How solve this errors in avrstudio - avr

what can i do with this errors?
#ifndef WS2811_h
#define WS2811_h
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <WS2811.h>
Error 1 unterminated #ifndef
typedef struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) {
uint8_t r;
uint8_t g;
uint8_t b;
} RGB_t;
Error 2 expected ':', ',', ';', '}' or '__attribute__' before 'r'
please help me! thanks
thanks for your help but it not worked!!!
the main code is here:
* WS2811 RGB LED driver.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#ifndef WS2811_h
#define WS2811_h
#include <WS2811.h>
// RGB value structure.
typedef struct __attribute__ ((__packed__)) {
uint8_t r;
uint8_t g;
uint8_t b;
} RGB_t;
#ifndef ARRAYLEN
#define ARRAYLEN(A) (sizeof(A) / sizeof(A[0]))
* Inline asm macro to output 24-bit RGB value in (G,R,B) order, MSBit first.
* 0 bits are 250ns hi, 1000ns lo, 1 bits are 1000ns hi, 250ns lo.
* r18 = red byte to be output
* r19 = green byte to be output
* r20 = blue byte to be output
* r26 = saved SREG
* r27 = inner loop counter
#define WS2811(PORT, PIN, RGB, LEN) \
asm volatile( \
/* initialise */ \
" cp %A[len], r1 ; check len > 0, return immediately if it is\n" \
" cpc %B[len], r1\n" \
" brne 1f\n" \
" rjmp 16f\n" \
"1: ld r18, Z+ ; load in first red byte to be output\n" \
" ld r19, Z+ ; load in first green byte to be output\n" \
" ld r20, Z+ ; load in first blue byte to be output\n" \
" ldi r27, 8 ; load inner loop counter\n" \
" in r26, __SREG__ ; timing-critical, so no interrupts\n" \
" cli\n" \
/* green - loop over 8 bits */ \
"2: sbi %[port], %[pin] ; pin lo -> hi\n" \
" sbrc r19, 7 ; test hi bit clear\n" \
" rjmp 3f ; true, skip pin hi -> lo\n" \
" cbi %[port], %[pin] ; false, pin hi -> lo\n" \
"3: sbrc r19, 7 ; equalise delay of both code paths\n" \
" rjmp 4f\n" \
"4: nop ; pulse timing delay\n" \
" nop\n" \
" nop\n" \
" nop\n" \
" nop\n" \
" nop\n" \
" lsl r19 ; shift to next bit\n" \
" dec r27 ; decrement loop counter\n" \
" cbi %[port], %[pin] ; pin hi -> lo\n" \
" brne 2b\n ; loop if required\n" \
" ldi r27, 7 ; reload inner loop counter\n" \
/* red - loop over first 7 bits */ \
"5: sbi %[port], %[pin] ; pin lo -> hi\n" \
" sbrc r18, 7 ; test hi bit clear\n" \
" rjmp 6f ; true, skip pin hi -> lo\n" \
" cbi %[port], %[pin] ; false, pin hi -> lo\n" \
"6: sbrc r18, 7 ; equalise delay of both code paths\n" \
" rjmp 7f\n" \
"7: nop ; pulse timing delay\n" \
" nop\n" \
" nop\n" \
" nop\n" \
" nop\n" \
" nop\n" \
" lsl r18 ; shift to next bit\n" \
" dec r27 ; decrement inner loop counter\n" \
" cbi %[port], %[pin] ; pin hi -> lo\n" \
" brne 5b ; inner loop, if required\n" \
" nop ; equalise delay of both code paths\n" \
/* red, 8th bit - output & fetch next values */ \
" sbi %[port], %[pin] ; pin lo -> hi\n" \
" sbrc r18, 7 ; test hi bit clear\n" \
" rjmp 8f ; true, skip pin hi -> lo\n" \
" cbi %[port], %[pin] ; false, pin hi -> lo\n" \
