Reformatting dates - ruby

I'm trying to reformat German dates (e.g. 13.03.2011 to 2011-03-13).
This is my code:
str = "13.03.2011\n14:30\n\nHannover Scorpions\n\nDEG Metro Stars\n60\n2 - 3\n\n\n\n13.03.2011\n14:30\n\nThomas Sabo Ice Tigers\n\nKrefeld Pinguine\n60\n2 - 3\n\n\n\n"
str = str.gsub("/(\d{2}).(\d{2}).(\d{4})/", "/$3-$2-$1/")
I get the same output like input. I also tried my code with and without leading and ending slashes, but I don't see a difference. Any hints?
I tried to store my regex'es in variables like find = /(\d{2}).(\d{2}).(\d{4})/ and replace = /$3-$2-$1/, so my code looked like this:
str = "13.03.2011\n14:30\n\nHannover Scorpions\n\nDEG Metro Stars\n60\n2 - 3\n\n\n\n13.03.2011\n14:30\n\nThomas Sabo Ice Tigers\n\nKrefeld Pinguine\n60\n2 - 3\n\n\n\n"
find = /(\d{2}).(\d{2}).(\d{4})/
replace = /$3-$2-$1/
str = str.gsub(find, replace)
TypeError: no implicit conversion of Regexp into String
from (irb):4:in `gsub'
Any suggestions for this problem?

First mistake is the regex delimiter. You do not need place the regex as string. Just place it inside a delimiter like //
Second mistake, you are using captured groups as $1. Replace those as \\1
str = str.gsub(/(\d{2})\.(\d{2})\.(\d{4})/, "\\3-\\2-\\1")
Also, notice I have escaped the . character with \., because in regex . means any character except \n


Ruby Regex Group Replacement

I am trying to perform regular expression matching and replacement on the same line in Ruby. I have some libraries that manipulate strings in Ruby and add special formatting characters to it. The formatting can be applied in any order. However, if I would like to change the string formatting, I want to keep some of the original formatting. I'm using regex for that. I have the regular expression matching correctly what I need:
mystring.gsub(/[(\e\[([1-9]|[1,2,4,5,6,7,8]{2}m))|(\e\[[3,9][0-8]m)]*Text/, 'New Text')
However, what I really want is the matching from the first grouping found in:
to be appended to New Text and replaced as opposed to just New Text. I'm trying to reference the match in the form of
mystring.gsub(/[(\e\[([1-9]|[1,2,4,5,6,7,8]{2}m))|(\e\[[3,9][0-8]m)]*Text/, '\1' + 'New Text')
but my understanding is that \1 only works when using \d or \k. Is there any way to reference that specific capturing group in my replacement string? Additionally, since I am using an asterik for the [], I know that this grouping could occur more than once. Therefore, I would like to have the last matching occurrence yielded.
My expected input/output with a sample is:
Input: "\e[1mHello there\e[34m\e[40mText\e[0m\e[0m\e[22m"
Output: "\e[1mHello there\e[40mNew Text\e[0m\e[0m\e[22m"
Input: "\e[1mHello there\e[44m\e[34m\e[40mText\e[0m\e[0m\e[22m"
Output: "\e[1mHello there\e[40mNew Text\e[0m\e[0m\e[22m"
So the last grouping is found and appended.
You can use the following regex with back-reference \\1 in the replacement:
reg = /(\\e\[(?:[0-9]{1,2}|[3,9][0-8])m)+Text/
mystring = "\\e[1mHello there\\e[34m\\e[40mText\\e[0m\\e[0m\\e[22m"
puts mystring.gsub(reg, '\\1New Text')
mystring = "\\e[1mHello there\\e[44m\\e[34m\\e[40mText\\e[0m\\e[0m\\e[22m"
puts mystring.gsub(reg, '\\1New Text')
Output of the IDEONE demo:
\e[1mHello there\e[40mNew Text\e[0m\e[0m\e[22m
\e[1mHello there\e[40mNew Text\e[0m\e[0m\e[22m
Mind that your input has backslash \ that needs escaping in a regular string literal. To match it inside the regex, we use double slash, as we are looking for a literal backslash.

regex replace [ with \[

I want to write a regex in Ruby that will add a backslash prior to any open square brackets.
str = "[0].hello.line[2]"
out = str.gsub(/\[/,"\\[")
# desired out = "\[0].hello.line\[2]"
I've tried multiple combinations of backslashes in the substitution string and can't get it to leave a single backslash.
You don't need a regular expression here.
str = "[0].hello.line[2]"
puts str.gsub('[', '\[')
I tried your code and it worked correct:
str = "[0].hello.line[2]"
out = str.gsub(/\[/,"\\[")
puts out\[0].hello.line\[2]
If you replace putswith p you get the inspect-version of the string:
p out #"\\[0].hello.line\\[2]"
Please see the " and the masked \. Maybe you saw this result.
As Daniel already answered: You can also define the string with ' and don't need to mask the values.

