How to resolve JSF1095 Flash Warning "Response already committed" in f:selectItems component? [duplicate] - httpresponse

This question already has answers here:
Getting warning from JSF: The response was already committed by the time we tried to set the outgoing cookie for the flash
(4 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I meet a strange behavior with JSF 2.4 on Mojarra.
I'm using flash parameters to pass from a page to another.
Each time i arrive on a new page, i retrieve my flash parameters in Postconstruct annoted method.
Then if the page is refreshed, the user is redirect to another page. (because the flash parameters are erased after refresh).
FOr the same code , i meet this error i if i populated my selectItems from different data (hard coded or database query) :
JSF1095: The response was already committed by the time we tried to set the outgoing cookie for the flash. Any values stored to the flash will not be available on the next request.
I d'like to get ride of this, maybe something to do with :
I don't understand how to use them.
I read about 2 :
<h:selectOneMenu id ="loc" value="#{participantController.localisation}"
validatorMessage="Vous devez renseigner la localisation." >
<f:selectItems value="#{participantController.locFeaturesList}"
var="locFeature" itemLabel="#{locFeature.locName}"
itemValue="#{locFeature.locName}" />
My list object :
public static class LocFeatures{
public String locName;
public String codeName;
public LocFeatures(String locName, String codeName){
this.locName = locName;
this.codeName = codeName;
public String getLocName(){
return locName;
public String getCodeName(){
return codeName;
Put data in my list object :
public LocFeatures[] loadLocalisationpAdicapCodeAssociativeMenu() {
locFeaturesList = new LocFeatures[loc2Code.size()+1];
// if I populate my list with only some values no errors will be thrown but it doesn't work when i populate it by a big database request
//locFeaturesList = new LocFeatures[1];
locFeaturesList[0] = new LocFeatures("-----",null); // Associations Classe - Name
int indice = 1;
for (Static assocation : loc2Code) {
locFeaturesList[indice] = new LocFeatures(assocation.getKey(),assocation.getValue()); // Associations Classe - Name
indice ++;
return locFeaturesList;
My #PostConstruct method :
public void setFlashParam() {
//locFeaturesList = loadLocalisationpAdicapCodeAssociativeMenu();
FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
String studyNameFlashed = (String) facesContext.getExternalContext().getFlash().get("study_name");
// Gere un refresh qui ferait disparaitre le type de l'étude.
if (studyNameFlashed == null) {
try { ExternalContext ec = facesContext.getExternalContext(); ec.redirect(ec.getRequestContextPath() + "/Accueil"); } catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}

Try always to go with Mojarra latest versions to work with flash. In your case, try to update it to 2.2.6. As stated in several posts around here, there have been a lot of issues with flash scope in Mojarra implementations. However, it seems they've fixed the problem. See this answer (which BTW explains how to use the context properly).
See also:
JSF/Mojarra "flash scope" problems
Exception about flash in Mojarra JSF


#Cacheable is not able to update

In spring framework we have #Cacheable to cache data right. Now my requirement is i want to retrieve all data form database by using Get method.
#RequestMapping(value = "/getUploadData", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ResponseEntity<List<Ticket>> getUploadFileData() throws IOException {
return new ResponseEntity<>(ticketBookingService.getFileUploadData(), HttpStatus.OK);
public List<Ticket> getFileUploadData() {
List<Ticket> listOfData = (List<Ticket>) ticketBookingDao.findAll();
return listOfData;
click image here to check output
Now i will do get and put operation by ticketid.
public Ticket getTicketById(#PathVariable("ticketId")Integer ticketId){
return ticketBookingService.getTicketById(ticketId);
public Ticket getTicketById(Integer ticketId) {
return ticketBookingDao.findOne(ticketId);
Now when i do update email by using ticketid:
Put: controller
public Ticket updateTicket(#PathVariable("ticketId")Integer ticketId,#PathVariable("newEmail")String newEmail){
return ticketBookingService.updateTicket(ticketId,newEmail);
public Ticket updateTicket(Integer ticketId, String newEmail) {
Ticket upadedTicket = null;
Ticket ticketFromDb = ticketBookingDao.findOne(ticketId);
if(ticketFromDb != null){
upadedTicket =;
return upadedTicket;
"ticketId": 1,
"passengerName": "Sean",
"bookingDate": 1502649000000,
"sourceStation": "Pune",
"destStation": "Mumbai",
"email": ""
Now when get data by using ID changes are updating.
Now my Question is if i try to get all data by using above first URL my changes are not reflecting.
Suggest me how to reslove this issue
You cannot bulk update the cache with Spring.
Please check the following issue - closed with status declined:
Thanks for creating the issue but I am not keen to add this extra complexity to the cache abstraction. It is not meant to manage state for you (the next logical step if we allow this is that we have to keep the returned list in sync with each item). And if we don't we are inconsistent and we merely provide a way to talk to the cache using annotations. That's not very helpful.
Back to your example, this is typically what a second level cache is meant to do for you. This is not in the scope of the cache abstraction.

