I am using the latest flash version of uploadify (v3.2.1 I think). If I set the upload folder name to 'tempupload' it doesn't upload (although move_uploaded_file returns true),
This does not work
$targetFolder = '/path/tempupload';
this does work
$targetFolder = '/path/dave';
Any suggestions ?
My primary domain is xyz.com. I have created a folder named "test" outside public_html folder and uploaded the whole laravel set up there except the public folder which I have moved to public_html folder.
My folder structure is like this.
test -> contains the laravel project without public folder.
public_html -> contains the public folder.
However I cannot upload images. Error is showing like "Image source not readable". Please help.
if ($request->hasFile('frontimage')) {
$file_frontimage = $request->file('frontimage');
$actual_filename_frontimage = $file_frontimage->getClientOriginalName();
$filename_frontimage = time() . '_' . $actual_filename_frontimage;
$file_frontimage->storeAs('images', $filename_frontimage, 'public');
I am using Laravel 5.2. I need to get RSS feeds using SimplePie, so I install the library through composer.json and now my vendor folder contains simplepie but when i run the following code this error shows:
ErrorException in SimplePie.php line 1379: ./cache is not writeable.
Make sure you've set the correct relative or absolute path, and that
the location is server-writable.
My code in route:
Route::get('feed', function () {
$feed = new SimplePie();
'http://www.thenews.com.pk/rss/2/16' //it has no images
return $itemCount;
Create a writeable cache folder for simplepie in the /storage/ folder (I called mine simplepie_cache).
Set the path in your feed object:
$feed->set_cache_location(storage_path() . '/simplepie_cache');
That should do the trick.
check what is saying ./cache is not writeable can't write to cache folder check permissions to this folder or try a L5 wrapper for SimplePie https://github.com/willvincent/feeds
i have a pdf file in view folder and controller folder by the link i need to access it how to do this i have tried with following by am getting error like
Access forbidden!
echo ("<a href='$path2'>Download Your PDF</a>");
i have tried both $path and $path2
You probably have a .htaccess file forbidding people to access files in those folders.
You should create a res folder in your site root path and place your pdf file in that folder and link the file from there..
Happy coding :)
I'm having trouble installing/moving laravel to web server, i downloaded and set laravel on my local linux server but when i moved it to web server ,it shows a blank page.
I uploaded the public folder contents to public_html and other contents outside the public, also i changed the public DIR from paths.php on bootstrap folder as follow: 'public' => __DIR__.'/../public_html/' so what is the exact problem? Please help me with this issue. Is composer a problem? or what?
1) Create a new directory called ‘laravel4′ adjacent to ‘public_html’ so that your remote file structure now looks like this:
[public_html] etc etc varies depending on server
2) Upload the contents of your local ‘public’ directory to the remote directory ‘public_html’. Note: Be sure not to copy the whole ‘public’ directory, JUST it’s contents.
3) Upload everything else within your local Laravel project to the new remote ‘laravel4′ directory. Check: Now when you view the ‘laravel4′ folder over FTP/SSH/Whatever, you should see all your ‘app’ & ‘bootstrap’ directories along with all the other files and directories, but NOT ‘public’.
4) Edit the remote file ‘public_html/index.php’ and make the following change:
require __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/autoload.php';
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../bootstrap/start.php';
require __DIR__.'/../laravel4/bootstrap/autoload.php';
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../laravel4/bootstrap/start.php';
5) Edit the remote file ‘laravel4/bootstrap/paths.php’ and make the following change:
'public' => __DIR__.'/../public',
'public' => __DIR__.'/../../public_html',
6) That should be it. In my case, that was enough to restructure everything. Routes are working with the default .htaccess file. If you have problems, let me know, or ask on the ever-helpful
Reference: http://myquickfix.co.uk/2013/08/hosting-laravel-4-on-cpanel-type-hosting-public_html/
I'm trying to install an application made with codeIgniter in a subfolder, so that I can access it using : http://www.domain.com/my_subfolder/
At the root, there's a Wordpress application.
I edited the .htaccess of the Wordpress install to let the request go to the folder /my_subfolder/
It's working fine, the only problem I get is that CodeIgniter is unable to dynamically load the classes in the "libraries" directory. So everything in the CI application works fine until it tries to use an object declared in the "libraries" subfolder, then I get a : Unable to load the requested class: my_class
It doesn't seems that there's a parameter in the "config" folder to change that... any idea?
What you need is to edit your CodeIgniter config.php in System > application > config.
and then edit config.php and set the property:
$config['base_url'] = "http://www.domain.com/my_subfolder/"
Well it seems that the config param base_url should be updated. Also, I used a library with the "MY_" prefix, and I should'nt since I was'nt extending any CI class.
This is 2021. In case anyone is having this same issue with CodeIgniter 4, this is how I solved it when I came across this issue.
I installed CI in a subfolder in my public_html folder i.e example.com/api. When I visited www.example.com/api, I saw a 403 forbidden error.
Download and unzip CI on your local machine or use composer.
Rename public folder to the name of your subfolder. In my case, I named it api.
Create another folder and give it any name of choice, for example, let's use mango (yes, I love mangoes). Copy all the remaining files and folders (app, system, writables, env, LICENSE, README, composer, phpunit, spark) into the mango folder. After doing this, we should have 2 folders: api and mango
Copy both folders to your live server cpanel root (Do not copy into public_html or www). Let them be on the same level as public_html
Open api/index.php and change $pathsConfig = FCPATH . '../app/Config/Paths.php'; to $pathsConfig = FCPATH . '../mango/app/Config/Paths.php';
Create a subdomain and point it to /api
Go to the api folder, duplicate the env file and rename it to .env
Open .env and look for app.baseURL=''. Remove the '#' to uncomment that line and the change it to app.baseUrl='http://subdomain' where subdomain is the subdomain you created above e.g http://api.example.com
Open mango/app/config/App.php and look for public $baseUrl and set it to subdomain e.g $baseUrl = 'http://api.example.com'
Your CI project is now well configured. Visit http://api.example.com. and you should see the CodeIgniter welcome page.