Return variable through start command - windows

I am looking for a way to get a value return from a start-command launched batch script. Let me explain:
I need to take advantage of multiprocessing by launching multiple sub-batch scripts simultaneously from a main batch script, then retrieve every sub batch file return value when they're done.
I've been using return variables with the call-command as very well explained by dbenham.
That solution does not allow multithreading, since sub-batch scripts are run one after the other.
Using the start-command allows multiple running batch scripts, but values are not returned to my main script because apparently the start-command creates a whole new variable context.
Does anybody have a solution/workaround to return values from the sub-scripts to the main script ?
Below is a model of what I need:
#echo off
set "retval1=0"
set "retval2=0"
REM run two scripts in parallel:
start "" subscript1.bat arg1 retval1
start "" subscript2.bat arg1 retval2
REM wait for returned value
call :sleep 1
set /a "DONE=1"
if %retval1% equ 0 set "DONE=0"
if %retval2% equ 0 set "DONE=0"
if %DONE% equ 0 goto :waiting
echo returned values are %retval1% %retval2%
exit /b
#echo off
set "arg1=%~1"
set "retval1=%~1"
REM do some stuff...
REM return value
set "%retval1%=%foo%"
exit /b

Can't see any alternative to writing your return values to files, so
for %%a in (1 2) do (
del "%temp%\retval%%a" 2>nul
start /min "" q225220791.bat arg1 retval1
choice /t 1 /d y >nul
start /min "" q225220791.bat arg1 retval2
choice /t 1 /d y >nul
ECHO wait...%retval1%...%retval2%
if not exist "%temp%\retval1" goto waiting
if not exist "%temp%\retval2" goto waiting
for %%a in (1 2) do (
for /f "usebackqdelims=" %%i in ("%temp%\retval%%a") do set "retval%%a=%%i"
for %%a in (1 2) do (
del "%temp%\retval%%a" 2>nul
echo returned values are %retval1% %retval2%
:: wait a random time 2..10 sec.
SET /a timeout=%RANDOM% %% 8 + 2
choice /t %timeout% /d y >nul
:: return a random result 12..20
SET /a foo=%RANDOM% %% 8 + 12
>"%temp%\%2" echo %foo%
Relying on the value of the second parameter to the sub-process to set the tempfile name. I've changed the names of the batches to suit my system.

Not sure if this is even practical, but just testing to avoid the temporary file. So looking for a place in child process that can be readed from parent process i decided to use the window title.
#echo off
rem Retrieve task information and set window title
set "taskID=%~1"
title [task];%taskID%;working;
rem Retrieve the rest of parameters. For this sample, a random value
set /a "timeToWait=%~2 %% 30"
rem Simulate command processing
timeout /t %timeToWait%
rem Calculate a return value for this task
for /f "tokens=1-10 delims=,.:/ " %%a in ("%date%%time%_%~2") do set "returnValue=%%a%%b%%c%%d%%e%%f%%g%%h%%i%%j"
rem Signal the end of the task
title [task];%taskID%;ended; my return value is %returnValue% ;
rem Wait for master to end this tasks
echo Waiting for master....
waitfor %taskID%
rem Cleanup
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
rem Configure tasks
set "taskPrefix=myTSK"
set "numTasks=5"
rem Start tasks
for /l %%a in (1 1 %numTasks%) do (
set "return[%taskPrefix%%%a]=unknown"
start "[task];%taskPrefix%%%a;working;" cmd /c "task.cmd %taskPrefix%%%a !random!"
rem Wait for tasks to start
timeout /t 2 > nul
rem Wait for tasks to end. Get the list of cmd.exe windows with window title
rem to see the state of the task
rem Tasks in working state indicate master needs to keep working
rem Tasks in ended state have the return value in the window title and are
rem waiting for the master to retrieve the value and end them
set "keepWaiting="
for /f "tokens=9 delims=," %%a in ('tasklist /fi "imagename eq cmd.exe" /fo csv /v ^| findstr /l /c:"[task];%taskPrefix%"'
) do for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=;" %%b in ("%%a") do (
if "%%c"=="working" (
set "keepWaiting=1"
) else if "%%c"=="ended" (
set "return[%%b]=%%d"
start "" /min waitfor.exe /si %%b
rem If any task has been found in working state, keep waiting
if defined keepWaiting (
echo %time% : waiting ...
timeout /t 5 > nul
goto wait
rem All tasks have ended. Show return values
for /l %%a in (1 1 %numTasks%) do (
echo task #%%a ended with exit value :[!return[%taskPrefix%%%a]!]
In this sample, the task waits for master using waitfor command. In XP this is not available, and can be replaced with just a pause, and from master.cmd the waiting loop must be modified to include the processID token in the tasklist processing, so the waiting task can be closed with taskkill.


