Encoding files with utf-8 using Ruby - ruby

I can't set ruby to use the utf-8 for encoding files.
Script like this
# encoding: UTF-8
puts "ą"
works fine
but such
# encoding: UTF-8
File.open("test.txt", "w:UTF-8") do |f|
f.write "ą"
causes the console pops up
task.rb: 4: invalid multibyte char (UTF-8)
despite the fact that all commands turning on utf-8 encoding are applied.
I'm using ruby 2.0.0-p451 from rubyinstaller for windows.

Ok everything works fine, I just changed enconding in notepad++ from ansi to utf-8.


Text file encoding properly as utf-8 in Scite editor but fails to encode to uft-8 in ruby

I have a text file which if viewed in the Scite editor with the encoding set to utf-8, displays all text correctly, including capital letters with an accute accent (i.e. Á).
However, if I write a ruby script and use mystring.encode("utf-8") it will give me this error on capital letters that carry an acute accent (i.e. Á):
encode': "\x81" to UTF-8 in conversion from Windows-1252 to UTF-8 (Encoding::UndefinedConversionError)
Is this expected behaviour? How can I encode the whole text to utf-8 using ruby, knowing that otherwise it does get successfully encoded in the Scite editor?
ine_file = File.open("../../_data/ine_spain_demographics.csv", 'r')
ine_towns_population_hash = Hash.new
ine_file.each do|line|
values = line.split(";")
town_name = values[3]
population = values[4]
ine_towns_population_hash[town_name.encode("utf-8")] = population
puts "problematic string: " + town_name
You say that ine_file.external_encoding says Windows-1252 so the file is being opened as a Windows-1252 encoded file. Then you say town_name.encode("utf-8") in an attempt to encoded a string as UTF-8 and Ruby complains. But the file is actually UTF-8; reading UTF-8 bytes as Windows-1252 and then trying to recode those bytes as UTF-8 isn't going to work.
You need to open the file in UTF-8 mode:
File.open("../../_data/ine_spain_demographics.csv", 'r:UTF-8')
and stop trying to change the encoding of town_name, just use town_name as-is.
It seems like it's misinterpreting the encoding of ine_spain_demographics.csv.
Looking at the doc's for encode and open you have two options:
Use replace in encode to tell Ruby what character to use town_name.encode("utf-8", replace: '').
Identify the correct file encoding and specify it: File.open("../../_data/ine_spain_demographics.csv", 'r:ISO-8859-1')

Printing accented characters in Ruby

I would like to display this: Bonne fête
I have # encoding: UTF-8 on the very first line of my script. However the result I got is this:
Bonne f\u00EAte
Is there something I can do to display the correct character (ê instead of \u00EA)?
I am using: Aptana Studio 3 as IDE, Ruby 1.9.3, and Windows 7
Windows>Preferences>Workspace>Text file encoding is set to Other: UTF-8
I have tried # encoding: ISO-8859-1 with no luck.

Unexpected encoding error using JSON.parse

I've got a rather large JSON file on my Windows machine and it contains stuff like \xE9. When I JSON.parse it, it works fine.
However, when I push the code to my server running CentOS, I always get this: "\xE9" on US-ASCII (Encoding::InvalidByteSequenceError)
Here is the output of file on both machines
λ file data.json
data.json: UTF-8 Unicode English text, with very long lines, with no line terminators
$ file data.json
data.json: UTF-8 Unicode English text, with very long lines, with no line terminators
Here is the error I get when trying to parse it:
$ ruby -rjson -e 'JSON.parse(File.read("data.json"))'
/usr/local/rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p353/lib/ruby/2.0.0/json/common.rb:155:in `encode': "\xC3" on US-ASCII (Encoding::InvalidByteSequenceError)
What could be causing this problem? I've tried using iconv to change the file into every possible encoding I can, but nothing seems to work.
"\xE9" is é in ISO-8859-1 (and various other ISO-8859-X encodings and Windows-1250 and ...) and is certainly not UTF-8.
You can get File.read to fix up the encoding for you by using the encoding options:
:external_encoding => 'iso-8859-1',
:internal_encoding => 'utf-8'
That will give you a UTF-8 encoded string that you can hand to JSON.parse.
Or you could let JSON.parse deal with the encoding by using just :external_encoding to make sure the string comes of the disk with the right encoding flag:
:external_encoding => 'iso-8859-1',
You should have a close look at data.json to figure out why file(1) thinks it is UTF-8. The file might incorrectly have a BOM when it is not UTF-8 or someone might be mixing UTF-8 and Latin-1 encoded strings in one file.

