Using this small ruby script + packetfu, I try to retransmit a broadcast packet to several hosts:
require 'rubygems'
require 'packetfu'
dev = ARGV[0]
mac=`ip link show #{dev} | awk '/ether/ {print $2}'`
dests = ARGV
cap =
:timeout => 4000,
:iface => dev, :start => true,
:filter => "ether src #{mac} and ether[0] & 1 = 1")
loop do do |pkt|
frame = PacketFu::IPPacket.parse(pkt)
i = 0
dests.each do |dest|
frame.eth_daddr = dest
frame.ip_header.ip_id = frame.ip_header.ip_id + i
frame.ip_header.ip_sum = frame.ip_header.ip_calc_sum()
i = i + 1
Using tcpdump, I see that they are retransmitted (sent several
$ echo "foo" | netcat -ub 54321
On host1 (source host), tcpdump shows me at the moment:
12:19:30.602374 0a:f4:8d:75:e5:af > ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 46: > UDP, length 4
12:19:30.605856 0a:f4:8d:75:e5:af > 0a:a2:5f:f1:de:e4, ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 46: > UDP, length 4
12:19:30.608896 0a:f4:8d:75:e5:af > 0a:25:ef:2c:24:e3, ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 46: > UDP, length 4
On host2 (destination host, mac address 0a:a2:5f:f1:de:e4), tcpdump shows nothing.
Security policy allows all traffic in the VPC.
Have you any ideas?
I'm sure that I miss some small thing.
(I thank Kenta Yasukawa for the answer):
Have you turned off the source/destination check for your instances? By
default, EC2 instances drop an incoming packet whose destination address does
not match the receiver IP address. You can disable it by right-clicking on an
instance in Management console and select "Change Source / Destination check",
and click disable.
To disable the ckeck using EC API Tools:
$ ec2-modify-network-interface-attribute --source-dest-check False eni-8c8c9bca
I have trace file name dec-pkt which have 6 columns as follow:
timestamp of packet arrival.
For the first packet in the trace, this is the
raw tcpdump timestamp. For the remaining
packets, this is the offset from the integer
part of that first timestamp.
For example, if the first timestamp is 187.2, the
second is 188.9, and the third is 191.3, then
the first three timestamps in the ASCII file will
be 187.2, 1.9 (= 188.9-187), and 4.3 (=191.3-187).
Note that sanitize-syn-fin uses as its base time
the arrival of the first TCP packet in the file,
not the first TCP SYN/FIN/RST packet (this helps
when comparing sanitize-syn-fin times with those
produces by sanitize-tcp).
(renumbered) source host
(renumbered) destination host
Note that the renumbering process loses any IP network
source TCP port
destination TCP port
number of data bytes in the packet, or 0 if none (this
can happen for packets that only ack data sent by the
other side)
So I wonder how can I generate this traffic using this file? can Iperf
do that? if not how can I do that?
You can generate traffic easily via Scapy. It also comes with Mininet VM which you can find in mininet official website. It can generate packet for both TCP and UDP.
Here is an example python code. You can find more on Github or Scapy's official tutorial.
import sys
import getopt
import time
from os import popen
import logging
from scapy.all import sendp, IP, UDP, Ether, TCP
from random import randrange
def sourceIPgen():
not_valid = [10,127,254,1,2,169,172,192]
first = randrange(1,256)
while first in not_valid:
first = randrange(1,256)
ip = ".".join([str(first),str(randrange(1,256)),str(randrange(1,256)),str(randrange(1,256))])
return ip
def gendest(start, end):
first = 10
second =0; third =0;
ip = ".".join([str(first),str(second),str(third),str(randrange(start,end))])
# print start
# print end
return ip
#if __name__ == '__main__':
def main(argv):
# global start
# global end
print argv
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],'s:e:',['start=','end='])
except getopt.GetoptError:
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt =='-s':
start = int(arg)
elif opt =='-e':
end = int(arg)
if start == '':
if end == '':
interface = popen('ifconfig | awk \'/eth0/ {print $1}\'').read()
for i in xrange(1000):
packets = Ether()/IP(dst=gendest(start, end),src=sourceIPgen())/UDP(dport=80,sport=2)
sendp( packets,iface=interface.rstrip(),inter=0.1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
And you can call it like
python ./launchTraffic -s 2 -e 28
I'm new with ruby and need to send an email via telnet using a relay host with no authentication. I can do it with a linux shell but I need to put it in a script so I can "simplify" its use, I know it's not the best way but I can't find other since the server where i'm working on it's severely restricted and limited.