"8: sbrc r18, 7 ; equalise delay of both code paths\n" \
" rjmp 9f\n" \
"9: nop ; pulse timing delay\n" \
" nop\n" \
" nop\n" \
" ld r18, Z+ ; load next red byte\n" \
" ld r19, Z+ ; load next green byte\n" \
" ldi r27, 7 ; reload inner loop counter\n" \
" cbi %[port], %[pin] ; pin hi -> lo\n" \
" nop ; pulse timing delay\n" \
" nop\n" \
/* blue - loop over first 7 bits */ \
"10: sbi %[port], %[pin] ; pin lo -> hi\n" \
" sbrc r20, 7 ; test hi bit clear\n" \
" rjmp 11f ; true, skip pin hi -> lo\n" \
" cbi %[port], %[pin] ; false, pin hi -> lo\n" \
"11: sbrc r20, 7 ; equalise delay of both code paths\n" \
" rjmp 12f\n" \
"12: nop ; pulse timing delay\n" \
" nop\n" \
" nop\n" \
" nop\n" \
" nop\n" \
" nop\n" \
" lsl r20 ; shift to next bit\n" \
" dec r27 ; decrement inner loop counter\n" \
" cbi %[port], %[pin] ; pin hi -> lo\n" \
" brne 10b ; inner loop, if required\n" \
" nop ; equalise delay of both code paths\n" \
/* blue, 8th bit - output & handle outer loop */ \
" sbi %[port], %[pin] ; pin lo -> hi\n" \
" sbrc r20, 7 ; test hi bit clear\n" \
" rjmp 13f ; true, skip pin hi -> lo\n" \
" cbi %[port], %[pin] ; false, pin hi -> lo\n" \
"13: sbrc r20, 7 ; equalise delay of both code paths\n" \
" rjmp 14f\n" \
"14: nop ; pulse timing delay\n" \
" nop\n" \
" ldi r27, 8 ; reload inner loop counter\n" \
" sbiw %A[len], 1 ; decrement outer loop counter\n" \
" breq 15f ; exit outer loop if zero\n" \
" ld r20, Z+ ; load in next blue byte\n" \
" cbi %[port], %[pin] ; pin hi -> lo\n" \
" rjmp 2b ; outer loop, if required\n" \
"15: nop ; pulse timing delay\n" \
" cbi %[port], %[pin] ; pin hi -> lo\n" \
" nop ; pulse timing delay\n" \
" nop\n" \
" out __SREG__, r26 ; reenable interrupts\n" \
"16:\n" \
: \
: [rgb] "z" (RGB), \
[len] "w" (LEN), \
[port] "I" (_SFR_IO_ADDR(PORT)), \
[pin] "I" (PIN) \
: "r18", "r19", "r20", "r26", "r27", "cc", "memory" \
* Define a C function to wrap the inline WS2811 macro for a given port and pin.
#define DEFINE_WS2811_FN(NAME, PORT, PIN) \
extern void NAME(const RGB_t *rgb, uint16_t len) __attribute__((noinline)); \
void NAME(const RGB_t *rgb, uint16_t len) { WS2811(PORT, PIN, rgb, len); }
#endif /* WS2811_h */
* Copyright 2012 Alan Burlison, All rights reserved.
* Use is subject to license terms.
* Demo of the WS2811 driver, driving 3 pixels.
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#define BIT(B) (0x01 << (uint8_t)(B))
#define SET_BIT_HI(V, B) (V) |= (uint8_t)BIT(B)
#define SET_BIT_LO(V, B) (V) &= (uint8_t)~BIT(B)
#define PAUSE 1000 // msec
#define DELAY 10 // msec
// Define the output function, using pin 0 on port b.
// Drive the three pixels in an infinit loop.
void threepixeldemo(void)
// Configure pin for output.
// off->red, off->green, off->blue
RGB_t rgb[3] = {{0,0,0},{0,0,0},{0,0,0}};
WS2811RGB(rgb, ARRAYLEN(rgb));
for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++) {
rgb[0].r += 1;
rgb[1].g += 1;
rgb[2].b += 1;
WS2811RGB(rgb, ARRAYLEN(rgb));
// loop forever.