Incremental Progress Bar in Windows Batch File

I have a batch file which scans the computer taking various readings and storing each in to a variable. During this time I would like a little more than a simple message telling the user to 'Please wait - Gathering system information'.
I've tried the quick, easy, (and poor), way of doing this, as follows, as I want this to be a true incremental progress bar.
echo Please wait - Gathering system information
echo ----------------------------------
echo Progress: ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 0%%
echo ----------------------------------
>nul timeout /t 1 &cls
REM Do something here.
echo Please wait - Gathering system information...
echo ----------------------------------
echo Progress: █░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 5%%
echo ----------------------------------
>nul timeout /t 1 &cls
REM Do something else here.
echo Please wait - Gathering system information.
echo ----------------------------------
echo Progress: ██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 10%%
echo ----------------------------------
>nul timeout /t 1 &cls
REM And something else..
echo Please wait - Gathering system information..
echo ----------------------------------
echo Progress: ███░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 15%%
echo ----------------------------------
>nul timeout /t 1 &cls
REM Etc...
However, the effect is not exactly great, as the cls command causes the command window to flicker, and there has to be a 'false' pause after each update, which slows the whole process… Also not great.
I have the following that looks great, but I have no idea how to 'increment' the bar after every section of code, as per my initial example, and having it play from 0-100% before running anything else is a bit pointless.
#echo off &cls
mode con: cols=70 lines=5 &color f0
call :setESC
chcp 65001 >nul
set progress=
set/a progressnum=0
set progress=%progress%%ESC%[96m█%ESC%[30m
echo. Please wait - Gathering system information...
echo. %progress% (%progressnum%/20)
ping localhost -n 2 >nul
set/a progressnum=%progressnum% +1
if %progressnum%==20 goto finished
goto gettingdata
echo. Finished
echo. %ESC%[92m████████████████████%ESC%[30m (20/20)
echo. Press any key to exit &>nul timeout /t -1 &exit /B
REM Define escape char
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=#" %%a in ('"prompt #$H#$E# & echo on & for %%b in (1) do rem"') do (
set ESC=%%b
exit /B 0
So, my question is, how can I get the effect of the second script, but actually increment the bar after each section of my batch script has executed?
Ok I figured it out (with the help of this post).
Below is how I set up and used the script with only small additions to make it work with Unicode symbols.
First, set up your environment however you please. For the purpose of this post we will use the following:
#echo off &cls
mode con: cols=70 lines=4 &color f0
Now in between each segment of your code you'll need to define the percentage of the progress bar by calling :drawProgressBar like so:
REM Your code here (segment 1)
REM - Progress Bar 0% - 33% ------------------------------------------------------
echo. Please wait - Gathering system information...
for /l %%f in (0 1 33) do (
call :drawProgressBar %%f "Code segment 1 finished"
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Repeat as required increasing the percentage each time like so:
REM Your code here (segment 2)
REM - Progress Bar 34% - 66% -----------------------------------------------------
for /l %%f in (34 1 66) do (
call :drawProgressBar %%f "Code segment 2 finished"
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Your code here (segment 3)
REM - Progress Bar 67% - 100% ----------------------------------------------------
for /l %%f in (67 1 100) do (
call :drawProgressBar %%f "Code segment 2 finished"
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM The rest of your script goes here
echo. &echo. All done. Press any key to Exit. &>nul timeout /t -1 &exit /B
Addendum: If you would like each segment to show 0-100% (as opposed to counting up from 0-100% overall) then you can use the following each time and simply update the description:
REM - Progress Bar 0% - 100% -----------------------------------------------------
for /l %%f in (0 1 100) do (
call :drawProgressBar %%f "Code segment finished"
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ok to continue and this is personal preference here, but I then like to resize the CMD Window with another cls &mode con: cols=70 lines=60 &color f0 (or whatever size and/or colour you need) then continue to the output. As I say, this is just personal choice but I think it looks better with the progress meter in a smaller windows while the information is gathered before moving on to the 'main output' of the script.
Finally, add the following to the end of your batch file:
:drawProgressBar value [text]
if "%~1"=="" goto :eof
if not defined pb.barArea call :initProgressBar
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set /a "pb.value=%~1 %% 101", "pb.filled=pb.value*pb.barArea/100", "pb.dotted=pb.barArea-pb.filled", "pb.pct=1000+pb.value"
set "pb.pct=%pb.pct:~-3%"
if "%~2"=="" ( set "pb.text=" ) else (
set "pb.text=%~2%pb.back%"
set "pb.text=!pb.text:~0,%pb.textArea%!"
<nul set /p "pb.prompt= !pb.fill:~0,%pb.filled%!!pb.dots:~0,%pb.dotted%! [%pb.pct%%%] %pb.text%!!"
goto :eof
:initProgressBar [fillChar] [dotChar]
chcp 65001 >nul
if defined call :finalizeProgressBar
for /f %%a in ('copy "%~f0" nul /z') do set ""
if "%~1"=="" ( set "pb.fillChar=▓" ) else ( set "pb.fillChar=%~1" )
if "%~2"=="" ( set "pb.dotChar=▒" ) else ( set "pb.dotChar=%~2" )
set "pb.console.columns="
for /f "tokens=2 skip=4" %%f in ('mode con') do if not defined pb.console.columns set "pb.console.columns=%%f"
set /a "pb.barArea=pb.console.columns/2-2", "pb.textArea=pb.barArea-9"
set "pb.fill="
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
for /l %%p in (1 1 %pb.barArea%) do set "pb.fill=!pb.fill!%pb.fillChar%"
set "pb.fill=!pb.fill:~0,%pb.barArea%!"
set "pb.dots=!pb.fill:%pb.fillChar%=%pb.dotChar%!"
set "pb.back=!pb.fill:~0,%pb.textArea%!
set "pb.back=!pb.back:%pb.fillChar%= !"
endlocal & set "pb.fill=%pb.fill%" & set "pb.dots=%pb.dots%" & set "pb.back=%pb.back%"
chcp 1252 >nul
goto :eof
:finalizeProgressBar [erase]
if defined (
if not "%~1"=="" (
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "pb.back="
for /l %%p in (1 1 %pb.console.columns%) do set "pb.back=!pb.back! "
<nul set /p "pb.prompt=!!!pb.back:~1!!!"
for /f "tokens=1 delims==" %%v in ('set pb.') do set "%%v="
goto :eof
This is probably an easy task for the seasoned guys & gals here but I struggled with how to do this so I thought that I would share what worked for me and how I used the script.
Full credit goes to MC ND who is the original author of the script used. Please see the original post for more customisation options.

