Authentication failure in Heroku CLI after password change - heroku

After a password change on heroku's website, I can't access the heroku api.
When I do heroku login, I get Authentication successful, even though it shouldn't because the password has changed. It doesn't even ask for my email or password, like it should!
If I try heroku apps (or any other application related command), I get Authentication failure.
If I try heroku status, it works.
I don't have any plugins installed.
$ heroku version
heroku-gem/3.6.0 (i686-linux) ruby/2.1.0
$ heroku logout
Local credentials cleared.
$ heroku login
Authentication successful.
$ heroku apps
Authentication failure
$ heroku plugins
You have no installed plugins.
I'll appreciate any help or ideas I can get. I already opened a ticket and waiting for the Heroku Support to get back to me.

After a password change on heroku's website, I can't access the heroku api.
Are you using the heroku-accounts plugin? If so, try uninstalling it.
heroku plugins:uninstall heroku-accounts
rm -r ~/.heroku/accounts
heroku logout
heroku login

Apparently, changing the password for heroku regenerates a new API key, and I had the wrong HEROKU_API_KEY configured. (It regenerates a new one after password change).
I'm posting here the response from the great Heroku's support team, which gave me these suggestions:
Is there a ~/.netrc file on your computer? If there is, can you please check if the file contains something Heroku related things? Please remove if there is, and try login again.
Is there an HEROKU_API_KEY environment variable defined on your machine? If yes, could you remove it and login try again?
Is there a ~/.heroku/credentials file (with or without an extension) on your machine? If yes, could you remove it and try login again?
Finally, if none of those work, could try the following command: GEM_HOME='' BUNDLE_GEMFILE='' GEM_PATH='' RUBYOPT='' heroku login and see how it goes?

Are you using the heroku-accounts plugin? If so, try uninstalling it.
You may not need to uninstall it...
Make sure you are not in a project directory (or you may run into the "account not found" loop).
List your accounts.
heroku accounts
On each account where the password was changed
heroku accounts:remove ACCOUNT
heroku accounts:add ACCOUNT
(I did not need to do anything with the ~/.ssh/config.)
Reset your default account, if needed.
heroku accounts:default ACCOUNT
If you changed the account name or git config --unset heroku.account.
cd /path/to/your/project
git config --add heroku.account ACCOUNT
I didn't want to give up on the heroku-accounts plugin. :)

heroku accounts:remove personal or whatever account name you have
git config --unset heroku.account
heroku accounts:add personal then login

In my case, I had multiple heroku accounts managed by heroku-accounts gem and authentication started failing after I changed one of my account's password.
Steps I followed to make things normal again:
Removed the account (that's failing to authenticate) from heroku accounts:
heroku accounts:remove account_name
Opened up a new terminal and then added the account again that I just deleted:
heroku accounts:add account_name --auto
Here you have to use your new credentials.
That's it. Problem solved.

Try deleting ~/.netrc (this is where the Heroku CLI tool saves the auth tokens) and starting over.


"Couldn't find that app." when running heroku commands in console

I'm trying to run commands for my heroku app in my console, but it keeps telling me "Couldn't find that app." even though when I run heroku apps in my console it tells me I have one app called worldofwarcraft-api
So heroku recognizes my app in the apps list, but I can't run any commands to access it. The line I want to run is
heroku ps:scale web=1 --app worldofwarcraft-api
I'm trying to troubleshoot why my API returns a 503 when I try to make a GET request to it. This is the fix the heroku faq told me to try, but it's just telling me it can't find my app.
I'm wondering if it has something to do with the fact that I deployed my API from github, rather than running the heroku setup in my console. I don't know if that would effect my ability to run heroku commands on the app in my local console.
Apologies if my formatting is off a bit. I'm still getting used to this site.
In my case, someone renamed GitHub repo and I tried to find Heroku app with new GitHub name
It helps me
heroku apps
heroku git:remote -a YOUR_APP
Solved it. Just sharing for future searches.
The issue was fixed by running git init and then heroku git:remote -a worldofwarcraft-api in my command line while inside my repositories folder. This initialized git in the repo and then set the heroku git remote to that repository.
Hopefully, this helps anyone else who had a similar issue.
Just an easy way to solve this issue:
1st: Add the command into your terminal: $ heroku apps
If you already logged into your heroku account from your terminal, all your apps will appear as a list like this:
2nd: Then chose which one you are needing to connect with the following command:
$ heroku git:remote -a your-project-name-2
If you've done the connection properly you'll receive the following output:
set git remote heroku to
For my case, I was renaming my github repository.
You can find it in your repository settings then just rename it, it appears in the first place.
Then you can continue with git init again to re-initiate your existing git repository and then set your heroku remote with your heroku apps new name heroku git:remote -a YOUR_APP_NAME
If the app belongs to a team that you participate in, you have to specify the team option in the commands to see the app:
heroku apps -t <team name>
heroku ps:scale web=1 --app worldofwarcraft-api -t <team name>

