Python counter in Prolog - prolog

In Python you can do
>>> import from collections counter
>>> Counter(['a','b','b','c'])
>>> Counter({'b': 2, 'a': 1, 'c': 1})
Is there something similar in Prolog? Like so:
This is my implementation:
findall(H, member(H,List), S),
It's rather verbose, so I wondered if there was a builtin predicate or a more terse implementation.

There is no builtin predicate, here is another way to do that :
counter([X], [X/1]).
counter([H | T], R) :-
counter(T, R1),
( select(H/V, R1, R2)
-> V1 is V+1,
R = [H/V1 | R2]
; R = [H/1 | R1]).

I like #joel76's solution. I will add a few more variations on the theme.
Here's another simple approach, which sorts the list first:
counter(L, C) :-
msort(L, S), % Use 'msort' instead of 'sort' to preserve dups
counter(S, 1, C).
counter([X], A, [X-A]).
counter([X,X|T], A, C) :-
A1 is A + 1,
counter([X|T], A1, C).
counter([X,Y|T], A, [X-A|C]) :-
X \= Y,
counter([Y|T], 1, C).
Quick trial:
| ?- counter([a,b,b,c], S).
S = [a-1,b-2,c-1] ?
This will fail on counter([], C). but you can simply include the clause counter([], []). if you want it to succeed. It doesn't maintain the initial order of appearance of the elements (it's unclear whether this is a requirement). This implementation is fairly efficient and is tail recursive, and it will work as long as the first argument is instantiated.
This version will maintain order of appearance of elements, and it succeeds on counter([], []).. It's also tail recursive:
counter(L, C) :-
length(L, N),
counter(L, N, C).
counter([H|T], L, [H-C|CT]) :-
delete(T, H, T1), % Remove all the H's
length(T1, L1), % Length of list without the H's
C is L - L1, % Count is the difference in lengths
counter(T1, L1, CT). % Recursively do the sublist
counter([], _, []).
With some results:
| ?- counter([a,b,a,a,b,c], L).
L = [a-3,b-2,c-1]
| ?- counter([], L).
L = []
This one uses a helper which isn't tail recursive, but it preserves the original order of elements, is fairly concise, and I think more efficient.
counter([X|T], [X-C|CT]) :-
remove_and_count(X, [X|T], C, L), % Remove and count X from the list
counter(L, CT). % Count remaining elements
counter([], []).
% Remove all (C) instances of X from L leaving R
remove_and_count(X, L, C, R) :-
select(X, L, L1), !, % Cut to prevent backtrack to other clause
remove_and_count(X, L1, C1, R),
C is C1 + 1.
remove_and_count(_, L, 0, L).
This implementation will work as long as the first argument to counter is instantiated.
In the above predicates, I used the Element-Count pattern rather than Element/Count since some Prolog interpreters, SWI in particular, offer a number of predicates that know how to operate on associative lists of Key-Value pairs (see SWI library(pairs) and ISO predicate keysort/2).

I also like #joel76 solution (and #mbratch suggestions, also). Here I'm just to note that library(aggregate), if available, has a count aggregate operation, that can be used with the ISO builtin setof/3:
counter(L, Cs) :-
setof(K-N, (member(K, L), aggregate(count, member(K, L), N)), Cs).
?- counter([a,b,b,c], L).
L = [a-1, b-2, c-1].
If the selection operation was more complex, a nice way to avoid textually repeating the code could be
counter(L, Cs) :-
P = member(K, L),
setof(K-N, (P, aggregate(count, P, N)), Cs).
Since I'm assuming library(aggregate) available, could be better to task it the set construction also:
counter(L, Cs) :-
P = member(E,L), aggregate(set(E-C), (P, aggregate(count,P,C)), Cs).


