MPI Non-blocking Irecv didn't receive data? - nonblocking

I use MPI non-blocking communication(MPI_Irecv, MP_Isend) to monitor the slaves' idle states, the code is like bellow.
rank 0:
int dest = -1;
while( dest <= 0){
int i;
printf("slave %d, now is %d \n",i,idle_node[i]);
if (idle_node[i]== 1) {
idle_node[i] = 0;
dest = i;
if(dest <= 0){
// MPI_Wait(&request,&status);
idle_node[dest] = 0;//indicates this slave is busy now
rank 1,2,3:
...//do something
it works, but I want it to be faster, so I delete the line:
then rank 0 goes into a dead while like this:
slave 1, now is 0
slave 2, now is 0
slave 3, now is 0
slave 1, now is 0
slave 2, now is 0
slave 3, now is 0
So does it indicate that when I use the MPI_Irecv, it just tells MPI I want to receive a message hereļ¼ˆhaven't received message), and MPI needs other time to receive the real data? or some reasons else?

The use of non-blocking operations has been discussed over and over again here. From the MPI specification (section Nonblocking Communication):
Similarly, a nonblocking receive start call initiates the receive operation, but does not complete it. The call can return before a message is stored into the receive buffer. A separate receive complete call is needed to complete the receive operation and verify that the data has been received into the receive buffer. With suitable hardware, the transfer of data into the receiver memory may proceed concurrently with computations done after the receive was initiated and before it completed.
(the bold text is copied verbatim from the standard; the emphasis in italic is mine)
The key sentence is the last one. The standard does not give any guarantee that a non-blocking receive operation will ever complete (or even start) unless MPI_WAIT[ALL|SOME|ANY] or MPI_TEST[ALL|SOME|ANY] was called (with MPI_TEST* setting a value of true for the completion flag).
By default Open MPI comes as a single-threaded library and without special hardware acceleration the only way to progress non-blocking operations is to either call periodically into some non-blocking calls (with the primary example of MPI_TEST*) or call into a blocking one (with the primary example being MPI_WAIT*).
Also your code leads to a nasty leak that will sooner or later result in resource exhaustion: you are calling MPI_Irecv multiple times with the same request variable, effectively overwriting its value and losing the reference to the previously started requests. Requests that are not waited upon are never freed and therefore remain in memory.
There is absolutely no need to use non-blocking operations in your case. If I understand the logic correctly, you can achieve what you want with code as simple as:
idle_node[status.MPI_SOURCE] = 0;
If you'd like to process more than one worker processes at the same time, it is a bit more involving:
MPI_Request reqs[slaves_num];
int indices[slaves_num], num_completed;
for (i = 0; i < slaves_num; i++)
while (1)
// Repost all completed (or never started) receives
for (i = 1; i <= slaves_num; i++)
if (reqs[i-1] == MPI_REQUEST_NULL)
MPI_Irecv(&idle_node[i], 1, MPI_INT, i, MSG_IDLE,
MPI_COMM_WORLD, &reqs[i-1]);
MPI_Waitsome(slaves_num, reqs, &num_completed, indices, MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE);
// Examine num_completed and indices and feed the workers with data
After the call to MPI_Waitsome there will be one or more completed requests. The exact number will be in num_completed and the indices of the completed requests will be filled in the first num_completed elements of indices[]. The completed requests will be freed and the corresponding elements of reqs[] will be set to MPI_REQUEST_NULL.
Also, there appears to be a common misconception about using non-blocking operations. A non-blocking send can be matched by a blocking receive and also a blocking send can be equally matched by a non-blocking receive. That makes such constructs nonsensical:
// Receiver
MPI_Irecv(..., &request);
... do something ...
MPI_Wait(&request, &status);
// Sender
MPI_Isend(..., &request);
MPI_Wait(&request, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
MPI_Isend immediately followed by MPI_Wait is equivalent to MPI_Send and the following code is perfectly valid (and easier to understand):
// Receiver
MPI_Irecv(..., &request);
... do something ...
MPI_Wait(&request, &status);
// Sender


Does MPI_Scatter influence MPI_Bcast?

I'm sending an integer that triggers termination via MPI_Bcast. The root sets a variable called "running" to zero and sends the BCast. The Bcast seems to complete but I can't see that the value is sent to the other processes. The other processes seem to be waiting for an MPI_Scatter to complete. They shouldn't even be able to arrive here.
