Fitting a capped Poisson process with a variable rate - pymc

I'm trying to estimate the rate of a Poisson process where the rate varies over time using the maximum a posteriori estimate. Here's a simplified example with a rate varying linearly (λ = ax+b) :
import numpy as np
import pymc
# Observation
a_actual = 1.3
b_actual = 2.0
t = np.arange(10)
obs = np.random.poisson(a_actual * t + b_actual)
# Model
a = pymc.Uniform(name='a', value=1., lower=0, upper=10)
b = pymc.Uniform(name='b', value=1., lower=0, upper=10)
def linear(a=a, b=b):
return a * t + b
r = pymc.Poisson(mu=linear, name='r', value=obs, observed=True)
model = pymc.Model([a, b, r])
map = pymc.MAP(model)
print "a :", a._value
print "b :", b._value
This is working fine. But my actual Poisson process is capped by a deterministic value. As I can't associate my observed values to a Deterministic function, I'm adding a Normal Stochastic function with a small variance for my observations :
import numpy as np
import pymc
# Observation
a_actual = 1.3
b_actual = 2.0
t = np.arange(10)
obs = np.random.poisson(a_actual * t + b_actual).clip(0, 10)
# Model
a = pymc.Uniform(name='a', value=1., lower=0, upper=10)
b = pymc.Uniform(name='b', value=1., lower=0, upper=10)
def linear(a=a, b=b):
return a * t + b
r = pymc.Poisson(mu=linear, name='r')
def clip(r=r):
return r.clip(0, 10)
rc = pymc.Normal(mu=r, tau=0.001, name='rc', value=obs, observed=True)
model = pymc.Model([a, b, r, rc])
map = pymc.MAP(model)
print "a :", a._value
print "b :", b._value
This code is producing the following error :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 59, in <module>
File "pymc/", line 486, in revert_to_max
self._set_stochastics([[s] for s in self.stochastics])
File "pymc/", line 58, in __getitem__
tot_len += self.owner.stochastic_len[p]
KeyError: 0
Any idea on what am I doing wrong?

By "Capped" do you mean that it is a truncated Poisson? It appears thats what you are saying. If it were a left truncation (which is more common), you could use the TruncatedPoisson distribution, but since you are doing a right truncation, you cannot (we should have made this more general!). What you are trying will not work -- the Poisson object has no clip() method. What you can do is use a factor potential. It would look like this:
def clip(r=r):
if np.any(r>10):
return -np.inf
return 0
This will constrain the values of r to be less than 10. Refer to the pymc docs for information on the Potential class.


