Is dual mode executable possible? - windows

A bit of history... I have 3 systems that I spend time on, a DOS 6.22 system, a Windows 95 system, and a modern Windows 7 (64-bit) system. When I upgraded to Win7-64, some of my favorite command line utilities stopped working, so I decided to re-write them myself. The only 2 compilers I have are Borland Turbo C++ 3.0 and Visual Studio 2008, and they worked fine for building 2 versions, a DOS 16-bit, and a Windows 7 32-bit (could have built 64-bit too, I guess.) The problem came with my Win95 system. The DOS version works fine there, but since I spent the time to support LFNs in the Win7 build, I wanted it with my Win95 system. So, after a lot of research, I found and purchased Visual Studio 6 (last one with Win95 support according to what I researched,) copied the code over (had to rewrite sections, of course,) and it compiled just fine, and works :)
The problem occurred the next time I had to boot my Win95 system in DOS mode. The program stopped working (of course,) because Win95 wasn't loaded. I don't really want to have 2 copies of the program installed (needing 2 different file names,) so I was hoping there was a way to link the 2 versions together into one file. If I execute it in DOS, instead of it saying it requires windows, it would just jump to the DOS section of the program. That way, it would be a single program, with LFN support if Win95 is loaded, and without if Win95 isn't loaded. Since the Win95 version also works fine in Win7-64, it would probably also produce a single version that works on all 3 systems (which would be an added bonus.)
I did some web searches, and couldn't find anything germane to what I'm looking for. So I have no idea if it is even possible. I may have to get yet another compiler, but considering how old it would have to be, I could probably afford it. My web searches did result in information that leads me to believe that it "should" be possible, though. It would just require a different exe header than the one Windows compilers put in. It may require that I re-write the DOS version for 32-bit and use a DOS extender (for protected mode, assuming I can't find a way to include it in the file itself.) That would be acceptable (though not ideal.) I would much rather have 16-bit code in the DOS section, and 32-bit code in the Windows section (for the most compatibility.)
Does anyone have any information about something like this? If you could just point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated.

I don't know if it has been continued in Windows 7 executables, but back in Win95 the executable (EXE) actually had two entry points -- one "normal" one that DOS would find, and a second one that Windows would use. The DOS entry point was usually a very simple default that would just print "This is a Windows program" and exit. You can actually override this default, and have the linker use your own code, however it is very limited.
What I'd recommend doing is add logic to your DOS 6.22 version (e.g. "sed") that would check the OS level & if it meets the right criteria, pass the parameters along to a second executable (e.g. "sedx") that uses features from the "newer" OS.

The documentation for Visual Studio 6 describes the /STUB option here, simply point this at the DOS version of your program.
I don't have VS6 handy, so I can't be too specific, but in the project settings GUI, there should be an "additional options" setting in the linker section.