Ruby regular expression

Apparently I still don't understand exactly how it works ...
Here is my problem: I'm trying to match numbers in strings such as:
910 -6.258000 6.290
That string should gives me an array like this:
[910, -6.2580000, 6.290]
while the string
blabla9999 some more text 1.1
should not be matched.
The regex I'm trying to use is
but it doesn't do exactly that. Could someone help me ?
It would be great if the answer could clarify the use of the parenthesis in the matching.
Here's a pattern that works:
Note that [^\d]+ means at least one non digit character.
On second thought, here's a more generic solution that doesn't need to deal with regular expressions:
str.gsub(/[^\d.-]+/, " ").split.collect{|d| d.to_f}
str = "blabla9999 some more text -1.1"
[9999.0, -1.1]
The parenthesis have different meanings.
[] defines a character class, that means one character is matched that is part of this class
() is defining a capturing group, the string that is matched by this part in brackets is put into a variable.
You did not define any anchors so your pattern will match your second string
blabla9999 some more text 1.1
^^^^ here ^^^ and here
Maybe this is more what you wanted
See it here on Regexr
^ anchors the pattern to the start of the string and $ to the end.
it allows Whitespace \s before and after the number and an optional fraction part (?:\.\d+)? This kind of pattern will be matched at least once.
maybe /(-?\d+(.\d+)?)+/
irb(main):010:0> "910 -6.258000 6.290".scan(/(\-?\d+(\.\d+)?)+/).map{|x| x[0]}
=> ["910", "-6.258000", "6.290"]
str = " 910 -6.258000 6.290"
# => [910.0, -6.258, 6.29]
If you don't want integers to be converted to floats, try this:
str = " 910 -6.258000 6.290"
str.scan(/-?\d+\.?\d+/).map do |ns|
ns[/\./] ? ns.to_f : ns.to_i
# => [910, -6.258, 6.29]

Why doesn't this Ruby replace regex work as expected?

Consider the following string which is a C fragment in a file:
I want to replace errbuf (but not errbuftemp) with the prefix G-> plus errbuf. To do that successfully, I check the character after and the character before errbuf to see if it's in a list of approved characters and then I perform the replace.
I created the following Ruby file:
line = " strcat(errbuf,errbuftemp);"
item = "errbuf"
puts line.gsub(/([ \t\n\r(),\[\]]{1})#{item}([ \t\n\r(),\[\]]{1})/, "#{$1}G\->#{item}#{$2}")
Expected result:
Actual result
Basically, the matched characters before and after errbuf are not reinserted back with the replace expression.
Anyone can point out what I'm doing wrong?
Because you must use syntax gsub(/.../){"...#{$1}...#{$2}..."} or gsub(/.../,'...\1...\2...').
Here was the same problem: werid, same expression yield different value when excuting two times in irb
The problem is that the variable $1 is interpolated into the argument string before gsub is run, meaning that the previous value of $1 is what the symbol gets replaced with. You can replace the second argument with '\1 ?' to get the intended effect. (Chuck)
I think part of the problem is the use of gsub() instead of sub().
Here's two alternates:
str = 'strcat(errbuf,errbuftemp);'
str.sub(/\w+,/) { |s| 'G->' + s } # => "strcat(G->errbuf,errbuftemp);"
str.sub(/\((\w+)\b/, '(G->\1') # => "strcat(G->errbuf,errbuftemp);"

Ruby MatchData class is repeating captures, instead of including additional captures as it "should"

