Using xcode5 svn or git - xcode

I am learning git and SVN in Xcode 5.
My question:
How should I revert back my previous commit when I commit my code?
Is there a way on a branch to revert back to previous commits?
For example, I commit a state, call it GOODSPOT, then I commit, a few times as my code progresses. Can I easily revert back to GOODSPOT, in a single click ? Or do i have to go through line by line. Similar to going back to an old snap shot ?

Here is what you can do
$ git push origin (branch)

You can go back to any commit you want to. Use the command-line interface (also known as Terminal).

As far as I'm concerned every time i try Source Control. It depends on whether you are working with people. I would just go back to the terminal and recommend it.
For versioning in Xcode, I do this:
- in my Developer directory I set up a project folder
- then Duplicate the Outer initial folder Xcode sets up and append its name with a number and two word description of where it's at
- this also duplicates development art, research notes etc
- the inner folder is all XCode cares about, so that one gets untouched
- when the finished app ships, I illustrate its development for proving copyright originality


Restoring an Xcode commit that was never pushed to Github

This is a question that I posted, and then after much digging finally resolved myself. There is actually quite a bit on this subject both on this forum and elsewhere, but it usually requires some familiarity with Terminal. I am going to describe the problem I faced and then describe step-by-step in detail (at a beginner's level) how to resolve the issue in Terminal.
In short, I checked out a previously committed version of my app in Xcode, which - because it was a version from several weeks prior - did not contain my most recent commits. In other words, I had no access to any of the commits that contained my most recent work. They had all disappeared.
My commits and pushes had not stored in GitHub because presumably some time before this I had accidentally selected my main folder as the destination for my commits, rather than one of the two branches I created. So I had absolutely no access to my work. By all appearances I pretty much had to start from scratch.
After much hand wringing, teeth gnashing, and hours of scouring the webs, I finally uncovered the solution. But it takes a bit of understanding about Terminal to make it work. So after several more hours of learning Terminal, I finally successfully restored all of my work.
For any of you who are new to coding (as I am), and who have no experience with Terminal, I will provide detailed instructions on how to resolve this issue if you encounter it in the answer below.
Open Terminal to prompt to your Xcode project. The easiest way to do this is to find your project in Finder, which will have a .xcodeproj extension, and then right click it.
Select New Terminal at Folder.
At this point, a terminal window will pop up. From here, enter the following: git reflog
Press Enter
This will populate a list of all the commits stored in your Xcode project. Each commit is identified by an alphanumeric code (the one I restored was 1a7ea33, for example).
Note the alphanumeric code of the commit you wish to restore.
After this, enter the following: git checkout -b NewBranch 1a1a1a1 (where "NewBranch" is whatever name you decide to name your new branch, and "1a1a1a1" is your alphanumeric code from steps 5 and 6).
Press Enter.
That's it. Close Terminal and open your Xcode project as normal. You will notice the restored commit in the folder you just named in Terminal.
Hopefully no one will ever need this, but if by chance someone does I hope it helps.

git (windows) - find file that was saved locally but not committed/staged

I normally create new branches from master for different JIRA tasks and them merge them back into master with pull requests when the task is completed.
However, I'm using Rstudio and always have a local script open which acts a a rolling cookbook of tricks and tips to look back on. Basically its a library of my R knowledge.
Unfortunately I believe I've lost a couple of weeks work on this file as I think dropped any changes from the master branch, then created a new branch, created/edited a different file and merged back into master for a separate task.
I'm on Windows 10 and restore previous version doesn't seem to be available. The last restore point is a day after the last pull request I had merged. Im trying to find a way to find any other version of this file either in Git or older versions on my machine.
Whats the best way or tools to do this. I've lost some changes to an algorithm I'd been working on which successfully turned a 6 hour job into a 10 min job and I don't want to try and remember how I did it. I'm using visual studio for Git and I've got Git tortoise. According to tortoise There was a merge on 19/04 and nothing before 09/02 so I don't think Git ever staged or committed the changes I've lost that were all written between the 16/04 and 20/04.
I think I've found it. Although its not in my Rstudio history in the UI (or the history file opened in notepad), when I use the search function in Rstudio's history it finds it?! Rstudio apparently has everything I've ever written and its timestamped too.
Still keeping this question open for future issues (although I've made this file local now to avoid this in the future). If anyone knows where the 'master' history file for Rstudio too thats of interest.
As mentioned in How to access the script/source history in RStudio?
RStudio's source panel is essentially a view to an Ace Editor
You have found the "searching history" which allows you to find back all past files/commands.

XCode - Any way to recover code after "Discard Changes"?

