Auto resize product full image - VirtueMart 2.0 - joomla

For upload image of product is dynamic resizing thumbnail picture but full image uploaded by original width and height.
In settings panel not found parameter for this.
How enable auto resize product full image?

Necessary in the file
administrator\components\com_virtuemart\helpers\img2thumb.php after the line
$this->NewImgCreate($filename,$newxsize,$newysize,$fileout); (96) to add:
The size will be twice as many thumbnails!


Image Border Removal - Magento Category Pages

I have been trying to enhance my category pages with static blocks and images. I'd like to place an image in Catalog - Categories - Manage Categories - General Information - Image, but I don't want a border to appear once I've uploaded the image. How do I go about removing the border?
Can you please post a snapshot the border you are mentioning above? Also if it is the css border, you can use css property {border : none} for the image container.

Magento 1.9.1 Swatches - Image Groups

After upgrading to 1.9.1 I have the colour swatch selection showing the right product image depending on the colour swatch selected on the product page.
Each product has a few alternative views per colour. These are shown below the main image as predicted as "More Views"
My problem is that ALL colours varients are shown in "More Views" when ideally only the alternative images of the colour selected should be shown.
Has anyone found a way to group the main image and it's alternative colour variant to show dependent on the swatch selected? Please see screen shots.
In 1.9.1 there is a filter inside app/design/frontend/rwd/catalog/product/view/media.phtml that excludes any image with a Label matching any of the color options. All other images you upload on the configurable product will be shown.
On the configurable product, go to images tab and check your images:
You need to have one image checked as Base, Small and Thumbnail
(optional) One or more additional images to show below "More Views" (from one color option only). Do not upload all color options.
One image per each color option to be used as a swatch. Label each one with the color name and add the suffix "-swatch" (i.e. Light Green-swatch)
The RWD theme of Magento 1.9.1 will only swap the main image when you click on a swatch color. Images below "More Views" will remain the same.
You can find more info on this article
I was also wondering about this... but I think the media gallery won't change out of the box in 1.9.1. However, you might be able to show and hide some image groups via CSS/JS to only show the associated images of the currently selected option.

Prevent resizing of images in ImpressPages 4.x

Whenever I add an image using the image widget in ImpressPages 4.2.5, the image is resized to the actual width of the parent container. However, as I use a responsive design, I need the image in full resolution. Otherwise, the images will look blurry on high dpi screens (e.g. Smartphones or Retina screens).
Is there a way to prevent the image widget from resizing the images?
Try to increase the image size in theme options (theme.json).
Another option is to create a new skin for that widget to output original image and not resized one. Here's an article about skins -

drupal image in view is displayed full screen, how to get the image smaller?

We have got a view of a content type with an image and some fields, but the image is displayed way to large. We tried to adjust maximum resolution but that just crops the image and makes it pixelated. How can we get this image to be displayed smaller?
In Drupal 7, you can use the core Image Styles (admin/config/media/image-styles) to set pre-defined image sizes, cropping, and more. Once you have an image style configured, you can use it to style an image in a view. This gives you complete control over image cropping and sizing. If you're using Drupal 6, the ImageCache module does the same thing.

Magento - Product Page - Load image in main area

In product page, I have one main image and 4 other images coming as thumbnail. I have coded now so that if any of 4 image is clicked, it will be loaded in main image area.
Now the issue comes of size. If I put via resize, each image is resized. If I don't call resize(), then it will show original size without zoom in case of big image.
Can I have something where I find the width and height of thumb nail image too. Based on this, I can code in media.phtml to call Resize() or not.
Can anyone help please?