Ruby 1.9.1, OSX 10.5.8
I'm trying to write a simple app that parses through of bunch of java based html template files to replace a period (.) with an underscore if it's contained within a specific tag. I use ruby all the time for these types of utility apps, and thought it would be no problem to whip up something using ruby's regex support. So, I create a object, open a file, read it in line by line, then match each line against the pattern, if I get a match, I create a new string using replaceString = currentMatch.gsub(/./, '_'), then create another replacement as whole string by newReplaceRegex = Regexp.escape(currentMatch) and finally replace back into the current line with line.gsub(newReplaceRegex, replaceString) Code below, of course, but first...
The problem I'm having is that when accessing the indexes within the returned MatchData object, I'm getting the first result twice, and it's missing the second sub string it should otherwise be finding. More strange, is that when testing this same pattern and same test text using, it works as expected. See results here
My pattern:
(<(?:WEBOBJECT|webobject) (?:NAME|name)=(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]+.)+(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]+)(?:>))
Text text:
<WEBOBJECT NAME=admin.normalMode.someOtherPatternWeDontWant.moreThatWeDontWant>moreNonMatchingText<WEBOBJECT NAME=admin.SecondLineMatch>AndEvenMoreNonMatchingText
Here's the relevant code:
tagRegex ='(<(?:WEBOBJECT|webobject) (?:NAME|name)=(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.)+(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]+)(?:>))+')
testFile ='RegexTestingCompFix.txt', "r+")
lineCount += 1
puts ("Current line: #{htmlLine} at line num: #{lineCount}")
tagMatch = tagRegex.match(htmlLine)
matchesArray = tagMatch.to_a
firstMatch = matchesArray[0]
secondMatch = matchesArray[1]
puts "First match: #{firstMatch} and second match #{secondMatch}"
tagMatch.captures.each {|lineMatchCapture|
puts "Current capture for tagMatches: #{lineMatchCapture} of total match count #{matchesArray.size}"
#create a new regex using the match results; make sure to use auto escape method
originalPatternString = Regexp.escape(lineMatchCapture)
replacementRegex =
#replace any periods with underscores in a copy of lineMatchCapture
periodToUnderscoreCorrection = lineMatchCapture.gsub(/\./, '_')
#replace original match with underscore replaced copy within line
htmlLine.gsub!(replacementRegex, periodToUnderscoreCorrection)
puts "The modified htmlLine is now: #{htmlLine}"
I would think that I should get the first tag in matchData[0] then the second tag in matchData1, or, what I'm really doing because I don't know how many matches I'll get within any given line is matchData.to_a.each. And in this case, matchData has two captures, but they're both the first tag match
which is: <WEBOBJECT NAME=admin.normalMode.someOtherPatternWeDontWant.moreThatWeDontWant>
So, what the heck am I doing wrong, why does rubular test give me the expected results?
You want to use the on String#scan instead of the Regexp#match:
tag_regex = /<(?:WEBOBJECT|webobject) (?:NAME|name)=(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.)+(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]+)(?:>)/
lines = "<WEBOBJECT NAME=admin.normalMode.someOtherPatternWeDontWant.moreThatWeDontWant>moreNonMatchingText\
<WEBOBJECT NAME=admin.SecondLineMatch>AndEvenMoreNonMatchingText"
# => ["<WEBOBJECT NAME=admin.normalMode.someOtherPatternWeDontWant.moreThatWeDontWant>", "<WEBOBJECT NAME=admin.SecondLineMatch>"]
A few recommendations for next ruby questions:
newlines and spaces are your friends, you don't loose points for using more lines on your code ;-)
use do-end on blocks instead of {}, improves readability a lot
declare variables in snake case (hello_world) instead of camel case (helloWorld)
Hope this helps
I ended up using the String.scan approach, the only tricky point there was figuring out that this returns an array of arrays, not a MatchData object, so there was some initial confusion on my part, mostly due to my ruby green-ness, but it's working as expected now. Also, I trimmed the regex per Trevoke's suggestion. But snake case? Never...;-) Anyway, here goes:
tagRegex = /(<(?:webobject) (?:name)=(?:\w+\.)+(?:\w+)(?:>))/i
testFile ='RegexTestingCompFix.txt', "r+")
testFile.each do |htmlLine|
lineCount += 1
puts ("Current line: #{htmlLine} at line num: #{lineCount}")
oldMatches = htmlLine.scan(tagRegex) #oldMatches thusly named due to not explicitly using Regexp or MatchData, as in "the old way..."
if(oldMatches.size > 0)
oldMatches.each_index do |index|
arrayMatch = oldMatches[index]
aMatch = arrayMatch[0]
#create a new regex using the match results; make sure to use auto escape method
replacementRegex =
#replace any periods with underscores in a copy of lineMatchCapture
periodToUnderscoreCorrection = aMatch.gsub(/\./, '_')
#replace original match with underscore replaced copy within line, matching against the new escaped literal regex
htmlLine.gsub!(replacementRegex, periodToUnderscoreCorrection)
puts "The modified htmlLine is now: #{htmlLine}"
end # I kind of still prefer the brackets...;-)
Now, why does MatchData work the way it does? It seems like it's behavior is a bug really, and certainly not very useful in general if you can't get it provide a simple means of accessing all the matches. Just my $.02
Small bits:
This regexp helps you get "normalMode" .. But not "secondLineMatch":
<webobject name=\w+\.((?:\w+)).+> (with option 'i', for "case insensitive")
This regexp helps you get "secondLineMatch" ... But not "normalMode":
<webobject name=\w+\.((?:\w+))> (with option 'i', for "case insensitive").
I'm not really good at regexpt but I'll keep toiling at it.. :)
And I don't know if this helps you at all, but here's a way to get both:
<webobject name=admin.(\w+) (with option 'i').