for (;;) {
// red->yellow, green->cyan, blue->magenta
for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++) {
rgb[0].g += 1;
rgb[1].b += 1;
rgb[2].r += 1;
WS2811RGB(rgb, ARRAYLEN(rgb));
// yellow->green, cyan->blue, magenta->white
for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++) {
rgb[0].r -= 1;
rgb[1].g -= 1;
rgb[2].g += 1;
WS2811RGB(rgb, ARRAYLEN(rgb));
// green->cyan, blue->magenta, white->off
for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++) {
rgb[0].b += 1;
rgb[1].r += 1;
rgb[2].r -= 1;
rgb[2].g -= 1;
rgb[2].b -= 1;
WS2811RGB(rgb, ARRAYLEN(rgb));
// cyan->blue, magenta->white, off->red
for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++) {
rgb[0].g -= 1;
rgb[1].g += 1;
rgb[2].r += 1;
WS2811RGB(rgb, ARRAYLEN(rgb));
// blue->magenta, white->off, red->yellow
for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++) {
rgb[0].r += 1;
rgb[1].r -= 1;
rgb[1].g -= 1;
rgb[1].b -= 1;
rgb[2].g += 1;
WS2811RGB(rgb, ARRAYLEN(rgb));
// magenta->white, off->red, yellow->green
for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++) {
rgb[0].g += 1;
rgb[1].r += 1;
rgb[2].r -= 1;
WS2811RGB(rgb, ARRAYLEN(rgb));
// white->off, red->yellow, green->cyan
for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++) {
rgb[0].r -= 1;
rgb[0].g -= 1;
rgb[0].b -= 1;
rgb[1].g += 1;
rgb[2].b += 1;
WS2811RGB(rgb, ARRAYLEN(rgb));
// off->red, yellow->green, cyan->blue
for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++) {
rgb[0].r += 1;
rgb[1].r -= 1;
rgb[2].g -= 1;
WS2811RGB(rgb, ARRAYLEN(rgb));

Add #include <stdint.h> to bring in the definition of uint8_t.

#ifndef WS2811_h
#define WS2811_h
/** missing an #endif here, (most likely) */
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <WS2811.h>
The missing endif causes errors further down.
expected ':', ',', ';', '}' or '__attribute__' before 'r'
This type of error is usually caused by some earlier error, often with the #includes. You missed an #endif, but it can also happen when files include each other improperly. As with any macro errors, they are difficult to track down.


Can't add reg expression for a #define in ctags

I can't figure out how to make ctags detect the __mrs_s definition. It doesn't add the search pattern so I can't find it in vi.
$cat /tmp/qq.h
int test(int i)
return 0;
#define __mrs_s(v, r) \
" mrs_s " v ", " __stringify(r) "\n" \
$ctags --regex-C++='/^#define \([a-zA-Z_0-9]+\)([a-zA-Z,\ ]+)[\t ]+/\1/d/' -o - /tmp/qq.h
__mrs_s /tmp/qq.h 7;" d
test /tmp/qq.h /^int test(int i)$/;" f
Use --excmd=pattern option like:
[root#localhost ~]# cat /tmp/qq.h
int test(int i)
return 0;
#define __mrs_s(v, r) \
" mrs_s " v ", " __stringify(r) "\n" \
[root#localhost ~]# ctags --excmd=pattern -o - /tmp/qq.h
__mrs_s /tmp/qq.h /^#define __mrs_s(/;" d
test /tmp/qq.h /^int test(int i)$/;" f

Can't use constexpr function in static_assert

tell me, please, why I can't use my constexpr recursive function to static_assert if string contains needed count of symbols? Constexpr function supposed to be a constant value, but VS2015 compiller tells me that expression did not evaluate to a constant (error C2131).
constexpr const char* GetRequestStr = "GETVARS:_local_=I,I..8:1-1;NI,NI..8:1-1";
constexpr unsigned RequestedVars(const char* str, unsigned cnt=0){
return str[0] == 0 ? cnt+1 : RequestedVars(str+1, str[0] == ';' ? ++cnt : cnt);
static_assert(RequestedVars(GetRequestStr) == 2, "Must be 2"); // C2131 here
the result (translated into English):
1> d: \ cprojects \ logo \ exchlogo.h (43): error C2131: expression not defined by constant
1> d: \ cprojects \ logo \ exchlogo.h (43): note: the failure was caused by parsing an assignment operation
