How to make VSIX installer to register assembly automatically - visual-studio-2013

I have developed a custom code generator and deploy it via a VSIX, the problem is I should register assembly via regasm.exe after installing VSIX, but I have seen some projects such as DSLTool with custom code generation that registers automatically, any body knows how can I have automatically registration in my VSIX project?

You should be able to do the following:
0. Remove old (bad practice) COM code
Edit your project build settings to not have "Register for COM interop" checked.
Edit your AssemblyInfo.cs and set ComVisible to false:
[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
Assuming your generator is named MyCodeGenerator, open the definition of MyCodeGenerator and add the attribute:
1. Edit your VSIX project to enable generation of a pkgdef file.
Right click your project in Solution Explorer and select Unload Project.
Right click the unloaded project and select Edit MyProject.csproj, where MyProject is the name of your project.
Locate the XML element <GeneratePkgDefFile>.
If the element exists, ensure that its value is set to true.
Otherwise, add the following to the end of the first <PropertyGroup> element in your project file which does not have a Condition attribute (this is almost always the first PropertyGroup in the file).
Repeat step 3 to set <CopyBuildOutputToOutputDirectory> to true.
Save and close the .csproj file.
Right click the unloaded project in Solution Explorer and select Reload Project.
Open your project's source.extension.vsixmanifest file and locate the <Content> element. Add the following element as a child:
If your extension does not provide any other content elements, the entire <Content> element would now be this:
2. Define the required attribute types
At the end of this answer are sections for ProvideGeneratorAttribute.cs and ProvideAssemblyObjectAttribute.cs. Add these files to your project.
3. Register the code generator class
Open your project's AssemblyInfo.cs.
Assuming your custom code generator class is named MyCodeGenerator, add the following attribute to the assembly info file.
[assembly: ProvideAssemblyObject(typeof(MyCodeGenerator))]
4. Associate your code generator with the language service
Open your project's AssemblyInfo.cs.
Assuming your custom code generator class is named MyCodeGenerator, and you want to register the code generator with the C# language service, add the following attribute to the assembly info file.
[assembly: ProvideGenerator(
Description = "Description of the generator",
GeneratesDesignTimeSource = true)]
Appendix A: ProvideGeneratorAttribute.cs
Disclaimer: This code is completely untested.
using System;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell;
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Assembly, AllowMultiple = true)]
public sealed class ProvideGeneratorAttribute : RegistrationAttribute
private readonly Type _generatorType;
private readonly Guid _languageServiceGuid;
private string _name;
private string _description;
private bool _generatesDesignTimeSource;
public ProvideGeneratorAttribute(Type generatorType, string languageServiceGuid)
if (generatorType == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("generatorType");
if (languageServiceGuid == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("languageServiceGuid");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(languageServiceGuid))
throw new ArgumentException("languageServiceGuid cannot be empty");
_generatorType = generatorType;
_languageServiceGuid = new Guid(languageServiceGuid);
_name = _generatorType.Name;
public Type GeneratorType
return _generatorType;
public Guid LanguageServiceGuid
return _languageServiceGuid;
public string Name
return _name;
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
throw new ArgumentException("value cannot be empty");
_name = value;
public string Description
return _description;
_description = value;
public bool GeneratesDesignTimeSource
return _generatesDesignTimeSource;
_generatesDesignTimeSource = value;
private string RegistrationKey
return string.Format(#"Generators\{0}\{1}", LanguageServiceGuid.ToString("B"), Name);
public override void Register(RegistrationContext context)
using (Key key = context.CreateKey(RegistrationKey))
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Description))
key.SetValue(string.Empty, Description);
key.SetValue("CLSID", GeneratorType.GUID.ToString("B"));
key.SetValue("GeneratesDesignTimeSource", GeneratesDesignTimeSource ? 1 : 0);
public override void Unregister(RegistrationContext context)
Appendix B: ProvideAssemblyObjectAttribute.cs
Disclaimer: This code is completely untested.
using System;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell;
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Assembly, AllowMultiple = true)]
public sealed class ProvideAssemblyObjectAttribute : RegistrationAttribute
private readonly Type _objectType;
private RegistrationMethod _registrationMethod;
public ProvideAssemblyObjectAttribute(Type objectType)
if (objectType == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("objectType");
_objectType = objectType;
public Type ObjectType
return _objectType;
public RegistrationMethod RegistrationMethod
return _registrationMethod;
_registrationMethod = value;
private string ClsidRegKey
return string.Format(#"CLSID\{0}", ObjectType.GUID.ToString("B"));
public override void Register(RegistrationContext context)
using (Key key = context.CreateKey(ClsidRegKey))
key.SetValue(string.Empty, ObjectType.FullName);
key.SetValue("InprocServer32", context.InprocServerPath);
key.SetValue("Class", ObjectType.FullName);
if (context.RegistrationMethod != RegistrationMethod.Default)
_registrationMethod = context.RegistrationMethod;
switch (RegistrationMethod)
case Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.RegistrationMethod.Default:
case Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.RegistrationMethod.Assembly:
key.SetValue("Assembly", ObjectType.Assembly.FullName);
case Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.RegistrationMethod.CodeBase:
key.SetValue("CodeBase", context.CodeBase);
throw new InvalidOperationException();
key.SetValue("ThreadingModel", "Both");
public override void Unregister(RegistrationContext context)


