SCSS repeat value? - sass

I'm trying to work out on SCSS how I would go about something like this:
I would like to have a margin anywhere between 1px and 1000px and have a class for it.
For example
X being where I can write any value. Obviously I couldn't write out
.MarginTop-1 {margin-top:1px}
.MarginTop-2 {margin-top:2px}
.MarginTop-3 {margin-top:3px}
.MarginTop-4 {margin-top:4px}

Well you need a #for loop to do that .
$class-slug: ".MarginTop";
$stop-loop: 4;
#for $i from 0 through $stop-loop {
#{$class-slug}-#{$i} {
margin-top: #{$i}px;
Compiled CSS:
.MarginTop-0 {
margin-top: 0px; }
.MarginTop-1 {
margin-top: 1px; }
.MarginTop-2 {
margin-top: 2px; }
.MarginTop-3 {
margin-top: 3px; }
.MarginTop-4 {
margin-top: 4px; }

Not sure of the utility of this, but...
#mixin marginTop($amount) {
.marginTop-#{$amount} {
margin-top: unquote($amount + 'px');
#include marginTop(1);
#include marginTop(100);
Compiled CSS:
.marginTop-1 {
margin-top: 1px;
.marginTop-100 {
margin-top: 100px;


CSS margin loop incrementing by X amount each time

I wonder if it is possible to do this with SCSS? Incrementing by X each time.
It is tricky because the -s or -md needs to be updated instead of the number.
#for $i from 1 through 6 {
.u-marg-t-#{$i} {
margin-top: 0px + ($i * 8);
Aside from this not even counting correctly, is a #for the best approach, here?
Plain CSS output
.u-marg-t {
&-xs {
margin-top: 8px;
&-sm {
margin-top: 16px;
&-md {
margin-top: 24px;
&-lg {
margin-top: 32px;
&-xl {
margin-top: 43px;
&-xxl {
margin-top: 50px;
.u-marg-b {
&-xs {
margin-bottom: 8px;
&-sm {
margin-bottom: 16px;
&-md {
margin-bottom: 24px;
&-lg {
margin-bottom: 32px;
&-xl {
margin-bottom: 43px;
&-xxl {
margin-bottom: 50px;
You could use a list with the suffixes you want to use and iterate through inside your for loop. Here's an example:
$sizes: xs, sm, md, lg, xl, xxl;
#for $i from 1 through 6 {
&#{nth($sizes, $i)} {
margin-top: 0px + ($i * 8);
$sizes is your list with the suffixes. Inside the loop I used the function nth($list, $i) to get the item at position $i in your list.

Issue mixing variable with mixin with keyframe animation?

First time using SCSS, and testing my knowledge from the guide. According to the guide, it is possible to both set variables and use mixins to simplify your CSS.
I was coding an animation where the div is clipped from bottom to top. I used variables to set the initial and final clip-path settings, and used them while calling a mixin. Yet I get the error, 'Invalid CSS after "...slider-initial)": expected "{", was "; }"'. What am I doing wrong?
Here is my code:
<section id='main'>
<div id='left'></div>
<div id='right'></div>
$slider-initial: inset(0 0 0 0);
$slider-final: inset(0 0 100% 0);
#mixin slider-clip($slider-state) {
-webkit-clip-path: $slider-state;
clip-path: $slider-state;
body {
height: 100%; width: 100%;
margin: 0 auto;
#main {
height: 64vh; width: 38vw;
margin: 0 auto;
margin-top: 10%;
position: relative;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: center;
border: 1vh solid black;
#left {
order: 1;
width: 4%;
height: 100%;
margin-left: 46%;
background: green;
#right {
opacity: 1;
order: 2;
width: 4%;
height: 100%;
margin: auto;
margin-left: 0;
animation-name: dropdown;
animation-duration: 4s;
background: red;
#keyframes dropdown {
from { #mixin slider-clip($slider-initial); }
to { #mixin slider-clip($slider-final); }
You called your mixin in a wrong way:
#keyframes dropdown {
from { #mixin slider-clip($slider-initial); }
to { #mixin slider-clip($slider-final); }
In the guide on, you can see the following example of how to include a mixin:
.box { #include border-radius(10px); }
Applied to your case, your code should look like this:
#keyframes dropdown {
from { #include slider-clip($slider-inital); }
to { #include slider-clip($slider-final); }

