configure my web developed in local to web host - laravel-4

I've done some small demo of a web site and I hope to send it to a web host, but the preblem is after updating my folders and type the address, it just cannot find my web page. On local I use linux + XAMPP + Laravel so the structure is
and I just type
to access my web. But to use a web host who provides a file position like:
do i need to create/modify any configuration file??

You can try renaming your local public folder to public_html and reflect this change at the /bootstrap/paths.php file.
There you'll find 'public' => __DIR__.'/../public', change ../public to ../public_html in this case.
I have to do something similar when I upload a laravel app to OpenShift, for example.


Laravel 5.6 custom storage link/mount to other location on Windows OS

Laravel 5.6 custom storage link/mount to other location on Windows OS
php artisan storage:link will point the
http://localhost/storage to c:/project/storage/app/public
means visit http://localhost/storage/image.jpg = c:/project/storage/app/public/image.jpg
but how to custom the uri link to other location ? eg..
http://localhost/ramdisk/image.jpg link to z:/ramdisk/image.jpg
http://localhost/avatar/image.jpg link to z:/avatar/image.jpg
First of all: why would you like to do that? The images you upload should be in /storage/app/... or in /public/images/... Other disks may be unavailable if putting the app on a server.
To clarify, the php artisan storage:link only creates a symlink in /public/ folder pointing to the app/public. (I think in 5.6 it has absolute path so on server or after moving the application you have to delete and generate it again.)
So if you really want to access disk z on your PC from the app you should create a symlink in /public/ folder with the desired name. For example:
http://localhost/ramdisk/... would be a symlink named ramdisk in the public folder and would point to z:/ramdisk/. Then you would be able to access the folder contents as you wish.
Of course you can have multiple symlinks so you would create another one for the avatar folder too. Also make sure that disk z has a public access.
I was not able to test it, but I am sure that it would work, however I would not recommend it. If you want to use something in your app it should be within the app. (Except S3 drivers like amazon cloud storage.) I hope it helped.

The requested URI does not represent any resource on the server

I am trying to host a website in Azure Blob Storage
as discussed here
I have had success with which is redirecting to
( where mysite is not the real name ) ( not a real url )
where docs is a cname with the alias being the blob storage name.
The blob access policy is set to Container
The direct link in Azure is (not the real name)
I am puzzled as to why I cannot go to directly
When I do this I get an error
The requested URI does not represent any resource on the server
I think the answer might be to do with working with blobs not files.
Similar to why "subfolders" cant be created in $root.
I also ran into this problem when I deleted index.html and then re-uploaded it.
I can see the file in storage explorer.
I think I will need to revert to an app service.
For hosting static website on Azure Blob Storage, you could leverage the root container ($root) and store your files under the root path as follows:
Custom domain:
For script and css files, you could create another container (e.g. content), then put script files under content/script/ and css files under content/css/ or you could create each container for storing script and css files.
The requested URI does not represent any resource on the server
AFAIK, the blob in the root container cannot include a forward slash (/) in its name. If you upload blob into root container with the / in its name, then you would retrieve this error.
I think I must have had the custom name set incorrectly in Azure.
It should have been ( not the real name)

Read "public" file content in a Revel app

I am currently writing a Go web app using Revel.
My app needs to read the content of an XML file which is stored on the server. At the moment, I store this file in the "public" folder where some other resources (css, js...) lie.
I am using ioutil.ReadFile to read the content of this file. While this is working when the server is run from the main app folder itself, I cannot figure how to access the file when the server is run from another location (say by running "revel run myapp" from $GOPATH).
Is there any way to deal with this situation in revel?
is there a generic way to know the path of the "public" folder?
Any hint would be appreciated.
Thanks! :)
The base path of the application is stored and accessible through revel.BasePath.
The "public" folder can thus be accessed through revel.BasePath + "/public/<...>".
This BasePath value is used, for example, in Static.Serve.

MVC allow an IIS default page in subfolder without breaking parent route

I need to bypass an MVC route for an application where the developer left - we're going to fully replace it, but for now if I can bypass this one route, it'll save us a ton of time.
The route is (e.g.)
Since it's on IIS, I can take advantage of the default document and create the following folder / file structure: /path/subpath/index.htm
However if I do this, I'll "break" the parent route (it throws a 403 - Forbidden: Access is denied) because I now have an actual file folder where the /path/ route was.
Is there a way to get around this / have IIS defer to MVC on /path/ but still handle the child html file?
thanks. Again, this is not intended as a long term solution but a work-around until we can replace the app entirely.
Perhaps a better workaround would be to use the IIS AAR module and it's reverse proxy functionality out the app.
To do so:
a) stand up the app at it's own site the proper path -- so it should work at something like http://localhost:1234/path/subpath/index.htm
b) install IIS AAR module and enable the reverse proxy functions using the WebPI and the IIS management tools
c) Ignore the /path/subpath route in your app
d) Add a virtual directory for /path/subpath to IIS
e) Configure that to reverse back to localhost:1234 or whatever port you configured the site
This will keep the legacy app completely separate while keeping the public facing URLs looking correct for the rest of the world.

Putting HTML, CSS and Node.js/Ruby together with Heroku, Git and AWS

I've been trying to use AWS with Git and Heroku to deploy a web app.
I'm able to take their "Hello World" example and deploy it.
Where do you need to have your HTML/CSS files plugged into in order to deploy those as well?
If there's a guide out there or anything you can point me to that'd be great.
If you need to serve static HTML/CSS files, you can put these in a ./public or ./static directory in your app, then add app.use calls in your node.js server script. For example:
app.use('/public',express.static(__dirname + '/public'));
Which is telling the server to return content from yourappurl/public if it gets a /public request.