Display message to user on expired session when using wicket-auth-roles

Hi I have been unable to solve the following problem in Wicket 6.*:
In our webapp we are using wicket-auth-roles to manage authentication/authorization. When session expires, user should be redirected to a page set by getApplicationSettings().setPageExpiredErrorPage(SomePage.class) on his next action. However, if the user tries to access a page which doesn't allow guests, he is redirected to a login page skipping the PageExpiredPage altogether.
My question is - how can I display "Session has expired." message to the user?
Among other things, I have tried"message") during onInvalidate phase of session's lifecycle, however the feedback message is then rendered on the first page after login (not on the login page).
Thank you for your anwsers.
You could use a RequestCycleListener to record when a PageExpiredException is thrown.
public class ExceptionMapperListener extends AbstractRequestCycleListener {
public IRequestHandler onException(RequestCycle cycle, Exception ex) {
if (ex instanceof PageExpiredException) {
// Record in session or request cycle
// OR
// Create a RenderPageRequestHandler yourself and add a page parameter
// See DefaultExceptionMapper#internalMap(Exception)
return null;
// In Application#init():
getRequestCycleListeners().add(new ExceptionMapperListener());
(kept because it could still help...)
I haven't tried it myself since I don't use wicket-auth-roles, but try overriding the method AuthenticatedWebApplication#restartResponseAtSignInPage() with something like this:
if (isSessionExpired()) {
PageParameters params = new PageParameters();
params.add("showSessionExpired", true);
throw new RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException(getSignInPageClass(), params);
} else {
throw new RestartResponseAtInterceptPageException(getSignInPageClass());
And then in the SignInPageClass, display the desired message if the showSessionExpired page parameter is present.
I'm not sure how you implement isSessionExpired(), but you seem to have that part already covered.
Depending on how you implemented isSessionExpired(), maybe you could do the following in your SignInPageClass:
if (sessionExpired()) {"message")
After bernie put me on the right path, I eventually figured out a solution to the problem:
First it is required to override RequestCycleListener:
public class SessionExpiredListener extends AbstractRequestCycleListener {
public void onRequestHandlerResolved(RequestCycle cycle, IRequestHandler handler) {
if (handler instanceof IPageRequestHandler) {
IPageRequestHandler pageHandler = (IPageRequestHandler) handler;
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) cycle.getRequest().getContainerRequest();
//check whether the requested session has expired
boolean expired = request.getRequestedSessionId() != null && !request.isRequestedSessionIdValid();
//check whether the requested page can be instantiated with the current session
boolean authorized = Session.get().getAuthorizationStrategy().isInstantiationAuthorized(pageHandler.getPageClass());
if (expired && !authorized) {
throw new PageExpiredException("Session has expired!");
super.onRequestHandlerResolved(cycle, handler);
Check for authorized prevents the session-expired message from displaying on log-out or when accessing unprotected pages.
Finally, you must register your listener and PageRequestHandlerTracker in your WebApplication:
getRequestCycleListeners().add(new SessionExpiredListener());
getRequestCycleListeners().add(new PageRequestHandlerTracker());

How to create SubCommunities using the Social Business Toolkit Java API?

In the SDK Javadoc, the Community class does not have a "setParentCommunity" method but the CommunityList class does have a getSubCommunities method so there must be a programmatic way to set a parent Community's Uuid on new Community creation. The REST API mentions a "rel="" element". While looking for clues I check an existing Subcommunity's XmlDataHandler's nodes and found a link element. I tried getting the XmlDataHandler for a newly-created Community and adding a link node with href, rel and type nodes similar to those in the existing Community but when trying to update or re-save the Community I got a bad request error. Actually even when I tried calling dataHandler.setData(n) where n was set as Node n=dataHandler.getData(); without any changes, then calling updateCommunity or save I got the same error, so it appears that manipulating the dataHandler XML is not valid.
What is the recommended way to specify a parent Community when creating a new Community so that it is created as a SubCommunity ?
The correct way to create a sub-community programatically is to modify the POST request body for community creation - here is the link to the Connections 45 infocenter -
We do not have support in the SBT SDK to do this using CommunityService APIs. We need to use low level Java APIs using Endpoint and ClientService classes to directly call the REST APIs with the appropriate request body.
I'd go ahead and extend the class CommunityService
then go ahead and add CommunityService
Line 605
public String createCommunity(Community community) throws CommunityServiceException {
if (null == community){
throw new CommunityServiceException(null, Messages.NullCommunityObjectException);
try {
Object communityPayload;
try {
communityPayload = community.constructCreateRequestBody();
} catch (TransformerException e) {
throw new CommunityServiceException(e, Messages.CreateCommunityPayloadException);
String communityPostUrl = resolveCommunityUrl(CommunityEntity.COMMUNITIES.getCommunityEntityType(),CommunityType.MY.getCommunityType());
Response requestData = createData(communityPostUrl, null, communityPayload,ClientService.FORMAT_CONNECTIONS_OUTPUT);
return extractCommunityIdFromHeaders(requestData);
} catch (ClientServicesException e) {
throw new CommunityServiceException(e, Messages.CreateCommunityException);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new CommunityServiceException(e, Messages.CreateCommunityException);
You'll want to change your communityPostUrl to match...
and where the Uuid here is the parent uuid.
I followed #PaulBastide 's recommendation and created a SubCommunityService class, currently only containing a method for creation. It wraps the CommunityService rather than subclassing it, since I found that preferrable. Here's the code in case you want to reuse it:
public class SubCommunityService {
private final CommunityService communityService;
public SubCommunityService(CommunityService communityService) {
this.communityService = communityService;
public Community createCommunity(Community community, String superCommunityId) throws ClientServicesException {
Object constructCreateRequestBody = community.constructCreateRequestBody();
ClientService clientService = communityService.getEndpoint().getClientService();
String entityType = CommunityEntity.COMMUNITY.getCommunityEntityType();
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("communityUuid", superCommunityId);
String postUrl = communityService.resolveCommunityUrl(entityType,
CommunityType.SUBCOMMUNITIES.getCommunityType(), params);
String newCommunityUrl = (String), null, constructCreateRequestBody,
String communityId = newCommunityUrl.substring(newCommunityUrl.indexOf("communityUuid=")
+ "communityUuid=".length());
return community;

