Pebble: Android App to Pebble App - pebble-watch

I am working on sending JSON from an android app in my phone to my pebble but I am unable to do so!
which layers should I used for it?

You cannot send JSON directly to a layer but you can use AppSync to easily synchronize some values between the Android app and the Pebble app. You will need to use TextLayer to display the information and update their content every time the AppSync dictionary is updated.
You should look into AppSync documentation and also the weather example on Android.


How to show a loading circle on slack app home while my app is retrieving data?

The view.publish API can be used to provide an interactive interface to the user.
However, there is a delay of several seconds between the time my app receives the app_home_opened event and the time it calls the view.publish API, because my app should retrieve data. During this time, I would like to display a loading circle in App Home.
There is no mention of how to display it in the Slack API documentation. Apps like Google Calendar do this, so this should not be impossible.
Does anyone know of a way to do this?

How to use AppCenter Analytics on .net Core WebApi backend?

I'm able to send events to from my XamarinForms App . However, sending the events requires the app secret key to be added to the android/ios app itself. This key can be easily extracted using a decompiler.
On my webapi backend, like the Xamarin app, I tried adding the nuget package and then in Startup.cs
AppCenter.Start("SECTETKEYHERE", typeof(Analytics));
And then tracking the event this way
Analytics.TrackEvent("MyTestEvent",new Dictionary<string, string>{{"EventNameHere","EventValueHere"}});
However, no event data ever arrives in the appcenter dashboard.
So my question is , how do I use the trackevent functionality on the serverside, or , at the very least, store the key on the app side securely(I'd really rather not do this).
My fallback plan is to use google analytics as it works fine .

How to record phone calls in Appcelerator?

I am trying to create an application that can record phone conversation, it can record incoming and outcoming call
I use Appcelerator to implement this app
I have read document in Appcelerator but can not find class/module/function or something like that can support record phone conversation
Can i implement this app use Appcelerator/Titanium or must use native code ?
Who have any suggestion for this question ?
This requirement is not possible to be implemented with Appcelerator SDK along. You need to write modules (native code) for it and plugin into Appcelerator code.

How to push notification from to mobile app without integrate parse SDK?

I want to built a rest service by using My mobile app will interact with parse via rest api by send http request. Without integrating parse SDK into my app, how can i setup push notification from parse to my app?Thank you a lot.
I think you can not do that, because for handle the push notification in your app, you need parse SDK for PFPUSH object.

How to create a Toast Notification in WP8 for a daily notification

I have been developing in Windows Phone 8 for a couple of months. Currently, I am developing an app that consume some XML to show data. I know how the Toast notification works in WP8, however my doubt is about the following:
In the App I am working on, I would like to implement a kind of Toast Notification when a new data is available (from the source where the XML is extracted). So, is it possible? If so, how to implement it in WP8?
I don't know if you are familiar with the App of In that App, there is an option to enable the notification for the word of the day. So, every day I recieve a different word in english. When I click in the notification I can see it's meaning.
Any clue, link, post, code or suggestion would be very appreciate
Thanks in advance
There can be many ways. My idea will be to use Azure Mobile Services. To explain, let me take same fictitious example. The WP app will be bound to Azure Mobile Service and it will show all the words fetched from that service. Whenever, I add a new word to this service, using Push Notifications, it will send notification to all my users who've installed app, stating new word is added.
You can find more information here: click here
