condition for model anytime I refer to it yii - activerecord

I have model Post and Article which is inherited by Post. Table tbl_post contains text records (title, text, type) where type may be:
1 - article (model Article)
2 - news (model News)
I want model Article to return only records where type=1 (for example) whenever I refer to it.
How can I do this?
Thank you.

You can use the defaultScope-function in the Article model:
public function defaultScope()
return array
'condition' => 'type = 1'
That is the easiest way I can think of. You can then just do Article::model()->findAll() or something like that and it should only return articles.


Laravel polymorphic hasMany relationship

From Laravel's docs, the model polymorphism is defined as follows:
Polymorphic relations allow a model to belong to more than one other model on a single association
Sounds like it's designed to work with belongsTo instead of hasMany side. Here's a scenario that I want to achieve:
In my system, there are many project types, each projec type will have its own invoice field layout. Let's say we have a Project model that has a type field, whose value could be contract or part-time. We have another two tables called ContractInvoice and PartTimeInvoice to define their respective field layout, both of these invoice tables have a project_id referencing a project record. What I want to do is I want a universal interface to retrieve all invoices given a project, something like $project->invoices.
Current solution
I can't figure out how to achieve this via polymorphism. So what I am currently doing is kind silly, using a switch statement in my invoice() method on Project model class:
switch ($this->type) {
case 'contract':
$model = 'App\ContractInvoice';
case 'part-time':
$model = 'App\PartTimeInvoice';
return $this->hasMany($model);
I feel like there must be a better way to do this. Can someone please shed some light?
I don't see how a polymorphic relationship would be beneficial in this case. If you had different project type models and a single invoices table, then the invoices could morphTo the projects. But as you've described it, the switch statement sounds like it is adequate. You could achieve the same means using when conditionals like:
public function invoices()
return $this->when($this->type === 'contract', function () {
return $this->hasMany(ContractInvoice::class);
})->when($this->type === 'part-time', function () {
return $this->hasMany(PartTimeInvoice::class);
The type attribute on the Project model and the separate invoice tables are defining a rigid relationship between them, which goes against the idea of polymorphism. Think likes for comments and posts.

How to load Laravel with nested models and limit the nested models?

Hello guys I am using Laravel 5.6 I have three tables in the database posts,comments and replies and three models Post , Comment , Reply
the relations are as follow one post has many comments and one comment has many replies. I created a route that when hit will return some data ;however, I want this data to be in a specific way read this example:
Lets say I have 6 posts in my database and each post has 6 comments also each comment has 6 replies I want to return only the first 3 posts along with the first 3 comments for each post also the first 3 replies for each comment
//this is a function inside a controller
//and for sure I have make sure to make use of the models namespaces
public function test(){
$posts = Post::with(['comments' => function($data){
return $data->take(3);
'comments.replies' => function($data){
return $data->take(3);
//returning the posts
return $posts
This way is working it returns the first 3 post and it returns the first 3 comments and first 3 replies only for the first post but for other posts I only get an empty key of comments so there is no replies as a result
hope you get my question please help
sorry for big question
Thanks in advance.
There is no native support for this in Laravel.
I created a package for it:
Use the HasEagerLimit trait in both the parent and the related model.
class Post extends Model {
use \Staudenmeir\EloquentEagerLimit\HasEagerLimit;
class Comment extends Model {
use \Staudenmeir\EloquentEagerLimit\HasEagerLimit;
Then you can apply ->take(3) to your relationship.
The same goes for the replies.

Get last record in related model

I have two models: Person and RentedFilm
Person table fields:
RentedItem fields:
I need to add a new attribute to person model that contains last rent date but I don't know how. Already I have a getRentDates method that hasMany relations in defined inside it.
Would you help me?
Thank you.
Prepare relation like:
public function getLastRentItem()
return $this->hasMany(RentItem::class, ['rid' => 'id'])
->orderBy(['rent_date' => SORT_DESC])
Use it like:
$model->lastRentItem ? $model->lastRentItem->rent_date : null;
*You have to adjust this code, because i didn't saw yours.

Display parent-child relation yii2

I am looking for some way to implement the following thing with yii2:
Lets imagine we have the following structure:
- authors table.
- Books table
Each author -> has written 1 or more books.
What I want to do is to display on a view, the details of an author, and under it, a gridview of all the books it has written. After that, control buttons to create/ remove new books for that current author, along with a gridview of the books which belongs to the current author... In some other words, a master-detail view.
How I should retrieve the data of the books? From the same controller for Authors?
I have already implemented the table relations between authors and books, in the Author's model
Thanks in advance, any help is welcome!!
If the you have the following relation in your Author model:
public function getBooks()
return $this->hasMany(Books::className(), ['author_id' => 'id']);
After declaring relations, getting relational data is as easy as accessing a component property that is defined by the corresponding getter method:
$author = Author::findOne(1);
$books = $author->books;
The solution I found at the end was to :
On the Author's controller, I modified the "view" action, so I could a "books" activeDataprovider, and then filtering it by "author id":
public function actionView($id)
//get current author
$books_search = new BookSearch();
//get the related books for current author
$written_books = $books_search->search(['bookSearch'=>['id_author'=>$id]]);
return $this->render('view', [
'author' => $author,
'books_search'=> $books_search,
Then I could create on the Author's view, a gridview with the books written by the current author

Filtering eager-loaded data in Laravel 4

I have the following setup:
Clubs offer Activities, which are of a particular Type, so 3 models with relationships:
function activities()
return $this->hasMany('Activity');
function club()
return $this->belongsTo('Club');
function activityType()
return $this->hasMany('ActivityType');
function activities()
return $this->belongsToMany('Activity');
So for example Club Foo might have a single Activity called 'Triathlon' and that Activity has ActivityTypes 'Swimming', 'Running', and 'Cycling'.
This is all fair enough but I need to show a list of ActivityTypes on the Club page - basically just a list. So I need to get the ActivityTypes of all the related Activities.
I can do that like so from a controller method that receives an instance of the Club model:
$data = $this->club->with(array('activities', 'activities.activityTypes'))->find($club->id)
That gets me an object with all the related Activities along with the ActivityTypes related to them. Also fair enough. But I need to apply some more filtering. An Activity might not be in the right status (it could be in the DB as a draft entry or expired), so I need to be able to only get the ActivityTypes of the Activities that are live and in the future.
At this point I'm lost... does anybody have any suggestions for handling this use case?
To filter, you can use where() as in the fluent DB queries:
$data = Club::with(array('activities' => function($query)
$query->where('activity_start', '>', DB::raw('current_time'));
The example which served as inspiration for this is in the laravel docs, check the end of this section:
(the code's not tested, and I've taken some liberties with the property names! :) )
I think if you first constraint your relationship of activities, the activity types related to them will be automatically constrained as well.
So what I would do is
function activities()
return $this->belongsToMany('Activity')->where('status', '=', 'active');
and then your
$data = $this->club->with(array('activities', 'activities.activityTypes'))->find($club->id)`
query will be working as you would expect.
