Productivity Power Tools 2013 does not install Window.NextDocumentWellTab? - visual-studio-2013

Previously (VS2010) I solved the insane Ctrl+Tab behavior using Productivity Power Tools and re-mapping Ctrl+Tab to Window.NextDocumentWellTab.
I have since installed the trial version of Visual Studio 2013 Professional and the latest Feb 2014 version of Productivity Power Tools. Unfortunately the Window.NextDocumentWellTab does not exist. Is this a known problem, will it work when I upgrade to the paid version of VS?
This question explains why the default Ctrl+Tab behavior in Visual Studio makes me want to tear my eyeballs out and smash my head on the wall:
Changing Ctrl + Tab behavior for moving between documents in Visual Studio


Should I install Visual Studio 2017 beside Visual Studio 2015 or should I first uninstall Visual Studio 2015 and then install Visual Studio 2017?

I am currently using Visual Studio 2015 for programming ASP.NET Core applications. I have the following questions regarding installing Visual Studio 2017:
What is considered to be best practice and/or cleanest method?
Should I install Visual Studio 2017 beside Visual Studio 2015?
Should I first uninstall Visual Studio 2015 and all .NET Core dependencies and then install Visual Studio 2017?
Are there any tools that would ensure a clean uninstall of Visual Studio 2015?
From page Visual Studio 2017 Platform Targeting and Compatibility
Compatibility with Previous Releases Installation
You can install and use Visual Studio 2017 alongside previous versions of Visual Studio, including Visual Studio 2015, Visual Studio 2013, and Visua Studio 2012.
So yes. you can install them without any problem.
VS 2013, VS 2015, and VS 2017 all work well side-by-side. VS 2012 can be a little dodgy on Windows 10, but should also work side-by-side. In theory VS 2010 should also work side-by-side with those, but I've run into quirks in the past with them interfering with one-another.
Projects should round-trip between 2015 and 2017 generally, although there are some one-way upgrade scenarios.
Note that if you really just need the older compiler toolset for some reason, you can also install VS 2017 and select the optional component Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.140 which installs the older v140 compiler which you can still use with the VS 2017 IDE. That said, there's not a lot of reason to do this since the VS 2015 & VS 2017 C++ standard libraries are binary compatible so you can mix them in a project.
See this blog post for information on VS 2017.
It sounds like you have done some projects in 2015 already, so you will probably want to keep it.
Once you open a project in a new version, it will try to upgrade the project and then you can't go back.
However, if you have multiple versions installed at the same time, when you try to open a project, say, from Windows Explorer, it will open it with the "Visual Studio Version Checker" and will look at the project file and determine which version to open it in.
Bottom line, if you have the hard drive space, there is no reason to not install them alongside each other.
In the past, it was recommended to install them in sequential order if you are installing multiple versions, but it doesn't sound like this is an issue for you and I don't know if that is even a problem anymore as it has been several versions since I have had to deal with that.
Good luck!
Personally, I would keep both - there have been multiple times through the years where you have compatibility issues and NEED to have the prior version(s). I've also had old project that will not upgrade and I've gone back and reinstalled old VS versions.
If you have no reason to keep VS2015 in your computer I would suggest uninstalling it.
I uninstalled VS2015 after installing VS2017 and later noticing that I was still using an old taskbar shortcut to VS2015.
So I was inadvertently still using VS2015.
Maybe some special cases require keeping older versions of VS along side the new version, but for the rest of us, I say, uninstall!
VS 2015 is the last version that is supported by Installshield LE.
If you have a need for building installers in the future, it will be useful to have VS 2015
1,2,3. Visual Studio 2017 has more features over 2015 and it contains 2015's current features so you don't need 2015 alongside 2017. Just stick with 2017. And I don't think you will have any problems while opening 2013 and 2015 projects with Visual Studio 2017.
Uninstall Tool is a good tool to use. It cleanses all the leftover files and registry entries after running the original uninstallation wizard and even tells you how many files will be cleaned after the required reboot.
For people continuing to read this, I have Visual Studio Professional 2008 (For Windows Embedded 6.5), 2010, 2015, 2017 and they all work even if open at the same time.
Edit: As stated in other answers, they need to be installed from oldest version to newest.