Ruby: ARGV breaks accented characters

# encoding: utf-8
foo = "Résumé"
p foo
> "Résumé"
# encoding: utf-8
ARGV.each do |argument|
p argument
test.rb Résumé > "R\xE9sum\xE9"
Why does this occur, and how can I get ARGV to return "Résumé"?
I have chcp 65001 set already and am using ruby 1.9.2p290 (2011-07-09) [i386-mingw32]
EDIT After asking around on irc, I was instructed to do chcp 1252>NUL which fixed the problem.
For some reason, Windows doesn't use UTF-8 in your console. So, although Ruby expects UTF-8 encoded string, it gets Windows-1252 encoded string.
So you have several possibilities (which I can't test as I, fortunately, don't use Windows):
Persuade Windows to use UTF-8 in your console. I don't know if chcp should work and, if so, why it doesn't.
Tell Ruby to use Windows-1252 instead of UTF-8 as default
Convert ARGV from Windows-1252 to UTF-8 manually:
>> argument = "R\xE9sum\xE9"
=> "R\xE9sum\xE9"
>> argument.force_encoding('windows-1252').encode('utf-8')
=> "Résumé"

Why do I get an "Invalid Byte Sequence in UTF-8" error reading a text file?

I'm writing a Ruby script to process a large text file, and keep getting an odd encoding error.
Here's the situation:
input_data = File.new(in_path, 'r').read
p input_data.encoding.name # UTF-8
break_char = "\r".encode("UTF-8")
p break_char # "\r"
p break_char.encoding.name # "UTF-8"
p Encoding.compatible?(input_data, break_char) # # Encoding:UTF-8>
This produces the error :in 'split': invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 (ArgumentError)
I read http://blog.grayproductions.net/articles/ruby_19s_string and looked at other solutions to apparently the same problem, but still can't work out why it's happening when I believe I am controlling the encodings.
I'm on OSX working with ruby 1.9.2
Obviously your input file is not UTF-8 (or at least, not entirely). If you don't care about non-ascii characters, you can simply assume your file is ascii-8bit encoded. BTW, your separator (break_char) is not causing problems as comma is encoded the same way in UTF-8 as in ASCII.
fname = 'test.in'
# create example file and fill it with invalid UTF-8 sequence
File.open(fname, 'w') do |f|
f.write "\xc3\x28"
# then try to read and parse it
s = File.open(fname) do |f| # file opened as UTF-8
#s = File.open(fname, 'r:ascii-8bit') do |f| # file opened as ascii-8bit
p s.split ','
I fail to get an error here on Linux even when the input file is not UTF-8. (I'm using Ruby 1.9.2, as well.)
Logically, either this problem is linked with OS-X, or it's something to do with your input data. Does it happen regardless of the data in the input file?
(I realise that this is not a proper answer, but I lack the rep to add a comment. And since no-one has responded yet, I thought it better than nothing...)
You read the file using the default encoding your system provides. So ruby tags the string as utf8, which doesn't mean it's really utf8-data. Try file <input file> to guess what kind of encoding is in there, then tell ruby it's that one (unclean: force_encoding(<encoding>), clean: tell the File object what encoding it is, I don't know how to do that) and then use encode!("utf8") to convert it to utf8.
Here are 2 common situations and how to deal with them:
Situation 1
You have an UTF-8 input-file with possibly a few invalid bytes
Remove the invalid bytes:
test = "Partly valid\xE4 UTF-8 encoding: äöüß"
File.open( 'input_file', 'w' ) {|f| f.write(test)}
str = File.read( 'input_file' )
=> "Partly valid UTF-8 encoding: äöüß"
Situation 2
You have an input-file that could be in either UTF-8 or ISO-8859-1 encoding
Check which encoding it is and convert to UTF-8 (if necessary):
test = "String in ISO-8859-1 encoding: \xE4\xF6\xFC\xDF"
File.open( 'input_file', 'w' ) {|f| f.write(test)}
str = File.read( 'input_file' )
unless str.valid_encoding?
str.encode!( 'UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1', invalid: :replace )
end #unless
=> "String in ISO-8859-1 encoding: äöüß"
The above code snippets assume that Ruby encodes all your strings in UTF-8 by default. Even though, this is almost always the case, you can make sure of this by starting your scripts with # encoding: UTF-8.
If invalid, it is programmatically possible to detect most multi-byte encodings like UTF-8 (in Ruby, see: #valid_encoding?). However, it is NOT possible (or at least extremely hard) to programmatically detect invalidity of single-byte-encodings like ISO-8859-1. Thus the above code snippet does not work the other way around, i.e. detecting if a String is valid ISO-8859-1 encoding.
Even though UTF-8 has become increasingly popular as the default encoding in computer-systems, ISO-8859-1 and other Latin1 flavors are still very popular in the Western countries, especially in North America. Be aware that there a several single-byte encodings out there that are very similar, but slightly vary from ISO-8859-1. Examples: CP1252 (a.k.a. Windows-1252), ISO-8859-15
[ruby] [encoding] [utf8] [file-encoding] [character-encoding]
Please try this one:-
input_data = File.open("path/your_file.pdf", "rb") {|io| io.read}
