use list.phtml from auction extension on catalog page instead of custom template list.phtml - magento

We have magento community webshop with a template that we bought. all things works fine. Now we bought an auction extension from magestore and are testing it. Problem we have right now is that it shows fine on the product page, but not on de catalog product page. one way or another it comes up with the list.phtml of the bought template and not with the options of the plugin list.phtml? how can we change this, so the plugin 'template' shows the right list.phtml file?
Extension location:
Template location:
* EDIT *
Thx for your reply. But when i make a template update in de admin control panel, My products
are disapeared. I just wanna have the timer in de catalog product view instead of the price-box and discription rules beneath the product photo. So it picks up the other list.phtml i think only my products on that page are gone after the update of that category template in the backend.
I also got an error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function getLastBid() on a non-object in .../app/design/frontend/default/default/template/auction/list.phtml on line 22

You can probably tighten up which .phtml to use by specifying it explicitly in your theme's local.xml file. If you know how to do this, great, go ahead. If you don't know how to do this can you tell us the URL of both the 'product page' and the 'catalog product page' - we don't need to see your full URL, just everything after the top level domain because I can't work out what page (ie route) 'catalog product page' means so I can't tell you the XML .
You may also want to check your search results page because it uses list.phtml too.
For a category page, I think you should put a 'Layout update' into the Magento admin area for the category : Catalog->Manage Categories->(select the category)->Custom Design->Layout Update. Add the following code:
<reference name='product_list'>
<action method="setTemplate">
For changing the font colours, first the bottom price, it is controlled by the CSS selector #gridauction .current_price in file auction.css.
The red price at the top is trickier. It is set by CSS that is actually placed at the end of your <head> section. Do you have a control panel somewhere from which you control the Google fonts or the theme font and font colour? Failing that try looking in your theme's 'head.phtml' file or, as a bit of a hack, add in to auction.css the following CSS to overrule the CSS in the head.
.products-grid .item .price-box .regular-price .price{color: #000!important;}


custom layout settings won't apply

I have small problem with Magento. I'm not Magento guru but i'm trying to figure out this error.
And this 1column page won't be 1 column, it always two-column. Where can i check it?
I set in admin to this page custom layout - 1 column and for all others - use parent settings, on root category i set 2 column with left pad - no luck.
Inside theme/package/layout/local.xml the template for catalog pages was set to:
<catalog_category_layered translate="label">
<reference name="root">
<action method="setTemplate"><template>page/2columns-left.phtml</template></action>
For this one page the settings on admin was set to: Page Layout: 1 column.
These settings are not stable. In case the page is reloaded several times in a row, sometimes, I see, that the template for this page is "2-columns-left.phtml", sometimes - it is correct and is "1column.phtml"
Please i'll be glad for any help.
How can i set this page to be always 1 column?
I've tried to comment template section in local.xml and setup Catalog->Manage categories->My_category->Custom design->Page layout to "1 column" but page still be sometimes loaded 1 column and sometimes 2 columns.
Kindly check the complete tutorial on
please check if you don't have template set in cms: go to admin>Catalog>Manage Categories> [select your category] > Custom Design Tab > Page Layout - change to No layout updates
catalog_category_layered mostly is set if you have anchored category, check this, also try catalog_category_default handler
There is another way to change the custom layout settings for the category page.
Go to admin panel Catalog > Manage Categories > Edit any category > Custom Design > Page Layout.
Here you can change the page layout for the category page.

can i have a second media.phtml in my magento new theme?

so this is the project.
I need to display the regular product images for most of the products but for a second set of products i need to replace the image with a javascript that will change depending on selections of options.
My question is: can i have two different media.phtml. Let's say media.phtml and js-media.phtml. And if i can where can i change this?
Or another case could be finding the file responsible for the content on the product page and change it there.
<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('content') ?>
I thought i could change this creating a new layout file but apparently i am wrong.
This is totally something you can do.
In your template create your js-media.phtml in templates/catalog/product/view.
Then if you want to assign this new template only to some of the products, you can switch media template straight from the backend of magento, through the Design tab of a product info.
There you can do this by adding a bit of XML into the Custom Layout Update field :
<reference name="">
<action method='setTemplate'><template>catalog/product/view/js-media.phtml</template></action>

Magento : Find a layout handle for product category page?

I know : we can update a layout of a view in magento by using its layout handle for example "" it has a layout handle like by using this in local.xml we can update layout of that particular view like removing the cart sidebar as follows
<layout version="0.1.0">
<remove name="cart_sidebar"/>
And what i want to know is, i created a menu items fall like men->Tshirts and it goes to the url like "", how can i remove the cart sidebar from this page?
You have the general layout for categories catalog_category_view, but Magento also loads a specific layout handle for a category <CATEGORY_{ID_HERE}> so you ca use for example <CATEGORY_5> You can also specify a custom layout code in the category edit page under the design tab. You can also set it's children to inherit this by editing them.
On category page the handles Magento fires (in order) are
The full action name handler catalog_category_view
A special catalog_category_layered handler
A special CATEGORY_[ID] handler (where ID is a category id, like CATEGORY_8
That should give you what you're after.
If you're using Commerce Bug (the commercial Magento debugging extension I created and try not to over promote), you can grab this information from the Layout tab

Display 4 items per row from any category on magento1.7 home page

I am fresher with magento. I am using magento 1.7.
I want to display 4 items per row on magento home from a category. I am using free theme. How can I display. Please guide.
My dummy magento instance where I am doing R&D with magento:
You can use different list file for displaying your product, just copy original list.phtml file and give name something like listhome.phtml and put in catalog/product folder and in this file change $_columnCount variable to $_columnCount =4 and you are done and in your cms page change your listing file named {{block type="catalog/product_list" name="home.catalog.product.list" alias="products_homepage" template="catalog/product/listhome.phtml"}}
Sorry to post an answer here, but i dont have enough reputation to comment.
Increase your ul.products-grid width from current 980px to at least 1001 px. It will bring the forth product in row. As Mufaddal stated before, yours is a matter of css now.

Magento Adding a Custom Layout to individual product

I have an online estore setup using magento 1.6.2 CE, an have a very novice like question!!
1. I have created Categories and sub categories.
2. To categories i have added a custom template for left navigation.
3. I want this template to also apply to products that i have applied to the category/ sub category. For this, i have selected Apply To Products under Custom Design to Yes.
4. i want custom left navigations for products in different categories./p>
when i access the product using the category name/ sub category name, the template is applied to it on the individual products page. For example, say the category is MENS, and the product name is shirts, so when i access it using the template is applied and i see the custom left menu.
when the shirts page is accessed directly, like magento does, ie, the custom template is not applied. it shows blank.
what is the possible workaround for this? I have tried setting APPLY TO PRODUCTS to NO, and then adding custom layout template to each product individually... but this is too cumbersome..
Can't you just set 'Use Categories Path for Product URLs' to yes in Configuration > Catalog > Search Engine Optimization?
Navigate to your catalog.xml file in
You may already have this file located in your theme folder, if not copy it across.
Search for
<catalog_product_view translate="label">
<label>Catalog Product View (Any)</label>
<!-- Mage_Catalog -->
<reference name="root">
the line below this should state something like the following:
<action method="setTemplate"><template>page/2columns-right.phtml</template></action>
Edit this so that it states this instead
<action method="setTemplate"><template>page/2columns-left.phtml</template></action>
Notice the column denotation has changed from right to left, re-upload the file. Hey presto it is done!
emagen - Magento Designers, Shepherds Bush, West London