Arrange the pinging of multiple website in order with batch?

This is a batch that pings the servers of a game I play, so that I am able to find the best server for me.
Is there a way I can have it ping all the servers then list them in order from the slowest response to the highest?
#TITLE OSRS Ping Checker
#ECHO off
SET usaworlds=5,6,7,13,14,15,19,20,21,22,23,24,29,30,31,32,37,38,39,40,45,46,47,48,53,54,55,56,57,61,62,69,70,74,77,78,86,117
#ECHO ---------------------------------------------------
#ECHO ---------------------------------------------------
FOR %%i IN (%usaworlds%) DO (
Echo | SET /p=World %%i
FOR /F "tokens=5" %%a IN ('Ping -n 1 ^| FIND "time="') DO Echo %%a
#ECHO off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
TITLE OSRS Ping Checker
for /f %%a in ('copy /Z "%~dpf0" nul') do set "CR=%%a"
del x.tmp 2>nul
SET usaworlds=5,6,7,13,14,15,19,20,21,22,23,24,29,30,31,32,37,38,39,40,45,46,47,48,53,54,55,56,57,61,62,69,70,74,77,78,86,117
ECHO ---------------------------------------------------
ECHO ---------------------------------------------------
FOR %%i IN (%usaworlds%) DO (
<nul set /p "=checking World %%i !CR!"
FOR /F "tokens=5" %%a IN ('Ping -n 1 ^| FIND "TTL="') DO (
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%b in ("%%a") do (
set tim=00000%%b
set tim=!tim:~-7,-2!
echo !tim! World %%i>>x.tmp
for /f "tokens=3" %%c in ('sort /r x.tmp') do set fastest=%%c
echo fastest response from World %fastest%
Note: the time of a one-time ping isn't reliable (check the different times with ping -t) and so this approach may give you false results. better check "Average" with ping -n 5 or even higher, but that will of course decrease the performance of the script.
To make it faster and more reliable using the average times, you can run the pings in parallel (I have used that method years ago in another context)
#ECHO off
TITLE OSRS Ping Checker
for /f %%a in ('copy /Z "%~dpf0" nul') do set "CR=%%a"
del %temp%\x.tmp 2>nul
SET usaworlds=wrgl,5,6,7,13,14,15,19,20,21,22,23,24,29,30,31,32,37,38,39,40,45,46,47,48,53,54,55,56,57,61,62,69,70,74,77,78,86,117
#ECHO ---------------------------------------------------
#ECHO ---------------------------------------------------
FOR %%i IN (%usaworlds%) DO (
start /min "Pinging" cmd /v:on /c "(FOR /F "tokens=9 delims= " %%a IN ('Ping -n 5^|findstr /e "ms"') do set avrg= %%a)& >> %temp%\x.tmp echo ^!avrg:~-7,-2^!" World %%i
timeout 1 >nul
tasklist /FI "WINDOWTITLE eq Pinging" |find ".exe" >nul && goto :wait
for /f "tokens=3" %%c in ('sort /r %temp%\x.tmp') do set fastest=%%c
echo fastest response from World %fastest%
Using start /min instead of start /b does keep your screen clean in case of errors (makes it a bit slower, but you won't notice it)
Since there are many hosts to check/ping, sequencial processing lasts for a quite long time, particularly when following Stephan's recommendation of using more than one echo requests and taking the average reply time.
So I suggest to use a different approach and let the ping requests happen in simultaneous processes:
#title OSRS Ping Checker
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
rem // Define constants here:
set "_ARG=%~1" & if defined _ARG shift /1 & goto :DO_PING & ^
rem // (jump to label `DO_LOOP` in case arguments are provided)
set "_USAWORLDS=5,6,7,13,14,15,19,20,21,22,23,24,29,30,31,32,37,38,39,40,45,46,47,48,53,54,55,56,57,61,62,69,70,74,77,78,86,117"
set "_ECHOREQUS=10" & rem // (number of echo requests to send per host)
set "_TEMPFILEB=%TEMP%\%~n0_%RANDOM%" & rem // (path and base name of temporary files)
set "_FINALFILE=%~dpn0.txt" & rem // (path and full name of return file)
rem // Process items in sub-routine but in parallel processes:
for %%I in (%_USAWORLDS%) do (
rem // Redirect output of every process to individual temporary file:
> "%_TEMPFILEB%_%%~I.tmp" start /B "" cmd /C "%~f0" :DO_PING %%~I %_ECHOREQUS%
rem /* Wait until all temporary files are write-accessible, meaning that
rem all the parallel processes have been completed/terminated: */
for %%I in (%_USAWORLDS%) do (
rem // Try appending nothing to check for write-access:
2> nul (>> "%_TEMPFILEB%_%%~I.tmp" rem/) || (
rem // Wait a bit to not overload the processor:
> nul timeout /T 1 /NOBREAK
goto :POLL
rem // Combine all individual temporary files into one:
> nul copy /Y "%_TEMPFILEB%_*.tmp" "%_TEMPFILEB%.tmp" /B
rem // Sort data as desired (alphabetic sorting):
sort /R "%_TEMPFILEB%.tmp" /O "%_TEMPFILEB%.tmp"
rem // Create return file, write header:
> "%_FINALFILE%" echo ms host
rem // Append sorted data to return file:
> nul copy /Y "%_FINALFILE%" + "%_TEMPFILEB%.tmp" "%_FINALFILE%" /B
rem // Clean up temporary files:
del "%_TEMPFILEB%_*.tmp" "%_TEMPFILEB%.tmp"
exit /B
rem // Build host URL to ping, set number of echo requests to send:
set ""
set /A "NUM=%~2"
rem /* Perform ping and capture last line of response, which should contain
rem the average reply time: */
set "STR="
for /F "delims=" %%P in ('2^> nul ping "%URL%" -n %NUM%') do set "STR=%%P"
rem // Check whether last line of response contains average reply time:
if not defined STR exit /B
set "AVG=%STR:*Average =%"
set "AVG=%AVG:~1%"
if "%AVG%"=="%STR%" exit /B
rem /* Convert average reply time to pure left-zero-padded number; the padding
rem is intended to simplify the later (purely alphabetic) sorting: */
set /A "AVG=AVG"
set "AVG=000000%AVG%"
rem // Return average reply time together with respective host URL:
echo %AVG:~-6% "%URL%"
exit /B