How can I display a message through multiple sessions? JSF 2.1 & Primefaces 3.1

I have an application that shows some data in p:DataTable.... This table is accessible by many users. When one user modify a record in the table, (create, edit, delete), this action is notified to an #ApplicationScoped ManagedBean that notify all other session (opened by other users), that the items in the table are changed, then it must be reload from database.
As you can see this is the controller that notify to all session that the items are changed,
* #author Simone Rondelli
public class SingletonBean {
private int count;
private HashMap<Class, List<AbstractController>> sessions;
public SingletonBean() {
sessions = new HashMap<Class, List<AbstractController>>();
public void addSession(AbstractController session, Class c) {
List<AbstractController> sessionList = sessions.get(c);
if(sessionList == null)
sessionList = new ArrayList<AbstractController>();
sessions.put(c, sessionList);
public void notifyItemsChanged(Class type) {
for(AbstractController a : sessions.get(type)) {
a.addWarningMessage("Attenzione i record sono stati modificati!!");
this is the code in AbstractController that "try" to show message
public void addWarningMessage(String msg) {
FacesMessage facesMsg = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_WARN, msg, msg);
FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, facesMsg);
if you press f5, in any other page, the new records are showed... But i want that messages are sent to all other sessions... Now with my code the messages are showed in the page where the modify is done, many time as the number of opened sessions... So if i have 3 sessions with 3 users and one of these makes some change in the table, he will see 3 messages in his page, meanwhile the other users don't see anything.
How can i send Messages to all sessions??
I think that you should check Primefaces Push , take a look at the examples over there...
Or you can try the Ajax Poll AJAX Poll
Here a ref' for Push in Glassfish question

struts jqgrid server validation error messages

I have a project using Struts2 on the server side and I am trying to make it work with jqGrid (using JSON format). I have several tables made with jqGrid and I am using the add/edit/delete buttons from navGrid.
The main problem I have is with server validation error messages. I have created custom validators and they work with jsp pages, using s:fielderror, but I don't know how to make them work for add/edit popups from jqGrid. I am aware that jqGrid provides the users with custom validation on client, but this has its limitations(think about testing whether the email of a user is unique, you definitely must use the database for that, or if some fields depend on each other and must be tested together, like if isManager is true, then the managerCode must be not empty and vice versa...).
When I use the client validation, there is a message in the add/edit window whenever an error occurs. Can I somehow display my server validation error messages in the window in the same way?
I managed to solve the issue. I will explain how using a simple custom validator for age field, which must be > 18 for an Employee. It is supposed next that the validator was already declared in validators.xml and mapped on the action and that the message in case of ValidationException is "An employee should be older than 18.".
Using Firebug, I figured out that the id of the error area in the form is FormError. It is possible to configure a callback function errorTextFormat in jqgrid, in order to get a response from the server and process it. In the jqgrid configuration, one could write
errorTextFormat : errorFormat,
var errorFormat = function(response) {
var text = response.responseText;
$('#FormError').text(text); //sets the text in the error area to the validation //message from the server
return text;
The problem is now that the server will send implicitly a response containing the whole exception stack trace. To deal with it, I decided to create a new result type.
public class MyResult implements Result {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -6814596446076941639L;
private int errorCode = 500;
public void execute(ActionInvocation invocation) throws Exception {
ActionContext actionContext = invocation.getInvocationContext();
HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) actionContext
Exception exception = (Exception) actionContext
try {
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw e;
* #return the errorCode
public int getErrorCode() {
return errorCode;
* #param errorCode the errorCode to set
public void setErrorCode(int errorCode) {
this.errorCode = errorCode;
It must also be configured in struts.xml as follows:
<package name="default" abstract="true" extends="struts-default">
<result-type name="validationError"
<action name="myaction">
<result name="validationException" type="validationError"></result>
<exception-mapping result="validationException"
These are the steps I followed to get a validation error message in the add/edit window and now it works.