I have done much research on MPI_Bcast and from what I understand it should be blocking. This is confusing me since the MPI_Bcast from the root seems to complete even though I can't find the matching (receiving) MPI_Bcasts for the other processes. I have surrounded all of my MPI_Bcasts with printfs and the output of those printfs 1) print and 2) print the correct values from the root.
The root looks as follows:
while (running || ...) {
/*Do stuff*/
if (...) {
running = 0;
printf("Running = %d and Bcast from root\n", running);
MPI_Bcast(&running, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
printf("Root 0 Bcast complete. Running %d\n", running);
/* Do some more stuff and eventually reach Finalize */
printf("Root is Finalizing\n");
The other processes have the following code:
while (running) {
printf("Waiting on BCast from root with myRank: %d\n", rank);
MPI_Bcast(&running, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
printf("P%d received running = %d\n", rank, running);
if (running == 0) { // just to make sure.
I also have the following in the function "doThisFunction()". This is where the processes seem to be waiting for process 0:
int doThisFunction(...) {
/*Do stuff*/
printf("P%d waiting on Scatter\n", rank);
MPI_Scatter(buffer, 130, MPI_BYTE, encoded, 130, MPI_BYTE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
printf("P%d done with Scatter\n", rank);
/*Do stuff*/
printf("P%d waiting on gather\n", rank);
MPI_Gather(encoded, 1, MPI_INT, buffer, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
printf("P%d done with gater\n", rank);
/*Do Stuff*/
return aValue;
The output in the command line looks as follows:
P0 waiting on Scatter
P0 done with Scatter
P0 waiting on gather
P0 done with gather
Waiting on BCast from root with myRank: 1
P1 received running = 1
P1 waiting on Scatter
P0 waiting on Scatter
P0 done with Scatter
P0 waiting on gather
P0 done with gather
P1 done with Scatter
P1 waiting on gather
P1 done with gather
Waiting on BCast from root with myRank: 1
P1 received running = 1
P1 waiting on Scatter
Running = 0 and Bcast from root
Root 0 Bcast complete. Running 0
/* Why does it say the Bcast is complete
/* even though P1 didn't output that it received it?
Root is Finalizing
/* Deadlocked...
I'm expecting that P1 receives running as zero and then goes into MPI_Finalize() but rather it gets stuck at the scatter which will not be accessed by the root which is already trying to finalize.
In actuality, the program is in deadlock and won't terminate MPI.
I doubt that the problem is that the scatter is accepting the Bcast value because this doesn't even make sense since the root doesn't call scatter.
Does anyone please have any tips on how to resolve this problem?
Your help is greatly appreciated.
Why does it say the Bcast is complete even though P1 didn't output that it received it?
Note the following definitions from the MPI Standard:
Collective operations can (but are not required to) complete as soon as the caller's participation in the collective communication is finished. ... The completion of a collective operation indicates that the caller is free to modify locations in the communication buffer. It does not indicate that other processes in the group have completed or even started the operation (unless otherwise implied by the description of the operation). Thus, a collective communication operation may, or may not, have the effect of synchronizing all calling processes. This statement excludes, of course, the barrier operation.
According to this definition, your MPI_Bcast on the root process can finish even if there is no MPI_Bcast called by slaves.
(For point-to-point operations, we have different communication modes, such as the synchronous one, to address these issues. Unfortunately, there is no synchronous mode for collectives.)
There seems to be some problem in your code with the order of operations. The root called MPI_Bcast, but process #1 did not and was waiting on MPI_Scatter as your log output indicates.

IO Completion ports: separate thread pool to process the dequeued packets?

NOTE: I have added the C++ tag to this because a) the code is C++ and b) people using C++ may well have used IO completion ports. So please don't shout.
I am playing with IO completion ports, and have eventually fully understood (and tested, to prove) - both with help from RbMm - the meaning of the NumberOfConcurrentThreads parameter within CreateIoCompletionPort().
I have the following small program which creates 10 threads all waiting on the completion port. I tell my completion port to only allow 4 threads to be runnable at once (I have four CPUs). I then enqueue 8 packets to the port. My thread function outputs a message if it dequeues a packet with an ID > 4; in order for this message to be output, I have to stop at least one of the four currently running threads, which happens when I enter '1' at the console.