Missing CodeLens references count in Visual Studio Community edition 2015 and 2017

Is there a reason why the references count (code lens) is missing in Visual Studio Community edition?
Is is possible to enable it in the options?
Here is a screenshot of Visual Studio 2015 and 2017 Community edition:
Here is a screenshot of Visual Studio 2013:
I installed the latest SSDT preview for Visual Studio 2015 from the link below on 2 machines I have with VS 2015 Community edition (Update 1), and CodeLens started working for all my projects.
This isn't a generic reference counting feature, it's just one of the features of CodeLens. CodeLens is only available in Visual Studio 2015 Pro and above. In Visual Studio 2013 it was a Ultimate-only feature.
As others have noted, installing SSDT or SSMS 2016 may enable CodeLens as well. That's because VS 2015 Community is Pro, with a different license and some missing extensions like CodeLens. As long as an extension's binaries and settings are installed, Community will activate the extension.
"CodeLens has been a feature found only in Visual Studio Enterprise, but that will change in an upcoming preview of Visual Studio 2019, when it will also be available for the Community edition, likely in 2019"
What's New in Visual Studio 2019
I have Visual Studio 2015 Community edition and it originally did NOT have CodeLens.
However, after going to Tools -> Extensions and Updates -> Product Updates and then downloading SSDT and installing all options within the SSDT package, my VS 2015 Community Edition now miraculously has access to CodeLens.
On the Tools tab choose Options.
In the open window choose like bellow, and then press ok.
Good Luck!!!
This feature has been disabled in Visual Studio Community 2017, although it sounds like it was temporarily available in pre-release versions.
The Visual Studio Team issued this statement on the 14th of March 2017:
An authoring error in the SQL Server Data Tools resulted in the
capability temporarily showing up incorrectly in Visual Studio
Community when installed; the change you see is a result of correcting
that mistake.
Also, on the Compare Visual Studio 2017 Offerings page CodeLens appears to not be available in the Community edition.
I'm not allowed to Comment on R. Richards answer above, so posting this as a separate answer: CodeLens references disappeared for me too when I upgraded my VS Pro to 2017. But only on my Desktop ("same" upgrade behaved differently on my laptop, where CodeLens settings apparently unaffected). Anyway, very easy to resolve just Enable CodeLens under Text Editor : All Languages
An alternative is to just right-click the member and select 'Find All References' or the hot key shift + F12*. Not only you will find the count of references grouped by project, but also the underlying code lines and their classes.
* As per Visual Studio 2017 Community.

Visual Studio 2012 Pro Power Tools class/method name hover tooltip

I installed Productivity Power Tools for Visual Studio 2012 and I guess one feature is either missing or turned off. I mean the tooltip that appears when howering on the classname and method name.
Here are the screens of what I mean. This is from VS 2010.
How can I turn on the same feature in the Visual Studio 2012 or is it just removed from this version of IDE?
The Solution Navigator has been incorporated into Visual Studio 2012 and is no longer part of the Productivity Power Tools extension. There also doesn't seem to be any way to enable interactive tooltips.

What happened to Edit.MoveLineUp/Down in Visual Studio 2012

In Visual Studio 2010 you can assign keyboard shortcuts for moving lines up and down.
I can't find these commands in 2012.
Have they been renamed or removed? Is there any way, out-of-the-box, to move lines using ALT + ↑↓? (I'm not buying ReSharper.)
This command is a part of Productivity Power Tools.
The 2012 version was released in November 2012. You can find it here:
Productivity Power Tools for Visual Studio 2012
Nothing happened to it, these commands don't exist in VS2010 either. Check what add-ins you've got installed.
Not sure what it does, but consider Edit.ScrollLineUp/Down. Default binding is Ctrl+Up/Down arrow.

Is it still possible to install PerfWatson for Visual Studio?

A long while ago Scott Hanselman talked about PerfWatson. I've finally decided to install this extension in Visual Studio, but the extension no longer appears to be available for public-consumption (perform either a search or click on the appropriate link on the PerfWatson Monitor extension).
Is there an alternative to PerfWatson, or has it been completely phased out?
The PerfWatson extension is now available, and was updated on May 24th. The first paragraph says:
The Visual Studio team no longer collects PerfWatson reports for Visual Studio 2010. Your reports helped us to identify the issues affecting you most, and you can see improvements in Visual Studio 11 Beta. The PerfWatson extension is included in the VS11 Beta release. If you would like to use PerfWatson to automatically report on any responsiveness issues you are encountering, please download and try out the VS11 Beta.
Looks like it's no longer valuable.
Update July 2017
It appears that PerfWatson is available as a Visual Studio Extension for 2012, 2013, 2015, and 2017.
Paul Harrington appears to be a software engineer at Microsoft, but no idea if the extension's purpose remains the same.