Runge-Kutta curve fitting extremely slow

I am currently trying to do a regression of a function calculated via a RK4 method performed on a non-linear Volterra integral of the second kind. The problem I found is that the code is extremely slow, for 1 call of the curve_fit function (fitt), it takes about 30-40 minute to generate a data. Overall, there will be a lot of calls to fitt before the parameters are determined, this takes more than 6 hours to run. Is there anyway to optimize this code? Thanks in advance!
from scipy.special import gamma
from ml_internal import LTInversion
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit , fsolve
from scipy.misc import derivative
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
from math import comb , factorial
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
# Gets the data
df = pd.read_excel('D:\\CoMat\\Fractional_fit\\optimized\\data_optimized.xlsx')
skipTime = 1
skipIndex = df[df['Time']== skipTime].index.values[0]
xls = pd.read_excel('D:\\CoMat\\Fractional_fit\\optimized\\data_optimized.xlsx',skiprows=np.arange(1,skipIndex+1,1))
timeDF = xls['Time']
tempDF = xls['Temp']
taDF = xls['Ta']
timeDF = timeDF - timeDF[0]
tempDF = tempDF + 273.15
t0 = tempDF[0]
ta = sum(taDF)/len(taDF)
ta = ta + 273.15
#Spliting into intervals
h = 0.05
a = 0
b = timeDF[len(timeDF)-1]
N = int(np.round((b-a)/h))
#Each xi
def xidx(index):
return a + h*index
#Function in the image are written here.
def gx(t,lamda,alpha):
return t0 * ml(lamda*(t**alpha),alpha)
gx = np.vectorize(gx)
def kernel(t,s,rad,lamda,alpha,beta):
if t == s:
return 0
return (t-s)**(alpha-1) * ml_(lamda*((t-s)**alpha),alpha,alpha,1) * (beta*(rad**4) - beta*(ta**4) - lamda*ta)
kernel = np.vectorize(kernel)
# The problem is here!!!!!!
def fx(x,n,lamda,alpha,beta):
ans = gx(x,lamda,alpha)
for j in range(n):
ans += (h/6)*(kernel(x,xidx(j),f0[j],lamda,alpha,beta) + 2*kernel(x,xidx(j+1/2),f1[j],lamda,alpha,beta) + 2*kernel(x,xidx(j+1/2),f2[j],lamda,alpha,beta) + kernel(x,xidx(j+1),f3[j],lamda,alpha,beta))
return ans
f0 = np.zeros(N+1)
f0[0] = t0
f1 = np.zeros(N+1)
f2 = np.zeros(N+1)
f3 = np.zeros(N+1)
F = np.zeros((3,N+1))
def fitt(xvalue,lamda,alpha,beta):
global f0,f1,f2,f3,F
n = int(np.round(xvalue/h))
f1[n] = fx(xidx(n) + 1/2,n,lamda,alpha,beta) + (h/2)*kernel(xidx(n + 1/2),xidx(n),f0[n],lamda,alpha,beta)
f2[n] = fx(xidx(n + 1/2),n,lamda,alpha,beta)
f3[n] = fx(xidx(n+1),n,lamda,alpha,beta) + h*kernel(xidx(n+1),xidx(n+1/2),f2[n],lamda,alpha,beta)
if n+1 <= N:
f0[n+1] = fx(xidx(n+1),n,lamda,alpha,beta) + (h/6)*(kernel(xidx(n+1),xidx(n),f0[n],lamda,alpha,beta) + 2*kernel(xidx(n+1),xidx(n+1/2),f1[n],lamda,alpha,beta) + 2*kernel(xidx(n+1),xidx(n+1/2),f2[n],lamda,alpha,beta) + kernel(xidx(n+1),xidx(n+1),f3[n],lamda,alpha,beta))
if(xvalue == timeDF[len(timeDF) - 1]):
returnValue = f0[n]
f0 = np.zeros(N+1)
f0[0] = t0
f1 = np.zeros(N+1)
f2 = np.zeros(N+1)
f3 = np.zeros(N+1)
return returnValue
return f0[n]
fitt = np.vectorize(fitt)
#Fitting, plotting and giving (Adj) R-squared
popt , pcov = curve_fit(fitt,timeDF,tempDF,p0=(-0.1317,0.95,-1e-11),bounds=((-np.inf,0,-np.inf),(0,1,0)))
y_fit = np.array(fitt(timeDF,popt[0],popt[1],popt[2]))
plt.fill_between(timeDF,tempDF-0.5,tempDF+0.5,color='ORANGE', alpha=0.2)
plt.legend(["Experimental data", "Caputo fit"], loc ="upper right")
plt.xlabel("Time (min)")
plt.ylabel("Temperature (Kelvin)")
r2 = r2_score(tempDF,y_fit)
adjr2 = 1 - (1 - r2)*((len(xls)-1)/(len(xls)-3-1))
I already tried computing the values f0,f1,f2,f3 all at once, but the thing consuming the most time is Fn(x) which I haven't figured in out how to compute them all at once. If this is possible to compute at once, I think the program will run much faster. PS: ML,ML_ is a function from
This is the function necesssary. Fn is the only one I haven't figured out yet.
There are two typing errors in the cited image. The combination of x_n and 1/2 is always meant to be the midpoint x_{n+1/2} = x_n + h/2. The second error is a duplication of x_{n+1/2} in the formula for f^{(4)}_n in its third term. The first error is probably producing errors that are large enough to make convergence complicated and any limit wrong for the intended problem.
In the Simpson/RK4 step, the 4 fx computations can be reduced to 2.
The F_n implement the left side of the integral equation
F(x) = g(x) + int(s=0 to x of K(x,s,f(s))
where the integral is approximated with the sample sequences f0,...,f3. Due to the structure of problem and algorithm F_n(x_n)=f^0_n = f^4_{n-1}.
Note that K(x,s,f) should be set to zero for s >= x. In the exact version of the equation these values "above the diagonal" are not used.
If an increase in accuracy is needed, for instance to avoid divergence where there is none in the exact solution, you can decrease the step site by a factor of 10 and then sub-sample the f^0_n sequence to produce the numerical guess for the given data. Other factors than 10 are of course also possible.