Now this is all fairly simple code. I have one big concern however, and that is that if all of the threads that are processing a completion packet get bogged down, it will mean no more packets can be dequeued and processed. That is what I am simulating with my infinite loop - the fact that no more packets are dequeued until I enter '1' at the console highlights this potential problem!
Would a better solution not be to have my four threads dequeuing packets (or as many threads as CPUs), then when one is dequeued, farm the processing of that packet off to a worker thread from a separate pool, thereby removing the risk of all threads in the IOCP being bogged down thus no more packets being dequeued?
I ask this as all the examples of IO completion port code I have seen use a method similar to what I show below, not using a separate thread pool which I propose. This is what makes me think that I am missing something because I am outnumbered!
Note: this is a somewhat contrived example, because Windows will allow an additional packet to be dequeued if one of the runnable threads enters a wait state; I show this in my code with a commented out cout call:
The system also allows a thread waiting in GetQueuedCompletionStatus
to process a completion packet if another running thread associated
with the same I/O completion port enters a wait state for other
reasons, for example the SuspendThread function. When the thread in
the wait state begins running again, there may be a brief period when
the number of active threads exceeds the concurrency value. However,
the system quickly reduces this number by not allowing any new active
threads until the number of active threads falls below the concurrency
But I won't be calling SuspendThread in my thread functions, and I don't know which functions other than cout will cause the thread to enter a wait state, thus I can't predict if one or more of my threads will ever get bogged down! Hence my idea of a thread pool; at least context switching would mean that other packets get a chance to be dequeued!
#include <windows.h>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <atomic>
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
HANDLE hCompletionPort1;
if ((hCompletionPort1 = CreateIoCompletionPort(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, 0, 4)) == NULL)
return -1;
vector<thread> vecAllThreads;
atomic_bool bStop(false);
// Fill our vector with 10 threads, each of which waits on our IOCP.
generate_n(back_inserter(vecAllThreads), 10, [hCompletionPort1, &bStop] {
thread t([hCompletionPort1, &bStop]()
// Thread body
while (true)
DWORD dwBytes = 0;
LPOVERLAPPED pOverlapped = 0;
if (::GetQueuedCompletionStatus(hCompletionPort1, &dwBytes, &uKey, &pOverlapped, INFINITE) == 1)
if (dwBytes == 0 && uKey == 0 && pOverlapped == 0)
break; // Special completion packet; end processing.
//cout << uKey; // EVEN THIS WILL CAUSE A "wait" which causes MORE THAN 4 THREADS TO ENTER!
if (uKey >4)
cout << "Started processing packet ID > 4!" << endl;
while (!bStop)
return move(t);
// Queue 8 completion packets to our IOCP...only four will be processed until we set our bool
for (int i = 1; i <= 8; ++i)
PostQueuedCompletionStatus(hCompletionPort1, 0, i, new OVERLAPPED);
while (!bStop)
int nVal;
cout << "Enter 1 to cause current processing threads to end: ";
cin >> nVal;
bStop = (nVal == 1);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) // Tell all 10 threads to stop processing on the IOCP
PostQueuedCompletionStatus(hCompletionPort1, 0, 0, 0); // Special packet marking end of IOCP usage
for_each(begin(vecAllThreads), end(vecAllThreads), mem_fn(&thread::join));
return 0;
What I mean by "separate thread pool" is something like the following:
class myThread {
void SetTask(LPOVERLAPPED pO) { /* start processing pO*/ }
thread m_thread; // Actual thread object
// The threads in this thread pool are not associated with the IOCP in any way whatsoever; they exist
// purely to be handed a completion packet which they then process!
class ThreadPool
void Initialise() { /* create 100 worker threads and add them to some internal storage*/}
myThread& GetNextFreeThread() { /* return one of the 100 worker thread we created*/}
} g_threadPool;
The code that each of my four threads associated with the IOCP then change to
if (::GetQueuedCompletionStatus(hCompletionPort1, &dwBytes, &uKey, &pOverlapped, INFINITE) == 1)
if (dwBytes == 0 && uKey == 0 && pOverlapped == 0)
break; // Special completion packet; end processing.
// Pick a new thread from a pool of pre-created threads and assign it the packet to process
myThread& thr = g_threadPool.GetNextFreeThread();
// Now, this thread can immediately return to the IOCP; it doesn't matter if the
// packet we dequeued would take forever to process; that is happening in the
// separate thread thr *that will not intefere with packets being dequeued from IOCP!*
This way, there is no possible way that I can end up in the situation where no more packets are being dequeued!