DRY Sass codes that only value changes

Using sass with rails. In the design, there is a pattern that the space shrink to half from desktop to mobile. Now it ends up like:
.my-page {
.class-a {
margin-top: 20px;
margin-bottom: 20px;
.class-b {
padding-top: 30px;
padding-bottom: 30px;
#media(min-width: 768px) {
.my-page {
.class-a {
margin-top: 40px;
margin-bottom: 40px;
.class-b {
padding-top: 60px;
padding-bottom: 60px;
Wondering is there a good way to DRY these? Don't wanna repeat writing same classes twice.
A nice way to DRY up your sass is using mixins.
#mixin page-spaces($margin, $padding) {
.my-page {
.class-a {
margin-top: $margin;
margin-bottom: $margin;
.class-b {
padding-top: $padding;
padding-bottom: $padding;
#include page-spaces(20px, 30px);
#media(min-width: 768px) {
#include page-spaces(40px, 60px);
SASS Reference on Mixins
Edit: In order to clarify the intended use of mixins, here's an extended version with multiple arguments (even a default):
#mixin awesome-page-stuff($stylish-margin, $cute-padding, $some-left-margin, $ugly-background: red) {
.my-page {
background: $ugly-background;
.class-a {
margin-top: $stylish-margin;
margin-bottom: $stylish-margin;
.class-b {
padding-top: $cute-padding;
padding-bottom: $cute-padding;
margin-left: $some-left-margin;
#include awesome-page-stuff(20px, 30px, 50px);
#media(min-width: 768px) {
#include awesome-page-stuff(40px, 60px, 200px, green);
you can create variables, something like this:
$primary-margin: 20px;
$primary-padding: 30px;
.my-page {
.class-a {
margin-top: $primary-margin;
margin-bottom: $primary-margin;
.class-b {
padding-top: $primary-padding;
padding-bottom: $primary-padding;
#media(min-width: 768px) {
.my-page {
.class-a {
margin-top: $primary-margin*2;
margin-bottom: $primary-margin*2;
.class-b {
padding-top: $primary-padding*2;
padding-bottom: $primary-padding*2;

Incrementing Variable in Loop

I've got the following loop producing some styles for a tag cloud. On the online generators it produces the I'd consider the correct css styles, however in the visual studio solution (2012) which auto produces the css it seems to hang up. (see below) the less. Is there a more proper way to produce something like this via less that won't confuse the VS .less generator?
#iterations: 10;
#maxSize: 40;
#minSize: 10;
.tag-loop (#i) when (#i > -1) {
#j: (#i*(30/#iterations) + #minSize);
li.tag-#{i} {
.tag-loop(#i - 1);
.tag-loop (#iterations);
Produces via visual studio:
ul.tag-cloud li.tag-10 {
font-size: 10px;
ul.tag-cloud li.tag-9 {
font-size: 10px;
ul.tag-cloud li.tag-8 {
font-size: 10px;
ul.tag-cloud li.tag-7 {
font-size: 10px;
ul.tag-cloud li.tag-6 {
font-size: 10px;
ul.tag-cloud li.tag-5 {
font-size: 10px;
ul.tag-cloud li.tag-4 {
font-size: 10px;
ul.tag-cloud li.tag-3 {
font-size: 10px;
ul.tag-cloud li.tag-2 {
font-size: 10px;
ul.tag-cloud li.tag-1 {
font-size: 10px;
ul.tag-cloud li.tag-0 {
font-size: 10px;
If I use something like the following is more accurately produced:
li.tag-10 {
font-size: 40px;
li.tag-9 {
font-size: 37px;
li.tag-8 {
font-size: 34px;
li.tag-7 {
font-size: 31px;
li.tag-6 {
font-size: 28px;
li.tag-5 {
font-size: 25px;
li.tag-4 {
font-size: 22px;
li.tag-3 {
font-size: 19px;
li.tag-2 {
font-size: 16px;
li.tag-1 {
font-size: 13px;
li.tag-0 {
font-size: 10px;
It looks like your VS uses (via Web Essentials 2012?) quite outdated Less 1.3.3 which handles variable scope quite differently, i.e. #j defined in the last iteration overrides all previous #j definitions.
The workaround to this is to calculate font-size value directly:
#iterations: 10;
#maxSize: 40;
#minSize: 10;
.tag-loop (#i) when (#i > -1) {
li.tag-#{i} {
font-size: unit((#i * (30 / #iterations) + #minSize), px);
.tag-loop((#i - 1));
.tag-loop (#iterations);

Use a parameter as a tag in a mixin

How can I do that :
#mixin addMargin($el) {
$el {
margin-left: 5px;
$el:hover {
margin-left: 10px;
using sass ?
Thanks for your help
In a mixin, you can not only add properties directly to an element, but you can also add more rules:
#mixin addMargin {
margin-left: 5px;
&:hover {
Note that you have to prefix the :hover with & so that we get this rule:
instead of
#something-with-the-mixin-applied :hover
Use interpolation:
#mixin addMargin($el) {
#{$el} {
margin-left: 5px;
#{$el}:hover {
margin-left: 10px;
#include addMargin(h1);
But Yogu is right, you don't need it here. You may omit selectors, leaving only directives in your mixin, and apply the mixin inside a selector:
#mixin addMargin {
margin-left: 5px;
&:hover {
h1 {
#include addMargin;