1> d: \ cprojects \ logo \ exchlogo.h (43): note: when calculating "RequestedVars ((" GETVARS: _local_ = I, I..8: 1-1; NI, NI..8: 1-1 ") + 26, 0)"
1> d: \ cprojects \ logo \ exchlogo.h (43): note: when calculating "RequestedVars ((" GETVARS: _local_ = I, I..8: 1-1; NI, NI..8: 1-1 ") + 25, 0)"
1> d: \ cprojects \ logo \ exchlogo.h (43): note: when calculating "RequestedVars ((" GETVARS: _local_ = I, I..8: 1-1; NI, NI..8: 1-1 ") + 24, 0)"
1> d: \ cprojects \ logo \ exchlogo.h (43): note: when calculating "RequestedVars ((" GETVARS: _local_ = I, I..8: 1-1; NI, NI..8: 1-1 ") + 23, 0)"
1> d: \ cprojects \ logo \ exchlogo.h (43): note: when calculating "RequestedVars ((" GETVARS: _local_ = I, I..8: 1-1; NI, NI..8: 1-1 ") + 22, 0)"
1> d: \ cprojects \ logo \ exchlogo.h (43): note: skipped intermediate calls: 16 (/ constexpr: backtrace <NUMBER>)
1> d: \ cprojects \ logo \ exchlogo.h (43): note: when calculating "RequestedVars ((" GETVARS: _local_ = I, I..8: 1-1; NI, NI..8: 1-1 ") + 5, 0)"
1> d: \ cprojects \ logo \ exchlogo.h (43): note: when calculating "RequestedVars ((" GETVARS: _local_ = I, I..8: 1-1; NI, NI..8: 1-1 ") + 4, 0)"
1> d: \ cprojects \ logo \ exchlogo.h (43): note: when calculating "RequestedVars ((" GETVARS: _local_ = I, I..8: 1-1; NI, NI..8: 1-1 ") + 3, 0)"
1> d: \ cprojects \ logo \ exchlogo.h (43): note: when calculating "RequestedVars ((" GETVARS: _local_ = I, I..8: 1-1; NI, NI..8: 1-1 ") + 2, 0)"
1> d: \ cprojects \ logo \ exchlogo.h (43): note: when calculating "RequestedVars ((" GETVARS: _local_ = I, I..8: 1-1; NI, NI..8: 1-1 ") + 1, 0)"
1> d: \ cprojects \ logo \ exchlogo.h (45): note: when calculating "RequestedVars (" GETVARS: _local_ = I, I..8: 1-1; NI, NI..8: 1-1 " , 0) "
1> d: \ cprojects \ logo \ exchlogo.h (45): error C2131: expression not defined by constant
1> d: \ cprojects \ logo \ exchlogo.h (43): note: the failure was caused by parsing an assignment operation

QEMU gdb does not show instructions of firmware

I am trying to debug the bios.bin that comes with the QEMU emulator. I am starting QEMU as follows:
qemu-system-x86_64 -bios bios.bin -s -S
I then start start debugging with:
target remote localhost:1234
GDB is at the Intel handoff state 0xfffffff0 where now the firmware/BIOS should be. However there is nothing at this location in memory. Even if step through a more instructions via nexti it decodes as all zeros.
What am I doing wrong or am I misunderstanding something? I basically want to get the first instruction the cpu calls and continue debugging from there.
QEMU isn't the problem here, but GDB is. I will start with a recommendations if you intend to use GDB to debug the BIOS:
Do not use qemu-system-x86_64. Use qemu-system-i386 instead. This will avoid a packet too long problem and a pile of numbers being displayed. This may or may not happen to you depending on the version of GDB being used.
With that being said, GDB's real problem is that it has no knowledge of real mode segment:offset addressing. When you boot QEMU it starts in 16-bit real mode to start executing the legacy BIOS. GDB's lack of real mode debugging support is the real issue. You can read more about it in another Stackoverflow answer I wrote. To summarize:
Unfortunately by default gdb doesn't do segment:offset calculations
and will use the value in EIP for breakpoints. You have to specify
breakpoints as 32-bit addresses (EIP).
When it comes to stepping through real mode code it can be cumbersome
because gdb doesn't handle real mode segmentation. If you step into an
interrupt handler you'll discover gdb will display the assembly code
relative to EIP. Effectively gdb will be showing you disassembly of
the wrong memory location since it didn't account for CS.
