Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate timeout install - visual-studio

I get the following error:
This operation returned because the timeout period expired.
Any solutions?
I've tried searching, but nothing useful.
Thanks in advance.
I'm running Windows 8.1.

Try: Cancel Hyper-V instances of the Emulator (Virtual Machines) already running and possibly in a corrupt state.
Close Visual Studio.
Open up Hyper-V Manager; stop and remove any instances of VMs that are present.
Try: Remove/Disable third party drivers or software that may be interfering with virtual networking
For Details check the link

Try downloading vs_ultimate_download.exe from here. Run it and it'll download all the files (this can take a while).
Then run vs_ultimate.exe.


Visual Studio Build Tools installer freezes during preparation

I am trying to install the Visual Studio Build Tools 2017, specifically version 15.9, on Windows 10. Such operating system is running inside a Virtual Machine launched by virtualbox on Ubuntu 22.04.
As I launch the executable, after asking for admin permissions, a small window pops up with a completion bar and a single text label. When the bar reaches 100% and the label says Preparing: C:\Users\...\vs_startup_bootstrapper.json, the whole Virtual Machine freezes, to the point that virtualbox is not responding anymore.
The only other known instance of this issue I have been able to find was reported on the Microsoft forum and was attributed to an antivirus blocking the installer. This seems not to be the issue in my case, as
I do not have an antivirus running;
even if I disable Windows Defender, the freeze happens.
I have also tried increasing the RAM space allocated to the VM and leaving it be for a couple of hours, supposing that the installer was taking a long time unpacking the necessary files, but this also is no solution.
Furthermore, the exact same problem arises if I try and launch the newest version (2022) of the generic Visual Studio Installer.
How would I go about diagnosing where the issue is?

Error Message During the Installation of Microsoft Visual c++ 2015

I have problem trying to install visual c++ 2015. All I get is error Message. The error message is 0x80240017. I have tried several solutions provided online but it seems none of them is working for me. Some will tell me to fully uninstall then restart my PC and try to do the installation again.
I'm running windows 7 32bit.
Thanks so much in advance.
I'm very grateful to everyone.
I found the solution to my problem. The specifications of Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 indicate that your Operating System must have a Service Pack. Eg service pack 1 for win7.
You can check this by checking the properties of my computer. Right under the operating system it will be indicated if you have a service pack or not.
To get a service pack for windows 7 try to check for updates. Make sure you see service Pack 1. Or whatsoever. If not install the updates available and restart your PC then check for updates again. Then it should be there.
Thanks house for your contribution

Visual Studio 2015: MSVSMON.exe does not appear to be running on the remote computer for blank Cordova project

just starting to look at the Cordova tools for Visual studio.
Creating a blank Cordova probject, I am able to run (F5 debug), for Android and IOS (emulators), and also x86 windows, but for either Any CPU or x64 I get the following error..
The Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor (MSVSMON.EXE) does not appear to be running on the remote computer.
So I have seen mentioned elsewhere that VS (32 bit) needs to run the above for 64 bit debugging. I have no problems running and debugging a classic desktop WPF.
I have tried disabling both my firewall (Zone Alarm) and any antivirus (Avast), but made no difference.
Anyone have any ideas what the problem could be here (or how to diagnose)
Thanks in advance for any help!
I have this same problem. I use the same applications as you do, Zone Alarm and Avast. If I try to debug and get that error, disabling or stopping the programs do not help. You need to close VS and restart it with the offending apps already disabled, then you'll be able to continue.
I stumbled across this question because I am looking for a way to keep from doing this.