I inadvertantly did a very stupid thing last night. I have been working on an iPad project for a couple of months and (even more stupidly) do not have a backup. By right-clicking on the project in XCODE, I mistakenly clicked "Discard Changes"
(stupidity reigns again) I did not have any commits since the initial and when I did the Discard Changes, it seems that it went all the way back to the initial commit, which if I am looking at things correctly looks like each file is as it was the very first time it was saved.
My question is: Is there a way to recover my work? Is it in the .git directory? Is a copy stored elsewhere? or as a last resort, any chance to recover some of the source text with an un-delete utility?
For little clarification.. one can put back files from the trash as discard changes sends the file in the trash
Answer copied from How to undo xcode discard all changes if not committed
Quit Xcode.
Open the file you wish to bring back your lost changes to using TextEdit.
Go to File -> Revert To -> Browse All Versions...
Scroll through the available versions. Hopefully you will have many available to choose from.
Select a version and hit Restore.
Follow 1-5 for all necessary files.
Launch Xcode. You should now see the M next to these files in Project Navigator indicating they include uncommited changes (the changes you previously discarded).
Completely new files you may have created and were discarded can be found in the Trash.
Also a small piece of advice. If you are in need to discard changes, prefer using Source Control -> Discard Changes by right clicking on files in the Project Navigator, instead of Discard All Changes which might give you all kinds of trouble.
Have a nice day. :)
Well luck was on my side after all. As it turns out, when I did the Source Control > Discard Changes operation, it did not make any changes to the source code save in my project directory. I was able to start a new project and added the files back in. Once I did that I was able to compile and run my project in the simulator just as it was before the incident. I now have a backup as well as committed the changes in git.
You have a hope of fetching this code if you "pushed" & committed your prior-to-discarded changes into your local git repository. Or if you're using MacOS's included Time Machine or some other automated backup solution.
Aside from that, you might be hosed.
If you're on Lion or later, you may have Time Machine backups even if you don't have an external drive. As of Lion, Time Machine will take 'local snapshots' of files; this is how they support the "Versions" feature that lets you go back to previous versions of your files.
If you didn't have Time Machine turned on, though... you may be out of luck.

Undoing a single-file Git Checkout

So, I am working on a project with XCode. Happily, I found out that it keeps an Git repository within every project. So, after a mistake on a code, i just used
git checkout aux.c
to move back from theses mistakes. Unfortunately, as i just found out, Xcode does not auto-commit, so, I ended up with a blank file.
I didn't commited anything after this, but still can't figure out how to undo this checkout.
Sorry, you can't. :-( You're going to have to replace the file some other way.
There are two places where git tracks your files - commits, and the index/staging area. Since there was no commit, and you checked the version of the file out of the staging area, there's no other place it would be.
Do run git status just in case, to make sure it doesn't still show staged changes to that file.
Any chance you had it open in an editor still and could undo the changes to the file that git checkout made? Some editors like Textmate and SublimeText will allow that; others don't.
If the file has never been committed to the repository then unfortunately you are out of luck.
From the sounds of it, you simply have an empty git repository, which will mean your file has been lost and something Versions (which comes with Lion) or Time Machine may be your best bet at recovering from your mistake.
To confirm if anything has been committed to the repository, use git log. If you get an empty response then you're out of luck on the git front.
Unfortunately, this probably this isn't the answer you were looking for.
In fact, undoing a first commit on git is impossible. So, if you are running Xcode, commit manually frequently.
But, there is another way.
If you are running OS X 10.7 Lion or latter (not sure about Snow Leopard), you can try to use the versions feature from OS X to recover any file. Too late for me, but it should work
Best way to recover if your uncommitted changes would be to go to (Left Pane) Source Control Navigator -> Stashed Changes -> Look for a file which dated/timed earlier than your commit which you would like to reverse and click to apply stash changes to the file. That would bring back all the unsaved files back.

Using TortoiseGit deleting all after a certain commit

Using TortoiseGit (I'm trying to avoid command line usage) how does one delete all commits that accended from a certain commit, and "get back in the past" (example usage: continued doing something, figured I didn't like where it was going, and decided to go "back" disregarding all in between).
In short I wish to go 5 commits "back", and delete them afterwards.
Go to TortoiseGit -> Show log. Select the most recent commit you want to keep, everything above will be erased. Then right click on it and select "Reset "master" to this" and choose Hard. Be careful though because once you do this all the commits after it will be forever lost unless they are stored off in another branch somewhere.
I've never used Tortoise anything (unless you count the electronica group), but I'll give you this info in case you don't find a way to do it with the GUI or you end up deciding to go CLI after all.
As #Tuxified mentions, you can accomplish this with git reset --hard <COMMIT>. You need to specify a commit, which can be done in any of an intimidating panoply of possible ways; the most common have forms like HEAD~4, which specifies a commit 4 commits before the head of the current branch, and deadbeef42, which specifies a commit whose SHA1 starts with 0xdeadbeef42. If you're running linux or OSX, you can get the full details on commit specifiers via man git-rev-parse, under "SPECIFYING REVISIONS".
You can also rename the current branch (git branch -m new_branch_name) and then create a new branch with its head at the place you want to revert to. The advantage is that if you end up wanting to use all or some of the stuff you did there, you can still readily access it; and if you typo the commit, you're saved from a big holycrap moment. Plus git branches are super lightweight so the only real downside is that there will be another branch listed. To make the new master branch you would use git branch master <COMMIT>, and then you check it out. So the net effect here is the same as the first option, except that you still have your old changes saved in the branch new_branch_name. You can even merge those changes back in later, after new commits to master, if you feel like it.
Note that either of these techniques are considered "rewriting history" and will cause issues if you're sharing your repo with others. If you're being smart and pushing to a backup repo in cloud city or another pc, you will have to fix things on that end before you can push to it again.
This is probably way more info than you need right now, but if you end up using git a lot you'll probably want to learn this stuff at some point. Sorry I don't know how to use Tortoise...