Over the years changes to GDB have made debugging real mode code more involved and negotiating connections to remote hosts has become more problematic. Based on my answer above and the other 2 answers under the same question you may be able to get this working satisfactorily on old and new versions of GDB by trying the following:
Make a file called target.xml with the following:
<?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE target SYSTEM "gdb-target.dtd">
<xi:include href="i386-32bit.xml"/>
Create a file called i386-32bit.xml with the contents of this URL. Alternatively you can retrieve this file from the command line on Linux based OSes with:
Create a script file called gdb_init_real_mode.txt with the following:
# Special mode for GDB that allows to debug/disassemble REAL MODE x86 code
# It has been designed to be used with QEMU or BOCHS gdb-stub
# 08/2011 Hugo Mercier - GPL v3 license
# Freely inspired from "A user-friendly gdb configuration file" widely available
# on the Internet
set confirm off
set verbose off
set prompt \033[31mreal-mode-gdb$ \033[0m
set output-radix 0d10
set input-radix 0d10
# These make gdb never pause in its output
set height 0
set width 0
# Intel syntax
set disassembly-flavor intel
# Real mode
#set architecture i8086
set $REAL_MODE = 1
# By default A20 is present
# nb of instructions to display
set $CODE_SIZE = 10
define enable-a20
define disable-a20
# convert segment:offset address to physical address
define r2p
if $argc < 2
printf "Arguments: segment offset\n"
set $ADDR = (((unsigned long)$arg0 & 0xFFFF) << 4) + (((unsigned long)$arg1 & 0xFFFF) & $ADDRESS_MASK)
printf "0x%05X\n", $ADDR
document r2p
Convert segment:offset address to physical address
Set the global variable $ADDR to the computed one
# get address of Interruption
define int_addr
if $argc < 1
printf "Argument: interruption_number\n"
set $offset = (unsigned short)*($arg0 * 4)
set $segment = (unsigned short)*($arg0 * 4 + 2)
r2p $segment $offset
printf "%04X:%04X\n", $segment, $offset
document int_addr
Get address of interruption
define compute_regs
set $rax = ((unsigned long)$eax & 0xFFFF)
set $rbx = ((unsigned long)$ebx & 0xFFFF)
set $rcx = ((unsigned long)$ecx & 0xFFFF)
set $rdx = ((unsigned long)$edx & 0xFFFF)
set $rsi = ((unsigned long)$esi & 0xFFFF)
set $rdi = ((unsigned long)$edi & 0xFFFF)
set $rbp = ((unsigned long)$ebp & 0xFFFF)
set $rsp = ((unsigned long)$esp & 0xFFFF)
set $rcs = ((unsigned long)$cs & 0xFFFF)
set $rds = ((unsigned long)$ds & 0xFFFF)
set $res = ((unsigned long)$es & 0xFFFF)
set $rss = ((unsigned long)$ss & 0xFFFF)
set $rip = ((((unsigned long)$cs & 0xFFFF) << 4) + ((unsigned long)$eip & 0xFFFF)) & $ADDRESS_MASK
set $r_ss_sp = ((((unsigned long)$ss & 0xFFFF) << 4) + ((unsigned long)$esp & 0xFFFF)) & $ADDRESS_MASK
set $r_ss_bp = ((((unsigned long)$ss & 0xFFFF) << 4) + ((unsigned long)$ebp & 0xFFFF)) & $ADDRESS_MASK
define print_regs
printf "AX: %04X BX: %04X ", $rax, $rbx
printf "CX: %04X DX: %04X\n", $rcx, $rdx
printf "SI: %04X DI: %04X ", $rsi, $rdi
printf "SP: %04X BP: %04X\n", $rsp, $rbp
printf "CS: %04X DS: %04X ", $rcs, $rds
printf "ES: %04X SS: %04X\n", $res, $rss
printf "\n"
printf "IP: %04X EIP:%08X\n", ((unsigned short)$eip & 0xFFFF), $eip
printf "CS:IP: %04X:%04X (0x%05X)\n", $rcs, ((unsigned short)$eip & 0xFFFF), $rip
printf "SS:SP: %04X:%04X (0x%05X)\n", $rss, $rsp, $r_ss_sp
printf "SS:BP: %04X:%04X (0x%05X)\n", $rss, $rbp, $r_ss_bp
document print_regs
Print CPU registers
define print_eflags
printf "OF <%d> DF <%d> IF <%d> TF <%d>",\
(($eflags >> 0xB) & 1), (($eflags >> 0xA) & 1), \
(($eflags >> 9) & 1), (($eflags >> 8) & 1)
printf " SF <%d> ZF <%d> AF <%d> PF <%d> CF <%d>\n",\
(($eflags >> 7) & 1), (($eflags >> 6) & 1),\
(($eflags >> 4) & 1), (($eflags >> 2) & 1), ($eflags & 1)
printf "ID <%d> VIP <%d> VIF <%d> AC <%d>",\
(($eflags >> 0x15) & 1), (($eflags >> 0x14) & 1), \
(($eflags >> 0x13) & 1), (($eflags >> 0x12) & 1)
printf " VM <%d> RF <%d> NT <%d> IOPL <%d>\n",\
(($eflags >> 0x11) & 1), (($eflags >> 0x10) & 1),\
(($eflags >> 0xE) & 1), (($eflags >> 0xC) & 3)
document print_eflags
Print eflags register.