Custom route constraint causes intermittent 404 errors

I have an Asp.Net Core 1 RC1 application that uses a custom route constraint to control access to the application. The application (hosted on a server running IIS 7.5) is getting intermittent 404 errors which I suspect is caused by this routing constraint. Here you can see a screenshot that shows the intermittent 404 errors:
I suspect that this issue is related to the code that defines the route constraint not being thread-safe. The custom route constraint needs a DbContext because it needs to check in the database if the application is enabled for the brand specified in the route, and I suspect that this DbContext instance could be causing the issue. Here is how the routing is defined in the application:
// Add MVC to the request pipeline.
var appDbContext = app.ApplicationServices.GetRequiredService<AppDbContext>();
app.UseMvc(routes =>
name: "branding",
template: "branding/{brand}/{controller}/{action}/{id?}",
defaults: new { controller="Home", action="Index" },
constraints: new { brand = new BrandingRouteConstraint(appDbContext) });
And here is the custom route constraint:
// Custom route constraint
public class BrandingRouteConstraint : IRouteConstraint
AppDbContext _appDbContext;
public BrandingRouteConstraint(AppDbContext appDbContext) : base() {
_appDbContext = appDbContext;
public bool Match(HttpContext httpContext, IRouter route, string routeKey, IDictionary<string, object> values, RouteDirection routeDirection)
if (values.Keys.Contains(routeKey))
var whiteLabel = _appDbContext.WhiteLabels.Where(w => w.Url == values[routeKey].ToString()).FirstOrDefault();
if (whiteLabel != null && whiteLabel.EnableApplication != null && (bool)whiteLabel.EnableApplication)
return true;
return false;
Can anyone confirm that this issue is caused by the code not being thread-safe and recommend a way to change the implementation so that it is thread-safe?
I can't comment on RouteContraint's, haven't used them much, but have you tried Resource Based Authorization instead? Looks like it might be more suited to what you're trying to achieve?
From here and here:
Request authentication service inside your controller
public class DocumentController : Controller
IAuthorizationService authorizationService;
public DocumentController(IAuthorizationService authorizationService)
this.authorizationService = authorizationService;
Apply authorization checks in your Action:
public async Task<IActionResult> Edit(Guid documentId)
Document document = documentRepository.Find(documentId);
if (document == null)
return new HttpNotFoundResult();
if (await authorizationService.AuthorizeAsync(User, document, Operations.Edit))
return View(document);
return new HttpUnauthorizedResult();
I've used the OperationAuthorizationRequirement class in the sample, so define this class in your project:
public static class Operations
public static OperationAuthorizationRequirement Create =
new OperationAuthorizationRequirement { Name = "Create" };
public static OperationAuthorizationRequirement Read =
new OperationAuthorizationRequirement { Name = "Read" };
public static OperationAuthorizationRequirement Update =
new OperationAuthorizationRequirement { Name = "Update" };
public static OperationAuthorizationRequirement Delete =
new OperationAuthorizationRequirement { Name = "Delete" };
Implement the authorization handler (using built in OperationAuthorizationRequirement requirement):
public class DocumentAuthorizationHandler : AuthorizationHandler<OperationAuthorizationRequirement, Document>
protected override void Handle(AuthorizationContext context,
OperationAuthorizationRequirement requirement,
Document resource)
// Validate the requirement against the resource and identity.
// Sample just checks "Name"field, put your real logic here :)
if (resource.Name == "Doc1")
And not forgetting ConfigureServices:
new DocumentAuthorizationHandler());
It's a bit more work, but adds quite a lot of flexibility.