prolog - sublist of list - alternative approach

I implemented function to get sublist of list, for example:
sublist([1,2,4], [1,2,3,4,5,1,2,4,6]).
sublist([1,2,4], [1,2,3,4,5,1,2,6]).
look at my solution:
my_equals([], _).
my_equals([H1|T1], [H1|T2]) :- my_equals(T1, T2).
sublist([], _).
sublist(L1, [H2|T2]) :- my_equals(L1, [H2|T2]); sublist(L1, T2).
Could you give me another solution ? Maybe there is exists some predefined predicate as my_equals ?
You can unify a sublist using append/3, like this:
sublist(SubList, List):-
append(_, Tail, List),
append(SubList, _, Tail).
The first call to append/3 will split List into two parts (i.e. dismiss the some "leading" items from List.
The second call to append/3 will check whether SubList is itself a sublist of Tail.
As #false's suggests it would be better, at least for ground terms, to exchange goals,
sublist(SubList, List):-
append(SubList, _, Tail),
append(_, Tail, List).
There's also a DCG approach to the problem:
substr(Sub) --> seq(_), seq(Sub), seq(_).
seq([]) --> [].
seq([Next|Rest]) --> [Next], seq(Rest).
Which you would call with:
phrase(substr([1,2,4]), [1,2,3,4,5,1,2,4,6]).
You can define:
sublist(Sub, List) :-
phrase(substr(Sub), List).
So you could call it by, sublist([1,2,4], [1,2,3,4,5,1,2,4,6])..
Per #mat's suggestion:
substr(Sub) --> ..., seq(Sub), ... .
... --> [] | [_], ... .
Yes, you can have a predicate named .... :)
Per suggestions from #repeat and #false, I changed the name from subseq (subsequence) to substr (substring) since the meaning of "subsequence" embraces non-contiguous sequences.
This is an alternative solution to Lurkers, which is slightly faster,
assuming S is much shorter than L in length and thus the phrase/3 DCG
translation time is negligible:
sublist(S, L) :-
phrase((..., S), L, _).
If S=[X1,..,Xn] it will DCG translate this into a match I=[X1,..,Xn|O]
before execution, thus delegating my_equals/2 completely to Prolog
unification. Here is an example run:
?- phrase((..., [a,b]), [a,c,a,b,a,c,a,b,a,c], X).
X = [a, c, a, b, a, c] ;
X = [a, c] ;
P.S.: Works also for other patterns S than only terminals.
Maybe there is exists some predefined predicate
If your Prolog has append/2 from library(lists):
sublist(S, L) :- append([_,S,_], L).
Another fairly compact definition, available in every (I guess) Prolog out there:
sublist(S, L) :- append(S, _, L).
sublist(S, [_|L]) :- sublist(S, L).
Solution in the original question is valid just, as has been said, remark that "my_equals" can be replaced by "append" and "sublist" loop by another append providing slices of the original list.
However, prolog is (or it was) about artificial intelligence. Any person can answer immediately "no" to this example:
sublist([1,1,1,2], [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] ).
because a person, with simple observation of the list, infers some characteristics of it, like that there are no a "2".
Instead, the proposals are really inefficient on this case. By example, in the area of DNA analysis, where long sequences of only four elements are studied, this kind of algorithms are not applicable.
Some easy changes can be done, with the objective of look first for the most strongest condition. By example:
/* common( X, Y, C, QX, QY ) => X=C+QX, Y=C+QY */
common( [H|S2], [H|L2], [H|C2], DS, DL ) :- !,
common( S2, L2, C2, DS, DL ).
common( S, L, [], S, L ).
sublist( S, L ) :-
sublist( [], S, L ).
sublist( P, Q, L ) :- /* S=P+Q */
writeln( Q ),
length( P, N ),
length( PD, N ), /* PD is P with all unbound */
append( PD, T, L ), /* L=PD+T */
common( Q, T, C, Q2, _DL ), /* S=P+C+Q2; L=PD+C+_DL */
analysis( L, P, PD, C, Q2 ).
analysis( _L, P, P, _C, [] ) :- !. /* found sublist */
analysis( [_|L2], P, _PD, C, [] ) :- !,
sublist( P, C, L2 ).
analysis( [_|L2], P, _PD, C, Q2 ) :-
append( P, C, P2 ),
sublist( P2, Q2, L2 ).
Lets us try it:
?- sublist([1,1,1,2], [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]).
see how "analysis" has decided that is better look for the "2".
Obviously, this is a strongly simplified solution, in a real situation better "analysis" can be done and patterns to find must be more flexible (the proposal is restricted to patterns at the tail of the original S pattern).

how can simulate nested loop in prolog?

