Make components required depending on selectOneRadio value - ajax

JSF2, PrimeFaces 4.0
There is a form with multiple inputFields and a selectOneRadio (and some action button at the end):
<p:outputLabel for="R1" value="R1" />
<p:selectOneRadio id="R1" value="#{bean.r1Value}" required="#{bean.r1Condition}" converter="SomeConverter" >
<f:selectItems value="#{bean.r1PossibleValues}" var="r1Var" itemValue="#{r1Var}" itemLabel="#{r1Var}" />
<p:ajax process="#form" update="#form" />
<p:outputLabel for="F1" value="F1" />
<p:inputText id="F1" value="#{bean.value1}" required="#{bean.condition1}" />
<p:outputLabel for="F2" value="F2" />
<p:inputText id="F2" value="#{bean.value2}" required="#{bean.condition2}" />
If user selects first value of selectOneRadio - field F1 should be required, if second - field F2.
Methods bean.conditionX check the value of radio (and one more condition) and return true/false.
If I select first radio value, field F1 changes to required. Then, if I change my mind select second radio value - I get validation error (that field F1 is required).
If I change:
<p:ajax process="#form" update="#form" />
<p:ajax update="#form" />
and then:
- enter some values into F1 and F2,
- select a value in radio
-> the values entered into fields F1, F2 disappear.
How can I change set of required fields on selectOneRadio change without losing data and without premature validation errors?

Remove the process attribute to <p:ajax> in order to make selectOneRadio trigger a partial Ajax request, that only submits the selectOneRadio itself. Fill the update attribute with a space-separated list of the components you need to update, excluding the inputText components, because you want to preserve their values, and their required status will be evaluated only when submitting the entire form. Finally, use the listener property of <p:ajax> for invoking a server method that updates the conditions that make the inputText components required:
<p:selectOneRadio id="R1" value="#{bean.r1Value}" required="#{bean.r1Condition}" converter="SomeConverter" >
<f:selectItems value="#{bean.r1PossibleValues}" var="r1Var" itemValue="#{r1Var}" itemLabel="#{r1Var}" />
<p:ajax listener="#{bean.myListener()}" update="label1 label2" />
<p:outputLabel id="label1" for="F1" value="#{myBean.condition1 ? '*' : ''}" />
<p:inputText id="F1" value="#{bean.value1}" required="#{bean.condition1}" />
<p:outputLabel id="label2" for="F2" value="#{myBean.condition2 ? '*' : ''}" />
public void myListener() {
// changes the values of the required conditions based on selected value
condition1 = true;
condition2 = false;


Validate two components with dynamic id

Here is what I am trying to do:
I have a form with multiple pairs of input fields and a save button.
When the save button is pressed then for each pair of input fields should be validated if they are numbers and if the left value is smaller than the right value.
If not the validation errors will be shown and if it is the case a dialog will pop up to ask for the name under which it should be saved.
Here is what I got so far:
<ui:repeat value="#{myBean.someList}" var="elem">
<h:inputText id="min#{}" value="#{elem.minimum}" />
<h:inputText id="max#{}" value="#{elem.maximum}" />
<br />
<h:message for="min#{}" style="color:red" />
<h:message for="max#{}" style="color:red" />
<h:commandButton value="save">
<f:ajax execute="#form" render="#form updateValidationFailedFlag"
if(ajaxResult.status=='success' && !globalValidationFailedFlag)
<h:outputScript id="updateValidationFailedFlag">
globalValidationFailedFlag = #{facesContext.validationFailed};
This works but doesn't check if the minimum is smaller then the maximum.
It will validate the input (checks if the input are integer) and shows the save dialog if no validation error occured.
To check if the minimum is smaller then the maximum I tried to follow the tutorial at
Variant 1 adds a listener after the validation is done and is able to add error messages that are shown in the browser. But that doesn't count as a validation failure and doen't set the facesContext.validationFailed flag.
Variant 2 writes a custom validator for one component and gives the other component as parameter to that validator. That would look something like this:
<f:validator validatorId="myValidator" />
<f:attribute name="maximum" value="#{max#{}}" />
That is not really valid EL and I don't know how to write it correctly.
What can I do to validate if each of those min-max pairs is valid
You don't need #{} here. The <ui:repeat> already takes care of that. It would be evaluated to an empty string anyway when JSF needs to set the id attribute.
<ui:repeat value="#{myBean.someList}" var="elem">
<h:inputText id="min" value="#{elem.minimum}" />
<h:inputText id="max" value="#{elem.maximum}" />
<br />
<h:message for="min" style="color:red" />
<h:message for="max" style="color:red" />
As to the validation, just pass the value of the other component along:
<h:inputText id="min" binding="#{min}" value="#{elem.minimum}" />
<h:inputText id="max" value="#{elem.maximum}">
<f:validator validatorId="myValidator" />
<f:attribute name="min" value="#{min.value}" />
Note that I moved the validator to the second component. Otherwise it would be still invoked if the second component didn't pass conversion.
If you happen to use JSF utility library OmniFaces, then you could use its <o:validateOrder> instead.
<h:inputText id="min" value="#{elem.minimum}" />
<h:inputText id="max" value="#{elem.maximum}" />
<o:validateOrder components="min max" showMessageFor="min" />
See also:
How to use EL with <ui:repeat var> in id attribute of a JSF component
JSF doesn't support cross-field validation, is there a workaround?