require 'net/telnet.rb'
mail = Net::Telnet::new(
"Host" => "domain.ip", # default: "localhost"
"Port" => 25, # default: 23
"Output_log" => "output_log", # default: nil (no output)
"Dump_log" => "dump_log", # default: nil (no output)
"Prompt" => /[$%#>] \z/n, # default: /[$%#>] \z/n
"Telnetmode" => true, # default: true
"Timeout" => 10, # default: 10
"Waittime" => 0, # default: 0
mail.cmd('helo MYDOMAIN'){ |c| print c }
mail.cmd('mail from:')
mail.cmd('rcpt to:')
mail.cmd("subject: test cmd \n\n mensaje de prueba\n\n")
I found the net/telnet.rb ruby class and this is my try... after mail.cmd('helo MYDOMAIN') I can't keep writing other commands, what I get is:
After this I'm suposed to write mail from, etc. to create the mail. But I can't in the ruby script. I have try using:
mail.puts('mail from: test...')
mail.write('mail from: test...')
mail.print('mail from: test...')
mail.cmd('mail from: test...')
As written in documentation
Also I don't get the telnetmode(true|false) command maybe you could explain it to me please.
-- Edit --
Shell code trying to emulate:
telnet domain.ip 25
#=> Trying domain.ip...
#=> Connected to domain.ip.
#=> Escape character is '^]'.
#=> 220 ESMTP
#=> 250 2.1.0 Ok
#=> 250 2.1.0 Ok
#=> 354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>
subject: test mail
test mail body
#=> 250 2.0.0 =k: queued as B6F08480D12
#=> 221 2.0.0 Bye
#=> Connection closed by foreign host.
The telnet protocol is really, really rudimentary which is why the telnet command is useful for testing TCP/IP based services such as SMTP or HTTP. It does not mean those services actually use the telnet protocol, as they don't. They're conveniently plain-text in nature which means it's practical to use telnet for simple tests.
You should not be using the Telnet module for anything other than connecting to telnet services, though given it's 2017 it's unlikely you'll find any of those around.
You should be using something like Socket to connect. This can create a bare TCP/IP connection with full control over sending. As this is a wrapper around a regular POSIX filehandle you can use all the IO methods on it for reading, writing, and other control functions, like a proper socket shutdown.
Writing an SMTP adapter is not as easy as it seems, there's a lot of tricky things to tackle with regard to IO. You'll need to use to properly test for new data, plus that the socket is clear to write your email.
Here's a new stub:
require 'socket'
mail ="", 25)
Another note is that when you call require you should never specify the file extension. It's always handled for you.
Thanks to the help of the user ddubs how suggest the net\smtp gem (One that I didn't know) I was able to create a simple mail sender and using the mailfactory gem
Is it a strict requirement that you use telnet? Using will turn your "difficult to maintain" script into something that is much easier to maintain. Even for someone who is completely new to Ruby. – ddubs
Here is the code sample
require 'net/smtp'
require 'mailfactory'
mail_body_HTML = '<h1> mail title</h1> your text in <b>HTML</b>'
mail_body_PLAIN = 'this is plain text'
mail_subject = 'test email'
mail_from = ''
mail_to = ''
# mail_filePath = ''
mail = = mail_to
mail.from = mail_from
mail.subject = mail_subject
mail.html = mail_body_HTML
# mail.text = mail_body_PLAIN
# mail.attach(mail_filePath)
relay_ip = x.x.x.x
Net::SMTP.start(relay_ip,25) do |smtp|
smtp.send_message(mail.to_s, mail_from, mail_to)
I am trying to gather information from a TCP connection made to my web server to assist in our troubleshooting efforts, similar to tool.
We have a simple PHP server script test page that users connect that returns their private IP to an AJAX call waiting for the response.
I would like to either build on that or prefer using Ruby. I played with the PacketFu lib and get all the information I think I need, however, I'm having trouble with the recipe to combine it all:
listen on port x,
parse the packet
respond back to client.
Using Ruby's TCPServer I can easily handle 1 and 3. With Packetfu, 2.
I've coded with PHP in the past but only HTML-based, no sockets. And I'm not really all that familiar with Ruby sockets either.
Though the packet stream and client.accept don't seem to play nice. The packets aren't always IP or TCP meeting the Packetfu::Packet.is_ip? or is_tcp?.
Could someone point me in the right direction or give me some practical example of how I might combine the two, or adjust my thinking on how I would accomplish this task?