Can't debug correctly Windows drivers with Visual Studio

I've written a Windows driver sample (WDM) with Visual Studio but I'm encountering issues when trying to debug it. The target is running in a Virtual Machine (VMware)
I've followed the documentation ( to configure everything.
It's compiling fine but there are problems when debugging.
I have tried various configurations and have different problems on each.
Visual Studio 2013 Preview on Win7 (host) / Win8.1 Preview (target) - VMware
It seems the debugger isn't working properly. Indeed it's like if nothing was loaded, the Modules Window is empty, when I click on "Break all" nothing is happening. As you can see in the logs, the debugger session isn't created.
Visual Studio 2012 on Win7 (host) / Win8 (target) - VMware
It's working correctly at the first try but if I stop the debugger to modify the driver, it'll freeze the VM. I'll then have to restart the VM, Visual Studio and kill the process ntkd.exe because otherwise I have these errors:
Failure to create process instance prevents debugging
Unable to start (null), Error 80004005. (Unspecified error)
Followed by a crash of VS (Event Name: CLR20r3)
I've tried with other samples downloaded from the MSDN but it's the same problem.
I've been stuck on these issues for weeks and I'm starting to desperate, so any help would be appreciate. I haven't tried WinDDK but since VS has everything needed, I don't see why I couldn't use it normally.
I recommend to forget using Visual Studio for driver development/debugging because, on my opinion, is not solid enough.
But targetting the debugging process, it is better to install VisualDDK and then launch vmmon/vmmon64.
In the installed application you will find a folder named "target" with an application named DDKLaunchMonitor.exe, install it in the virtual machine (it will create a boot menu option to activate kernel debugging)
When you want to debug your driver, launch vmmon, activate the option to launch windbg at vm startup, start your vm and when windows boots it will load windbg and attach to the vm.
The install your driver as desired and learn windbg.
I know this answer does not solve you problem with VS but using windbg directly is faster and better.
I was having a similar problem with: Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition, Windows 10 host, Windows 10 target, VirtualBox with host only network.
Provisioning and remote driver deployment worked, but the debugger would not connect.
Edit: In the last step of provisioning in VS2015 the Host IP can be selected. The manual method below is an alternative.
The manual setup guide for kernel mode debugging says to run the following:
bcdedit /debug on
bcdedit /dbgsettings net hostip:w.x.y.z port:n
Visual Studio automatically runs these during the provisioning process. Notice the hostip parameter - this has to be the address of the connecting machine (the one with the debugger) on the interface it uses to connect to the target. Visual Studio may set this incorrectly if you have multiple network interfaces. In my case the VirtualBox host only network created the extra network interface.
Provision the target machine in VS, if you haven't already. Then run the two bcdedit commands above and reboot the target machine. After this, the debugger should connect properly.
I came across the same problem. The windbg connection is hang. I found there is something wrong in my configuration for Kernel mode debugger settings( Visual studio 2012 Driver->test->Configuration). I set the port simply com1. Actually, it should be \.\pipe\com_1.Then it works
In your case, there maybe other configuration problems. You can check through the points on webpage

Cannot install Nuget Package Manager

I am using VS2010 on Windows 7 (64 bits). When trying to install "Nuget Package Manager" from VS's "Extension Manager" it fails. The download works, but then I am stuck at the installing progress bar. When looking in Windows' task manager yo can see that the installer keeps on starting up new instances of the "vsixinstaller.exe" process. It goes on and on until the computer ultimately crashes.
The same behaviour occurrs when starting the file "NuGet.Tools.vsix" directly.
I have searched the net for the solution but haven't been able to find anything useful.
I received the same behavior today so I decided to open Process Monitor to investigate.
Guess what...Process Monitor gives the same behavior. Then the light bulb went off... :)
Answer: I previously had administrator privileges on my laptop, but those were removed at the beginning of the new year. For some reason, when these programs use credentials that are not in the administrator group, they recursively call themselves instead of failing, timing out or reporting access denied, etc.
Please ensure that your attempting to update after launching VS as an Administrator.
I will be providing this feedback to the nuget support thread as well.
Fixed by installing Nuget with admin right under SP1.
I found a solution at NuGet Docs Known Issues. Installing the hotfix they recommend even though I have SP1. It includes KB2581019.
