Laravel routing & filters - laravel

I want to build fancy url in my site with these url patterns:
The first url has a simple route pattern:
Route::get('/specialization/{slug}', 'FrontController#specialization');
The second and the third url refers to two different controller actions:
I try with this filter:
if(Clinic::where('slug',$slug)->count() == 1)
if(Page::where('slug',$slug)->count() == 1)
And I have an Exception... there is a less painful method?

To declare a filter you should use a filter a static name, for example:
// ...
Then you may use this filter in your routes like this way:
Route::get('/specialization/{slug}', array('before' => 'filtername', 'uses' => 'FrontController#specialization'));
So, whenever you use the filter attached to this route will be executed before the route is dispatched. Read more on documentation.
Update: For second and third routes you may check the route parameter in thew filter and do different things depending on the parameter. Also, you may use one method for both urls, technically both urls are identical to one route so use one route and depending on the param, do different things, for example you have following urls:
Use a single route for both url, for example, use:
Route::get('/{param}', 'FrontController#common');
Create common method in your FrontController like this:
public function common($param)
// Check the param, if param is clinic-dr-house
// the do something or do something else for faq
// or you may use redirect as well


How can I customize controller output based on developer supplied parameters with Laravel 8?

Is there any way to customize what a controller returns based on a parameter (not a query parameter) provided in a route? For example, if there are two modes of display, but it depends on the URL accessed as far as which way it's displayed.
A simplified, made up example:
class MyController extends Controller
// $display_mode can be "large" or "small"
public function show($display_mode = null)
For /page1 I want $display_mode to be "large", for /page2, I want it to be "small." How do I pass that in via the function parameter? This would be the preferred way, but if Laravel does this a different way, let me know.
Route::get('/page1', [MyController::class, 'show']);
Route::get('/page2', [MyController::class, 'show']);
To get a better idea of what I want to accomplish. Say the controller function has five different customizable parameters based on both display and business logic. I can't know in advance what options will apply to the pages that the developer creating routes will want to display. I just want to make those options available.
Also, the developer making the routes does not want to make URLs with ugly paths such as mypage/large/tiled/system-only. The end user doesn't need to know about all of the options passed in as parameters to a function.
Rather, the routes should only be /a, /b, and /c and each of those routes underneath the hood represents zero to five customizable options by passing in the options as parameters to the controller function.
I tried the defaults() method and it works well. Note that in order for it to work, a separate default() call has to be made for each function parameter. For example:
Route::get('/login/main', [WAYFController::class, 'wayf'] )
->defaults('tiledUI', false)
->defaults('showAffiliateLogin', true)
->defaults('type', 'full');
Yea, you can do this. You can use the defaults method of the Route to pass a default value for a parameter:
Route::get('testit', function ($display_mode) {
})->defaults('display_mode', 'large');
You can use this to pass arbitrary data to the 'action'.
Another use-case for this is if you had something like a PageController to display a single page but don't want the routes to be dynamic and instead explicitly define the routes you will have:
Route::get('about-us', [PageController::class, 'show'])
->defaults('page', 'about-us');
Route::get('history', [PageController::class, 'show'])
->defaults('page', 'our-history');
The Route class is Macroable so you could even create a macro to define these defaults on the route:
Route::get('about-us', [PageController::class, 'show'])
The Router itself is also Macroable so you could define a macro to define all of this into a single method call:
Route::page('about-us', 'about-us');

Get part of url from Laravel named route

Is there a possibility to get the part of url, that is defined in route?
For example with this route:
Route::get('/editor/{id}', 'EditorController#editor')->name('editorNew');
after using mentioned functionality, let's say route_link(); i would like to get:
$route_link = route_link('editorNew', array('id' => 1));
//$route_link containts "/editor/1"
I tried to use route(), but i got http://localhost/app/public/editor-new/1 instead of /editor-new/1 and that's not what i wanted.
For clarity need this functionality to generate links depending on machine, that the app is fired on (integration with Shopify).
You can use route method to get the relative path by passing false in the third parameter as:
route('editorNew', [1], false); // returns '/editor-new/1'
You could use the following:
$route_link = route('editorNew', [1]);
1 is the first value that will be on the route, at this moment {id}.
If you want to use the paramater (id) in your method, it will be the following:
public function editor($id) {
//your code
And in the view you could use:
Hope this works!

How to config Laravel Router some route rule work on different path?

I deployed my Laravel 5 project on, I also want put it under For some reason, the /a path I should handle it in router.
So in router I write:
It's not a good way because there is redundancy, especially there are a lot of other route rules.
In the doc, there is only {xx}? to handle optional param, but in my project, it's not param instead of a static string.
It's there any better way to combine two lines?
I'd use a route prefix within a foreach loop. That'd allow you to quickly and easily manage the prefixes on your routes while keeping them all in one place.
foreach([null, 'a'] as $prefix) {
Route::group(['prefix' => $prefix], function () {
// Your routes here
The routes not prefixed will take precedence as their routes would be generated first in this case. You could just as easily swap the array around if necessary.
If you really wanted to do it in a single route definition you could do it using a regular expression to match the route.
Route::get('{route}', function () {
dd('Browsing ' . app('request')->path());
})->where('route', '(a/)?post');
But it's clearly not very clean/readable so probably not recommended.
You can do this:
// ... include all of your other routes here
Route::group(['prefix' => 'a/'], function () {
There's probably a better way to solve this using a lambda function or similar but the above should work as a quick solution.

