XPath query returns null - xpath

As you see in the picture an item has subitems which are <th> and <td>. When I query item to get <td>, it returns null. Here is the code: item.SelectSingleNode("td")
Shouldn't it get td node?

It seems that <td> isn't direct child of current item. To select descendant that isn't direct child you can use double slashes (//) :
And if I see it correctly, <td> is child of <th>, so you can also do this way :


How to get only one element from collection in the view

I passed $users variable to my view and I want to get only one element of this collection by comparing it using contains() method.
It's working but I want to retrieve this element so I can show the name
how to do that?
My code:
#foreach($rqs as $rq)
<td>{{$rq->user_id}} with name:
Working >> I want to get the user name here but only one user
What about:

Selecting images inside nested tables using Watir

I'm trying to use Watir to scrape a page which has AJAX-generated tables. As each level of the table is expanded, additional nested tables are inserted and the expand link moves in one level. The number of levels is not always the same. The end result is something like this, loaded in asynchronously one layer at a time:
Data Type 1
<img src="expand.gif" />
Data Type 2
<img src="expand.gif" />
<img src="expand.gif" />
I want to interact only with the table containing "Data Type 1." The table IDs are randomly generated (this is an annoying ASP.net application), so the only thing to select on is "Data Type 1."
Thus, I have:
while browser.table(:text => /Type 1/).image(:src => "expand.gif").present?
links = browser.table(:text => /Type 1/).images(:src => "expand.gif")
links.each do |li|
This works fine to expand the first nested table (with the expand.gif directly inside the table element that contains the selector text. However, the next layer of tables does not expand--clearly, my selector isn't going into child tables.
If I leave out the table selector altogether, the code will happily expand every nested table on the page until it runs out of levels, but I only want "Data Type 1."
Any suggestions how to accomplish this? Thanks in advance.

Accessing a table within a table (Watir/PageObject)

I'm running Watir-webdriver with Cheezy's PageObject for Cucumber testing. I am new to ruby, testing, pageobjects, and watir.
I am trying to access a table. Specifically, I'm trying to click an image in the 7th column.
This is my code:
tables.gsub!(/\s+/, '_')
tables_elements = self.send("#{tables}s_elements")
the_table = tables_elements[table_number]
With this code running, it becomes apparent that it believes the table (columns, rows, everything) is one cell. After looking at the html, it appears there is another table within this one. The table is a gwt table of some sort. What this means is that the ID I have is not for the table I want, but for a table containing the table I want. Is there anyway to get what I want? For instance:
Or do I have to manipulate the html directly? Because, sadly, there doesn't appear to be much to manipulate, and no way that I can see to set a class (multiple of these tables on every page) through the original java code. If you can think of another way to click the image, I'd be happy to hear it
Thank you in advance
Accessing table from table:
You can get the table within a table by chaining elements. Assuming that you want the first table within the table with an id, you can do:
For example, say the page html is:
<table id="known_id">
You can create a page object with a reference to the known table:
class MyPage
include PageObject
table(:your_table, :id => 'known_id')
The following would then give you the first row's second cell of the child table:
puts page.your_table_element.table_element[0][1].text
#=> "B0"
Note that you can pass additional locators to the table_element method. For example, if the child table is actually the second instead of the first table, you can do:
puts page.your_table_element.table_element(:index => 1)[0][1].text
#=> "B0"
Accessing child table directly:
Alternatively, assuming you always want the child table, you can change the page object to access it instead. This is done by pass a block to the accessor method:
class MyPage
include PageObject
table(:actual_table){ table_element(:id => 'known_id').table_element }
Which then means you do not need to call the extra table_element method:
puts page.actual_table_element[0][1].text
#=> "B0"

find first level children in nokogiri rails

I've faced with a problem how to find first level children from the current element ?
For example i have html :
I am using Nokogiri for rails :
table = page.css('table')
It returns all tr inside table.
But I need only 2 that first level for the table.
When you say this:
table = page.css('table')
you're grabbing both tables rather than just the top level table. So you can either go back to the document root and use a selector that only matches the rows in the first table as mosch says or you can fix table to be only the outer table with something like this:
table = page.css('table').first
trs = table.xpath('./tr')
or even this (depending on the HTML's real structure):
table = page.xpath('/html/body/table')
trs = table.xpath('./tr')
or perhaps one of these for table (thanks Phrogz, again):
table = page.at('table')
table = page.at_css('table')
# or various other CSS and XPath incantations
You can do
rows = page.css('body > table > tr')
Perhaps you have to adapt the selector to your container element (i chose 'body' here)
As yet another way, you can try to use something like this:
text = <<HERE
xml = Nokogiri::XML(text)
xml.xpath("/table/tr/").each do |node|
puts node.text
In this example, '/table/tr' expression represents an absolute path to the required element - 'tr' in our case.
xpath did not work for me
The below code worked fine for me.
table = page.css('table')
table.css('> tr')

How to get the 1st column for all rows within a table using Selenium java API

I got a table with <tr> data as:
<tr class="iceDatTblRow1" id="body-subview:myMainPage:MainTabs:0:dataTable:0">
<td class="iceDatTblCol1"><span class="iceOutTxt" id="body-
subview:myMainPage:MainTabs:0:dataTable:0:j_idt252">Data that I want</span>
for some reason, i can't seem to locate the <td> with id attribute within it...
please share your expertise - thanks,
I don't know about Selenium but there are many XPath solutions here. A few examples:
span everywhere:
span only inside td:
If your requirement is to get all the first column for all rows with Selenium and Xpath then you can try this code:
String tdLocator="//tr"
int count = selenium.getXpathCount(tdLocator)
for(int i = 1;i<=count;i++)
get to td by using //tr[i]/td[0]
If you have a table ID then you can also use