Well the answer is the /stub option in the Linker you are using for your Windows code. Some additional information for anyone who finds the question later.... I had to do several days of web searches to find that there doesn't appear to be another answer to my particular problem.
Stub requires that the DOS mode executable have a header of at least 40 bytes. After fighting with multiple compilers that "DO" give you a header of the right size (Borland Turbo C++ won't,) and not being able to convert my code, I had to get sneaky/fancy. BTW - Visual C 1.52c (last Visual C that supports DOS,) will make a correct header, as will Open WatCom.
If you are faces with the same issue I was - the compiler you used won't make the correct size header, and your code is too compiler specific to convert easily, you can do what I ended up doing. I used Open WatCom to write a tiny ("Hello World") Windows program using my exe with the short (Borland created,) header as the stub. Open WatCom will adjust the header automatically. I then used a Hex Editor to read the header information to get the ending address of the stub and a partial file copier to copy only that part of the program to a file I named "stub.exe" (stripping of the Windows code.) Using the same Hex Editor I zeroed out the PE pointer in the header. I now had a working DOS exe that would also work as a stub. Took my stub to my Windows compiler, and linked it in. It works great, all features fully realized :)
FYI - Information needed to strip the Windows portion and zero the PE pointer.
first byte is offset 0 (of course, but some people may not realize that, and think it's byte 1.) Also remember, that most Hex Editors (by their very name,) are giving you numbers in hexadecimal format.
offset 2 & 3, number of bytes in the last block of the DOS portion of the file in low byte - high byte format. That is, offset 2 is low, 3 is high. So take them, reverse them, and you will get a number from 0 - 511 (0 - 1ff in hex.) 0 means the entire block of 512 (200 in hex) bytes is used.
offset 4 & 5 (again in low/high format,) is the number of 512 (200 in hex) byte block in the DOS portion. Remember to reverse the number, and that the last block may only be a partial block. So, subtract one, multiply by 512 (200 hex,) add the number from 2-3, and you have how many bytes are in the DOS portion. Since you are starting from 0, subtract 1, and you now know to only copy bytes 0 - "whatever the total is" to your stub exe.
offset 60-61 (hex 3C-3D) is the pointer to the start of the PE (or Portable Executable,) portion of the code (the part that Windows jumps to.) It should be just past (mine was padded with a few zeroes,) the end of the DOS portion of the code. This isn't important at this time, as we are just turning those into 0's anyway (the PE portion has been stripped.) You can use this as confirmation that you have the correct "end of DOS" offset selected though.
The tools I used are:
Open WatCom at
Part Copy at
I have no idea where to find the Hex Editor I used. I used CEdit, a DOS program I really like, but have been unable to find on the net. Have to use DOSBox with it as Win7 won't run it, though. There are probably other compilers that do the same thing, and probably tons of partial file copiers available. These are the tools I used.


VB6 compiled is slow when copying files

I know, VB6 is historic...ok, but...
I w
rote years ago a backup program not being satisfied from coomercial producuts I tested.
Now I wanted to renew it with some enhancements and a new graphic; the result is quite good for me. Since the file copying process is generally rather slow, I thought to compile it to squeeze some seconds...and instead...this is much slower.
Here are some info:
Win10-64 (version 22H2 just upgraded)
Tested on the same PC with identical parameters
VB6 runs with admin privileges, in Win7 SP3 compatibility mode.
Even if it is not relevant here, the job was to copy a folder containing other 426 folders and 4598 files of different sizes (from 1kB to 435MB, for a total of 1.05GB), from an inside SSD disk to an external SSD disk.
The interpreted version took 7.2 sec while the compiled version ended in 18.6 sec !
I tried different compilation setting in native code, dismissing all the advanced controls over ranges, integers and floats, without any notable difference.
I could accept a small difference for some unknown reason, but it is unreal to get a 2.5:1 ratio.
Any idea?
Based on comments:
I repeated the comparison several times; the differences (in both the compiled and the interpreted mode) is around +/- 1sec.
Files are copied using filesystemobject.copyfile
my admin privileges are the same for both
Again, I'm not complaining nor worried by the absolute time the copy takes, I can survive with that since it is an operation made every week and during easy hours.
What is surprising is WHY it happens.
Even the idea to compile the program was due to my curiosity since there is very little to optimize in the code; it is just a for-next loop with very little calculations and assignements.
The program takes the dir and files info from a text-based DB created by recursively scanning of the source folder, then loaded into a custom array...pretty simple.
This is done before the actual copy phase, which is what I'm investigating.

Delphi 7 Line Indentation option?

I have received 10 PAS files. All the lines in these 10 files starts in column 1. NO indentation at all.
Biggest file is 2548 lines.
Now I wonder: Is there an OPTION in my Delphi 7 Enterprise (running on XP sp 3) to automate that indentation to increase readability (at least for me):
IF not I plan to scan through the files and when BEGIN, THEN, ELSE, CASE, END etc. (where indentation will be natural) is met, I will (if necessary) do a manually indentation. (But it is smarter letting Delphi do it).
you can use CnPack
it has (among a lot of features) a Code Formatting Wizard and some other nifty features to enchance the IDE

How can an executable be this small in file size?