how can i simulate this code in Prolog?
// L = an existing list ;
// function foo(var X, var Y)
result = new List();
for(int i=0;i<L.length;i++)
for(int j=0;j<L.length;j++){
result.add(foo(L.get(i), L.get(j));
nested loops are basically joins between sequences, and most of lists processing in Prolog is best expressed without indexing:
?- L=[a,b,c], findall(foo(X,Y), (member(X,L),member(Y,L)), R).
L = [a, b, c],
R = [foo(a, a), foo(a, b), foo(a, c), foo(b, a), foo(b, b), foo(b, c), foo(c, a), foo(c, b), foo(..., ...)].
Sometime integers allow to capture the meaning in a simple way. As an example, my solution for one of the easier of Prolog context quizzes.
icecream(N) :-
loop(N, top(N)),
left, loop(N+1, center), nl,
loop(N+1, bottom(N)).
:- meta_predicate loop(+, 1).
loop(XH, PR) :-
H is XH,
forall(between(1, H, I), call(PR, I)).
top(N, I) :-
left, spc(N-I+1), pop,
( I > 1
-> pop,
; true
pcl, nl.
bottom(N, I) :-
left, spc(I-1), put(\), spc(2*(N-I+1)), put(/), nl.
center(_) :- put(/), put(\).
left :- spc(4).
pop :- put(0'().
pcl :- put(0')).
spc(Ex) :- V is Ex, forall(between(1, V, _), put(0' )).
Running in SWI-Prolog:
?- icecream(3).
(( ))
\ /
\ /
\ /
?- forall(loop(3,[X]>>loop(2,{X}/[Y]>>writeln(X-Y))),true).
You can define a forto/4 meta-predicate easily. An example, taken from the Logtalk library loop object:
:- meta_predicate(forto(*, *, *, 0)).
forto(Count, FirstExp, LastExp, Goal) :-
First is FirstExp,
Last is LastExp,
forto_aux(Count, First, Last, 1, Goal).
:- meta_predicate(forto_aux(*, *, *, *, 0)).
forto_aux(Count, First, Last, Increment, Goal) :-
( First =< Last ->
\+ \+ (Count = First, call(Goal)),
Next is First + Increment,
forto_aux(Count, Next, Last, Increment, Goal)
; true
Example goal:
?- loop::forto(I, 1, 2, loop::forto(J, 1, 3, (write(I-J), nl))).
Some Prolog compilers also provide built-in or library support for "logical loops" with good expressive power. Examples are (in alphabetic order) B-Prolog, ECLiPSe, and SICStus Prolog. Check the documentation of those systems for details. If you need a portable solution across most Prolog systems, check Logtalk's library documentation. Or simply take the above examples and define your own loop meta-predicates.
you can use this predicate using SICStus-prolog for looping variables I,J until N and get all of them inside fact foo/2 mentioned below successively ;
loop(N) :- for(I,0,N),param(N) do
for(J,0,N),param(I) do
| ?- loop(2).

