Login for more application - spring

I'm developing two java web-applications through (springDataJPA,spring and vaadin). Now I want to make a login module usable from both applications.
I worked with JAAS a few month ago, and I want any suggestion about the tecnology to use to implement it.
Can i make this using spring Security?
Can you give me any suggestion about this?

Use spring-security, create database with users. And use them in both web apps
Look for this tutorial:
spring-security with database


The best web login approach

I am developing a jsp dynamic web project on eclipse.
I want to create an website with login functionality. I intend to store users' accounts and passwords in MySQL database. Of course, different users have different roles and rights to access different web pages. What is the best approach to implement it?
So far, I know these approaches:
1) Users enter accounts/passwords in login.jsp. LoginServlet then connects to MySQL database to check if it is correct. AuthenticationFilters will make sure only users with rights can access certain pages.
2) Use Role Based Authentication by declaring user roles in web.xml. I find this approach is not flexible, because I need to declare roles in advance.
3) Use HttpServletRequest's login/logout methods. I have not studied it.
Is my understanding correct? Could someone gives me some suggestions? Some clues would be very helpful!
Besides, I know that using POST alone to send passwords is not safe enough. Many websites suggest to use HTTPS connections. So if using HTTPS connections, does it affect the approach I choose to implement the login function?
Now, I know I need to use Spring. But Spring seems difficult for me... In Spring website I cant find out the link to download jar files. The user guide says I need to use Gradle or Maven, which I haven't used before, and have no idea why I need them. Besides, there are many Spring projects. Which one should I choose? Spring framework?
Have you looked into using Spring Security? It's built for just that. You don't need to be familiar with Spring but it may help.
Here are a couple of tutorials that use database authentication:
1: Spring Security Authentication and Authorization Example with Database Credentials
2: Spring Security Login Example with Database
You don't have to Maven or Gradle. You can simply add the jars to your build path and they will work. The only projects you need to implement for the login to work is the Spring Framework and Spring Security.
To use Spring Security without Maven or Gradle:
Download the Spring Framework jars, unzip them, and add them to your project and build path. It's probably a good idea to find a hello world tutorial using Spring to get you started. A quick Google search should turn up many results.
After you have Spring implemented in your project, download the Spring Security jars, unzip those, and add them to your build path. The links to the tutorials that I previously posted will get you started. They may take a little while to go through and you may not understand exactly what is happening behind the scenes, but once you get it set up is works outstanding. I'm also not sure if you are using xml configuration or Java config but I believe those tutorials are for xml.
Spring Security was built so that it could be added to any project and have you up and running with basic configuration in about 15 minutes. After you get the basic login going (it will use the generic login form), you can search for how to implement your own custom login form, add permissions or restrictions to users and url patters, adding custom filters, etc. I encourage you to spend some time learning it as it is highly flexible and customizable.

Secure Spring REST Service using spring-security-oauth2 2.0.5.RELEASE

I have been searching for an example Spring Webservice which is being protected using oauth 2.0..
Looking around I found https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security-oauth/tree/master/samples/oauth2 but there some files seems to be missing from the project.
Two things that I am looking for is :
When user authenticates, user name and password goes to /login.do , now I can not understand how this Servlet is being configured, if its not controller. web.xml is missing.
When I try to see how beans configured then applicationContext.xml is also missing. I am not able to find those files in order to see how things are configured.
Help Required :
Should I use annotation in order to configure my web service or xml configuration. I am willing to use the latest version, and leverage advanced configurations, for better security.
I have another Single page application ( HTML5 ) , which accesses data from this spring web service, which is being hosted on Google App Engine. My ultimate objective is to create a chrome plugin of (html5) pages and use my service from there..
Please suggest a better path so that I can achieve my objectives.
Best regards,
Shashank Pratap
Apologize for late reply.
1) Regarding Oauth2.0 implementation : Since GAE does not support Servlet 3.0 therefore, developer is restricted to servlet 2.5. Therefore I found that we are restricted to 1.0.5.RELEASE. I was able to configure it successfully.
Best Practice on GAE : Rather than following this approach, I would suggest others to use Google Endpoints. As it supports oauth2.0 as well as we can develop REST API relatively quickly.
Scale ability and Response time : Since I was using Spring dependency injection along with spring security, application responded slower than the combination of Google Endpoints and Google Juice, as juice does injection just in time, where as spring prepares everything as soon as new instance starts, which created problem for me.
2) Chrome Plugin is completely different story. :-)
Please correct if I am wrong.
Shashank Pratap

Spring Security without a login form

I am writing a java application using Spring. The application will be deployed to a Java EE container in a Linux environment, being accessed by Windows users.
Is there a way I can authenticate these users into the application without using any forms?
The first thing that I need to do is identify who the user is. After reading Block 87's article, I should start looking at SPNEGO and setting up each of the environments. From that point, I should be able to implement #ticktock's answer.
Yes, you just need to replace the UsernamePasswordFormFilter with your own authentication filter. Easiest if you extend AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter. You'll probably have to provide your own AuthenticationProvider as well.

Using Custom Login Form (Vaadin Components with Spring Security/ROO

I have completed setting up Spring Security using the roo shell as a guide and it has generated several views, amongst them is the login.jspx. I am trying to create a custom login form using Vaadin's Visual editor and Eclipse, how can i redirect the user to my login form and then use Spring Security to validate and authenticate the user as well as start a session management? I am really trying to avoid JSP since the rest of my application is using Vaadin as its Core Front-End
vaadin has some limitations on the login form.
Have a look at: https://vaadin.com/book/-/page/components.loginform.html so you will notice what I mean.
You can also have a look at the vaadin wiki (https://vaadin.com/wiki). There are several articles on your topic. You may find your solution there :)
kind regards

Simple web site user management with Spring

I've done many sites, using Java, Php, etc... When I needed user management I would use HttpSession and a DB to keep passwords and eventually session data.
What's the recomended/standard way of doing this with Spring in a simple way?
There is a "sub"-project of Spring: Spring-Security. That is exactly what you need. It provides also a "jdbc-user-service" authentication provider which reads the user from a database table out of the box.
Spring Security is great when the developer wants to secure his web app. But what about creating the account? and "forgot password"?
Have a look at my answer here.
"I have implemented a JAVA project for this use case. It is open
source, based on Spring-Security. A release version is on
Maven-Central, so you do not need to compile it, but instead you can
fetch it as maven-dependency to your project!"