I've been generating payloads on Metasploit and I've been experimenting with the different templates and one of the templates you can have your payload as is exe-small. The type of payload I've been generating is a windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp and just using the normal exe template it has a file size around 72 KB however exe-small outputs a payload the size of 2.4kb. Why is this? And how could I apply this to my programming?
The smallest possible PE file is just 97 bytes - and it does nothing (just return).
The smallest runnable executable today is 133 bytes, because Windows requires kernel32 being loaded. Executing a PE file with no imports is not possible.
At that size it can already download payload from the Internet by specifying an UNC path in the import table.
To achieve such a small executable, you have to
implement in assembler, mainly to get rid of the C runtime
decrease the file alignment which is 1024 by default
remove the DOS stub that prints the message "This program cannot be run in DOS mode"
Merge some of the PE parts into the MZ header
Remove the data directory
The full description is available in a larger research blog post called TinyPE.
For EXE's this small, the most space typically is used for the icon. Typically the icon has various sizes and color schemes contained, which you could get rid of, if you do not care having an "old, rusty" icon, or no icon at all.
There is also some 4k of space used, when you sign the EXE.
As an example for a small EXE, see never10 by grc. There is a details page which highlights the above points:
in the last paragraph:
A final note: I'm a bit annoyed that “Never10” is as large as it is at
85 kbyte. The digital signature increases the application's size by
4k, but the high-resolution and high-color icons Microsoft now
requires takes up 56k! So without all that annoying overhead, the app
would be a respectable 25k. And, yes, of course I wrote it in
assembly language.
Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with grc in any way.
The is little need for an executable to be big, except when it contains what I call code spam, code not actually critical to the functionality of the program/exe. This is valid for other files too. Look at a manually written HTML page compared to one written in FrontPage. That's spamcode.
I remember my good old DOS files that were all KB in size and were performing practically any needed task in the OS. One of my .exes (actually .com) was only 20 bytes in size.
Just think of it this way: just as in some situations a large majority of the files contained in a Windows OS can be removed and still the OS can function perfectly, it's the same with the .exe files: large parts of the code is either useless, or has different than relevant-to-objective purpose or are intentionally added (see below).
The peak of this aberration is the code added nowdays in the .exe files of some games that use advanced copy protection, which can make the files as large as dozens of MB. The actually code needed to run the game is practically under 10% of the full code.
A file size of 72 KB as in your example can be pretty sufficient to do practically anything to a windows OS.
To apply this to your programming, as in make very small .exes, keep things simple. Don't add unnecessary code just for the looks of it or by thinking you will use that part of the program/code at a point.

How can I find the physical address of a file?

I'm using the GoAsm assembler on a Windows 7 - 64 bit OS and I'll be asking you a few (not so dumb) questions.
First question :
How can I find the physical address of a file ?
Let's suppose file "Text.txt" is at the root of my C:\ partition.
Is there a way to get the exact memory address where this file is ?
Second question :
Is it possible to call a routine which will just do like if I invoked a C function ?
(i.e. : Consider a C function "WriteToScreen", is it possible to have the same function, but in assembler format, that means without having the need to use high-level invokes to do that work ?
Third question :
Are there somewhere on the net some include files for GoAsm containing useful routines like (move, copy, edit, erase) commands ? I've first thought of ms-dos interrupts but I can't manage to get them to work without crashing the program. I guess it just not compatible with Windows OS even though the command prompt acts like ms-dos... ?
Fourth question :
I've heard from different sources and myself that NASM works pretty bad on Win7 x64, is it just true, or am I doing it the wrong way ?
An hard drive, from a logical point of view, can be seen as a sequence of "blocks" (the more common name is sectors). How these blocks are organized physically on the disks can be disregarded, but the driver must know someway how to get data of course, though you send to modern hd driver "high level" commands that, as far as you know, are not strongly related to where data physically are (you can say "read the block 123", but there's no extern evidence of where that block lives).
However this way you can "name" a block with a number, and say e.g. that block 0 is the MBR. Each block contains several bytes (512, 1024...). Not all used blocks contain actual data of a file, in fact there are metainformations of any sort, depending on the filesystem but even related to the "structure" of the hd (I mean, partitions).
A file located on an hd is not automatically loaded into memory, so it has no memory address. Once you read it, piece of it if not all are of course copied into the memory you give, which is not an intrinsic property of the file. (Filesystems retrieve the blocks belonging to the file and "show" them as we are used to see them, as a single "unit", the file)
Summarizing: files have no memory address. The physical address could be the set of blocks holding data (and metadata, like inodes ) of the file, or just the first block (but if a block of data is N, N+1 could not belong to the same file - the blocks need no to be one next to the other). To know them, you have to analyse the structure of the filesystem you use. I don't know if there's an API to retrieve them easily, but in the worst case you can analyse the source code of the filesystem... good luck!
C functions are translated into assembly. If you respect the C calling convention, you can write a "C function" directly in assembly. Try reading this and this for x86.
You can call windows API from asm. Forget MS-DOS, MS-DOS is dead, MS-DOS is not Windows, the cmd is a sort of "emulation"... indeed no, not an emulation but just a command line interface that resemble the one MS-DOS users was used to. But it is not exaclty the same, i.e. there are no MS-DOS system interrupt you can use. Iczelion's assembly tutorials, though old, could be an interesting resource. (If links expire, try with the wayback machine)
I do not own Win7 and never installed nasm on windows, so I can't say anything about.
For the first question just drag the file into the address bar in the browser