Batch compare timer result to a number

I have a batch timer (saw it in a different stackOverFlow post) and I need to compare the elapsed time to a number in order to know when 10 seconds are pass, however, I'm getting an error when trying to compare the two.
What am I doing wrong?
#set /A _tic=%time:~0,2%*3600^
+%time:~7,1% >nul
SETLOCAL EnableExtensions
set EXE=python.exe
FOR /F "skip=1" %%x IN ('wmic process where "CommandLine Like '%%forking import main%%' and Caption='python.exe'" get caption') DO for /F "delims=" %%j in ("%%x") do (
echo The name of process who passed filter is: %%j Waiting for it to terminate...
IF %%j == %EXE% (
:: TOK
set /A _toc=%time:~0,2%*3600^
+%time:~7,1% >nul
set /A _elapsed=%_toc%-%_tic
:: echo %_elapsed% seconds.
) ELSE (
echo Entered "else" part - something went wrong.
echo Runner is done - killing watchdog process
taskkill /F /im "python.exe"
when I run it I get the error:
"goto was unexpected at this time."
What am I missing?
Thank you

Manipulate cmd ping color based on time

My internet is not always working properly and I'd like to check the quality based on the cmd windows tool. I believe it's a task simple enough for it to handle.
I've begun by making a shortcut so I can have easy access to the command:
C:\Windows\System32\PING.EXE -t
Now I was trying to transform the cmd ping command into a visually responsive one based on the output. I'd like to make the color change according to the time response.
After looking and not finding anything related, I believe it's either impossible or no one has ever tried.
Thank you very much :)
PD: (In case there was anything unclear just ask and I'll gladly answer)
Based on Magoo's post, I wrote this little batch program.
It asks for the target, the number of requests to make, the max time allowed and the time between requests and then prints in red if the request is over the time max, otherwise it sums the number of requests. It includes timestamp to be more accurate.
Copy and paste in a text file and name it with extension ".bat" (But don't name it "ping.bat" otherwise the program will enter in an infinite loop).
REM By Daweb
REM Needed for Line colored
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
FOR /F "tokens=1,2 delims=#" %%a IN ('"PROMPT #$H#$E# & echo on & for %%b in (1) do rem"') do (
SET "DEL=%%a"
for /f %%a in ('copy /Z "%~f0" nul') do set "CR=%%a"
ECHO *****************
ECHO *****************
REM Start
ECHO Set yours values
REM SET Target
SET /p hostInput=" - Target (ip or hostname): "
If "%hostInput%"=="" ECHO.&GOTO start
REM SET loops
SET /p loopsInput=" - Requests number: "
SET /a loops=loopsInput
REM SET time limit
SET /p maxmsInput=" - Maximum Time Limit (ms): "
SET /a maxms=maxmsInput
REM Value used for sleep between loops
SET /p sleepInput=" - Delay between requests (s): "
SET /a sleepDelay=sleepInput+1
REM Variables
SET displayText=""
SET /a countRequestsOk=0
SET /a countRequestsKo=0
SET /a totalRequests=0
SET /a maxTime=0
ECHO START at %TIME% [target: %hostInput%, requests: %loops%, time limit: %maxms% ms, delay: %sleepInput% s]
