excluding files with guard-jasmine while running coverage - jasmine

I am using guard-jasmine create coverage reports for my javascript app written with backbone js. I would like to exclude the template files from being included in the coverage. Is there a way to do this currently? I have also tried looking through the source and passing the -x option to the intrument command in the coverage.rb file but that doesn't seem to help at all. Any pointers would be appreciated.

There is currently no way of configuring Guard::Jasmine to skip specific files from generating the coverage.
A possible way to add this would be to add something like a coverage_skip option that contains a regex to check it as a preconodition in the coverage tilt template:
return data if file =~ ENV['COVERAGE_SKIP']
Since we do not have access to the Guard::Jasmine options, we need to set it as an environment variable in the server process.
A pull request is heartly welcome ;)


How to add prefix in URI while loading XQuery file using ml-gradle

I am using gradle 6.8 and MarkLogic version is 10.0-5.2,
My XQuery code is in directory \ml-gradle\src\main\common. When I run the command mlLoadModules to load XQuery into the modules database it loads with default URI /common/test.xqy.
I want to add some prefix to the URIs e.g. /rsc/common/test.xqy. How can I achieve that?
Note: I don't want to create an extra folder in my source for prefix "rsc".
It's not supported, though you could write a custom Gradle task to change the URI to whatever you like.
Why do you not want to create an "rsc" folder above "common"? I think other developers would find it much more intuitive that "rsc/common/test.xqy" becomes "/rsc/common/test.xqy" when loaded, rather than "common/test.xqy" becomes "rsc/common/test.xqy", which begs the question - where is "rsc" coming from? And then that developer would need to understand what property / custom code is adding that "rsc".

Maven: How to test that generated documents in target folder are properly generated?

I've got a Java/Maven project that uses RestDocs to generate documentation of our endpoints.
For the uninitiated of RestDocs, what it does is monitor tests during the build and use information from the tests to generate "snippets" that get used to create API documenation using asciidoc during the mvn package phase.
The problem I'm facing is that if the asciidoc (.adoc) file is referencing a non-existent snippet, the doc gets generated and will say something like:
"Unresolved directive in myDoc.adoc - include::{snippets}/error-example/response-fields.adoc[]"
Since this happens after the tests, I don't know how to test for something like this so that the build can stop and let the developer know that they need to update either the .adoc or the snippet.
Any guidance would be much appreciated.
Adding this to the configuration of the asciidoctor plugin fails the build when a snippet is not found that the .adoc is expecting:
<containsText>include file not found</containsText>

See parameters that are overridden from TeamCity template

Is there a way to see TeamCity configurations that override parameter defined in template?
I don't think so. What's worked for me in the past was to search through the project files on the filesystem. If you have many build configs, this will be faster than opening each of them in the GUI.
Search for something like this:
<param name="myParamInheritedFromTemplate" value="myOverrideValue" />
in <TeamCity data directory>/config/projects/**/*.xml. If it's absent in an XML file, that build config just inherits the value. If it's present, it overrides it.
It's hacky but it's quick.
There is a feature request https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/TW-21212, please vote. Current workaround are to either search the raw XML files with the settings stored under TeamCity Data Directory on the server as #sferencik suggested, or use REST API to get settings of all the build configurations and search for the parameter there. Let me know if you need help on any of these.

JMeter: url encoded embedded resources

I'm setting up some tests with JMeter, and I've seen that it's throwing out an error where trying to download embedded resources inside a web page, that have a path like the following:
The problem is that the characters need to be URL-encoded, so the following URL should follow this pattern:
Now, how could instruct JMeter to replace these characters, when found on URLs from embedded resources in the web page? I've been looking at BeanShell PreProcessors, but I'm not sure how's the best way to handle this scenario.
You are facing this bug:
Until bug is fixed, your option is to disable embedded download and use :
CSS/ JQuery Post Processor to extract URLs
Use ForEach Controller to iterate over urls
This will only simulate serial download not parallel one.
Update 15th july 2015:
Bug has been fixed yesterday night, you can give nightly build a try:
Installing JMeter runtime
Download the _bin and _lib files
Unpack the archives into the same directory structure
The other archives are not needed to run JMeter.
What about this built in Jmeter function?

Get XML Reports in TeamCity from Google Test

I am trying to figure out how to run unit tests, using Google Test, and send the results to TeamCity.
I have run my tests, and output the results to an xml, using a command-line argument --gtest_output="xml:test_results.xml".
I am trying to get this xml to be read in TeamCity. I don't see how I can get XML Reports passed to TeamCity during build/run...
Except through XML report Processing:
I added XML Report Processing, added Google Test, then...
it asks me to specify monitoring rules, and I added the path to the xml file... I don't understand what monitoring rules are, or how to create them...
[Still, I can see nowhere in the generated xml, the fact that it intends to talk to TeamCity...]
In the log, I have:
Google Test report watcher
[13:06:03][Google Test report watcher] No reports found for paths:
[13:06:03][Google Test report watcher] C:\path\test_results.xml
[13:06:03]Publishing internal artifacts
And, of course, no report results.
Can anyone please direct me to a proper way to import the xml test results file into TeamCity ? Thank you so much !
Edit: is it possible that XML Report Processing only processes reports that were created during build ? (which Google Test doesn't do?) And is ignoring the previously generated reports, as "out of date", while simply saying that it can't find them - or are in the wrong format, or... however I should read the message above ?
I found a bug report that shows that xml reports that are not generated during the build are ignored, making a newbie like me believe that they may not be generated correctly.
Two simple solutions:
1) Create a post build script
2) Add a build step that calls the command line executable with the command-line argument. Example:
Add build step
Add build feature - XML report processing
I had similar problems getting it to work. This is how I got it working.
When you call your google test executable from the command line, prepend %teamcity.build.checkoutDir% to the name of your xml file to set the path to it like this:
Then when configuring your additional build features on the build steps page, add this line to your monitoring rules:
Now the paths match and are in the build directory.
