload is finished, log into your OpenCart Dashboard and go
to System > Settings
Choose your website from the list, check the box next to it, and select “Edit”
In the store tab you will now see your new theme option available under 'Template'
Click Save.
It has now been updated.
Many, many tutorials online at the moment incorrectly instruct people to upload their theme directly into the catalog > view > theme location as though it were a WordPress theme or similar. You actually need to put the appropriate resources where they need to be.