Should I deal with files longer than MAX_PATH?

Just had an interesting case.
My software reported back a failure caused by a path being longer than MAX_PATH.
The path was just a plain old document in My Documents, e.g.:
C:\Documents and Settings\Bill\Some Stupid FOlder Name\A really ridiculously long file thats really very very very..........very long.pdf
Total length 269 characters (MAX_PATH==260).
The user wasn't using a external hard drive or anything like that. This was a file on an Windows managed drive.
So my question is this. Should I care?
I'm not saying can I deal with the long paths, I'm asking should I. Yes I'm aware of the "\?\" unicode hack on some Win32 APIs, but it seems this hack is not without risk (as it's changing the behaviour of the way the APIs parse paths) and also isn't supported by all APIs .
So anyway, let me just state my position/assertions:
First presumably the only way the user was able to break this limit is if the app she used uses the special Unicode hack. It's a PDF file, so maybe the PDF tool she used uses this hack.
I tried to reproduce this (by using the unicode hack) and experimented. What I found was that although the file appears in Explorer, I can do nothing with it. I can't open it, I can't choose "Properties" (Windows 7). Other common apps can't open the file (e.g. IE, Firefox, Notepad). Explorer will also not let me create files/dirs which are too long - it just refuses. Ditto for command line tool cmd.exe.
So basically, one could look at it this way: a rouge tool has allowed the user to create a file which is not accessible by a lot of Windows (e.g. Explorer). I could take the view that I shouldn't have to deal with this.
(As an aside, this isn't an vote of approval for a short max path length: I think 260 chars is a joke, I'm just saying that if Windows shell and some APIs can't handle > 260 then why should I?).
So, is this a fair view? Should I say "Not my problem"?
UPDATE: Just had another user with the same problem. This time an mp3 file. Am I missing something? How can these users be creating files that violate the MAX_PATH rule?
It's not a real problem. NTFS support filenames up to 32K (32,767 wide characters). You need only use correct API and correct syntax of filenames. The base rule is: the filename should start with '\\?\' (see like \\?\C:\Temp. The same syntax you can use with UNC: \\?\UNC\Server\share\Path. Important to understand that you can use only a small subset of API function. For example look at MSDN description of functions
and so on
you will find text like :
In the ANSI version of this function,
the name is limited to MAX_PATH
characters. To extend this limit to
32,767 wide characters, call the
Unicode version of the function and
prepend "\?\" to the path. For more
information, see Naming a File.
This functions you can safe use. If you have a file handle from CreateFile you can use all other functions used hFile (ReadFile, WriteFile etc.) without any restriction.
If you write a program like virus scanner or backup software or some good software running on a server you should write your program so, that all file operations support filenames up to 32K characters and not MAX_PATH characters.
This limitation is baked into a lot of software written in C or C++. Including MSFT code, although they've been chipping away at it. It is only partly a Win32 limitation, it still has a hard upper limit on the length of a file name (not path) through WIN32_FIND_DATA for example. One reason that even .NET has length restrictions. This is not going away any time soon, Win32 is still going strong and the stone-age C string won't disappear.
Your customer will have little sympathy with it, no doubt, probably until you can show them another program that fails the same way. Do however make sure that your code reliably can detect the potential string buffer overflow, followed by a reasonable diagnostic. No sympathy for programs bombing on heap corruption.
As you mentioned many of the Windows Shell functions only work on paths up to MAX_PATH. Windows XP and I believe Vista both have problems in Explorer when nesting directories with long file names. I've not checked Windows 7 - perhaps they have fixed that. This unfortunately means that users have a hard time browsing these file.
If you really wish to support long paths you'll need to check any functions you are using in Shell32.dll that take paths to ensure they support long paths. For those that don't you'll have to use write them yourself using Kernel32 functions.
