How does % in Makefiles work? - makefile

I am trying to understand how makefiles work. If I try the following
1.out : 1.inp
cat 1.inp
it, works as expected (if 1.inp is newer as 1.out or if 1.out does not exist, the content of 1.inp is printed).
Then I need to do the following:
cat 1.inp
cat 2.inp
cat 3.inp
I thought that for that I can use
%.out : %.inp
cat $<
but it does not work. Can anybody please explain to me the use of %?

In your first makefile:
1.out: 1.inp
cat 1.inp
1.out is a target with a prerequisite 1.inp and a command cat 1.inp. This constitutes a rule for
making 1.out and if you run the makefile, specifying either no explicit target or the target 1.out, the
rule will be executed.
In your second makefile:
%.out: %.inp
cat $<
you have only expressed a pattern rule for making a target of the form something.out from a prerequisite of the form something.inp You have not specified any actual targets that the makefile can make.
You can specify 1.out as a target with a makefile like this:
%.out: %.inp
cat $<
In that case 1.inp will be cat-ed when 1.inp is newer that 1.out
Or you can specify a phony target, e.g. all, that has prerequisite targets 1.out, 2.out, 3.out in a makefile like this:
.PHONY: all
%.out: %.inp
cat $<
all: 1.out 2.out 3.out
In this case each of 1.inp, 2.inp and 3.inp will be cat-ed when it is newer than the corresponding .out file.
Whenever make discovers that it has to make a target of the form something.out, it will recognize that the pattern rule is applicable and will execute the matching instance of the pattern rule.


Makefile stops running at the middle [duplicate]

Hopefully this is a very simple question. I have a makefile pattern rule that looks like this: : %.f %.pyf
f2py -c -L${LAPACK_DIR} ${GRASPLIBS} -m $* $^ ${SOURCES} --opt='-02' --f77flags='-fcray-pointer' >> silent.txt
I want the makefile to build a number of .so files, so I tried to get it to build two files ( and by doing this: : %.f %.pyf
f2py -c -L${LAPACK_DIR} ${GRASPLIBS} -m $* $^ ${SOURCES} --opt='-02' --f77flags='-fcray-pointer' >> silent.txt
and then tried this: : %.f %.pyf
f2py -c -L${LAPACK_DIR} ${GRASPLIBS} -m $* $^ ${SOURCES} --opt='-02' --f77flags='-fcray-pointer' >> silent.txt
But in each case, it only builds the first target that I specify. If I run 'make' it works fine, I'm just not sure how to specify a list of files that need to be built so I can just run 'make'.
The usual trick is to add a 'dummy' target as the first that depends on all targets you want to build when running a plain make:
It is a convention to call this target 'all' or 'default'. For extra correctness, let make know that this is not a real file by adding this line to your Makefile:
.PHONY: all
Best way is to add:
.PHONY: all
make uses the first target appearing when no .DEFAULT is specified.
.PHONY informs make that the targets (a coma-separated list, in fact) don't create any file or folder.
all: as proposed by schot

Match anything pattern rule with dependency

File Name:
%: foo
#echo %: $# with foo
#echo foo
$ make -f test
%: with foo
%: test with foo
I am running this in GNU Make 3.81 version.
I Don't understand, why file name also printed(%: with foo).
Can some one please explain me?
This is because of how makefiles are remade. That is to say that
Sometimes makefiles can be remade from other files
If a makefile can be remade from other files, you probably want make to get an up-to-date version of the makefile to read in
after reading in all makefiles, make will consider each as a goal target and attempt to update it.
Which then matches against your match-anything rule and triggers the way you see.
If you add an explicit ; target to your makefile it will override the match-anything target and prevent this.

Simple inference rule in makefile

I'm currently learning how to use makefiles. But I'm struggling with % pattern rules. I've boiled down my failing makefile to this very simple example:
I fill an empty directory with:
echo aaa > && echo bbb >
A first makefile like this works very well:
a.out :
cat $< > $#
make && echo *.out && cat *.out
cat > a.out
but when I try to use a pattern rule modifying the makefile as follows:
%.out :
cat $< > $#
make then returns me:
make: *** No targets. Stop.
It seems like a very simple problem but I can't get to what I am missing...
If you have a makefile with no targets lists (only patterns), and you just type make, then you haven't told make that it should build anything specific, so it won't do anything.
A pattern rule doesn't mean "go find all the files that match this pattern and build them". A pattern rule tells make "if you need to find a way to build a file that matches this target pattern, then here's how you do it".
If you type make a.out so make knows that you want to build a target a.out, then make will use your pattern rule to build it.
Alternatively, you can add the target to your makefile, something like this:
.PHONY: all
all: a.out
%.out :
cat $< > $#

What do $< and $# mean in makefiles?

I have a.csv,b.csv, ... in a my docs/csv directory, I need convert each of this file to a json file.
I follow this question to write a Makefile like this.
SRCS = $(wildcard docs/csv/*.csv)
DESTS = $(patsubst docs/csv/%.csv, scripts/data/%.lua, $(SRCS))
all: $(DESTS)
echo $#
echo $<
but every time I ran make all, the echo $# show every file as expected, but echo $< always show the single file, called items.csv in my csv folder.
The trouble is that in this rule:
every lua file depends on all csv files, which is not what I think you intend. And since $< expands to the first prerequisite, you get the same one (items.csv) for every target.
Try this:
all: $(DESTS)
scripts/data/%.lua: docs/csv/%.csv
echo $#
echo $<
is the name of the FIRST dependency. Use $^ for all the dependencies
is the name of the current target
The GNU make man page on Automatic Variables is extremely useful. Here's what it says:
The file name of the target of the rule. If the target is an archive member, then ‘$#’ is the name of the archive file. In a
pattern rule that has multiple targets (see Introduction to Pattern
Rules), ‘$#’ is the name of whichever target caused the rule's recipe
to be run.
The name of the first prerequisite. If the target got its recipe from an implicit rule, this will be the first prerequisite added by
the implicit rule (see Implicit Rules).
Incidentally, you probably want to write your make rule as a pattern rule instead:
%.lua : %.csv
<rules for making a lua from a csv>

Why does Make ignore my wildcard rule?

Why doesn't Make link to foo.o?
$ ls
foo.c foo_test.c Makefile
$ cat Makefile
.PHONY: test
test: foo_test
%_test: %_test.o foo.o
$ make
cc foo_test.c -o foo_test
Pattern rules MUST have a recipe associated with them. Any pattern rule without a recipe tells GNU make to delete that pattern rule. So, your line:
%_test: %_test.o foo.o
does nothing except delete the non-existent pattern rule to build %_test from %_test.o. You need to create a recipe if you want it to take effect:
%_test: %_test.o foo.o
$(CC) -o $# $(LIBS) $^
or whatever. However, this is completely not necessary for your example. You don't need any rule at all for that, just write:
foo_test: foo_test.o foo.o
and let make's built-in rules handle it.