Automate Heroku CLI login

I'm developing a bash script to automatic clone some projects and another task in dev VM's, but we have one project in Heroku and repository is in it. In my .sh file I have:
> heroku login
And this prompt to enter credentials, I read the "help" guide included on binary and documentation but I can't found anything to automatic insert username and password, I want something like this:
> heroku login -u someUser -p mySecurePassword
Exist any way similar to it?
The Heroku CLI only uses your username and password to retrieve your API key, which it stores in your ~/.netrc file ($HOME\_netrc on Windows).
You can manually retrieve your API key and add it to your ~/.netrc file:
Log into the Heroku web interface
Navigate to your Account settings page
Scroll down to the API Key section and click the Reveal button
Copy your API key
Open your ~/.netrc file, or create it, with your favourite text editor
Add the following content:
login <your-email#address>
password <your-api-key>
login <your-email#address>
password <your-api-key>
Replace <your-email#address> with the email address registered with Heroku, and <your-api-key> with the API key you copied from Heroku.
This should manually accomplish what heroku login does automatically. However, I don't recommend this. Running heroku login does the same thing more easily and with fewer opportunities to make a mistake.
If you decide to copy ~/.netrc files between machines or accounts you should be aware of two major caveats:
This file is used by many other programs; be careful to only copy the configuration stanzas you want.
Your API key offers full programmatic access to your account. You should protect it as strongly as you protect your password.
Please be very careful if you intend to log into Heroku using any mechanism other than heroku login.
You can generate a non-expiring OAuth token then pass it to the CLI via an environment variable. This is useful if you need to run Heroku CLI commands indefinitely from a scheduler and you don't want the login to expire. Do it like this (these are not actual Tokens and IDs, BTW):
$ heroku authorizations:create
Creating OAuth Authorization... done
Client: <none>
ID: 80fad839-876b-4ea0-a41e-6a9a2fb0cf97
Description: Long-lived user authorization
Scope: global
Token: ddf4a0e5-9294-4c5f-8820-b51c52fce4f9
Updated at: Fri Aug 02 2019 21:26:09 GMT+0100 (British Summer Time) (less than a minute ago)
Get the token (not the ID) from that authorization and pass it to your CLI:
$ HEROKU_API_KEY='ddf4a0e5-9294-4c5f-8820-b51c52fce4f9' heroku run ls --app my-app
Running ls on ⬢ my-app... up, run.2962 (Hobby)
<some file names>
By the way this also solves the problem of how to use the Heroku CLI when you have MFA enabled on your Heroku account but your machine doesn't have a web browser e.g., if you are working on an EC2 box via SSH:
$ heroku run ls --app my-app
heroku: Press any key to open up the browser to login or q to exit:
› Error: quit
$ HEROKU_API_KEY='ddf4a0e5-9299-4c5f-8820-b51c52fce4f9' heroku run ls --app my-app
Running ls on ⬢ my-app... up, run.5029 (Hobby)
<some file names>
EDIT: For Windows Machines
After you run heroku authorizations:create, copy the "Token", and run the following commands:
set HEROKU_API_KEY=ddf4a0e5-9299-4c5f-8820-b51c52fce4f9
heroku run ls --app my-app
If your goal is just to get the source code, you could use a simple git client. You just need the api key.
Steps to get api key
Log into the Heroku web interface
Navigate to your Account settings page
Scroll down to the API Key section and click the Reveal button
Copy your API key
Download source code using git
Use this url template for git clone
In my case the user value was my email without domain.
Example :
if mail is ****
user for heroku auth will be **duke**
Finally just clone it like any other git repositories:
git clone
I agree that Heroku should have by now provided a way to do this with their higher level CLI tool.
You can avoid extreme solutions (and you should, just like Chris mentioned in his answer) by simply using curl and the Heroku API. Heroku allow you to use your API Token (obtainable through your user settings / profile page on the Heroku dashboard).
You can then use the API to achieve whatever it is you wanted to do with their command line tool.
For example, if I wanted to get all config vars for an app I would write a script that did something like the following:
-H "Accept: application/vnd.heroku+json; version=3" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_TOKEN```
If *YOUR_APP_NAME* had only one config variable called *my_var* the response of the above call would be
"my_var": some_value
I've found using this all the time in CI tools that need access to *Heroku* information / resources.