p:selectOneRadio not updating model in event "change" with p:ajax

I'm using an p:selectOneRadio with p:ajax and the value of another component (p:inputText), not binding its value in my bean.
If I use p:selectBooleanCheckbox instead the behavior is exactly what I need, update the bean before calling the method in ajax. Is this a bug in p:selectOneRadio or is this its default behavior?
I'm using JSF2, PrimeFaces 4
The xhtml code:
<p:selectOneRadio id="enumId" value="#{xyzController.entity.enumValor}"
disabled="#{disabled}" required="true" plain="true">
<f:selectItems value="#{xyzController.enum}" var="item"
itemValue="#{item}" />
<p:ajax event="change" listener="#{xyzController.aoTrocar}"
update="panelDominioFields" process="#form" />
<p:outputPanel layout="inline" id="panelDominioFields">
<p:inputText id="valorId"
<f:convertNumber type="number" locale="#{localeController.locale}"
currencyCode="#{localeController.currencyCode}" />
Get rid of event="change", it's the wrong event. It defaults to click and is the right one already.
<p:ajax listener="#{xyzController.aoTrocar}"
update="panelDominioFields" process="#form" />
Radio button values never change. They're only selected by click. In turn, selected values are submitted, but unselected values not.

Composite Component - AJAX clientBehaviour

We have build a component that consists of a TextInput and Select Box. So that the selection can be made either via the drop down list or by typing in the value into the text field. When a selection is made the Input Box is automatically filled with the key and if the key is entered the correct item in the selection box is displayed.
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{cc.attrs.rendered}">
<div id="#{cc.clientId}" class="abc-select #{cc.attrs.styleClass}" >
<h:inputText id="input" disabled="#{cc.attrs.disabled}"
<a4j:ajax event="change" render="select" />
<rich:select disabled="#{cc.attrs.disabled}"
id="select" value="#{cc.attrs.value}"
<f:selectItems value="#{cc.attrs.items}" var="item"
itemValue="#{item}" itemLabel="#{}" />
<a4j:ajax event="selectitem" render="input" oncomplete="setFocusOnInputField();" />
However when we pass in an <a4j:ajax event="change" ... /> with an onChange event to render a component external element. It only works when the selection is made via the drop down menu.
<abc:myComponent id="idMC"
<a4j:ajax event="change" render="idA idB idC" />
So far I figured out that it must have to do with the fact that the inputText already has an a4j element listing for change <a4j:ajax event="change" render="select" />.
When I change the ajax element in the inputText element to use <f:ajax .. /> instead it works fine.
Can someone explain why this is the case and is there a better solution?