# dump content of bytes in memory
# arg0 : addr
# arg1 : nb of bytes
define _dump_memb
if $argc < 2
printf "Arguments: address number_of_bytes\n"
set $_nb = $arg1
set $_i = 0
set $_addr = $arg0
while ($_i < $_nb)
printf "%02X ", *((unsigned char*)$_addr + $_i)
set $_i++
# dump content of memory in words
# arg0 : addr
# arg1 : nb of words
define _dump_memw
if $argc < 2
printf "Arguments: address number_of_words\n"
set $_nb = $arg1
set $_i = 0
set $_addr = $arg0
while ($_i < $_nb)
printf "%04X ", *((unsigned short*)$_addr + $_i)
set $_i++
# display data at given address
define print_data
if ($argc > 0)
set $seg = $arg0
set $off = $arg1
set $raddr = ($arg0 << 16) + $arg1
set $maddr = ($arg0 << 4) + $arg1
set $w = 16
set $i = (int)0
while ($i < 4)
printf "%08X: ", ($raddr + $i * $w)
set $j = (int)0
while ($j < $w)
printf "%02X ", *(unsigned char*)($maddr + $i * $w + $j)
set $j++
printf " "
set $j = (int)0
while ($j < $w)
set $c = *(unsigned char*)($maddr + $i * $w + $j)
if ($c > 32) && ($c < 128)
printf "%c", $c
printf "."
set $j++
printf "\n"
set $i++
define context
printf "---------------------------[ STACK ]---\n"
_dump_memw $r_ss_sp 8
printf "\n"
set $_a = $r_ss_sp + 16
_dump_memw $_a 8
printf "\n"
printf "---------------------------[ DS:SI ]---\n"
print_data $ds $rsi
printf "---------------------------[ ES:DI ]---\n"
print_data $es $rdi
printf "----------------------------[ CPU ]----\n"
printf "---------------------------[ CODE ]----\n"
set $_code_size = $CODE_SIZE
# disassemble
# first call x/i with an address
# subsequent calls to x/i will increment address
if ($_code_size > 0)
x /i $rip
set $_code_size--
while ($_code_size > 0)
x /i
set $_code_size--
document context
Print context window, i.e. regs, stack, ds:esi and disassemble cs:eip.
define hook-stop
if ($SHOW_CONTEXT > 0)
document hook-stop
# add a breakpoint on an interrupt
define break_int
set $offset = (unsigned short)*($arg0 * 4)
set $segment = (unsigned short)*($arg0 * 4 + 2)
break *$offset
define break_int_if_ah
if ($argc < 2)
printf "Arguments: INT_N AH\n"
set $addr = (unsigned short)*($arg0 * 4)
set $segment = (unsigned short)*($arg0 * 4 + 2)
break *$addr if ((unsigned long)$eax & 0xFF00) == ($arg1 << 8)
document break_int_if_ah
Install a breakpoint on INT N only if AH is equal to the expected value
define break_int_if_ax
if ($argc < 2)
printf "Arguments: INT_N AX\n"
set $addr = (unsigned short)*($arg0 * 4)
set $segment = (unsigned short)*($arg0 * 4 + 2)