What does non-broadcastable output operand with shape (16,1) doesn't match the broadcast shape (16,3) mean

I was working on Simulation of Hydrogen atoms orbital simulation. I wrote a code for doing it with manim for a part of it. I was getting errors and the latest one after rectifying the eariler ones is
ValueError: non-broadcastable output operand with shape (16,1) doesn't match the broadcast shape (16,3)
Why am I getting this error from the below code
from manim import *
import numpy as np
import scipy.special as spf
class HydroSimul(ThreeDScene): #phi = v theta = u
def psi_Y(self,v,u):
if m < 0 :
coeff1 = (-1)**m*np.sqrt((2*l+1)/4*np.pi)
coeff2 = np.sqrt(np.math.factorial(l-abs(m))/np.math.factorial(l+abs(m)))
coeff3 = np.sqrt(2)*np.sin(abs(m)*v)
leg = spf.lpmv(m,l,np.cos(u))
return np.array([coeff1* coeff2* coeff3* leg])
elif m == 0 :
coeff1 = (-1)**m*np.sqrt((2*l+1)/4*np.pi)
leg = spf.lpmv(m,l,np.cos(u))
return np.array([coeff1* leg])
elif m > 0 :
coeff1 = (-1)**m*np.sqrt((2*l+1)/4*np.pi)
coeff2 = np.sqrt(np.math.factorial(l-m)/np.math.factorial(l+m))
coeff3 = np.sqrt(2)*np.cos(m*v)
leg = spf.lpmv(m,l,np.cos(u))
return np.array([coeff1* coeff2* coeff3* leg])
def construct(self):
axes = ThreeDAxes()
sphere = Surface(lambda u, v: self.psi_Y(u, v),v_range=[0, TAU], u_range=[-PI , PI ])
self.set_camera_orientation(phi=75 * DEGREES, theta=30 * DEGREES)
self.add(axes, sphere)
I wanted the simulation done from manim. I tried reading the documentation. I was getting
0-D Array Error
earlier. After rectifying the issue I am getting further error I suspect that the errors are linked.