This is the Playground code:
require 'socket'
require 'json'
require 'packetfu'
iface = ARGV[0] || "eno1"
server =
cap = => iface, :start => true, :promisc => true)
loop { do |p|
pkt = PacketFu::Packet.parse(p)
if pkt.is_ip? || pkt.is_tcp?
if pkt.tcp_dport == 31337
print "Source Addr: #{pkt.ip_saddr}\n"
print "Source Port: #{pkt.tcp_src}\n"
print "Destination Addr: #{pkt.ip_daddr}\n"
print "Destination Port: #{pkt.tcp_dport}\n"
print "TCP Options: #{pkt.tcp_options.inspect}\n"
print "TCP Win: #{pkt.tcp_win}\n"
print "TCP SYN?: #{pkt.tcp_flags.syn}\n"
print "TCP ACK?: #{pkt.tcp_flags.ack}\n"
print "TCP FLAGS ALL: #{pkt.tcp_flags.inspect}\n"
print "TTL: #{pkt.ip_ttl}\n"
print "IP FRAG: #{pkt.ip_frag}\n"
client = server.accept # Wait for a client to connect
h = { ipaddress: client.peeraddr[2] }
client.puts h.to_json
This is the output:
Source Addr:
Source Port: 41165
Destination Addr:
Destination Port: 31337
TCP Options: "NOP,NOP,TS:216432150;57946250"
TCP Win: 229
TCP FLAGS ALL: #<struct PacketFu::TcpFlags urg=0, ack=1, psh=0, rst=0, syn=0, fin=0>
TTL: 61
IP FRAG: 16384
This is the browser response:
I have to execute a ping command from ruby script.
If I directly execute ping it works.
How can i use a variable in place of IP?
I tried
ping_string = "ping "+dst_ip
puts ping_string
ping = `ping_string`
but it dint work.
Do as below :
irb(main):001:0> ip = ''
=> ""
irb(main):002:0> `ping #{ip}`
=> "\nPinging with 32 bytes of data:\nRequest timed out.\nRequest ti
med out.\nRequest timed out.\nRequest timed out.\n\nPing statistics for 66.249.6
4.0:\n Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),\n"
You don't need to do string operation like this - ping_string = "ping "+dst_ip.
Because interpolation works in `` operator, this should work:
ping = `#{ping_string}`
(Possible duplicate of perl windows IPv6 )
I tried following sample example from :
use IO::Socket::IP -register;
my $sock = IO::Socket->new(
Domain => PF_INET6,
LocalHost => "::1",
Listen => 1,
) or die "Cannot create socket - $#\n";
print "Created a socket of type " . ref($sock) . "\n";
It is giving output as :
Cannot create socket - no address associated with nodename
I am using ActiveState perl 5.14.2 and have built IO::Socket::IP module on it.
Following is the ping result:
c:\>ping ::1
Pinging ::1 with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from ::1: time<1ms
Reply from ::1: time<1ms
Reply from ::1: time<1ms
Reply from ::1: time<1ms
Ping statistics for ::1:
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms
If I use the IPv4 style loopback address, the above code works well.
I am wondering what I am missing.
I just cleaned the perl setup and path, and freshly installed perl 5.14.2 from
and then I tried following simple code:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Socket qw(getaddrinfo SOCK_STREAM AI_PASSIVE );
my ( $err, #res ) = getaddrinfo( "::", 8086, {
socktype => SOCK_STREAM,
flags => AI_PASSIVE,
} );
die $err if $err;
it ended with following error:
no address associated with nodename at c:\ line 10.
But with it returns proper value.
I am using windows 2008 R2 box, a same run on my another windows box also fails.
I just tried to trace this call in, and found that a "fake_getaddrinfo" is getting called instead of the real getaddrinfo. It seems the XSLoader was either not able to find/load getaddrinfo from Socket.dll or Socket.dll didn't at all have the getaddrinfo.
What could be the reason?
A similar code below using Socket6 works properly on the same setup:
use Socket;
use Socket6;
#res = getaddrinfo('::', 8086, AF_UNSPEC, SOCK_STREAM);
($family, $socktype, $proto, $saddr, $canonname, #res) = #res;
($host, $port) = getnameinfo($saddr, NI_NUMERICHOST | NI_NUMERICSERV);
print ("\nhost= $host port = $port");
socket(Socket_Handle, $family, $socktype, $proto) || next;
bind(Socket_Handle,$saddr ) || die "bind: $!";
listen(Socket_Handle, 5) || die "listen: $!";
($host, $port) = getnameinfo($saddr, NI_NUMERICHOST | NI_NUMERICSERV);
print ("\nReady for connections \nhost= $host port = $port");
$paddr = accept(Client, Socket_Handle);
So I can't even blame the setup or the system dlls. Is there an issue with perl's built-in IPv6 support for windows' activestate build?
As stated by vinsworldcom on, to make use of IPv6 sockets you do need to have the Socket6 module installed. As soon as you'd install this via cpan, the code snippet will work fine.