Heroku : Username for '': git

I'm trying to check a git remote on heroku:
$ heroku auth:logout
Local credentials cleared.
$ heroku auth:login
Enter your Heroku credentials.
Email: ***
Password (typing will be hidden):
Authentication successful.
$ git remote
$ git remote show heroku
Username for '':
Password for '':
remote: ! WARNING:
remote: ! Do not authenticate with username and password using git.
remote: ! Run `heroku login` to update your credentials, then retry the git command.
fatal: Authentication failed for '***-1909.git/'
This error is referenced in the heroku docs, in the screenshot above at , but I'm not sure what to do next to fix this.
This is what worked for me.
$ heroku auth:token
Use the result as the password when prompted.
As the warning says, you just need to do:
heroku login
And it will open your browser for logging in, enter details as per your authentication and you will be good to roll in.
I solve this issue no implicit conversion from nil to integer (TypeError) by it by pushing the updates to heroku and when they asked for the user name I added my email and the password it's in this link in API KEYS
Username for '': your email
Password for '': API KEYS
Run this
heroku login
git add .
git commit -m "..."
git push heroku main
This is going to work
After logged with: heroku login
Some access for example on cloning an existing project in your account, is not
allowed using git native even stay you logged in, and only using git from heroku, such as:
heroku git:[command]
an example clonning a repository:
heroku git:clone -a [app_name]
Otherwise, sometimes, after logged with heroku login, you can check your remote git with: git remote -v
Other way, is you use heroku auth:token and use their output as password, of course, run it after logged.

Multiple accounts heroku keys mixed up

I have multiple accounts on heroku and I think my ssh keys got messed up but I have no idea how to fix it.
When i try 'git push heroku master' i get the error 'your account ***** does not have access to *****'
How do I fix my keys so that I can push to heroku?
Heroku wont allow to share ssh key between 2 heroku accounts.
I will help you to get through this by a hacky fix
1.First go to .ssh/ directory in your home folder
2.Move all the files and keep it in any other folder(Don't delete it)
3.Open the terminal and Login to heroku using "heroku login" command and login to your heroku account which you want to push now.
4.After sucessfully logging in to your account enter "heroku keys:add" command. it will create a new ssh keys for your account. you can now push to your account easily.
Suppose if you want to push to any application using your old account replace the .ssh/ folder files to backuped files. (Backup your current .ssh/ to any folder)
or you can repeat same step 1-4 for that account.
I hope this will solve your problem.

Heroku No Such Account Error

To start:
I am able to log in to heroku with my email and password.
When logging into heroku through my terminal using the same email and password credentials I get the following error.
heroku login
No such account:
check your [Project Root]/.git/config
There are some heroku accounts specific settings:
account = <account name>
you can delete those two lines and then try to login again
Just save what you delete :)
Try to remove the existing account credentials rm -rf ~/.heroku/plugins/heroku-accounts and do heroku login enter your credentials
Try making sure you have the latest version of the heroku gem/toolbelt installed.
Check your .git/config for references to remotes like 'git#heroku.account' and remove those.
Also, check your ~/.ssh/config for references to that 'account' and take them out.
Then, re-do your auth heroku auth:logout and heroku auth:login and maybe heroku keys:add to get everything set back up.
I think the problem is a conflict between Heroku toolbelt and the Heroku gem. I also had the same problem. Read this article to solve it -