Using GEKKO for Moving Horizon Estimation online 2

This is the following question after appyling comments from: Using GEKKO for Moving Horizon Estimation online
I have studied example from estimation iterative example on the Dynamic Optimization course website and revised my code as follows:
from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib; matplotlib.use('TkAgg')
class Observer():
def __init__(self, window_size, r_init, alpha_init):
self.m = GEKKO(remote=False)
self.dt = 0.05
self.m.time = [i*self.dt for i in range(window_size)]
self.m.u = self.m.MV()
self.m.r = self.m.CV(lb=0) # value=r_init) #ub=20 can be over 20
self.m.alpha = self.m.CV() # value=alpha_init) #ub lb for angle?
self.m.Equation(self.m.r.dt()== -self.m.cos(self.m.alpha))
self.m.Equation(self.m.alpha.dt()== self.m.sin(self.m.alpha)/self.m.r - self.m.u) # differential equation
self.m.options.MV_STEP_HOR = 2
self.m.options.IMODE = 5 # dynamic estimation
self.m.options.EV_TYPE = 2 #Default 1: absolute error form 2: squared error form
self.m.options.DIAGLEVEL = 0 #diagnostic level
self.m.options.NODES = 5 #nodes # collocation nodes default:2
self.m.options.SOLVER = 3 #solver_num
# STATUS = 0, optimizer doesn't adjust value
# STATUS = 1, optimizer can adjust
self.m.u.STATUS = 0
self.m.r.STATUS = 1
self.m.alpha.STATUS = 1
# FSTATUS = 0, no measurement
# FSTATUS = 1, measurement used to update model
self.m.u.FSTATUS = 1 #default
self.m.r.FSTATUS = 1
self.m.alpha.FSTATUS = 1
self.m.r.TR_INIT = 0
self.m.alpha.TR_INIT = 0
self.count = 0
def MHE(self, observed_state, u_data):
self.count =+ 1
self.m.u.MEAS = u_data
self.m.r.MEAS = observed_state[0]
self.m.alpha.MEAS = observed_state[1]
return self.m.r.MODEL, self.m.alpha.MODEL
if __name__=="__main__":
FILE_PATH00 = '/home/shane16/Project/model_guard/uav_paper/adversarial/SA_PPO/src/DATA/4end_estimation_results_r.csv'
FILE_PATH01 = '/home/shane16/Project/model_guard/uav_paper/adversarial/SA_PPO/src/DATA/4end_estimation_results_alpha.csv'
FILE_PATH02 = '/home/shane16/Project/model_guard/uav_paper/adversarial/SA_PPO/src/DATA/4end_action_buffer_eps0.0_sig0.0.csv'
cycles = 55
x = np.arange(cycles) # 1...300
matrix00 = np.loadtxt(FILE_PATH00, delimiter=',')
matrix01 = np.loadtxt(FILE_PATH01, delimiter=',')
matrix02 = np.loadtxt(FILE_PATH02, delimiter=',')
vanilla_action_sigma_0 = matrix02
vanilla_estimation_matrix_r = np.zeros(cycles)
vanilla_estimation_matrix_alpha = np.zeros(cycles)
# sigma = 0.0
# vanilla model true/observed states
r_vanilla_sigma_0_true = matrix00[0, 3:] # from step 1
r_vanilla_sigma_0_observed = matrix00[1, 3:] # from step1
alpha_vanilla_sigma_0_true = matrix01[0, 3:]
alpha_vanilla_sigma_0_observed = matrix01[1, 3:]
# initialize estimator
sigma = 0.0 #1.0
solver_num = 3
nodes = 5
# for window_size in [5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50]:
window_size = 5
observer = Observer(window_size, r_vanilla_sigma_0_observed[0], alpha_vanilla_sigma_0_observed[0])
for i in range(cycles):
if i % 100 == 0:
print('cylcle: {}'.format(i))
vanilla_observed_states = np.hstack((r_vanilla_sigma_0_observed[i], alpha_vanilla_sigma_0_observed[i])) # from current observed state
r_hat, alpha_hat = observer.MHE(vanilla_observed_states, vanilla_action_sigma_0[i]) # and current action -> estimate current state
vanilla_estimation_matrix_r[i] = r_hat
vanilla_estimation_matrix_alpha[i] = alpha_hat
#plot vanilla
plt.title('Vanilla model_sig{}'.format(sigma))
plt.plot(x, vanilla_action_sigma_0[:cycles],'b:',label='action (w)')
plt.plot(x, r_vanilla_sigma_0_true[:cycles], 'k-', label='true_r')
plt.plot(x, r_vanilla_sigma_0_observed[:cycles], 'gx', label='observed_r')
plt.plot(x, vanilla_estimation_matrix_r, 'r--', label='time window: 10')
# plt.legend()
plt.xlabel('time steps')
plt.plot(x, alpha_vanilla_sigma_0_true[:cycles], 'k-', label='true_alpha')
plt.plot(x, alpha_vanilla_sigma_0_observed[:cycles], 'gx', label='observed_alpha')
plt.plot(x, vanilla_estimation_matrix_alpha, 'r--', label='time window: {}'.format(window_size))
plt.savefig('plot/revision/4estimated_STATES_vanilla_sig{}_window{}_cycles{}_solver{}_nodes{}.png'.format(sigma, window_size,cycles, solver_num, nodes))
csv files:
The code works when initialized with values specified at line 15,16 (m.r, m.alpha).
However, if I try with no initial value,(as same condition in example), solution is not found.
terminal output:
cylcle: 0 Traceback (most recent call last): File
"", line 86, in
r_hat, alpha_hat = observer.MHE(vanilla_observed_states, vanilla_action_sigma_0[i]) # and current action -> estimate current
state File "", line 49, in MHE
self.m.solve(disp=False) File "/home/shane16/Project/model_guard/LipSDP/lipenv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/gekko/",
line 2140, in solve
raise Exception(apm_error) Exception: #error: Solution Not Found
What could be the solution to this problem?
I have tried below strategies, but couldn't find the solution.
Reduce the number of decision variables by using m.FV() or m.MV() with m.options.MV_STEP_HOR=2+ to reduce the degrees of freedom for the solver for the unknown parameters.
Try other solvers with m.options.SOLVER=1 or m.options.SOLVER=2.
I expect to see estimation results that follow the true state well.
But I guess I'm doing something wrong.
Could anyone help me please?
Thank you.
Solvers sometimes need good initial guess values or constraints (lower and upper bounds) on the degrees of freedom (MV or FV) to find the optimal solution.
One of the equations may be the source of the problem:
self.m.alpha.dt() == self.m.sin(self.m.alpha)/self.m.r - self.m.u
The initial value of r is zero (default) because no initial value is provided when it is declared as self.m.r = self.m.CV(lb=0). A comment suggests that it was formerly initialized with value r_init. The zero value creates a divide-by-zero for that equation. Try rearranging the equation into an equivalent form that avoids the potential for divide-by-zero either with the initial guess or when the solver is iterating.
self.m.r*self.m.alpha.dt() == self.m.sin(self.m.alpha) - self.m.r*self.m.u
There may be other things that are also causing the model to not converge. When the solution does not converge then the infeasibilities.txt file can be a source to troubleshoot the specific equations that are having trouble. Here are instructions to retrieve the infeasibilities.txt file: How to retrieve the 'infeasibilities.txt' from the gekko