customizing odata output from web api

I'm using the new ASP.NET webapi odata (version 4.0.0 last published 27/2/2013 according to Nuget)
Basically I'm doing it as described here:
I'm publishing my data transfer objects and the odata atom pub feed is created but I'd like to have some more control over it. Mainly I'd like to be able to do the following:
decide what goes on the title, author and updated elements for the feed
decide whether or not to have the edit links
change what is shown in <category term="X"and in m:type in sub properties that are classes in my application. Currently they expose the c# class names with the full namespace but I don't want to expose this.
The OData media type formatter is more extensible now. Samples follow.
1) decide what goes on the title, author and updated elements for the feed
public class AtomMetadataFeedSerializer : ODataFeedSerializer
public AtomMetadataFeedSerializer(IEdmCollectionTypeReference edmType, ODataSerializerProvider serializerProvider)
: base(edmType, serializerProvider)
public override ODataFeed CreateODataFeed(IEnumerable feedInstance, ODataSerializerContext writeContext)
ODataFeed feed = base.CreateODataFeed(feedInstance, writeContext);
feed.Atom().Title = new AtomTextConstruct { Kind = AtomTextConstructKind.Text, Text = "My Awesome Feed" };
return feed;
public class CustomSerializerProvider : DefaultODataSerializerProvider
public override ODataEntrySerializer CreateEdmTypeSerializer(IEdmTypeReference edmType)
if (edmType.IsCollection() && edmType.AsCollection().ElementType().IsEntity())
// feed serializer
return new AtomMetadataFeedSerializer(edmType.AsCollection(), this);
return base.CreateEdmTypeSerializer(edmType);
And register the custom serializer provider using,
config.Formatters.InsertRange(0, ODataMediaTypeFormatters.Create(new CustomSerializerProvider(), new DefaultODataDeserializerProvider()));
2) customize edit links
public class CustomEntityTypeSerializer : ODataEntityTypeSerializer
public CustomEntityTypeSerializer(IEdmEntityTypeReference edmType, ODataSerializerProvider serializerProvider)
: base(edmType, serializerProvider)
public override ODataEntry CreateEntry(EntityInstanceContext entityInstanceContext, ODataSerializerContext writeContext)
ODataEntry entry = base.CreateEntry(entityInstanceContext, writeContext);
if (notProduceEditLinks)
entry.EditLink = null;
return entry;
public class CustomSerializerProvider : DefaultODataSerializerProvider
public override ODataEntrySerializer CreateEdmTypeSerializer(IEdmTypeReference edmType)
if (edmType.IsEntity())
// entity type serializer
return new CustomEntityTypeSerializer(edmType.AsEntity(), this);
return base.CreateEdmTypeSerializer(edmType);
and register the custom serializer provider as above.
We still don't support scenario 3 i.e aliasing type names and namespaces.

ASP.NET MVC 3 - Unit Test in Respository

I'm using a class test that checks login entity that is being done correctly, but an error occurs that does not seem to return the query in the database, but the application developed in ASP.NET MVC 3 Code First query returns data, I would to know what is wrong and what can be done to solve it.
Upon return of the query gives the following message in the variable:
"Enumeration yielded no results"
Test Method:
public void efetuarLoginTest()
EntidadeRepository target = new EntidadeRepository();
string cnpj = "12345678";
string senha = "lalado";
Entidade expected = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
Entidade actual;
actual = target.efetuarLogin(cnpj, senha);
Assert.AreNotEqual(expected, actual);
Method repository of the entity with the task of returning to the login query:
public Entidade efetuarLogin(string cnpj, string senha)
var consulta = from usu in bd.Entidades
where usu.cnpj == cnpj && usu.senha == senha
select usu;
if (consulta.Count() > 0)
Entidade e = new Entidade();
e.id_entidade = consulta.First().id_entidade;
e.razao_social = consulta.First().razao_social;
e.cnpj = consulta.First().cnpj;
e.senha = consulta.First().senha;
return e;
return null;
Class persistence database using the Entity Framework 4.1:
internal class BancoDados: DbContext
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
public DbSet<Entidade> Entidades { get; set; }
public DbSet<Estado> Estados { get; set; }
public DbSet<Administrador> Administradores { get; set; }
public DbSet<Leilao> Leiloes { get; set; }
public DbSet<Lance> Lances { get; set; }
Thank You.
for us, this kind of an error was generated because of the right connection string not passed to the EF. If you are using NUnit, NUnit doesn't use your app.config or web.config, you would have to create your assembly.dll.config or nunit project.config. Please check NUnit documentation for usage of config files.
You can verify the connection string passed to NUnit, by examining, DbContext.Database and its properties in debug mode/
Checking your config values, should fix your problem.
I would imagine
if (consulta.Count() > 0)
is throwing the error?
You could change it to
if (consulta != null && consulta.Count() > 0)