It seems there is conflicting opinion on whether a separate thread pool should be used. Clearly, as the sample code I have posted shows, there is potential for packets to stop being dequeued from the IOCP if the processing of the packets does not enter a wait state; given, the infinite loop is perhaps unrealistic but it does demonstrate the point.

How can an interprocess producer consumer message passing mechanism be protected against corruption due to one side crashing?

I have implemented an interprocess message queue in shared memory for one producer and one consumer on Windows.
I am using one named semaphore to count empty slots, one named semaphore to count full slots and one named mutex to protect the data structure in shared memory.
Consider, for example the consumer side. The producer side is similar.
First it waits on the full semaphore then (1) it takes a message from the queue under the mutex and then it signals the empty semaphore (2)
The problem:
If the consumer process crashes between (1) and (2) then effectively the number of slots in the queue that can be used by the process is reduced by one.
Assume that while the consumer is down, the producer can handle the queue getting filled up. (it can either specify a timeout when waiting on the empty semaphore or even specify 0 for no wait).
When the consumer restarts it can continue to read data from the queue. Data will not have been overrun but even after it empties all full slots, the producer will have one less empty slot to use.
After multiple such restarts the queue will have no slots that can be used and no messages can be sent.
How can this situation be avoided or recovered from?
Here's an outline of one simple approach, using events rather than semaphores:
DWORD increment_offset(DWORD offset)
if (offset == QUEUE_LENGTH*2) offset = 0;
return offset;
void consumer(void)
for (;;)
DWORD current_write_offset = InterlockedCompareExchange(write_offset, 0, 0);
if ((current_write_offset != *read_offset + QUEUE_LENGTH) &&
(current_write_offset + QUEUE_LENGTH != *read_offset))
// Queue is not full, make sure producer is awake
if (*read_offset == current_write_offset)
// Queue is empty, wait for producer to add a message
WaitForSingleObject(signal_consumer_event, INFINITE);
consume((*read_offset) % QUEUE_LENGTH);
InterlockedExchange(read_offset, increment_offset(*read_offset));
void producer(void)
for (;;)
DWORD current_read_offset = InterlockedCompareExchange(read_offset, 0, 0);
if (current_read_offset != *write_offset)
// Queue is not empty, make sure consumer is awake
if ((*write_offset == current_read_offset + QUEUE_LENGTH) ||
(*write_offset + QUEUE_LENGTH == current_read_offset))
// Queue is full, wait for consumer to remove a message
WaitForSingleObject(signal_producer_event, INFINITE);
produce((*write_offset) % QUEUE_LENGTH);
InterlockedExchange(write_offset, increment_offset(*write_offset));
The code as posted compiles (given the appropriate declarations) but I have not otherwise tested it.
read_offset is a pointer to a DWORD in shared memory, indicating which slot should be read from next. Similarly, write_offset points to a DWORD in shared memory indicating which slot should be written to next.
An offset of QUEUE_LENGTH + x refers to the same slot as an offset of x so as to disambiguate between a full queue and an empty queue. That's why the increment_offset() function checks for QUEUE_LENGTH*2 rather than just QUEUE_LENGTH and why we take the modulo when calling the consume() and produce() functions. (One alternative to this approach would be to modify the producer to never use the last available slot, but that wastes a slot.)
signal_consumer_event and signal_producer_event must be automatic-reset events. Note that setting an event that is already set is a no-op.
The consumer only waits on its event if the queue is actually empty, and the producer only waits on its event if the queue is actually full.
When either process is woken, it must recheck the state of the queue, because there is a race condition that can lead to a spurious wakeup.
Because I use interlocked operations, and because only one process at a time is using any particular slot, there is no need for a mutex. I've included memory barriers to ensure that the changes the producer writes to a slot will be seen by the consumer. If you're not comfortable with lock-free code, you'll find that it is trivial to convert the algorithm shown to use a mutex instead.
Note that InterlockedCompareExchange(pointer, 0, 0); looks a bit complicated but is just a thread-safe equivalent to *pointer, i.e., it reads the value at the pointer. Similarly, InterlockedExchange(pointer, value); is the same as *pointer = value; but thread-safe. Depending on the compiler and target architecture, interlocked operations may not be strictly necessary, but the performance impact is negligible so I recommend programming defensively.