Intersection of two lists of variables

How to define in ISO Prolog a (meta-logical) predicate for the intersection of two lists of variables that runs in linear time? The variables may appear in any determined order. No implementation dependent property like the "age" of variables must influence the outcome.
In analogy to library(ordsets), let's call the relation varset_intersection(As, Bs, As_cap_Bs).
?- varset_intersection([A,B], [C,D], []).
?-varset_intersection([A,B], [B,A], []).
?- varset_intersection([A,B,C], [C,A,D], Inter).
Inter = [A,C].
Inter = [C,A].
?- varset_intersection([A,B],[A,B],[A,C]).
B = C
A = B, A = C
?- varset_intersection([A,B,C],[A,B],[A,C]).
That is, the third argument is an output argument, that unifies with the intersection of the first two arguments.
See this list of the built-ins from the current ISO standard (ISO/IEC 13211-1:1995 including Cor.2).
(Note, that I did answer this question in the course of another one several years ago. However, it remains hidden and invisible to Google.)
If term_variables/2 works in a time linear with the size of its first argument, then this might work:
varset_intersection(As, Bs, As_cap_Bs):-
term_variables([As, Bs], As_and_Bs),
term_variables(As, SetAs),
append(SetAs, OnlyBs, As_and_Bs),
term_variables([OnlyBs, Bs], SetBs),
append(OnlyBs, As_cap_Bs, SetBs).
Each common variable appears only once in the result list no matter how many times it appears in the two given lists.
?- varset_intersection2([A,_C,A,A,A], [A,_B,A,A,A], L).
L = [A].
Also, it might give strange results as in this case:
?- varset_intersection([A,_X,B,C], [B,C,_Y,A], [C, A, B]).
A = B, B = C.
(permutation/2 might help here).
If copy_term/2 uses linear time, I believe the following works:
varset_intersection(As, Bs, Cs) :-
copy_term(As-Bs, CopyAs-CopyBs),
select_grounded(CopyBs, Bs, Cs).
ground_list([a|Xs]) :-
select_grounded([], [], []).
select_grounded([X|Xs], [_|Bs], Cs) :-
select_grounded(Xs, Bs, Cs).
select_grounded([_|Xs], [B|Bs], [B|Cs]) :-
select_grounded(Xs, Bs, Cs).
The idea is to copy both lists in one call to copy_term/2 to preserve shared variables between them, then ground the variables of the first copy, then pick out the original variables of the second list corresponding to the grounded positions of the second copy.
If unify_with_occurs_check(Var, ListOfVars) fails or succeeds in constant time, this implementation should yield answers in linear time:
filter_vars([], _, Acc, Acc).
filter_vars([A|As], Bs, Acc, As_cap_Bs):-
\+ unify_with_occurs_check(A, Bs)
filter_vars(As, Bs, [A|Acc], As_cap_Bs)
filter_vars(As, Bs, Acc, As_cap_Bs)
varset_intersection(As, Bs, As_cap_Bs):-
filter_vars(As, Bs, [], Inter),
permutation(Inter, As_cap_Bs).
This implementation has problems when given lists contain duplicates:
?- varset_intersection1([A,A,A,A,B], [B,A], L).
L = [B, A, A, A, A] ;
?- varset_intersection1([B,A], [A,A,A,A,B], L).
L = [A, B] ;
Edited : changed bagof/3 to a manually written filter thanks to observation by #false in comments below.
A possible solution is to use a Bloom filter. In case of collision, the result might be wrong, but functions with better collision resistance exist. Here is an implementation that uses a single hash function.
sum_codes([], _, Sum, Sum).
sum_codes([Head|Tail], K, Acc,Sum):-
Acc1 is Head * (256 ** K) + Acc,
K1 is (K + 1) mod 4,
sum_codes(Tail, K1, Acc1, Sum).
hash_func(Var, HashValue):-
with_output_to(atom(A), write(Var)),
atom_codes(A, Codes),
sum_codes(Codes, 0, 0, Sum),
HashValue is Sum mod 1024.
add_to_bitarray(Var, BAIn, BAOut):-
hash_func(Var, HashValue),
BAOut is BAIn \/ (1 << HashValue).
bitarray_contains(BA, Var):-
hash_func(Var, HashValue),
R is BA /\ (1 << HashValue),
R > 0.
varset_intersection(As, Bs, As_cap_Bs):-
foldl(add_to_bitarray, As, 0, BA),
include(bitarray_contains(BA), Bs, As_cap_Bs).
I know that foldl/4 and include/3 are not ISO, but their implementation is easy.

Prolog separating lists

Hello is there any way to separate a list in Prolog into two other lists, the first includes everything before an element and the second everything after the element. For example
A=[1,2,3,5,7,9,0] and element=5
the two lists should be
A1=[1,2,3] and A2=[7,9,0]
I don't care about finding the element just what to do next
it's easy as
?- Elem = 5, A = [1,2,3,5,7,9,0], append(A1, [Elem|A2], A).
edit to explain a bit...
append/3 it's a relation among 3 lists.
It's general enough to solve any concatenation on proper lists - when not there are circular arguments.
The comparison it's a plain unification, that take place on second argument. That must be a list beginning with Elem. Prolog list constructor syntax is [Head|Tail]. To make unification succeed, Elem must match the Head.
Here's an alternative method, illustrating how to handle it with list recursion:
split([E|T], E, [], T).
split([X|T], E, [X|LL], LR) :-
X \== E,
split(T, E, LL, LR).
Or better, if your Prolog supports dif/2:
split([E|T], E, [], T).
split([X|T], E, [X|LL], LR) :-
dif(X, E),
split(T, E, LL, LR).
| ?- split([1,2,3,4,5], 3, L, R).
L = [1,2]
R = [4,5] ? ;
| ?- split([1,2,3,4,5], 5, L, R).
L = [1,2,3,4]
R = [] ? ;
(1 ms) no
| ?- split([1,2,3,4,5], 1, L, R).
L = []
R = [2,3,4,5] ? ;
| ?-
It is a sort of specialized twist on append/3 as CapelliC showed.