break *$addr if ((unsigned long)$eax & 0xFFFF) == $arg1
document break_int_if_ax
Install a breakpoint on INT N only if AX is equal to the expected value
define stepo
## we know that an opcode starting by 0xE8 has a fixed length
## for the 0xFF opcodes, we can enumerate what is possible to have
set $lip = $rip
set $offset = 0
# first, get rid of segment prefixes, if any
set $_byte1 = *(unsigned char *)$rip
# CALL DS:xx CS:xx, etc.
if ($_byte1 == 0x3E || $_byte1 == 0x26 || $_byte1 == 0x2E || $_byte1 == 0x36 || $_byte1 == 0x3E || $_byte1 == 0x64 || $_byte1 == 0x65)
set $lip = $rip + 1
set $_byte1 = *(unsigned char*)$lip
set $offset = 1
set $_byte2 = *(unsigned char *)($lip+1)
set $_byte3 = *(unsigned char *)($lip+2)
set $noffset = 0
if ($_byte1 == 0xE8)
# call near
set $noffset = 3
if ($_byte1 == 0xFF)
# A "ModR/M" byte follows
set $_mod = ($_byte2 & 0xC0) >> 6
set $_reg = ($_byte2 & 0x38) >> 3
set $_rm = ($_byte2 & 7)
#printf "mod: %d reg: %d rm: %d\n", $_mod, $_reg, $_rm
# only for CALL instructions
if ($_reg == 2 || $_reg == 3)
# default offset
set $noffset = 2
if ($_mod == 0)
if ($_rm == 6)
# a 16bit address follows
set $noffset = 4
if ($_mod == 1)
# a 8bit displacement follows
set $noffset = 3
if ($_mod == 2)
# 16bit displacement
set $noffset = 4
# end of _reg == 2 or _reg == 3
# else byte1 != 0xff
if ($_byte1 == 0x9A)
# call far
set $noffset = 5
if ($_byte1 == 0xCD)
set $noffset = 2
# end of byte1 == 0xff
# else byte1 != 0xe8
# if we have found a call to bypass we set a temporary breakpoint on next instruction and continue
if ($noffset != 0)
set $_nextaddress = $eip + $offset + $noffset
printf "Setting BP to %04X\n", $_nextaddress
tbreak *$_nextaddress
# else we just single step
document stepo
Step over calls
This function will set a temporary breakpoint on next instruction after the call so the call will be bypassed
You can safely use it instead nexti since it will single step code if it's not a call instruction (unless you want to go into the call function)
define step_until_iret
set $_found = 0
while (!$_found)
if (*(unsigned char*)$rip == 0xCF)
set $_found = 1
define step_until_ret
set $_found = 0
while (!$_found)
set $_p = *(unsigned char*)$rip
if ($_p == 0xC3 || $_p == 0xCB || $_p == 0xC2 || $_p == 0xCA)
set $_found = 1
define step_until_int
while (*(unsigned char*)$rip != 0xCD)
# Find a pattern in memory
# The pattern is given by a string as arg0
# If another argument is present it gives the starting address (0 otherwise)
define find_in_mem
if ($argc >= 2)
set $_addr = $arg1
set $_addr = 0
set $_found = 0
set $_tofind = $arg0
while ($_addr < $ADDRESS_MASK) && (!$_found)
if ($_addr % 0x100 == 0)
printf "%08X\n", $_addr
set $_i = 0
set $_found = 1
while ($_tofind[$_i] != 0 && $_found == 1)
set $_b = *((char*)$_addr + $_i)
set $_t = (char)$_tofind[$_i]
if ($_t != $_b)
set $_found = 0
set $_i++
if ($_found == 1)
printf "Code found at 0x%05X\n", $_addr
set $_addr++
document find_in_mem
Find a pattern in memory
The pattern is given by a string as arg0
If another argument is present it gives the starting address (0 otherwise)
define step_until_code
set $_tofind = $arg0
set $_found = 0
while (!$_found)
set $_i = 0
set $_found = 1
while ($_tofind[$_i] != 0 && $_found == 1)
set $_b = *((char*)$rip + $_i)
set $_t = (char)$_tofind[$_i]
if ($_t != $_b)
set $_found = 0
set $_i++
if ($_found == 0)
This script provides features that allow a person to better debug real mode code. It will display the values of the segments and the registers and will attempt to resolve segment:offset addresses by properly computing a physical address to decode instructions from.
Once you have the 3 files above you can attempt to debug the BIOS this way:
qemu-system-i386 -bios bios.bin -s -S &
gdb -ix gdb_init_real_mode.txt \
-ex 'set tdesc filename target.xml' \
-ex 'target remote localhost:1234'
There are a number of additional commands added mentioned in my related answer linked to earlier. This script takes care of setting the architecture to i8086 and then hooks itself into gdb. It provides a number of new macros that can make stepping through 16 bit code easier:
break_int : adds a breakpoint on a software interrupt vector (the way
the good old MS DOS and BIOS expose their APIs)
break_int_if_ah : adds a conditional breakpoint on a software
interrupt. AH has to be equals to the given parameter. This is used to
filter service calls of interrupts. For instance, you sometimes only
wants to break when the function AH=0h of the interruption 10h is
called (change screen mode).
stepo : this is a kabalistic macro used to 'step-over' function and
interrupt calls. How does it work ? The opcode of the current
instruction is extracted and if it is a function or interrupt call,
the "next" instruction address is computed, a temporary breakpoint is
added on that address and the 'continue' function is called.
step_until_ret : this is used to singlestep until we encounter a 'RET'
step_until_iret : this is used to singlestep until we encounter an
'IRET' instruction.
step_until_int : this is used to singlestep until we encounter an
'INT' instruction.
