How to clear heroku remote repository? [duplicate] - spring

My heroku slug size is 389mb, so push is rejected. Now the Point is, if i deploy my same application on new domain (by using heroku create again), the slug size, i am seeing is just 200mb.. Why its different? Then I have tried this approach:
Approach 1: by deleting .git folder from my project directory, then again git init. and then deploying again on same heroku app.. It didn't make any differences!
Approach 2: By declaring .slugignore file in root of project folder. But its too not making any diff!
Approach 3: as per this site,
I have reset my repo like this,
heroku repo:reset -a appname
But, nothing happened!! What to do now? Can u guide me? Thnx.

As Heroku suggests:
Inspect your slug with heroku run bash and by using commands such as ls and du
Move large assets like PDFs or audio files to asset storage
Remove unneeded dependencies and exclude unnecessary files via .slugignore

Hey I was able to find the solution. Here is what i have done:
I have downloed Heroku Repo plugin from this site : just by this line:
heroku plugins:install
then I have just rebuilt my app by this command:
heroku repo:rebuild -a appname
This will empty the remote repository and push the repository up again, effectively triggering an app rebuild. and I got whole working app with original downsized (207mb) again. that's it.


heroku finds an old project that i ave deleted on my heroku homepages

When I try to disable static files on Heroku it keeps linking to a previous project. However, I deleted all my Heroku projects so there are none in my account.
How is this possible and how do I fix it? The heroku CLI seems to be trying to find vast-depths-55781 but the project I just created is immense-ridge-40969:
Heroku determines which app it should use based on your configured Git remotes.
Run git remote -v to see which ones you have set up; I suspect you'll see one pointing to vast-depths-59781. Remove it by its name, e.g.
git remote remove heroku
You could manually add a remote for your new app (or have just changed the previous one's URL), but Heroku provides a dedicated command for setting this up:
heroku git:remote --app immense-ridge-40969
Now heroku commands should default to the new app in that folder. (You can always provide the --app argument to tell heroku to operate against a different app if you wish.)

Go 'present' on Heroku?

So I'm new to deploying servers to Heroku, I wen't through a small tutorial on how to deploy a go app to Heroku. I've been working with the present package for presentations in html5 slides. I want to add my slides to Heroku so I can access them from any computer. I'm having a hard time figuring out how to get this to work.
I know that the present binary is in the bin folder and I have my .slide markdown textfile in my $GOPATH/src folder. How can I deploy this to Heroku?
Any help would be great thanks!
Copy the present binary and your slides into some directory. git init a new branch. Then add a Procfile with the contents:
web: present --param whatever
Then just clone the buildpack:
heroku create -b
Commit and push to heroku master. You're done.
I got all this from

Setting up an existing Heroku application on a new machine

I've an existing project that works fine on another machine, but I've just upgraded and from within the project development directory, everytime I run a heroku command I have to post-fix it with --app
I feel like I've missed an application setup stage, but I can't figure out what, as everytime it states:
Run this command from an app folder or specify which app to use with --app APP.
Help appreciated.
You can solve this by adding the Heroku app to your .git/config folder.
If you are in the root of your project, run the following command:
git remote add heroku
This will set a line in your .git/config file which the heroku command line tool uses to figure out what app you're using :)
In other words, your local repo doesn't have Heroku app URL configured against an app name
Similarly what we do with git remote add ( we pass git URL as a destination for push/pulling of code )
that how our git know which repo/URL to hit (push/pull from )
Heroku also follows the same method/process.
All you have to do is add Heroku app URL (so that ur Heroku command have a reference for app URL )
it will know against which URL you are running your command against
To confirm if remote named Heroku has been set for your app:
git remote -v
if not configured or if you want it for an existing app
heroku git:remote -a app_name
it's a way to link your folder to the Heroku app
The Heroku recommended way:
heroku git:remote -a my-heroku-app-id -r what-i-want-to-call-it
Run this command from an app folder or specify which app to use with --app APP
The other answers address the first part of that statement, it is perfectly acceptable to run heroku commands in any directory. For example I have a customer facing front end project /front-end and a rails based /back-end project. I often work in the /front-end directory and if I have to connect to the production database I'll run heroku run rails c -a back-end. After I exit irb then I'm back in my desired directory.

keep config file on heroku but remove from public repo on github?

I am trying out newrelic on a test app which is deployed to heroku.
I have both remotes origin(the public github repo) and heroku.
After pushing to heroku with the newrelic.yml file included, I would like to be able to push changes back to origin but not include the newrelic.yml file because it contains a license_key.
I tried putting config/newrelic.yml in .gitignore but it still tracks the file and pushes the file to origin. Then I tried deleting the file but can't get a clean "git status".
I tried rm config/newrelic.yml but then even with it in .gitignore the next time I push to heroku it removes the file on heroku causing newrelic monitoring to stop.
I saw other similar issues on SO with answers referring to heroku config vars but don't understand how this relates if it does, to removing the config file for github.
Heroku take all your files from Github, each push replace all your files by the new ones. I don't think you can do something like this.
If you put your file in the .gitignore, you won't be able to push it to Heroku.
A solution may be to use branch on Github, on the master you keep your code without the config file, and on the branch "Heroku", you add the file and use it to do the push on Heroku.

Why changing heroku buildpack for existing app doesn't run bin/release

I had a php app on heroku with the default buildpack (apache), and then decided to change it to the php-fpm + nginx buildpack (
I issued the change command:
heroku config:set BUILDPACK_URL=
And pushed with:
git push heroku master
The slug then compiles, but all the binaries fail to execute with "command not found", because PATH config variable which should be updated with bin/release isn't updated.
In comparison, when creating an app from scratch with this buildpack with
heroku create -b
Everything runs as expected (and PATH is present and updated).
My assumption is that bin/release was not run after changing the config variable BUILDPACK_URL, and therefore the PATH variable isn't set.
In order to make the app work, I had to manually add the PATH config variable. Did anybody else ever encounter this? Is this the expected behavior? By my understanding, bin/release should always run after a slug compile?
EDIT: corrected the git url to the correct ".git" one
You are correct in your assumption, the addons and config_vars properties of bin/release are only taken from a buildpack on an app's first deploy. See for more details.
Heroku is moving over to a new system for a buildpack to add config vars that will work beyond an app's first deploy:
If a buildpack copies a .profile.d/ into the app, that file will be sourced during application boot. This can be used to set up things like the PATH.
You probably have a Procfile in your app repository. If you have an existing Procfile, then bin/release won't overwrite its contents. Simply copy the appropriate lines (5-9) from into your Procfile.