Consider the case when the consumer crashes during (or before) the call to the consume() function. When the consumer is restarted, it will pick up the same message again and process it as normal. As far as the producer is concerned, nothing unusual has happened, except that the message took longer than usual to be processed. An analogous situation occurs if the producer crashes while creating a message; when restarted, the first message generated will overwrite the incomplete one, and the consumer won't be affected.
Obviously, if the crash occurs after the call to InterlockedExchange but before the call to SetEvent in either the producer or consumer, and if the queue was previously empty or full respectively, then the other process will not be woken up at that point. However, it will be woken up as soon as the crashed process is restarted. You cannot lose slots in the queue, and the processes cannot deadlock.
I think the simple multiple-producer single-consumer case would look something like this:
void producer(void)
for (;;)
DWORD current_read_offset = InterlockedCompareExchange(read_offset, 0, 0);
if (current_read_offset != *write_offset)
// Queue is not empty, make sure consumer is awake
// read offset may have changed, re-read it
current_read_offset = InterlockedCompareExchange(read_offset, 0, 0);
if ((*write_offset == current_read_offset + QUEUE_LENGTH) ||
(*write_offset + QUEUE_LENGTH == current_read_offset))
// Queue is full, wait for consumer to remove a message
WaitForSingleObject(signal_producer_event, INFINITE);
copy_from_local_cache_to_shared_memory((*write_offset) % QUEUE_LENGTH);
InterlockedExchange(write_offset, increment_offset(*write_offset));
If the active producer crashes, the mutex will be detected as abandoned; you can treat this case as if the mutex were properly released. If the crashed process got as far as incrementing the write offset, the entry it added will be processed as usual; if not, it will be overwritten by whichever producer next claims the mutex. In neither case is any special action needed.

Potential kind of asynchronous (overlapped) I/O implementation in Windows

I would like to discuss potential kind of asynchronous (Overlapped) I/O implementations in Windows, because there are many ways to implement this.
Overlapped I/O in Windows provides the ability to process data asynchronously, ie the execution of the operations are nonblocking.
Edit: The purpose of this question is the discussion about improvement of my own implementation on the one hand, and the discussion of alternate implementation on the other hand. What asynchronous I/O implementation would make most sense on parallel heavy I/O, what make most sense in small mostly single threaded application.
I will cite MSDN:
When a function is executed synchronously, it does not return until the operation has been completed. This means that the execution of the calling thread can be blocked for an indefinite period while it waits for a time-consuming operation to finish. Functions called for overlapped operation can return immediately, even though the operation has not been completed. This enables a time-consuming I/O operation to be executed in the background while the calling thread is free to perform other tasks. For example, a single thread can perform simultaneous I/O operations on different handles, or even simultaneous read and write operations on the same handle.
I assume that the reader is familiar with the basic concept of overlapped I/O.
Another solution for asynchronous I/O are completions ports, but this shall not be the subject of this discussion. More information on other I/O concepts can be found on MSDN "About File Management > Input and Output (I/O) > I/O Concepts"
I would like to present my (C/C++) implementation here and share it for discussion.
This is my extended OVERLAPPED struct called IoOperation:
struct IoOperation : OVERLAPPED {
HANDLE Handle;
unsigned int Operation;
char* Buffer;
unsigned int BufferSize;
This struct is created each time an asynchronous operation like ReadFile or WriteFile is called. The Handle field shall be initialized with the corresponding device/file handle. Operation is a user defined field that tells what operation was called. The field Buffer is a pointer to a previously allocated chunk of memory with the given size BufferSize. Of course, this struct can be expanded at will. It could contain the operation result, acutaully transfered size etc.
The first thing we need is an (auto reset) event handle to be signaled each time an overlapped I/O is completed.
HANDLE hEvent = CreateEvent(0, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
First I decided to use only one event for all asynchronous operations. Then I decided to register this event with a thread pool thread with RegisterWaitForSingleObject.
HANDLE hWait = 0;
So each time this event is signaled, my callback WaitOrTimerCallback is called.
An asynchronous operation is initialized like this:
IoOperation* Io = new IoOperation(hFile, hEvent, IoOperation::Write, Data, DataSize);
if (IoQueue->Enqueue(Io)) {
WriteFile(hFile, Io->Buffer, Io->BufferSize, 0, Io);
Each operation is queued and is removed after successful GetOverlappedResult call in my WaitOrTimerCallback callback. Instead calling new all the time here, we could use a memory pool to avoid memory fragmentation and to make allocation faster.