If you use the command above to launch QEMU you should see something like:
---------------------------[ STACK ]---
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
---------------------------[ DS:SI ]---
00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00000010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00000020: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00000030: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
---------------------------[ ES:DI ]---
00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00000010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00000020: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
00000030: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
----------------------------[ CPU ]----
AX: 0000 BX: 0000 CX: 0000 DX: 0663
SI: 0000 DI: 0000 SP: 0000 BP: 0000
CS: F000 DS: 0000 ES: 0000 SS: 0000
CS:IP: F000:FFF0 (0xFFFF0)
SS:SP: 0000:0000 (0x00000)
SS:BP: 0000:0000 (0x00000)
OF <0> DF <0> IF <0> TF <0> SF <0> ZF <0> AF <0> PF <0> CF <0>
ID <0> VIP <0> VIF <0> AC <0> VM <0> RF <0> NT <0> IOPL <0>
---------------------------[ CODE ]----
0xffff0: jmp 0xf000:0xe05b
0xffff5: xor BYTE PTR ds:0x322f,dh
0xffff9: xor bp,WORD PTR [bx]
0xffffb: cmp WORD PTR [bx+di],di
0xffffd: add ah,bh
0xfffff: add BYTE PTR [bx+si],al
0x100001: add BYTE PTR [bx+si],al
0x100003: add BYTE PTR [bx+si],al
0x100005: add BYTE PTR [bx+si],al
0x100007: add BYTE PTR [bx+si],al
0x0000fff0 in ?? ()
As you can see it prints out part of the data at the top of the stack, some memory regions common to real mode programs, the segment registers and the regular registers. The instructions have been properly decoded from the right place in memory. You should see the program starting to execute at 0xffff0. Some BIOSes might have a different first instruction but one of the first few instructions will be a FAR JMP to another place in the BIOS:
0xffff0: jmp 0xf000:0xe05b

gcc 8.2: error: invalid 'asm': invalid address mode

The following statement is taken from iPXE. It compiles fine with gcc 7.3 but fails with gcc 8.2 on the aarch64 architecture. Here I get an error
error: invalid 'asm': invalid address mode
The macro argument einfo is a list of 5 parameters.
#define __einfo_error( einfo ) ( {
__asm__ ( ".section \".einfo\", \"\", " PROGBITS_OPS "\n\t" \
".align 8\n\t" \
"\n1:\n\t" \
".long ( 4f - 1b )\n\t" \
".long %a0\n\t" \
".long ( 2f - 1b )\n\t" \
".long ( 3f - 1b )\n\t" \
".long %a1\n\t" \
"\n2:\t.asciz \"" __einfo_desc ( einfo ) "\"\n\t" \
"\n3:\t.asciz \"" __FILE__ "\"\n\t" \
".align 8\n\t" \
"\n4:\n\t" \
".previous\n\t" : : \
"i" ( __einfo_errno ( einfo ) ), \
"i" ( __LINE__ ) ); \
From where does
.long %a0
take its value?
What is the "i" statement doing?
Where is a reference for this syntax? - Has it changed with gcc 8.2?

Embedding resource using inline assembly

I tried to use this trick together to embed a resource into an executable file:
#define INCLUDE_BINARY(identifier,filename) \
asm("\\n" \
"\t.local " #identifier "_begin\n" \
"\t.type " #identifier "_begin, #object\n" \
"\t.align 16\n" \
#identifier "_begin:\n" \
"\t.incbin \"" filename "\"\n\n" \
"\t.local " #identifier "_end\n" \
"\t.type " #identifier "_end, #object\n" \
"\t.align 1\n" \
#identifier "_end:\n" \
"\t.byte 0\n"); \
extern uint8_t identifier##_begin[];\
extern const uint8_t identifier##_end[]
So that
#include <herbs/include_binary/include_binary.h>
#include <herbs/main/main.h>
#include <cstdio>
int MAIN(int argc,charsys_t* argv[])
const uint8_t* begin=source_begin;
return 0;
will print itself. It works fine until I enable debug symbol generation. Then I get errors:
/tmp/ccCfX7kc.s:103: Error: can't resolve `.data' {.data section} - `.Ltext0' {.text section}
I guess the reason of failure is that -g adds stuff at the beginning of file:
Is there a way to add global symbols using inline assembly that does not interfere with debugging? Is asm undefined outside a function body?
You need to restore the section back to .text at the end of the inline asm. You could use .pushsection and .popsection todo so.