REM Loop
REM Set time
FOR /f "tokens=1-3 delims=/:" %%a IN ("%TIME%") DO (SET mytime=%%ah%%bm%%cs)
REM Get ping value
FOR /f "tokens=3delims==" %%a IN ('PING -n 1 %hostInput%') DO FOR /f "delims=m" %%b IN ("%%a") DO (
SET /a timems=%%b
SET /a totalRequests+=1
REM Check result
IF !timems! GTR %maxms% ( GOTO failed ) ELSE ( GOTO success )
REM Request success
SET /a countRequestsOk+=1
IF !timems! GTR !maxTime! ( SET /a maxTime=timems )
<nul set /P "=!countRequestsOk! requests [Max !maxTime! ms]!CR!"
GOTO next
REM Request failed
IF !countRequestsOk! GTR 0 ECHO.
SET /a countRequestsOk=0
SET /a countRequestsKo+=1
SET displayText=" %mytime% - !timems!ms"
CALL :ColorText 0c !displayText!
GOTO next
REM Next loop
REM Sleep a little bit
IF %sleepDelay% GTR 1 ( ping -n %sleepDelay% localhost > nul )
REM Check continue
SET /a loops-=1
IF %loops% gtr 0 GOTO loop
REM Display result
IF !countRequestsOk! GTR 0 ECHO.
if !countRequestsKo! GTR 0 (
SET displayText="FAILED - !countRequestsKo! requests over %maxms% ms on !totalRequests! requests in total"
CALL :ColorText 0c !displayText!
) ELSE (
SET displayText="SUCCESS - No request over %maxms% ms on !totalRequests! requests in total"
CALL :ColorText 02 !displayText!
REM Ask if restart
ECHO.&ECHO *********************
SET /p restartInput="Do it again ? (Y/N): "
If "%restartInput%"=="" ECHO *********************&GOTO start
If /I "%restartInput%"=="y" ECHO *********************&GOTO start
If /I "%restartInput%"=="n" ECHO *********************&GOTO end
REM Line color
ECHO off
ECHO %DEL% > "%~2"
FINDSTR /v /a:%1 /R "^$" "%~2" NUL
DEL "%~2" > NUL 2>&1
SET loops=10
FOR /f "tokens=3delims==" %%a IN ('PING -n 1') DO FOR /f "delims=m" %%b IN ("%%a") DO ECHO %%b&COLOR %%b&GOTO cchgd
SET /a loops-=1
IF %loops% gtr 0 GOTO loop
A simple demonstration - repeats the ping 10 times, changing colours depending on the response. Manipulate to do as you wish...
I am not sure that I know what the desired output should be, but this will output GREEN text for response times 0-39 ms, YELLOW for 40-79 ms, and RED for 80+ ms.
Run this from a cmd.exe prompt using the following command or put it into a .bat file script. Change the directory to the location where the Get-PingColor.ps1 file is landed.
powershell -NoLogo -NoProfile -File "%USERPROFILE%\bin\Get-PingColor.ps1"
=== Get-PingColor.ps1
param (
[int]$Count = 4
[int]$SpeedMinimumSlow = 80
[int]$SpeedMinimumMedium = 40
foreach ($ComputerName in $ComputerNames) {
$Pings = Test-Connection -ComputerName $ComputerName -Count $Count
$Average = ($Pings | Measure-Object -Property responsetime -Average).Average
$ForegroundColor = 'Green'
if ($Average -ge $SpeedMinimumSlow) { $ForegroundColor = 'Red'}
else { if ($Average -ge $SpeedMinimumMedium) { $ForegroundColor = 'Yellow' }}
Write-Host -ForegroundColor $ForegroundColor -BackgroundColor 'Black' "$ComputerName $Average ms"
=== Execution examples
I am loathe to put images into a post, but I do not see a way to produce color on SO.