VOID CALLBACK WaitOrTimerCallback(PVOID Parameter, BOOLEAN TimerOrWaitFired) {
list<IoOperation*>::iterator it = IoQueue.begin();
while (it != IoQueue.end()) {
bool IsComplete = true;
DWORD Transfered = 0;
IoOperation* Io = *it;
if (GetOverlappedResult(Io->Handle, Io, &Transfered, FALSE)) {
if (Io->Operation == IoOperation::Read) {
// Handle Read, virtual OnRead(), SetEvent, etc.
} else if (Io->Operation == IoOperation::Write) {
// Handle Read, virtual OnWrite(), SetEvent, etc.
} else {
// ...
} else {
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE) {
IsComplete = false;
} else {
// Handle Error
if (IsComplete) {
delete Io;
it = IoQueue.erase(it);
} else {
Of course, to be multi threading safe, we need a lock protection (critical section) when accessing the I/O queue for example.
There are advantages but also disadvantage of this kind of implementation.
Execution in persistent thread pool thread, no manual thread creation is required
Only one event is required
Each operation is queued in an I/O queue (CancelIoEx can be called later)
I/O queue requires extra memory/cpu time
GetOverlappedResult is called for all queued I/O's even incompleted ones

How to detect WinSock TCP timeout with BindIoCompletionCallback

I am building a Visual C++ WinSock TCP server using BindIoCompletionCallback, it works fine receiving and sending data, but I can't find a good way to detect timeout: SetSockOpt/SO_RCVTIMEO/SO_SNDTIMEO has no effect on nonblocking sockets, if the peer is not sending any data, the CompletionRoutine is not called at all.
I am thinking about using RegisterWaitForSingleObject with the hEvent field of OVERLAPPED, that might work but then CompletionRoutine is not needed at all, am I still using IOCP ? is there a performance concern if I use only RegisterWaitForSingleObject and not using BindIoCompletionCallback ?
Update: Code Sample:
My first try:
bool CServer::Startup() {
WSAEVENT ServerEvent = WSACreateEvent();
WSAEventSelect(ServerSocket, ServerEvent, FD_ACCEPT);
_beginthread(ListeningThread, 128 * 1024, (void*) this);
void __cdecl CServer::ListeningThread( void* param ) // static
CServer* server = (CServer*) param;
while (true) {
if (WSAWaitForMultipleEvents(1, &server->ServerEvent, FALSE, 100, FALSE) == WSA_WAIT_EVENT_0) {
if (WSAEnumNetworkEvents(server->ServerSocket, server->ServerEvent, &events) != SOCKET_ERROR) {
if ((events.lNetworkEvents & FD_ACCEPT) && (events.iErrorCode[FD_ACCEPT_BIT] == 0)) {
SOCKET socket = accept(server->ServerSocket, NULL, NULL);
if (socket != SOCKET_ERROR) {
BindIoCompletionCallback((HANDLE) socket, CompletionRoutine, 0);
VOID CALLBACK CServer::CompletionRoutine( __in DWORD dwErrorCode, __in DWORD dwNumberOfBytesTransfered, __in LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped ) // static
BOOL res = GetOverlappedResult(......, TRUE);
class CIoOperation {
OVERLAPPED Overlapped;
bool CServer::Receive(SOCKET socket, PBYTE buffer, DWORD length, void* context)
if (connection != NULL) {
CIoOperation* io = new CIoOperation();
WSABUF buf = {length, (PCHAR) buffer};
DWORD flags = 0;
if ((WSARecv(Socket, &buf, 1, NULL, &flags, &io->Overlapped, NULL) != 0) && (GetLastError() != WSA_IO_PENDING)) {
delete io;
return false;
} else return true;
return false;
As I said, it works fine if the client is actually sending data to me, 'Receive' is not blocking, CompletionRoutine got called, data received, but here is one gotcha, if the client is not sending any data to me, how can I give up after a timeout ?