Prolog: Matching One or More Anonymous Variables

[_, [ X , _ ],_] will match a list like [d, [X,a], s]. Is there a way to match it to any pattern where there is one or more anonymous variables? ie. [[X,a],s] and [[d,a],[p,z], [X,b]] would match?
I am trying to write a program to count the elements in a list ie. [a,a,a,b,a,b] => [[a,4],[b,2]] but I am stuck:
listcount(L, N) :- listcountA(LS, [], N).
listcountA([X|Tail], [? [X, B], ?], N) :- B is B+1, listcountA(Tail, [? [X,B] ?], N).
listcountA([X|Tail], AL, N) :- listcountA(Tail, [[X,0]|AL], N).
A variable match a term, and the anonimus variable is not exception. A list is just syntax sugar for a binary relation, between head and tail. So a variable can match the list, the head, or the tail, but not an unspecified sequence.
Some note I hope will help you:
listcount(L, N) :- listcountA(LS, [], N).
In Prolog, predicates are identified by name and num.of.arguments, so called functor and arity. So usually 'service' predicates with added arguments keep the same name.
listcountA([X|Tail], [? [X, B], ?], N) :- B is B+1, listcountA(Tail, [? [X,B] ?], N).
B is B+1 will never succeed, you must use a new variable. And there is no way to match inside a list, using a 'wildcard', as you seem to do. Instead write a predicate to find and update the counter.
A final note: usually pairs of elements are denoted using a binary relation, conveniently some (arbitrary) operator. For instance, most used is the dash.
So I would write
listcount(L, Counters) :-
listcount(L, [], Counters).
listcount([X | Tail], Counted, Counters) :-
update(X, Counted, Updated),
!, listcount(Tail, Updated, Counters).
listcount([], Counters, Counters).
update(X, [X - C | R], [X - S | R]) :-
S is C + 1.
update(X, [H | T], [H | R]) :-
update(X, T, R).
update(X, [], [X - 1]). % X just inserted
update/3 can be simplified using some library predicate, 'moving inside' the recursion. For instance, using select/3:
listcount([X | Tail], Counted, Counters) :-
( select(X - C, Counted, Without)
-> S is C + 1
; S = 1, Without = Counted
listcount(Tail, [X - S | Without], Counters).
listcount([], Counters, Counters).
I'll preface this post by saying that if you like this answer, consider awarding the correct answer to #chac as this answer is based on theirs.
Here is a version which also uses an accumulator and handles variables in the input list, giving you the output term structure you asked for directly:
listcount(L, C) :-
listcount(L, [], C).
listcount([], PL, PL).
listcount([X|Xs], Acc, L) :-
select([X0,C], Acc, RAcc),
X == X0, !,
NewC is C + 1,
listcount(Xs, [[X0, NewC]|RAcc], L).
listcount([X|Xs], Acc, L) :-
listcount(Xs, [[X, 1]|Acc], L).
Note that listcount/2 defers to the accumulator-based version, listcount/3 which maintains the counts in the accumulator, and does not assume an input ordering or ground input list (named/labelled variables will work fine).
[_, [X, _], _] will match only lists which have 3 elements, 1st and 3rd can be atoms or lists, second element must be list of length 2, but i suppore you know that. It won't match to 2 element list, its better to use head to tail recursion in order to find element and insert it into result list.
Heres a predicate sketch, wich i bet wont work if copy paste ;)
% find_and_inc(+element_to_search, +list_to_search, ?result_list)
find_and_inc(E, [], [[E, 1]]);
find_and_inc(E, [[E,C]|T1], [[E,C1]|T2]) :- C1 is C+1;
find_and_inc(E, [[K,C]|T1], [[K,C]|T2]) :- find_and_inc(E, T1, T2).