Temporarily disable JSF validations

A has many required inputs and validations. A couple of command buttons control different inputs.
I can change required attibrute with the value of <f:param>. For instance when a button is clicked,it sets a value.This value changes if an input is required or not. Like this:
<f:param name="button1" value="1"></f:param>
<h:inputText required="#{param['button1'] == 1}"></h:inputText>
This actually works.However i also want to add some valitations like max length.I want to temporarily change this validation too.
I tried to disable valitadion,but i did not work:
<f:validateLength disabled="true" maximum="10"></f:validateLength>
You seem to be using JSF 2.x already. So just use <f:ajax execute> or <p:commandButton process> to specify client IDs of components which are to be executed/processed when the button is pressed. All components which are not included in this will just be ignored and not converted/validated.
<h:inputText id="input1" ... required="true" />
<h:inputText id="input2" ... required="true" />
<h:inputText id="input3" ... required="true" />
<h:inputText id="input4" ... required="true" />
<p:commandButton value="Submit inputs 1 and 2" process="input1 input2" ... />
<p:commandButton value="Submit inputs 3 and 4" process="input3 input4" ... />
In case of <p:commandButton> it defaults to #form (i.e. the entire current form).
See also:
Understanding PrimeFaces process/update and JSF f:ajax execute/render attributes

How to let validation depend on the pressed button?

I have created form and I want to show previous existing items on a table while a new one is creating. I'd like to show matching items as form is filling up. But when I try to filter the list without having the form completed, the validation messages appear and the table doesn't get updated.
Don't know if it's possible, but what I want to do something like this:
<h:form id="form">
<h:outputText value="Name: "/>
<p:inputText value="#{}" id="name" required="true"/>
<h:outputText value="Description: "/>
<p:inputText value="#{itemsBean.description}" id="description" required="true"/>
<p:commandButton value="Save" update="form" actionListener="#{}"/> //validate and save
<p:commandButton value="Filter" update="form" actionListener="#{itemsBean.updateItemsList}"/> //don't validate, and update the table.
<p:dataTable id="list" value="#{itemsBean.itemsList}" var="item">
<h:outputText value="#{}"/>
<h:outputText value="#{item.description}"/>
I'm very new to JSF.
I understand that you want to filter based on the name input field. The <p:commandButton> sends by default an ajax request and has a process attribute wherein you can specify which components you'd like to process during the submit. In your particular case, you should then process only the name input field and the current button (so that its action will be invoked).
<p:commandButton process="#this name" ... />
The process attribute can take a space separated collection of (relative) client IDs of the components, wherein #this refers to the current component. It defaults in case of <p:commandButton> to #form (which covers all input fields of the current form and the pressed button), that's why they were all been validated in your initial attempt. In the above example, all other input fields won't be processed (and thus also not validated).
If you however intend to skip the required validation for all fields whenever the button in question is been pressed, so that you can eventually process multiple fields which doesn't necessarily need to be all filled in, then you need to make the required="true" a conditional instead which checks if the button is been pressed or not. For example, let it evaluate true only when the save button has been pressed:
<p:inputText ... required="#{not empty param[save.clientId]}" />
<p:inputText ... required="#{not empty param[save.clientId]}" />
<p:commandButton binding="#{save}" value="Save" ... />
This way it won't be validated as required="true" when a different button is pressed. The trick in the above example is that the name of the pressed button (which is essentially the client ID) is been sent as request parameter and that you could just check its presence in the request parameter map.
See also:
Understanding PrimeFaces process/update and JSF f:ajax execute/render attributes
I Have tested this with non-ajax submits:
<p:inputText ... required="#{not empty param.includeInSave1}" />
<p:inputText ... required="true" />
<p:commandButton value="Save1" ajax="false">
<f:param name="includeInSave1" value="true" />
<p:commandButton value="Save2" ajax="false" />
The first input is required validated only on Save1 button submit.
Additionally to the BalusC answer (very useful and complete) I want to add that when you use a <h:commandButton /> it will validate (required, custom validations) all the fields in the <h:form /> where the command button is located, therefore when you need to use more than one command button you could consider that it is a good practice to use different <h:form /> to different responsibilities to avoid unexpected behavior in submit actions of the command buttons.
It is well explained in a BalusC answer: Multiple h:form in a JSF Page
If your form has validations and you do not update the <h:form /> or you do not show messages, you could get a headache thinking that the <h:commandButton /> is not firing your action, but likely is a validation problem that has not been shown.
Change your filter commandbutton like this to ignore validation:
<p:commandButton value="Filter" update="list" actionListener="#{itemsBean.updateItemsList}" process="#this"/>
The related post on SO, I think this will solve your issue too
JSF 2.0: How to skip JSR-303 bean validation?