Since SetSockOpt/SO_RCVTIMEO/SO_SNDTIMEO wont help here, I think I should use the hEvent field in the OVERLAPPED stucture which will be signaled when the IO completes, but a WaitForSingleObject / WSAWaitForMultipleEvents on that will block the Receive call, and I want the Receive to always return immediately, so I used RegisterWaitForSingleObject and WAITORTIMERCALLBACK. it worked, the callback got called after the timeout, or, the IO completes, but now I have two callbacks for any single IO operation, the CompletionRoutine, and the WaitOrTimerCallback:
if the IO completed, they will be called simutaneously, if the IO is not completed, WaitOrTimerCallback will be called, then I call CancelIoEx, this caused the CompletionRoutine to be called with some ABORTED error, but here is a race condition, maybe the IO will be completed right before I cancel it, then ... blahblah, all in all its quite complicated.
Then I realized I dont actually need BindIoCompletionCallback and CompletionRoutine at all, and do everything from the WaitOrTimerCallback, it may work, but here is the interesting question, I wanted to build an IOCP-based Winsock server in the first place, and thought BindIoCompletionCallback is the easiest way to do that, using the threadpool provied by Windows itself, now I endup with a server without IOCP code at all ? is it still IOCP ? or should I forget BindIoCompletionCallback and build my own IOCP threadpool implementation ? why ?
What I did was to force the timeout/completion notifications to enter a critical section in the socket object. Once in, the winner can set a socket state variable and perform its action, whatever that might be. If the I/O completion gets in first, the I/O buffer array is processed in the normal way and any timeout is directed to restart by the state-machine. Similarly if the timeout gets in first, the I/O gets CancelIOEx'd and any later queued completion notification is discarded by the state-engine. Because of these possible 'late' notifications, I put released sockets onto a timeout queue and only recycle them onto the socket object pool after five minutes, in a similar way to how the TCP stack itself puts its sockets into 'TIME_WAIT'.
To do the timeouts, I have one thread that operates on FIFO delta-queues of timing-out objects, one queue for each timeout limit. The thread waits on an input queue for new objects with a timeout calculated from the smallest timeout-expiry-time of the objects at the head of the queues.
There were only a few timeouts used in the server, so I used queues fixed at compile-time. It would be fairly easy to add new queues or modify the timeout by sending appropriate 'command' messages to the thread input queue, mixed-in with the new sockets, but I didn't get that far.
Upon timeout, the thread called an event in the object which, in case of a socket, would enter the socket object CS-protected state-machine, (these was a TimeoutObject class which the socket descended from, amongst other things).
I wait on the semaphore that controls the timeout thread input queue. If it's signaled, I get the new TimeoutObject from the input queue and add it to the end of whatever timeout queue it asks for. If the semaphore wait times out, I check the items at the heads of the timeout FIFO queues and recalculate their remaining interval by sutracting the current time from their timeout time. If the interval is 0 or negative, the timeout event gets called. While iterating the queues and their heads, I keep in a local the minimum remaining interval before the next timeout. Hwn all the head items in all the queues have non-zero remaining interval, I go back to waiting on the queue semaphore using the minimum remaining interval I have accumulated.
The event call returns an enumeration. This enumeration instructs the timeout thread how to handle an object whose event it's just fired. One option is to restart the timeout by recalcuating the timeout-time and pushing the object back onto its timeout queue at the end.
I did not use RegisterWaitForSingleObject() because it needed .NET and my Delphi server was all unmanaged, (I wrote my server a long time ago!).
That, and because, IIRC, it has a limit of 64 handles, like WaitForMultipleObjects(). My server had upwards of 23000 clients timing out. I found the single timeout thread and multiple FIFO queues to be more flexible - any old object could be timed out on it as long as it was descended from TimeoutObject - no extra OS calls/handles needed.
The basic idea is that, since you're using asynchronous I/O with the system thread pool, you shouldn't need to check for timeouts via events because you're not blocking any threads.
The recommended way to check for stale connections is to call getsockopt with the SO_CONNECT_TIME option. This returns the number of seconds that the socket has been connected. I know that's a poll operation, but if you're smart about how and when you query this value, it's actually a pretty good mechanism for managing connections. I explain below how this is done.
Typically I'll call getsockopt in two places: one is during my completion callback (so that I have a timestamp for the last time that an I/O completion occurred on that socket), and one is in my accept thread.
The accept thread monitors my socket backlog via WSAEventSelect and the FD_ACCEPT parameter. This means that the accept thread only executes when Windows determines that there are incoming connections that require accepting. At this time I enumerate my accepted sockets and query SO_CONNECT_TIME again for each socket. I subtract the timestamp of the connection's last I/O completion from this value, and if the difference is above a specified threshold my code deems the connection as having timed out.