If you decide to use Shell32 and be limited to MAX_PATH, writing your code to support long file paths would be advisable. If Microsoft later change Shell32 (or create an alternative), you will be better positioned to add support for them.
Just to add another couple of dimensions to the problem, remember that filenames are UTF-16, and you may encounter non NTFS or FAT filesystems that may be case sensitive!
Your own APIs should not hard-code a fixed limit on the path length (or any other hard limits); however, you shouldn't violate the preconditions of the system APIs in order to accomplish some task. IMHO, the fact that Windows limits the length of path names is absurd and should be considered a bug. That said, no I would suggest you not attempt to use the various system APIs other than as documented, even if that results in certain undesireable behavior such as limits to the maximum path length. So, in short, your view is completely fair; if the OS doesn't support it, then the OS doesn't support it. That said, you may want to make it clear to users that this is a limitation of Windows and not of your own code.
One easy way how these files with long paths could be created even by software that does not support paths longer than MAX_PATH: through a file share.
"C:\My veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery looooooooooooooooooong folder" could be shared as "data". Users could then access that folder through the UNC path \\computer\data or (even shorter) through a drive letter (M:\) assuming that M: is mapped to \\computer\data.
This often happens on file servers.
Paths often can be bigger than 260, one example would be when symlinks get nested and repeat over and over sometimes even on purpose. I think programmers should think about whether they want their program to handle these insanely large paths or not. IMO, 260 is PLENTY of space but thats just me. My answer to this is:
if you have to ask yourself so deeply about breaking the 260 char limit, then thats probably what you should do. We often look for confirmation when we are about to do something that we are unsure about...
I think the maximum path anywhere in the API is about 32k long but thats up to you. Back in the day that was a pretty big chunk of change (half of an entire memory segment!! sheesh!) but nowdays, in the segment-transparent addressing environment in which we live, where all memory is heaped together on the flat, 32k is nothin'... AFAIK paths wouldn't need to be that long unless you are using some fancy unicode language that requires lots of other characters, etc, etc.. we could blab about this all day but you get the idea. I hope this helps..... or hurts?
I am doung some C programming and I was searching for a way to get the maximum length of a given filename, after a search for MAX_PATH I stumbled to this thread and after som thoughts on this matter and after reading the comments on this thread I have come to the following conclusion.
So I understand that NTFS support filenames up to 32.767 characters in length, however, according to knowledge FAT16 only support 11 character filenames, 8 + 3, so in reallity operating systems should have a function which our program can call to dertemine the maximum filename size, simply because all filesystems have different limitations including the length of the filename.
So the end conclusion must be that since us, the developers, don't know anything about which filesystem the data is going to be stored in, so therefore the only solution must be an try and error method.
Not strictly an answer to your specific question, but it might help those who do need to handle long file names.
The Delimon library is a .NET Framework 4 based library on Microsoft TechNet for overcoming the long filenames problem:
Delimon.Win32.I​O Library (V4.0).
It has its own versions of key methods from System.IO. For example, you would replace:
which will let you handle long files and folders.
From the website:
Delimon.Win32.IO replaces basic file functions of System.IO and
supports File & Folder names up to up to 32,767 Characters.
This Library is written on .NET Framework 4.0 and can be used either
on x86 & x64 systems. The File & Folder limitations of the standard
System.IO namespace can work with files that have 260 characters in a
filename and 240 characters in a folder name (MAX_PATH is usually
configured as 260 characters). Typically you run into the
System.IO.PathTooLongException Error with the Standard .NET Library.