Laravel passing all routes for a particular domain to a controller

Working on a Laravel 4.2 project. What I am trying to accomplish is pass every URI pattern to a controller that I can then go to the database and see if I need to redirect this URL (I know I can do this simple in PHP and do not need to go through Laravel, but just trying to use this as a learning experience.)
So what I have at the moment is this:
Route::group(array('domain' => ''), function()
Route::get('?', 'RedirectController#index');
I am routing any subdomain which I deem as a "redirect subdomain" ... The ? is where I am having the problem. From what I have read you should be able to use "*" for anything but that does not seem to be working. Anyone have a clue how to pass any URL to a controller?
And on top of that I would ideally like to pass the FULL URL so i can easily just check the DB and redirect so:
$url = URL::full();
Try this:
Route::group(array('domain' => ''), function()
Route::get('{path}', 'RedirectController#index')
->where('path', '.*');
And your controller will reseive the path as first argument
public function index($path){
// ...
In case you're wondering, the where is needed because without it {path} will only match the path until the first /. This way all characters, even /, are allowed as route parameter

How to Remove/Register Suffix on Laravel Route?

EDIT: See below for my current problem. The top portion is a previous issue that I've solved but is somewhat related
I need to modify the input values passed to my controller before it actually gets there. I am building a web app that I want to be able to support multiple request input types (JSON and XML initially). I want to be able to catch the input BEFORE it goes to my restful controller, and modify it into an appropriate StdClass object.
I can't, for the life of me, figure out how to intercept and modify that input. Help?
For example, I'd like to be able to have filters like this:
Route::filter('json', function()
//modify input here into common PHP object format
Route::filter('xml', function()
//modify input here into common PHP object format
Route::filter('other', function()
//modify input here into common PHP object format
Route::when('*.json', 'json'); //Any route with '.json' appended uses json filter
Route::when('*.xml', 'xml'); //Any route with '.json' appended uses json filter
Route::when('*.other', 'other'); //Any route with '.json' appended uses json filter
Right now I'm simply doing a Input::isJson() check in my controller function, followed by the code below - note that this is a bit of a simplification of my code.
$data = Input::all();
$objs = array();
foreach($data as $key => $content)
$objs[$key] = json_decode($content);
EDIT: I've actually solved this, but have another issue now. Here's how I solved it:
Route::filter('json', function()
$new_input = array();
if (Input::isJson())
foreach(Input::all() as $key => $content)
//Do any input modification needed here
//Save it in $new_input
return "Input provided was not JSON";
Route::when('*.json', 'json'); //Any route with '.json' appended uses json filter
The issue I have now is this: The path that the Router attempts to go to after the filter, contains .json from the input URI. The only option I've seen for solving this is to replace Input::replace($new_input) with
$new_path = str_replace('.json', '', Request::path());
This however leads to 2 issues. Firstly I can't get it to redirect with a POST request - it's always a GET request. Second, the data being passed in is being flashed to the session - I'd rather have it available via the Input class as it would be with Input::replace().
Any suggestions on how to solve this?
I managed to solve the second issue as well - but it involved a lot of extra work and poking around... I'm not sure if it's the best solution, but it allows for suffixing routes similar to how you would prefix them.
Here's the github commit for how I solved it:
In particular, you should be looking at:
After making these modifications, I needed to run composer dumpautoload and php artisan optimize. The rest of those files are just validation for my data models and the result of running those 2 commands.
I didn't split the commit up because I'd been working on it for several hours and just wanted it in.
I'm going to hopefully look to extend the suffix tool to allow an array of suffixes so that any match will proceed. For example,
Route::group(array('suffix' => array('.json', '.xml', 'some_other_url_suffix')), function()
// Controller for base API function.
Route::controller('api', 'ApiController');
And this would ideally accept any call matching
base_url is the domain base url
method is a function defined in ApiController
{/{v1?}/{v2?}/{v3?}/{v4?}/{v5?}?} is a series of up to 5 optional variables as are added when registering a controller with Route::controller()
suffix is one of the values in the suffix array passed to Route::group()
This example in particular should accept all of the following (assuming localhost is the base url, and the methods available are getMethod1($str1 = null, $str2 = null) and postMethod2()):
GET request to localhost/api/method1.json
GET request to localhost/api/method1.xml
GET request to localhost/api/method1some_other_url_suffix
POST request to localhost/api/method2.json
POST request to localhost/api/method2.xml
POST request to localhost/api/method2some_other_url_suffix
GET request to localhost/api/method1/hello/world.json
GET request to localhost/api/method1/hello/world.xml
GET request to localhost/api/method1/hello/worldsome_other_url_suffix
The last three requests would pass $str1 = 'hello' and $str2 = 'world' to getMethod1 as parameters.
EDIT: The changes to allow multiple suffixes was fairly easy. Commit located below (please make sure you get BOTH commit changes to get this working):
Eventually, I'm also hoping to submit this to the laravel/framework project.
