How to move artifacts from a repository to another repository? - maven

My project now getting artifacts from the Central Repository. Now I created new Artifact repository and want my project getting artifacts from that. How can I download all artifacts from previous central repository to new created repository?

Maven repository managers Nexus, Artfactory, Archiva are not designed to mirror the content of remote repositories. They cache any files retrieved by users, and this improves build efficiency and insulates you against network outages.
Like any cache the challenge is keeping up to date. What all the Maven repository managers do is download an incremental index of the remote content, enabling users to search for files and see new releases, without downloading everything. (In 2011 Maven Central was estimated at 350GB, source)
So in conclusion, just setup you Maven repository, point your build at it and the artifacts from Maven Central will be downloaded automatically.
Additional note:
It's worth looking at the capabilities of your repository manager. They may have additional non-standard features. For example Nexus Professional has a smart proxy feature for keeping hosted repositories synced, although I don't know if this will work with Maven Central


Bintray, JCenter, Maven, MavenCentral, OSSRH, Sonatype, Nexus, how are they all related?

I have a library shared in JCenter, which I post to through Bintray.
Recently, it is announced JCenter and Bintray are sunsetting, and many advised us to go to MavenCentral. I'm looking to move migrate it over.
Then I notice within the Bintray, it is stated my library is on Maven too, and the user can get my library using
maven {
url ""
So I'm confused, does that means I am already in Maven? Is this is just another name for JCenter and will not be available as well?
As I read more, I found an article stating we can publish our library from Bintray to MavenCentral too.
I also read if I need to submit my library to MavenCentral, I need to first create an issue in Sonatype.
Then I saw Sonatype is actually having Nexus Repository Manager. Then I find OSSRH uses Nexus Repository Manager.
I am super confused about what these terms are, and how are they related?
Bintray, JCenter, Maven, MavenCentral, OSSRH, Sonatype, Nexus.
Can someone give a brief description about them, and help to connect the dot for me?
MavenCentral is the place where Java open source artifacts should be published
JCenter was such a place.
Maven is a build system, not a repository. Many repositories have Maven format, which makes them readable from Maven and Gradle.
Sonatype Nexus and JFrog Artifactory are repository managers. You can install them to manage internal and external artifacts on your own server, which is advisable inside a company.

simple local repository manager tool for maven

I am using maven to build java projects. I find difficulty in managing artifacts of maven local repository. so, i need a simple tool for managing local repositories of maven.
I seen the apache-archiva and nexus , but those and big tools.
I also searched the internet but i seen only central repository manager tool. I can't find a tool for managing local repository.
I need to know about the artifacts in my local maven reporitory. I don't want to check each folder of my local repository to see what artifacts are installed.
so, please someone tell me about the tools to manage maven local repository.
As far as I know, there are no tools to manage the local repository.
The local repository is more or less just a cache.
Inside a company, you usually set up a Nexus or Artifactory server to manage external and internal artifacts.

Maven different local repositories for SNAPSHOTs and RELEASE artifacts

is it possible in Maven to configure different local repositories for SNAPSHOT and RELEASE artifacts?
The reason I am asking, we are using Jenkins for continuous build for our project. To ensure the consistency (if same artifact is built from different Jenkins jobs because of race condition, we can experience chaotic behavior) before build start, we create a fresh local repository for Jenkins.
Now the problem is, our project is huge, so for every build we have to download lots of dependencies from our Nexus but when you think about it, there is no reason to download every time new the RELEASE artifacts. The RELEASE artifacts don't change from build to build, for ex, Spring 4.5, httpclient 4.0, aspectj 1.8.1 is same for one build to another.
So actually to ensure the consistency, we only should not have the SNAPSHOT dependencies in the repository. If we could have two local repositories one for RELEASE artifacts and the other for SNAPSHOT's, then before every build start, we could delete the SNAPSHOT repository but re-use the local RELEASE repository, which would save me gigabytes of download from Nexus.
I know we can do RELEASE, SNAPSHOT configurations for remote repositories, is it possible to do same sort of configuration for local repositories?
If this is not possible, how would you solve this problem.
There is currently no way to achieve this, and yes, I agree with the sentiment.
A reasonably recent versions of Jenkins' Maven plugin allow you to specify a custom local repository without having to edit a settings.xml file — the option is right there at the job definition screen (in the Advanced section, select Use private Maven repository).
So, what I would do is use this option, and precede the Maven build step with a script that deletes all directories, in the local private repository, which end in -SNAPSHOT.
It's repulsive, but I can't think of any other way.

what is the difference maven generating artifacts from cache and updates

I would like to know the difference between generating artifacts from and cache and updates.
Does generating artifacts get from remote repository if it is not available in local repository?
I did not find any relevant posts regarding the same.
I do not know if I understand correctly your question, tell me if I have to delete the answer.
In Maven, there are the remote repositories and the local repository (under .m2 folder the local one).
In the moment you build a project, the dependencies to build that project are downloaded from the remote repositories and saved into the local repository. So the next time you build a project with that dependency there should be no need to download because there is in your local repository.
There are people who say that the cache and the local repository are the same. But for example, if you use Eclipse and if you go into .m2 folder, you can see a .cache folder. There should be a m2e folder. Here Eclipse save indexes to manage the dependencies.

How to change updatePolicy for my local Maven repository?

I know how to do it for an external repository but not for my local repository, since I don't have a <repository> for my local repository in my settings.xml.
I use snapshot versions for my sub-projects, so when I re-build the parent project I want maven to get all the sub-projects snapshot versions from my local repository not only once a day (which seems to be what happens by default) but always.
If I'm understanding your comment, I think #FrVaBe may have the correct answer. When you change code for a child project on your development machine, it's up to you to rebuild the snapshot and get it into your local artifact repo (via mvn install) so it's available for the parent project to use.
If, however, you want your parent project build to pull in changes made by your teammates and published to the corporate remote repository more often than once per day, read on.
Here is a summary of how Maven central (and kin), remote repositories (e.g a company instance of Nexus or Artifactory) and your local repository work together. If you always want the latest version of snapshots to download on every build, go into your settings.xml file, find <snapshot> repository containing the snapshot you want, and change the <updatePolicy> value to "always". Personally I rarely do this, I simply add the '-U' option to my mvn command line when I want to ensure I have the latest version of a snapshot from my remote repo.
There is no update policy for the local repository!
The local repository is just a bunch of files. When you install to your local repository your local projects already reference the artifacts directly. There is no update that needs to be performed except that maybe your IDE needs to be refreshed to pickup the newer files.
In this manner you can build local snapshots all day long with no versioning headaches, no updates required and no old artifacts left hanging around afterwards. Nice and clean but not so obvious if you're new to Maven and still getting to grips with all these repositories and their fancy update mechanisms.
I think you missunderstood something. Maven will always take the latest/newest SNAPSHOT from your local respository. But in your project setup (Project Inheritance) you need to build the sub projects on their own if you changed something.
An automatical build of the sub project only happens on a Project Aggregation layout.
The difference is explained in the Project Inheritance vs Project Aggregation section of the documentation.