Multithreaded batch file passing parameters

The multithreading part was already replied here and works great (thanks a lot to Magoo)
Main code
:: make a tempfile
SET "tempfile=%temp%\%random%"
IF EXIST "%tempfile%?" (GOTO maketemp) ELSE (ECHO.>"%tempfile%a")
SET "nextfile=%~1"
IF NOT DEFINED nextfile (
DEL "%tempfile%a*" >NUL 2>NUL
::ECHO all done
FOR /L %%a IN (1,1,%instances%) DO (
IF NOT EXIST "%tempfile%a%%a" (
>"%tempfile%a%%a" ECHO.
START /B "Instance %%a" oneconversion.bat "%~1" "%tempfile%a%%a" %%a
GOTO loop
timeout /t 1 >NUL
GOTO loop
Code example of oneconversion.bat
CALL truepng.exe "%1"
CALL pngwolf.exe "%1"
DEL "%~2" >NUL 2>NUL
This works up to now.
But when I reserve first 10 parameters in use of commands.How I reserve commands
FOR /f "TOKENS=1-11*" %%a in ("%*") DO (
SET filelist=%%l
SET varresize=%1
SET varincsmall=%1
SET varwidth=%2
SET varheight=%3
SET varjpegqa=%4
SET varjpegpr=%5
SET varjpegex=%6
SET varpngqa=%7
SET varpngcl=%8
SET varpngqt=%9
I don't know how can I use %filelist% inside main code. And sure replacing %~1 with %filelist% doesn't work. Looks like I missed a point and couldn't find a way out.
Thanks for everyone will help or at least try to.
Add your variable initialization code at the start of the main script and shift the command line parameters additionally 9 times:
SET varresize=%1
SET varincsmall=%1
SET varwidth=%2
SET varheight=%3
SET varjpegqa=%4
SET varjpegpr=%5
SET varjpegex=%6
SET varpngqa=%7
SET varpngcl=%8
SET varpngqt=%9
for /L %%a in (1,1,9) do shift
Thus you won't need filelist, I think.