Why does pymc.MAP not always return the same value

I am running pymc2 to fit a straight line through my data. The code is shown below (modified from examples I found online). When I call the MAP function multiple times, I get different answers, even though I start with the exact same model. I thought the optimization method, fmin_powell, starts at the supplied value for each parameter. As far as I know, fmin_powell has no random component, so it should always end at the same optimum, yet it doesn't. Why do I keep getting different results?
import numpy as np
import pymc
# observed data
n = 21
a = 6
b = 2
sigma = 2
x = np.linspace(0, 1, n)
y_obs = a * x + b + np.random.normal(0, sigma, n)
def model():
# define priors
a = pymc.Normal('a', mu=0, tau=1 /10 ** 2, value=5)
b = pymc.Normal('b', mu=0, tau=1 / 10 ** 2, value=1)
tau = pymc.Gamma('tau', alpha=0.1, beta=0.1, value=1)
# define likelihood
def mu(a=a, b=b, x=x):
return a * x + b
y = pymc.Normal('y', mu=mu, tau=tau, value=y_obs, observed=True)
return locals()
ml = model() # dictionary of all locals
mcmc = pymc.Model(ml) # MCMC object
mapmcmc = pymc.MAP(mcmc)'fmin_powell')
print(mcmc.a.value, mcmc.b.value, mcmc.tau.value)
ml = model() # dictionary of all locals
mcmc = pymc.Model(ml) # MCMC object
mapmcmc = pymc.MAP(mcmc)'fmin_powell')
print(mcmc.a.value, mcmc.b.value, mcmc.tau.value)
ml = model() # dictionary of all locals
mcmc = pymc.Model(ml) # MCMC object
mapmcmc = pymc.MAP(mcmc)'fmin_powell')
print(mcmc.a.value, mcmc.b.value, mcmc.tau.value)

GARCH model in pymc3: how to loop over random variables?

I'm attempting to implement a GARCH model in pymc3, along the lines of this example. For this I attempted to implement a GARCH(1, 1) distribution as follows
import pymc3 as pm
from pymc3.distributions import Continuous, Normal
class GARCH(Continuous):
def __init__(self, alpha_0=None, alpha_1=None, beta_1=None, sigma_0=None, *args, **kwargs):
super(GARCH, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.alpha_0 = alpha_0
self.alpha_1 = alpha_1
self.beta_1 = beta_1
self.sigma_0 = sigma_0
self.mean = 0
def logp(self, values):
sigma = self.sigma_0
alpha_0 = self.alpha_0
alpha_1 = self.alpha_1
beta_1 = self.beta_1
x_prev = values[0]
_logp = Normal.dist(0., sd=sigma).logp(x_prev)
for x in values[1:]:
sigma = pm.sqrt(alpha_0 + alpha_1 * (x_prev/sigma)**2
+ beta_1 * sigma**2)
_logp = _logp + pm.Normal(0., sd=sigma).logp(x)
x_prev = x
return _logp
To clarify, this is the log-likelihood of the GARCH(1,1) model. The volatility process is a time series where the volatility at time t depends on the residual at time t-1. But to determine the residual at time t-1, we require the volatility at time t-1.
Anyways, that's not really important for my question. What matters is that the likelihood cannot be computed by vectorizing the for-loop (which is how it is done in the link at the top of the post). So you need an explicit loop which at each step first updates the volatility, and then determines likelihood of the observed return.
But the code above doesn't work. If I try to build a model like
import numpy as np
returns = np.genfromtxt("SP500.csv")[-200:]
garchmodel = pm.Model()
with garchmodel:
alpha_0 = pm.Exponential('alpha_0', 30., testval=.02)
alpha_1 = pm.Uniform('alpha_1', lower=0, upper=1, testval=.9)
upper = pm.Deterministic('upper', 1-alpha_1)
beta_1 = pm.Uniform('beta_1', lower=0, upper=upper, testval=.05)
sigma_0 = pm.Exponential('sigma_0', 30., testval=.02)
garch = GARCH('garch', alpha_0=alpha_0, alpha_1=alpha_1,
beta_1=beta_1, sigma_0=sigma_0, observed=returns)
The "SP500.csv" file can be found on e.g. github
This code generate the error:
ValueError: length not known
I'm pretty certain that this is because the for loops are conflicting with theano. How do I deal with this?
