How to update SCSS on Wordpress? - ruby

I recently learn how to use SASS, on local. And I found out that it is possible to use it in a wordpress theme.
I manage to install and use it without problem. But now I want to customize _settings.scss, I don't know how to transform my scss in css (I used Grunt, in a console using ruby to do so in local.)

You should be editing your files locally and uploading once finished rather than modifying files on the server. There should never be any need to compile SASS on the server itself.
If you really have to edit on the server you could login using SSH and start the watcher (install sass and run sass --watch with your settings).


Can you download the compass/css3 file?

I can't get ruby running and i dont want to go through all the hurdles of fighting with my osx version of ruby.
I downloaded dart sass which has no support for compass since it's deprecated. I'm trying to get my old sass code to work while I work on replace all my mixin that I used that rely on compass.
Is there a way I can download the compass/css3 mixin stylesheet?
I found their site other than going through each page and copying all the code. Is there no master code file that I can download all the mixins?
Thank you.

Laravel SASS, do I need a webhosting which has Ruby install to be able to use SASS?

I've read that SASS uses Ruby to compile. I have a webhosting at, I don't think they support Ruby. Am I able to run SASS on it?
You actually do not need to use ruby to compile sass. There are a few alternatives.
If you are using Laravel 5 you can do this with the new elixir feature which uses gulp to process tasks.
Or you could use gulp along side Laravel 4.
Or you could use grunt.
All of these options use libsass in the background instead of ruby.
Usually SASS is compiled in CSS in development and the production server only serves the CSS.
You would need Ruby if you wanted to compile SASS though. Sometimes that's needed to create more dynamic stylesheets although I'd generally advice against it because it slows down performance.

Does an entire dev team need to install Ruby in order for Sass to work on their local machines?

The UI developers touch the CSS, but given that Sass's workflow creates CSS, would any machine that displays the app (servers included?) need to have Ruby and Sass installed to view the app properly?
Or is it enough for anyone just working on the UI to have Ruby and Sass installed, in which case updating the CSS is done by a UI guy, and then the rendered file can be committed to be viewed and used by all?
You only need Ruby to compile Sass, the app will use the CSS (in fact, you don't need Sass files on your production app).
So only the people who are susceptible to work on the UI need to have Ruby (ans Sass) installed.
Some frameworks allow on-the-fly Sass compilation (I'm thinking to Laravel-SASS for example). In this case, everyone need to have both Ruby ans Sass installed.

Setting up compass/sass project

When I was young I experimented with CSS, and then after a while my peers pressured me into trying SASS. It's been a slippery slope and the pushers have now got me onto Compass.
I don't really understand the difference between the following two commands
sass --compass --watch .
compass watch .
As I was having problems with the first command, I tried setting up a Compass project and using the 2nd.
However, this dies saying "Undefined mixin 'background-image'". I can get that error to go away by adding an #import "compass"; at the top of my .scss file. But why would I have to import compass when I'm running the compass command itself?(!) Surely all the libraries are included there? Obviously not.
Any help gratefully received.
The --compass flag for the sass command is only intended to be a quick way to access the Compass library. If you actually need to configure Compass, then it is recommended that you setup a Compass project and use the compass command (see:
Compass is more than just a collection of mixins for prefixed properties. It is an extension manager that happens to have a few extensions by default (compass, blueprint, etc). Using Compass only grants you access to the helper functions (which are written in Ruby) by default. This is by design: you include only the items you need, not what Compass thinks you need.

Meteor.js & SCSS/Compass

Anyone doing development with meteor and SCSS. How do you get started, there are no packages for meteorite that i could find that compile .scss files into a specific folder?
Have you tried just compiling the sass/scss into css locally during development? Meteor shouldn't complain if you have your config.rb inside of the client folder along with a sass folder and compiled css folder. It should just automatically read the css per norm. Running $ compass watch inside of this client folder where the config.rb resides is an easy way to automate this css compilation. Telescope is a great sample Meteor app that uses sass in this fashion.
Just to get this posted as an answer (was posted as comment); bookcasey posted this sample project as well: which provides some guidance on how to use sass/scss. Hope it helps.