Refresh a list webpart to reflect the item added in sharepoint 2010 developed using visual studio 2010

I have a visual webpart that list the students.
Also have a webpart to add/edit student.
After deploying the application, I created new webpart page and added CreateStudent webpart in a zone and ListStudent webpart in another zone.
When I add a student I need to find that student details in the grid of ListStudent webpart.
I think I need to connect the two webparts making CreateStudent webpart as provider webpart and ListStudent webpart as consumer webpart, but my doubt is, I dont need to pass any particular value to the ListStudent webpart.
I have a funstion call in ListStudent webpart Page_Load which set the datasource of the gridview and binding it. How can this be done?
Here is link which meets your needs,
I think it'll be helpfull to you.
Thnks and regards.
It's another link which exactly meets your need,
Here are simple provider and consumer Web Parts. The provider UI accepts a text field that it passes to the consumer Web Part which simply outputs it. The connection between the Web Parts is the following interface:
namespace ConnectedWebParts
public interface IParcel
string ID { get; }
The Provider Web Part implements this interface and must have a method with the attribute ConnectionProvider that returns itself (since it implements the interface):
namespace ConnectedWebParts
public class ProviderWebPart : WebPart, IParcel
protected TextBox txtParcelID;
protected Button btnSubmit;
private string _parcelID = "";
protected override void CreateChildControls()
txtParcelID = new TextBox() { ID = "txtParcelID" };
btnSubmit = new Button() { ID = "btnSubmit", Text="Submit"};
btnSubmit.Click += btnSubmit_Click;
void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
_parcelID = txtParcelID.Text;
[ConnectionProvider("Parcel ID")]
public IParcel GetParcelProvider()
return this;
string IParcel.ID
get { this.EnsureChildControls(); return _parcelID; }
The Consumer Web Part must define a method with a ConnectionConsumer attribute that accepts an object that implements the connection interface (the provider Web Part) as a parameter:
namespace ConnectedWebParts
public class ConsumerWebPart : WebPart
protected IParcel _provider;
protected Label lblParcelID;
protected override void CreateChildControls()
lblParcelID = new Label();
if (_provider != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(_provider.ID))
lblParcelID.Text = _provider.ID;
[ConnectionConsumer("Parcel ID")]
public void RegisterParcelProvider(IParcel provider)
_provider = provider;

"Installation failed due to the absence of a ServiceProcessInstaller" Problem

When I start to installing using installutil it gives me following error, I have set ServiceInstaller and ServiceInstallerProcess,
System.InvalidOperationException: Installation failed due to the absence of a ServiceProcessInstaller. The ServiceProcessInstaller must either be the containing installer, or it must be present in the Installers collection on the same installer as the ServiceInstaller.
Any ideas on how to fix the problem?
I had the same problem with the Installer and found that in the [YourInstallerClassName].Designer.cs at InitializeComponent() method, the dfault generated code is Missing add the ServiceProcessInstaller
// [YourInstallerClassName]
this.Installers.AddRange(new System.Configuration.Install.Installer[] {
Just add your ServiceProcessInstaller in my case its:
// ProjectInstaller
this.Installers.AddRange(new System.Configuration.Install.Installer[] {
this.serviceProcessInstaller1, //--> Missing
and the Setup project works.
Usually, this means you failed to attribute your installer with RunInstaller(true). Here's an example of one I have handy that works:
namespace OnpointConnect.WindowsService
public partial class OnpointConnectServiceInstaller : Installer
private ServiceProcessInstaller processInstaller;
private ServiceInstaller serviceInstaller;
public OnpointConnectServiceInstaller()
public override string HelpText
"/name=[service name]\nThe name to give the OnpointConnect Service. " +
"The default is OnpointConnect. Note that each instance of the service should be installed from a unique directory with its own config file and database.";
public override void Install(IDictionary stateSaver)
public override void Uninstall(IDictionary stateSaver)
private void Initialize()
processInstaller = new ServiceProcessInstaller();
serviceInstaller = new ServiceInstaller();
processInstaller.Account = ServiceAccount.LocalSystem;
serviceInstaller.StartType = ServiceStartMode.Manual;
string serviceName = "OnpointConnect";
if (Context.Parameters["name"] != null)
serviceName = Context.Parameters["name"];
Context.LogMessage("The service name = " + serviceName);
serviceInstaller.ServiceName = serviceName;
//stash the service name in a file for later use in the service
var writer = new StreamWriter("ServiceName.dat");
catch (Exception err)
Context.LogMessage("An error occured while creating configuration information for the service. The error is "
+ err.Message);
